




Pien Tze Huang

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Pien Tze Huang

Chinese pronunciation:Pianzaihuang

[Ingredients] Calculus Bovis, Moschus, Radix Notoginsing, Snake

s gall,etc.

[Description] It’s an oblate-like mass, with an oblate circle on the surface.

The surface is brownish-yellow or greyish-brown, with thin serried striation and

mould speckles. Texture is hard, uneasily broken. Section is slightly rough, with

even brown color and a small amount of mycelia occasionally. Powder is

brownish-yellow or thin brownish-yellow. It smells a bit fragrant and tastes bitter

and a bit sweet.

[Main functions and actions] Relieving internal heat and deleting toxin,

cooling blood and reducing stasis, relieving swelling and stopping pain. Used for

treating acute, chronic or viral hepatitis resulting from internal heat or blood stasis,

ulcer and pyogenic infections, unknown galls, injuries from falls, fractures,

contusions and strains as well as all kinds of inflammations.


[Specification] 3 grams per piece

[Usage and Dosage]Orally, 0.6 grams a time. for children aged under 8 ,take

0.15-0.3 gram each time. To be taken 2-3 times a day. For external use, grind into

powder and mixed it unfiformity with boiled water or vinegar , take suitable

quantity and apply to the affected part for several times one day ,keep wetness. or

adhere to the instructions of the physician.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Points for attention] Not to be applied by pregnant women

[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, protected from moisture.

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite- film,3 grams×1 piece/box

[Period of Validity] Five years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020243

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Pien Tze Huang Capsule

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name : Pien Tze Huang Capsule

Chines pronunciation: Pianzaihuang Jiaonang

[Ingredients] Pien Tze Huang

[Description]Capsule containing brownish-yellow grain and powder. It smells

fragrant and tastes bitter and a bit sweet.

[Main functions and actions]Clearing away heat and toxic materials, relieving

inflammation and arresting pain, promoting blood circulation to dispel blood

stasis. Used in virus hepatitis, boils, inflammatory process of tissue of unknown

origin, injury and kinds of inflammatory lesions.

[Specification] 0.3 gram per capsule

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 2 pieces a time, one piece a time for children

aged 1-5, 3 times a day or under doctor advice

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Points for attention] Not to be applied by pregnant women


[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic packing ,0.3 gram×6 pieces /box

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020242.

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Yindan Pinggan Capsule

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Yindan Pinggan Capsule

Chinese pronunciation:Yindan Pinggan Jiaonang

[Ingredients] Herba Aryemisiae Scopariae,Radix Gentianae, Pulvis Fellis Suis,

Fructus Gardeniae,Radix Scutellariae,Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Radix Paeoniae

Alba, Radix Glycyrrhizae


[Description] Capsule containing brownish-yellow grain .It tastes very bitter

[Functions] Relieving internal heat and deleting moisture, It has significant

effectiveness for acute jaundice hepatitis and chronic hepatitis.

[Specification] 0.5 gram per capsule

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 2 capsules a time, 3 times a day .

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] This medicine is not for the patient whose gallbladder

vessel was choked completely .

[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, protected from moisture,

stored in a cool place.

[ Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite packing,0.5 gram × 10 pieces ×

2 sheets /box or medicine plastic bottle , 0.5 gram ×36 pieces /bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020240


[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Unguentum Pien Tze Huang compositum Ointment

Please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Unguentum Pien Tze Huang compositum Ointment

Chinese pronunciation:Fufang Pianzaihuang Ruangao

[Ingredients] The power of Pien Tze Huang , Antivenom tablet

[Description] Light brown-yellow ointment, it has special oleaginous taste.

[Main action] Relieving internal heat, deleting toxin and stopping pain. Used

for viral or bacillary skin disease, such as zosters, herpes simplex, impetigo,

folliculitis and acne etc.

[Specification] 10 gram per tube/box .

[Usage and Dosage]External use only, daub on the affected part,2~3 times



[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


,alcohol,piguancy and fat food are forbidden.

nt women should use with caution.

medicine is for external use only ant it should not be taken orally.

using if part anaphylactoid reaction such as rash occur after used this


5. Go to see a doctor if toxic heat strictness with chill fever happens.

’t stave or extrusion when part pathological changes occur.

should not be used for patients who have anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should used with caution.

should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.


en administere under the supervision by adults.

should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult with a physician or

chemist before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult with physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place

[Packing] Aluminum tube, 10 gram per tube.

