





二、{{B}}SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH{{/B}}(总题数:3,分数:50.00)









正确答案:(To participate and to win—that is the Olympic spirit. It finds expression in the weak

daring to defy the strong, and the strong striving for ever better performance. Ever better—the

ideal always lures a sportsman forward. He will do everything he can for it, never relax, never

give up. It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeated—even the best is bound

to be surpassed by someone still stronger. This is the rule of sports—thousands of losers to

set off one victor who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honour list. However.

undaunted by the inevitable failure, he is always striving to do the best he can. When the time

comes and he knows he can't, he will step down happily to give place to the younger winner, aware

contentedly of the fact that he has done his bit for the "ever better" records of the Olympic

Games. He will say proudly that he has not lived his youth in vain.)

解析:[解析] 1.它表现于弱者敢于向强者挑战,也表现于强者力争取得更好的成绩:句中“弱者”和“强

者”可分别译为the weak和the strong。“挑战”可译为defy或challenge。“表现于”可译为finds

expression in或shows itself。 2.胜而又胜,优而更优,这种理想一直鼓舞着运动员奋力前进:句中

“胜而又胜,优而更优”意译为ever better即可,“这种理想”即ever better,因此该句可译为Ever

better—the ideal always lures a sportsman forward。“鼓舞……奋力前进”还可译为

ing ahead/fighting one's way。 3.他会尽其所能,永不松懈,永不罢休:第

四句中“他会尽其所能”可译为he will do everything he can for it,或he will do his best for it。

“永不罢休”即永不放弃,译为never give up即可。“松懈”还可译为let up或slacken off。 4.有

人说竞技者终究会是失败者:译为It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeated

或some say that it is inevitable for the competitors to be defeated in the end。 5.终将:可

译为is bound to。 6.被淘汰:可译为be surpassed。 7.更强者:若简单译为the stronger则容易产

生歧义,因为the best已经是最好的了,按照逻辑the stronger不可能超越。此处“更强者”在文中显

然指“后来者居上”的情况,故可译为someone still stronger或the later comers who are even stronger。

8.涌现:指产生、出现,可译为set off。 9.这个胜利者……荣榜:是对“一个胜利者”的补充说明,

因而可译为定语从句who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honour list。 10.从


undaunted by the inevitable failure或never upset/discouraged by the inescapable failure。 11.力

争最佳发挥:可译为is always striving to do the best he can或exerts himself to the uttermost。

12.实在到了自知技穷之时:即“到了自己力不从心之时”,可译为when the time comes and he knows

he can't。 13.他会愉快地退下来,让位给年轻的优胜者:可合译为一句he will step down happily to

give place to the younger winner。 14.并对自己在奥林匹克运动……而心满意足:译为形容词短语

aware contentedly of the fact that he has done his bit for the "ever better" records of the Olympic






{{U}}“送信的,有我的信吗?”正走间,一个爱开玩笑的小子忽然拦住他的去路。{{/U}} {{U}}“你的信

吗?”邮差先生笑了。“你的信还没有来,这会儿正在路上睡觉呢。”{{/U}} 邮差先生拿着信,顺着街道






正确答案:(What else could he do with this good old lady? After doing a lot of explaining, Mr.

Postman was finally on his way down the street again. With the top of his greying head bathed

in the small town sunlight, he looked dignified and calm with a characteristic bearing of his

own. People would probably think he was out taking a walk at his leisure. In fact, he had no need

for hurrying at all. He had plenty of time to finish delivering all the mail in his hand. Could

there be anything urgent in this town calling for his prompt attention? Yes, once in a while,

to his great regret, he did deliver a letter with a bit of unhappy news. It was very seldom though,

and he wished it would never happen again. "Hey, any letter for me?" a playful youngster suddenly

stopped him. "Your letter?" Mr. Postman smiled, "It hasn't arrived yet. For this moment, it's

dozing on its way.")

