




英 [lʌk] 美 [lʌk]


luck 基本解释

名词 运气; 好运; 机遇; 命运

不及物动词 交好运,走运; 侥幸成功


1. It's a matter of luck whether we are successful.


2. Good luck to you!


3. I was luck enough to catch the last bus.



1. While taming Little Wild Man has proven a tricky business, we've had

better luck in training him.

2. But what if luck deserts people like Zhang one of these days?

3. " He's got buzzard's luck right now, " Van Gundy said.

4. " Or you could avoid bad luck by doing good deeds, " Qi said.

5. This is claimed to be holy water blessed by Buddha, which will bring good

luck and peace to you and your family.

6. Lian noted that many investors are trying their luck in the field, lured by its

potential for further development and good returns.

7. He said that due to the " good luck " brought by the new twin babies, all

customers could receive a 5 percent discount.

8. Swiss watchmaker Omega participated in last weekend's Good Luck Beijing

Athletics Open by testing its timing system preparation for the Beijing Olympics.

9. It is the ultimate symbol of luck and this " star " piece is inspired by the

Great Bear legend.


1. (表示同情)真不幸,真倒霉

You can say 'Bad luck', or 'Hard luck', to someone when you want to express

sympathy to them.

e.g. Well, hard luck, mate.


2. 带来霉运/带来好运;不吉利/ 吉利

If you say that something brings bad luck or brings someone good luck, you

believe that it has an influence on whether good or bad things happen to them.

e.g. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought

bad luck.


3. (常指因缺钱而)遭遇厄运,时运不济

If you describe someone as down on their luck, you mean that they have had

bad experiences, often because they do not have enough money.

4. 碰巧的运气;运气的结果

If you say that something is the luck of the draw, you mean that it is the

result of chance and you cannot do anything about it.

e.g. The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's

best players.


5. 运气总是这样坏

If you say it is just your luck that something unpleasant has happened to you,

you mean that this is quite normal because unpleasant things are always

happening to you.

e.g. It would be just his luck to miss the last boat.


本文标签: 好运运气带来