[Period of Validity] Two years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020234

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Compound Pien Tze Huang Buccal Tablet

[Medicine name]


Proprietary name: Compound Pien Tze Huang Buccal Tablet

Chinese pronunciation:Fufang Pianzaihuang Hanpian

[Ingredients]Herba Wedeliae,Herba Sarcandrae,Radix Scrophulariae,Radix

Ophiopogonis, Radix Glycyrrhizae, The power of Pien Tze Huang, Mentholum.

[Description] It is film-coated tablets with slightly yellow-brown inside, it

smells aroma, tastes sweet and cold.

[Functions and actions] Relieving internal heat and deleting toxin, benefiting

throat and stopping pain, producing fluid and moistening throat. Used for acute

and chronic faucitis resulted from upward invasion of wind-fire and excessive heat

in lung and stomach.

[Specification] 0.5 gram per tablet

[Usage and Dosage] For buccal use, 2 pieces a time, 5 times daily.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not be applied by pregnant women

[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers.


[ Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite packing , 0.5 gram ×12 pieces ×

2 sheets / boxes.

[Period of Validity] Two years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard WS-5047(B-0047)-2005

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20050066

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Pien Tze Huang Hemorrhoids Ointment Compositum

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name : Pien Tze Huang Hemorrhoids Ointment Compositum

Chinese pronunciation: Fufang Pianzaihuang Zhichuang Ruangao

[Ingredients] The power of Pien Tze Huang, The power of Margarita,

Succinum, Borneolum Syntheticum

[Description] Light brown-yellow ointment, it smells fragrant, and feel cool .


[Functions and actions] Relieving internal heat and deleting toxin, dispelling

stasis and easing pain, stopping bleeding and eliminating hemorrhoid. Used for

internal, external or mixed hemorrhoid .

[Specification]10 grams per piece.

[Dosage and usage] External use only. Take suitable quantity and apply to

anus or the affected part, 2~3 times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Points for attention] Not to be applied by pregnant women

[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool place.

[Packing] Aluminium tube,10 grams/tube

[Period of Validity]

[Administer standard] National medicine standard WS-5002(B-0002)-2006

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20060001

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Xiaochaihu Granule

Please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Xiaochaihu Granule

Chinese pronunciation:Xiaochaihu Keli

[Ingredients] Radix Bupleuri,Radix Scutellariae, Rhizoma Pinelliae(processed

with ginger), Radix Codonopsis, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens, Radix Glycyrrhizae,

Fructus Jujubae

[Description] Brown-yellow granule, it tastes tasteless and slightly pungent.

[Functions and actions]Diaphoresis, dredging liver and regulating stomach .

it used for alternative chill and heat, chest tightness, being perturbed and

sick ,bitter mouth and non-spittle.

[Specification] 4 gram each bag

[Usage and Dosage] Take after it is dissolved in boiled water, three times a


day and 1~2 bags a time.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


, alcohol, piquancy ,cold, crude, fat foods are forbidden.

not used the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


’s not suitable for patients with chill.

ts with high blood pressure, cardiopathy, nephropathy, edema should

use under physician’s suggestion.

en, pregnant women, women in lactation, oldness and infirmness

should use under physician’s suggestion.

6. Fever heat patient whose body temperature exceeds 38.5℃ should go to

see a doctor.

7. The patient whose symptom haven’t been catabatic after used this

medicine for 3 days should go to see a doctor.


should not be used in patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

9. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

10. Children should be administered under the supervision of adults.

11. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult with physician or

chemist before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] 10 grams per bag(with sugar),4 grams×6 bags/box

[Period of Validity] Two years


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020728


[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Xiaoqinglong Granule

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it by physician’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Xiaoqinglong Granule

Chinese pronunciation: Xiaoqinglong Keli

[Ingredients]Herab Ephedrae, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Rhizoma Zingiberis,

Radix Asari , Fructus Schisandrae , Radix Paeoniae Alba

[Description]Light-brown to brown granule, or grey to light-brown, it smells

slightly fragrant tastes sweet and slightly pungent.