解析:[解析] 1.你能怎么办呢?对于这个好老太太:两句可合译为一句What else could he do with this

good old lady? 2.费了半天唇舌:指经好一番解释,可译为doing a lot of explaining。 3.他的模

样既尊贵又从容:可转译为句子He looked dignified and calm。 4.并有一种特别风韵:指具有他自己

的性格魅力,可转译为介词短语with a characteristic bearing of his own。 5.花白头顶:不宜译为

white top of his head,“白发”对应的英语常为grey hair,故此处应译为the top of his greying head。


灵活译为at his leisure。 7.说实话他又何必紧张:可独立译为一句In fact, he had no need for hurrying

at all. 8.他手里的信反正总有时间全部送到:可译为主动句式He had plenty of time to finish

delivering all the mail in his hand. 9.虽然他有时候是这样抱歉:指他有时会感到遗憾,可译为

once in a while,to his great regret。 10.他为这个小城送来:根据上下文,他送来的应该是坏消息,

翻译时应把这层意思体现出来,即he did deliver a letter with a bit of unhappy news。 11.但愿

它不常有:施动者应该是邮差先生,故译文中可增添主语he,该句可译为he wished it would never happen

again。 12.拦住他的去路:简洁译为stopped him即可。







正确答案:(When she reentered the literary circle at the age of 75, Ding Ling spared no time for

groaning over her miserable past. Instead, she, like a vigorous youth, urgently presented her

new book Du Wanxiang, a harbinger-of-spring of her rebirth, and completely devoted herself to

the anew life and creation. Her time was spent on rushing about the land, traveling around Europe,

America, and Australia, meeting people from all walks of life, and making lectures. Meanwhile,

she kept on speeding her pen, which led to a yearly production, essays and reviews, of more than

100,000 words. With new books published every year, Ding Ling, in her late life, stepped into

a highly productive period of creation. Enjoying the sun-setting twilight of her life, she planned

to write another three books for the rest of her life.)

解析:[解析] 1.七十五岁时重返文坛,丁玲没有时间为自己的遭遇呻吟叹息:句中“重返文坛”可译为

reentered the literary circle。“没有时问”在此可译为had no time或spared no time,“遭遇”

指过去的悲惨经历,可译为the miserable past。“呻吟叹息”在此可译为to groan over或to complain

and sigh。 2.她就像年轻人一样急切地捧出了一枝报春的红杏——《杜晚香》,忘情地投入新的生活和


译文中应体现这一点,即增译出her new book。“忘情地投入”即全心全意投入,译为completely devoted

herself。“捧出”不宜直译为brought out,在此指出版书籍,故译为presented更符合文意。 3.她奔




万字的新作”,翻译时要体现出这种因果关系。 4.奔波于大江南北:可意译为rushing about the land。

5.会见各种人:可译为meeting people from all walks of life。 6.奋笔疾书:可译为kept on speeding

her pen。 7.写散文,写评论:可转译为名词词组essays and reviews,作为production的同位语。 8.晚

年的丁玲:可译为Ding Ling, in her late life。 9.迎来了:即步入的意思,可译为stepped into。 10.旺

盛期:可译为a highly productive period或a flourishing period。 11.她珍惜夕阳的余辉,计划在


晚年的时光,可译为the sun-setting twilight of her life。“有生之年”可译为for the rest of her


三、{{B}}SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE{{/B}}(总题数:3,分数:50.00)

fellow Americans, you, too, must play your part in our renewal. I challenge a new generation

of young Americans to a season of service, to act on your idealism, by helping troubled children,

keeping company with those in need, reconnecting our tom communities. There is so much to be done.

Enough, indeed, for millions of others who are still young in spirit, to give of themselves in

service, too. In serving we recognize a simple, but powerful, truth: we need each other, and we

must care for one another. Today we do more than celebrate America, we rededicate ourselves to

the very idea of America, an idea bona in revolution, and renewed through two centuries of challenge,

an idea tempered by the knowledge that but for fate, we, the fortunate and the unfortunate, might

have been each other; an idea ennobled by the faith that our nation can summon from its myriad

diversity, the deepest measure of unity; an idea infused with the conviction that America's long,

heroic journey must go forever upward.











解析:[解析] 1.My fellow Americans:译为“同胞们”即可。 our renewal:译为“在我国复兴

的过程中”。 3.challenge:一词直指人心,含有“挑战,要求”之意,具有很强的号召力。 4.a season

of service:为名词短语,在此可译为“这一奉献的季节”。 5.act on:译为“按……行动”。 6.keeping

company with:本义为“与……结交”,在此引申译为“使……得到关怀”。 7.There is so much to be

done. Enough, indeed, for millions of others who are still young in spirit, to give of themselves

in service, too. In serving we recognize a simple, but powerful, truth: we need each other, and

we must care for one another:后句是对前句的具体说明,因此可借助破折号将两句合译为一句。give of

译为“奉献,贡献”。 serving:可译为“在奉献过程中”。 9.we must care for one another:

独立译成一句,使语气得到加强。 more than:不可译为“做得比……多”,而是译为“不仅仅”。

11.rededicate ourselves to:译为“再一次把自己奉献给”。 12.tempered by the knowledge:译为

“经受了认识的考验”。 idea ennobled by the f unity:that引导的是faith


得崇高,即……的统一性”。 14.infused with:可译为“洋溢着”,也可译为“充满,贯穿”。

languages change over a period of time, for reasons which are imperfectly understood. Or

rather, since speech is really a form of human activity, like dancing or playing the piano—and

not an entity in itself—it is more exact to say that each successive generation behaves

linguistically in a slightly different manner from its predecessors. In his teens the young man

is impatient of what he considers to be the unduly stilted vocabulary and pronunciation of his

elders and he likes to show how up to date he is by the use of the latest slang, but as the years

go by some of his slang becomes standard usage and in any case he slowly grows less receptive

to linguistic novelties, so that by the time he reaches his forties he will probably be lamenting

the slipshod speech of the younger generation, quite unaware that some of the expressions used

in church and law-court were frowned upon by his own parents.










解析:[解析] 1.for reasons which are imperfectly understood:可译为“其变化的原因是无法完全

弄清楚的”。 2.entity:译为“实体”。 3.each successive generation:是相对于下文的predecessors

而言的,故前者可译为“每一代人”,而后者译为“上一代人”。 his teens the young man:可

灵活译为“十几岁的年轻人”。 5.what f his elders:是年轻人对年龄大的人持有的

看法,可先译出来。unduly stilted本义为“过度不自然的,极为僵硬的”,作vocabulary and

pronunciation的共同形容词,unduly stilted vocabulary译为“讲话用词过于刻板拘谨”,而unduly

stilted pronunciation则译为“发音很不自然”。接着再译出is impatient of,即“年轻人厌恶这一套”。

6.up to date:可译为“时髦的,现代的”。 7.slowly grows less receptive to linguistic novelties:

译为“渐渐地不再那么容易接受语言中新奇的东西”。 8.lament:本义为“哀叹,痛惜”,在此可译为

“大摇其头”。 9.slipshod:译为“随便的,漫不经心的”。

rne reverted to the same symbol in a notebook entry seven years later, and in 1847 began

work on what was to be his greatest achievement, The Scarlet Letter. Such letters were actually

worn in colonial New England; instances have been recorded of a D for Drunkard, and even of an

I, signifying Incest. They furnished Hawthorne with just the combination of "moral and material"

that he could handle: here was a "type" bodied forth: here also was "a secret thing in public".

However, despite its near-perfect construction, few great books have been more hesitantly produced.

Worries over money prevented him from giving his whole mind to the story. He was troubled by its

"hell-fired" quality, and tried to make the book more attractive by supplying a lengthy preamble

on the Salem Custom House. Moreover, apart from his immature Fanshawe, Hawthorne had not written

anything longer than magazine stories. If his publisher had not badgered him, it is possible that

The Scarlet Letter would never have been completed as a novel.











解析:[解析] 1.Hawthorne reverted to the same symbol in a notebook entry seven years later, and

in 1847 began work on what was to be his greatest achievement, The Scarlet Letter:revert本


中出现了书名The Scarlet Letter,对应的译文要加书名号。 2.Such letters were actually worn in

colonial New England; instances have been recorded of a D for Drunkard, and even of an I, signifying

Incest:前部分Such letters were actually worn没有明确提到施动者,可转译为汉语的主动句“的确

有人戴过”。instances have been recorded可译为“根据记载,有过这样的事例”。a D for Drunkard

为名词短语,转译为句子“用D代表醉鬼”。 3.with:可译为“为……提供”。 4.a "type"

bodied:可译为“具体化了的‘典型’”。 5.few great books have been more hesitantly produced:

含有双重否定之意,因此可译为“很少有伟大的著作像他这部小说那样迟迟不能成书”。 his

whole mind to:可译为“把全部精力放在”。 7.lengthy preamble:译为“长序”。 8.Salem Custom

House:为固定名词,对应的译文为“塞勒姆海关”。 9.apart from:译为“除了……之外”。 10.Fanshawe:

为书名,译为《范肖》。 11.badgered:译为“迫使,催促”。

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