




n I Use of English


Read the following text。Choose the best word(s) for each

numbered blank and mark A。B。C。or D on ANSWER SHEET

1.(10 points)

In contemporary culture。the prospect of communicating

with a stranger。or even looking at them。is virtually unbearable。

This is evidenced by the way people cling to their phones。even

on a subway without any signal。It’s a sad reality that we desire to

avoid interacting with other human beings。even though there is

much to be gained from talking to the stranger standing next to you。

However。you wouldn’t know it if you’re too engrossed in your

phone。This universal n sends the message: “Please don’t

approach me.”

What is it that makes us feel the need to hide behind our


One answer is fear。according to Jon Wortmann。an

executive mental coach。We fear n or that our innocent social

advances will be perceived as “weird.” We fear we’ll be judged。

We fear we’ll be disruptive.

following: strike up a n with a stranger on their morning train

ride。The results were surprising。Participants reported feeling

happier after the n。and many even continued to talk with their

new acquaintance after the train ride ended。

When it comes to social ns。we often feel more comfortable

with people we know。However。this can lead to fort when

communicating with strangers。To e this。we tend to rely on our

phones as a security blanket。According to Wortmann。our

phones e like happy glasses that shield us from potential fort。

But if we take the initiative to put down our phones and

engage with strangers。we may find that it's not as bad as we

thought。In a 2021 experiment。ral scientists Nicholas Epley and

Juliana Schroeder asked commuters to strike up a n with a stranger

during their morning train ride。The results were surprising。with

participants reporting increased happiness and even continuing the

n after the ride ended.

Starting a n with a stranger on a train may seem unthinkable。

but that's exactly what Dr。Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder

did。They had Chicago train commuters talk to their fellow

passengers。When Epley and Schroeder asked other people in the

same train n how they would feel after talking to a stranger。the

commuters thought their experience would be more pleasant if

they sat on their own。However。after participating in the

experiment。not a single person reported feeling embarrassed.

Interestingly。these commutes were reportedly more

enjoyable compared to those without n。This makes absolute

sense since human beings thrive off social ns。It's important to

note that talking to strangers can make you feel connected.

Overall。the experiment conducted by Epley and Schroeder

challenges the n that talking to strangers is fortable or awkward。

In fact。it can lead to a more positive experience for both parties

involved。So next time you're on a train or in a public space。

don't be afraid to strike up a n with a stranger。You never know

what kind of n you may make.

company decided to replace the CEO due to poor


customer's unreasonable demands caused the employee

to e frustrated.

athlete felt confident before the n.

was my turn to speak during the meeting.

horror movie was too us for me to enjoy.

old building began to decay after years of neglect.

debate een the candidates was heated and intense.

company hired new employees to help with the


scientist was able to predict the e of the experiment.

16.I prefer to ride my bike to work instead of driving.

company went through a restructuring process to

improve efficiency.

fact。the new policy has caused more problems than it


we receive more funding。we will not be able to

continue the project.

math problem was simple and straightforward.

Part A

is the reason for the CEO's replacement?

A。Unreasonable demands from customers

B。Poor performance

C。nal management style

D。Delayed n-making

did the athlete feel before the n?





spoke during the meeting?

A。The speaker

B。The audience

C。The moderator

D。The participant

did the old building decay?

A。It was destroyed by natural disasters.

B。It was neglected over time.

C。It was not built properly.

D。It was too old to be maintained.

was the nature of the debate een the candidates?

A。Calm and peaceful

B。Heated and intense

C。Informative and nal

D。Boring and uneventful

did the company hire new employees?

A。To replace the CEO

B。To help with the workload

C。To increase profits

D。To improve customer n

was the scientist able to do?

A。Choose the e of the experiment

B。Predict the e of the experiment

C。Design the experiment

D。Analyze the results of the experiment

mode of n does the speaker prefer?





did the company do to improve efficiency?

A。Did away with certain policies

B。Went through a restructuring process

C。Caught up with competitors

D。Put up new buildings

has been the result of the new policy?

A。It has solved all problems.

B。It has caused more problems.

C。It has had no effect.

D。It has had a minor effect.

what ns will the project continue?

A。If it receives more funding

B。If it receives more employees

C。If it receives more customers

D。If it receives more policies

was the nature of the math problem?

A。Funny and amusing

B。Simple and straightforward

C。Logical and complex

D。Rare and unique.

A recent study has shown that people experience more stress

at home than at work。which contradicts us surveys。Researchers

measured cortisol levels。a stress indicator。of participants at

work and at home。and found that cortisol levels were higher at

home。which is typically considered a safe haven。

The study also found that both men and women have lower

stress levels at work than at home。which goes against common

beliefs。Women even reported feeling better at work。while men

reported feeling happier at home。The results were consistent for

both parents and non-parents。but more pronounced for non-


These findings suggest that working outside of the home can

have positive effects on one's health.

The study does not take into account whether people are still

working when they are at home。whether it is household work or

work brought home from the office。Men tend to relax at the end

of the workday。while women who work from home never get to

leave the office。For women who work outside the home。they

often have to catch up on household tasks。With the blurring of

roles and the fact that the home front lags behind the workplace in

making adjustments for working women。it is no surprise that

women are more stressed at home.

However。this is not just a gender issue。At work。people

know what they are supposed to be doing: working。making

money。and completing tasks to earn e。The bargain is

straightforward: employees put in hours of physical or mental

labor。and they receive life-sustaining e in return.

According to paragraph us surveys have found that

home generates more stress than the workplace.

In households。there is no clear n of labor like there is in the

workplace。Tasks are plentiful。yet the rewards for completing

them are inadequate。Family members。who are essentially your

home colleagues。do not have clear incentives for their labor。

They often need to be persuaded or threatened in order to

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