[Functions and actions]To release the exterior to resolve retained fluid, and

relieve coughing, subside asthma. It’s used for foul chill, fever, adiaphoresis,

asthma or difficulty in breathing and coughing with expectoration of thin phlegm

due to wind-cold and retention of fluid.


[Specification]5 gram each bag (No saccharose)

[Usage and Dosage]Taken after dissolved in boiled water, 5 grams a time, 3

times a day.(No saccharose)

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known

[Precautions ]

1. Avoid Smoke, alcohol, piquancy, crude and fatness .

2. Do not used the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


3 .This medicine is not suitable for the patient who cough and dyspnea, calor

internus or dyspnea due to deficiency

4. The patient who has bronchiectasia, lung abcess, corpulmonale or phthisic

arises cough should go to see a doctor.

5. High blood pressure and cardiopathy should use with cautious. Hepatitis,

nephropathy, edema and other chronic patient should use under physician’s



6. Children, pregnant women, women in lactation, oldness and infirmness

should use under physician’s suggestion.

heat patient whose body temperature exceeds 38.5℃ or hurried

broken wind, get more phlegm should go to see a doctor .

8. Use according to Usage and Dosage strictly, this medicine is not suitable for

long-term used.

9. If the symptom haven’t catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

should not be used in patients who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should use with caution.

11. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

12. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

13. It should be kept out of reach of children.

14. If in process of using other medicine, please consult with physician or

chemist before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.


[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers.

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite film ,5 grams ×3 bags /box

[Period of Validity]: Two years


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number]: State medical permitment number. Z35020729

[Manufactured]: By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Royal Jelly Capsule

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Royal Jelly Capsule

Chinese pronunciation: Fengru Jiaonang

[Main ingredients]Royal Jelly, amylum

[Usage and Dosage] Take in 2 capsules each time ,5 times daily


[Specification]0.5g×10 capsules×5 bags , 0.5g×48 capsules×3 bottles .

[Storage] Avoid sun’s rays, preserve in tightly closed containers and in a cool


[Approval number]: Min sanitation and eatable new No.0083 of (2002)

[Administer standard]: Q/ZPZH02-2002


Chuangbei Qingfei Syrup

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Chuangbei Qingfei Syrup

Chinese pronunciation:Chuanbei Qingfei Tangjiang

[Ingredients] Folium Eriobotryae, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Bulbus

Fritillariae Cirrhosae Frandh,Radix Ophiopogonis,Radix Rehmanniae,Radix

Glycyrrhizae, Radix Platycodinls, Herba Menthae.


[Description] Brown viscous and thick liquid, it smells fragrant, tastes sweet.

[Functions and actions] Clearing lung, moistening, relieving cough and

reducing phlegm, and it also has the remarkable curative effect on dry cough, dry

and painful throat.

[Specification] 100 ml each bottle

[Usage and Dosage]Orally, 3 times a day and 15~30ml each time, extenuation

for children.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


,alcohol, piquancy ,crude ,cold foods are forbidden.

’s not suitable for the patient who phlegmatic hygrosis and cough, like

cough with excessive phlegm, phlegm being adhesive in nature and , thick phlegm,

anorexia, windy and loose stool.

iectasis, lung abcess, haggis’s pus、heart disease from lung disorders,

and diabetic, should use under physician’s direction.


4..If the symptom haven’t catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days, the

patient should go to see a doctor.

5. Use it according to the Usage and Dosage ,children, oldness or weak should

use under physician’s suggestion.

6. Long-term used should consult with physician.

should not be used in patients who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

8. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

9. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

10. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult with physician or

chemist before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur , please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool place.

[packing] Medicine PP plastic bottle, 100 ml /bottle,120 ml /bottle


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020239

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Zengru Gao

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it by chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Zengru Gao

Chinese pronunciation:Zengru Gao

[Ingredients] Semen Vaccariae,Medulla Tetrapanacis,Radix Rehmanniae

Praeparata, Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Radix Paeoniae Alba,Rhizoma

Chuanxiong,Herba Leonuri, Radix Trichosanthis.

[Description] Brown-black dense cream, it smells fragrant and tastes sweet

and slightly bitter.


[Functions and actions] Nourishing and circulating blood, communicating

arteries and veins, promoting the secretions of milk, It is used for the

breast-feeding women who are lack of milk.

[Specification] 150 grams each bottle

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 30 gram a time and 3 times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindication] Not for the patient who has flooding, hypohepatia and

renal inadequacy and diabetes.


1. Piquancy is forbidden, don’t eat much salty or sour food, nourishing food

is best.

2. It’s not suitable for the lying-in woman who has over abundant lochia.

3. Not suitable for the patient who has cold. The rheum patient ,high blood

press,cardiopathy,nephropathy ,edema and other chronic patient should used

under physician’s suggestion.

4 Should go to see a doctor if breast come forth flare and pain or latex ‘s

quantity was decrease at a draught .


5. If milk haven’t manifold after used this medicine for seven days,should go

to see a doctor.

using and go to see a doctor when user or baby came forth drug

adverse reaction

7. Not be used in patients who has anaphylatoid reaction with this medicine,

and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

8. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

9. It should be kept out of reach of children.

10. If in process of using other medicine, please consult with physician or

chemist before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult with physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place.

[Packing] Medicine P.P plastic bottle, 150 grams/ bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard WS-5163(B-0163)-



[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20020178

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Huoxiang zhengqi Shui

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it by chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Huoxiang zhengqi Shui

Chinese pronunciation:Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui

[Ingredients] Rhizoma Atractylodis,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae,Cortex

Magnoliae, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Poria,Pericarpium Arecae,Rhizoma

Pinelliae,Extractum Glycyrrhizae, Oleum Pogostemonis,Oleum Folii Perillae

[Description] Dark-brown defecated liquid(it will appear a litter deposit after

long time conservation)it tastes pungent and bitter


[Functions and actions]To release the exterior and resolve dampness, and

regulate the flow of qi to harmonize the middle-energizer .It use for cold due to

affliction from external wind-cold and internal retention of dampness or

summer-heat and dampness, with manifestations of headache with heavy

sensation, constriction in the chest, distending pain in the stomach and abdomen,

vomiting and diarrhea; gastrointestinal cold with above symptoms.

[Specification]10mleach bottle

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, shake up before use it, 5~10 ml a time and 2

times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Smoke, alcohol, piquancy, crude ,cold foods are forbidden, insipidity food is


2. Do not used the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, nephropathy, edema and other chronic

patient should used under physician’s suggestion.


en, pregnant woman, woman in lactation, oldness and infirmness

should used under physician’s suggestion.

patient who has serious vomiting and diarrhoea should go to see a


medicine containing 40%~50%alcohol. Do not drive, engage in high

altitude, any task about machine or handle exact apparatus after used this


7. This medicine must used according to Usage and Dosage strictly and is not

suitable for long time used.

8. If the symptom haven’t catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

9. It should not be used in patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine and alcohol, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

10. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

11. Children should be administered under the supervision by adult.

12. It should be kept out of reach of children.

13. If in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist


before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine PE plastic bottle ,10 ml ×6 pieces/ box

[Period of Validity] Three years


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020233

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Xinshubao Tablet

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Xinshubao Tablet


Chinese pronunciation:Xinshubao Pian

[Ingredients] Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Fructus Crataegi , Radix

Curcumae , Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi , Radix Paeoniae Alba

[Description]This film coat tablet with brown inside, it tastes sour and a slight


[The main treatment function] Invigorating the circulation of blood and

reducing stasis, being good for qi, relieving pain, used for chest and angina

pectoris resulting from coronary heart disease, deficiency of vital energy and

blood stasis, high blood pressure, high blood fat and arteriosclerosis.

[Specification] 0.5 gram per tablet

[Usage and Dosage] Take orally after meal, 1-2 pieces a time, 2 times a day or

follow doctor’s advice.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite packing, 0.5 gram ×12 pieces ×

2 sheets / box


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020241

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Qingre Zhike Granule

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name : Qingre ZhikeGranule

Chinese pronunciation: Qingre Zhike Keli

[Ingredients] Radix Scutellariae, Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii, Rhizoma

Paridis, Herba Commelinae,Rhizoma Anemarrhenae,Gypsum

Fibrosum,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae,Fructus Aurantii,Fructus Xanthii,Semen

Armeniacae Amarum,Radix Platycodinis,Herba Pogostemonis,Folium

Perillae,Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Cum Melle

[Description] It is brown- yellow grain, it smells slight aroma, tastes sweet and

slight bitter.

[Functions and actions] Relieving the internal heat, reducing phlegm,


moisturing lungs and relieving cough. It is used for cough, thick and yellow

phlegm, having a temperature, painful throat, thirst, chest tightness, dry shit,

yellow urine and other symptoms because of phlegm heat and blocked lung. It is

also used for acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis (purity) but breaking out

suddenly with the above-mentioned symptoms.

[Specification]12 grams per bag

[Dosage and usage] Orally, 1 bag a time, 3 times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Individual patient may have a headache, naupathia or


[Contraindications] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite film , 12 grams×3 bags/small


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20000016

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Jintangning Capsule

Please read the instruction carefully and use it under physician’s suggestion.

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name: Jintangning Capsule

Chinese pronunciation: Jintangning Jiaonang

[Ingredients] Faeces Bombycis, Radix Glycyrrhizae

[Description] Capsule containing brownish-yellow grains or powder. It tastes

a litter bitter.

[Functions and actions]Removing the waste and damp-eliminating,

promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. Being used for the type II-diabetic

patients, who have the syndromes of evil wetness and blood stasis. Symptom like,

epigastric fullness, tired of head and body, accidie and be empty of vigour, not

well stool, numbly limb and ache.

[Specification] 0.55 gram each capsule

[Usage and Dosage] Administrate orally 4 capsules each time before dinning


and 3 times every day. 4 weeks is a period of treatment.

[Adverse Reactions] Found individual patient appear like swirl, headache,

diarrhea, windy, nausea, vomit, painful right- kidney , lumbago, manifold fart ,tetter,


[Contraindications] Not known

[Precautions] Inspection blood sugar, heart function, renal function and liver

function periodically during use this medicine.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place

[Packing] Plastic packing, 36 capsules /bottle

[Period of validity] Two years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ00142008

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20080011

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co .,Ltd.


Jin Mu Gan Mao Tablet


Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Jin Mu Gan MaoTablet

Chinese pronunciation: Jinmu Ganmao Pian

[Ingredients] Flos Loicerae , Radix Viticis Cannabifollae , Rhizoma Dryopteris

Crassirhizomatis, Folium Et Ramulus Euodiae Leptae , Herba Tadehagi Triquetri ,

Ramulus Et Foliummussaendae Pubescentis , Oleum Menthae .Starch is the


[Description] This medicine is the grayish-brown tablet; it tastes cool and

slightly bitter.

[Functions and actions] Dredging wind and diaphoresis, antipyretic and

relieving internal heat .It has the remarkable curative effects on cold, fever, foul

chill, headache, cough, throat swelling and pain.

[Specification] 0.5 gram per tablet

[Dosage and Administration] Orally, four tablets a time, three times a day

[Adverse Reactions] Not known


[Contraindications] Not known


, alcohol, piquancy ,crude and fatness are forbidden.

not use the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


’s not suit anemofrigid cold like fever with chilliness, low fever,

adiaphoresis, snuffle, run at the nose, not thirsty, cough and thin sputum.

blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

the symptom haven’t catabatic, aggravate symptom or new serious

symptom like choking thorax appeared after used this medicine for three days,

should stop using this medicine and go to see a doctor.

en, pregnant women, the old and weak should use under doctor’s


7. Deficiency cold of the spleen, patients have the symptom like bellyache,

happy warm or diarrhea must use with cautious.

is not suitable for the patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this


medicine, and irritability corporeity should use with caution.

9. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

en should be administered under the supervision of adult.

11. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consulted physician or chemist

before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may appear, please consult with physician or chemist the correlative


[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers.

[Packing]Aluminum and plastic composite packing,0.5 gram×12 pieces×2


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020231

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Shao Lin Bone Setting Essence

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it by chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name:Shao Lin Bone Setting Essence

Chinese pronunciation:ShaoLin Zhenggu Jing

[Ingredients] Herba Veronicae Peregrinae,Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Fructus

Svhisandrae Chinensis,Radix Angelicae Pubescentis,Rhizoma Et Radix

Notopterygh,Rhizoma Sparganii,Rhizoma Curcumae ,Eupolyphaga Seu

Steleophaga,Folium Artemisiae Argyi,Rhizoma Corvdalis,Pericarpium

Zanthoxyli ,Herba Aristolochiae Mollissimae,Sanguis Draxonis,Olibanum,Herba

Lycopodii,Herba Cynanchi,Mentholum,Camphora,Borneolum Syntheticum

[Description] This medicine is red-brown clear liquid, and it has special


[Functions]It has the functions of improving blood circulation, reducing stasis,

relieving swelling and pain, dispelling wind and cold, and it also has the

remarkable curative effects on injuries from falls fractures, contusions and strains,


stasis swelling pain, waist numb and rheum arthritis.

[Specification] 60ml per bottle

[Dosage and usage] External use only. Take suitable quantity and apply to

anus or the affected part, it also can be used when bathing. Several times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


medicine contains Herba Aristolochiae Mollissimae, and one of its

contents aristolochic acid can cause injure kidney.

medicine is prescription medicine, it should be buy according to

chemist’s recipe,and used under chemist’s suggestion. And back-check kidney

function termly, stop using when kidney function abnormity.

en and old folks should used with caution ,not to be applied by baby,

pregnant women and kidney function not good.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place

[Packing] Medicine PE plastic bottle, 60 ml/bottle


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020235

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Niuhuang Jiedu Tablet

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Niuhuang Jiedu Tablet

Chinese pronunciation:NiuHuang Jiedu Pian

[Ingredients] Calculus Bovis, Realgar, Gypsum Fibrosum, Radix Et

Rhizoma Rhei, Radix Scutellariae, Radix Platycodonis, Borneolim

Syntheticum, Radix Glycyrrhizae.

[Description] It is film coated tablets with brown-yellow inside, it has

borneol’s aroma ,tastes slightly bitter and pungent.

[Functions] Relieving internal heat and deleting toxin. It is used for suffering

from excessive internal heat, swelling and painful throat, swelling and painful

gingival, getting sore on mouth and tongue, swelling painful eyes.


[Specification] 0.3 gram each tablet

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 2-3 times a day and 3 tablets each time.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not be applied by pregnant women

[Precautions] Not known

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle ,0.3 gram ×48 tablets /bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z35020227

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Liuwei Dihuang Pills


Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Liuwei Dihuang Pills

Chinese pronunciation:Liuwei Dihuang Wan

[Ingredients] Radix Rehmanniae Raeparata, Fructus Corni, Cortex Moutan,

Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Poria, Rhizoma Allsmatis.

[Description] Brown-black water-honeyed pills; it tastes sweet and sour.

[Indications] Nourishing kidney yin. It is used for deficiency of the kidney yin

marked by dizziness, tinnitus, aching and limpness of the loins and knees,

consumptive fever, night sweating, seminal emission.

[Specification]20 grams per 100 pieces.

[Usage and Dosage] Orally,6 grams (30pieces) each time and 2 times every


[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known



1. Stodgy foods are forbidden.

2. Should not be used for the patient who catch a cold or have a fever.

3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

4. Children, pregnant women and the breast-feeding women should use under

doctor’s instruct.

5. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 4

weeks, should go to see a doctor.

6. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

7. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

8. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

9. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before using this medicine.


[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult with physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle, 360pieces/bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Approval number] State medical permitment number Z20053520.


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Zhibai Dihuang Pills

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Zhibai Dihuang Pills


Chinese pronunciation: Zhibai Dihuang Wan

[Ingredients]Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Cortex Phellodendri, Radix

Rehmanniae Praeparata,Fructus Corni,Cortex Moutan,Rhizoma Dioscoreae,

Poria,Rhizoma Alismatis.

[Description] Brown-black water-honeyed pills; it tastes sweet with a litter

sour and bitter.

[Main actions] Nourishing yin and clearing away heat. Used for hectic fever,

night sweat, tinnitus, seminal emission, dry mouth and throat.

[Specification] 2 grams per 10 pills

[Usage and Dosage]Orally, 6 grams each time, 2 times a day.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Stodgy foods are forbidden.

2. Should not be used for the patients who catch a cold or have a fever.


3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

4. Children, pregnant women and the breast-feeding women should use under

doctor’s instruct.

5. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 4

weeks, should go to see a doctor.

6. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

7. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

8. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

9. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before using this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers


[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle ,72 gram /bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ13802006

[Approval number] State medical permitment numberZ20064014.

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Qi Ju Di Huang Pills

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine Name]

Proprietary name :QiJu Di Huang Pills

Chinese pronunciation: Qiju Dihuang Wan

[Ingredients]Fructus ycii , Flos Chrysanthemt, Radix Rehmanniae

Praeparata, Fructus Corni Cortex Moutan,Rhizoma Dioscoreae,Poria,Rhizoma



[Description] Brown-black water-honeyed pills; it tastes sweet and a little


[Main actions] Nourishing kidney and caring for liver. Used for dizziness,

tinnitus, aversion to light with astringent eyes and dim-sighted vision when seeing,

which are resulted from deficiency of kedney-yin and liver-yin.

[Specification] 2 grams of each 10 pills

[Usage and Dosage] Oral, 2 times a day and 6 grams each time

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Stodgy foods are forbidden.

2. Should not be used for the patients who catch a cold or have a fever.

3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

4. Children, pregnant women and the breast-feeding women should use under

doctor’s instruct.


5. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 4

weeks, should go to see a doctor.

should not be used in patients who have anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

7. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

8. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

9. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consulted physician or chemist

before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may appears, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle ,72gram/bottle

[Period of Validity] Three years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ14162006


[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20064043

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Xiangsha Liujun Pills

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Xiangsha Liujun Pills

Chinese pronunciation:Xiangsha Liujun Wan

[Ingredients] Radix Aucklandiae ,Fructus Amomi,Radix Codonopsis,Rhiloma

Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Poria,Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Cum Melle,

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Pinelliae.

[Description] Yellow-brown watered pills; it smells a bit fragrant, tastes a bit

sweet and pungent.

[Main actions] Being good for qi and strengthening spleen, regulating

stomach. Used for deficiency syndrome of the spleen, qi stagnation, indigestion,


belching, poor appetite, epigastric fullness, watery stool.

[Specification] 1.1 grams per 10 pills

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 1~3 times a day and 6~9 grams a time

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Alcohol, piquancy, crude, cold and fatness are forbidden, insipidity food is


2. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

3. Children, pregnant women, breast-feeding women, the elderly and weak

should use under doctor’s instruct.

4. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

5. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, irritability corporeity should be used with caution.


6. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

7. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

8. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before using this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine plastic bottle, 60grams/bottle

[Period of Validity]


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20063468

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Xiaoyao pills

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Xiaoyao pills (watered pills)

Chinese pronunciation:Xiaoyao Wan

[Ingredients] Radix Bupleuri , Radix Angellcae Sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba,

Rhiloma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Poria, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Cum

Melle, Herba Menthae.

[Description] Yellow-brown to brown or black- brown watered pills; it tastes


[Main actions] Soothing the liver, invigorating the spleen, nourishing blood

and regulating menstruation. Used for irregular menstruation, hypochondriac

distension and pain, dizziness, decreased appetite, which are resulted from

stagnated liver and weak spleen.

[Specification] 1 gram per 10 pills

[Usage and Dosage]1~2 times a day and 6~9 grams each time.


[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Cold, crude, fatness and indigestible foods are forbidden.

2. Keep optimistic and don’t get angry during using this medicine.

3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy and

other chronic should use under doctor’s instruct.

rrhea usually, bob up abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation,

Abnormal suppression or absence of menstruation, delay of menstrual cycle, or

anomalistic bleeding of vagina must go to see a doctor.

5. Children, pregnant women, breast-feeding women, the elderly and weak,

catamenia excessive should use under doctor’s instruct.

6. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

7. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.


8. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

9. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

10. It should be kept out of reach of children.

11. If in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before using this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, protected from moisture.

[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle, 60grams/ bottle

[Period of Validity]


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20063248

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Banlangen granule

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction

or buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Banlangen granule

Chinese pronunciation:Banlangen Keli

[Component] Indigowoad Root

[Description] Brown or dark brown granules; tastes sweet, slightly bitter.

[Actions] To clear heat and toxicity, and cool blood to ease the throat. It used

for swollen painful throat, dry mouth and pharynx and swollen cheeks due to

extremely abundant heat in the lung and stomach, acute tonsillitis and mumps

with above symptoms.

[Specification] 10 grams per bag(With sugar)/ 3grams per bag(No sugar)

[Usage and Dosage]Taken after dissolved in boiled water,3~4 times a day and

0.5~1 bag each time .(with saccharose)

[Adverse Reactions] Not known


[Contraindications] Not known


1. Avoid Smoke, alcohol, piquancy, fishy food.

2. Do not used the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


3. Diabetic, high blood pressure ,cardiopathy,hepatitis, nephropathy ,edema

and other chronic patient should use under physician’s suggestion.

4. Children, pregnant women, women in lactation, loose stool and splenic

asthenia, oldness and infirmness should use under physician’s suggestion.

5. Throat-almond fester or fever heat patient who body temperature exceeds

38.5℃ should go to see a doctor.

6. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

7. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

8. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.


9. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

10. It should be kept out of reach of children.

11. If in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before using this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers.

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite film ,10grams× 10 bags /box

[Period of Validity] Two years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ09962005

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20054099

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Huoxiang Zhengqi Capsule


Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it under chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Huoxiang Zhengqi Capsule

Chinese pronunciation:Huoxiang Zhengqi Jiaonang

[Ingredients]Herba Pogostemonis,Folium Perillae, Radix Angelicae

Dahuricae,Rhiloma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae,

Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatum, Cortex Magnoliae, Poria, Radix Platycodonis,

Radix Glycyrrhizae,Pericarpium Arecae, Fructus Jujubae, Rhizoma Zingiberis


[Description] It’s the capsule with red- brown granule in it , it tastes sweet

and a litter bitter.

[Main actions] Reducing wet and soothing the circulation and has curative

effects for cold, headache, abdominal distension and pain, sick, diarrhea, cold of

stomach and intestine type, preventing and curing heat-stroke.

[Specification] 0.5 gram per capsule

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, Two times a day and 4 capsules each time.


[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


1. Insipidity food is better.

2. Do not used the restorative patent medicine at one time when use this


3. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, hepatitis, diabetes, nephropathy,

pregnant woman and other chronic graveness should use under doctor’s


4. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic or vomiting and diarrhoea appears

after used this medicine for three days, should go to see a doctor.

it according to the usage and dosage , children, oldness and weakling

should use under chemist’s suggestion.

6. Long-term use must consult physician.

7. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.


8. It should not be used when the character of this medicine has changed.

9. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.

10. It should be kept out of reach of children.

in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place.

[Packing] Aluminium and plastic composite packing, 0.5 gram ×10pieces ×2


[Period of Validity] Three years

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ08522005

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20053983

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.



Hugan Tablet

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Hugan Tablet

Chinese pronunciation: Hugan Pian

[Ingredients] Radix Bupleuri, Herba Artemisiae Scopariae, Radix Isatidis,

Fructus Schisandrae, Pulvis Fellis Suis, Semen Phaseoli Radiati

[Description] It is film coated tablets with brown to brownish inside, it tastes


[Main actions] Soothing liver and regulating qi, strengthening spleen and

digesting foods. Having an action of reducing aminopherase and used for chronic

hepatitis, early liver cirrhosis etc.

[Specification] 0.36 gram per tablet

[Dosage and usage] Orally, 3 times a day and 4 tablets each time.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Not known


[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle ,0.36 gram ×100 pieces/bottle

[Period of Validity]


CHINA (2005 Volume I )

[Approval number]: State medical permitment number. Z20063520

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Danshen Tablet Compound

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name: Danshen Tablet Compound

Chinese pronunciation: Fufang Danshen Pian

[Ingredients] Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,Radix Notoginseng,Borneolum



[Description] It is film coated tablets with brown to brownish inside, it smells

aroma ,tastes slightly bitter.

[Main actions] Promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, regulating

qi and relieving pain. Used for thoracic obstruction resulted from obstruction of qi

and blood stasis, such symptoms as chest distress, pricking pain in precordial etc,

and coronary artery disease, angina pectoris seen above symptoms.

[Specification] 0.26 gram per piece

[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 3 times a day and 3 pieces each time.

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] Pregnant women should be used with caution.

[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers

[ Packing] Medicine PET plastic bottle ,0.26 gram ×60 pieces/ bottle

[Period of Validity]

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ12882006

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20063947


[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


Xiao’er Zhike Syrup

Do please read the instruction carefully and use it according to the direction or

buy and use it by chemist’s suggestion.

[Medicine name]

Proprietary name:Xiao’er Zhike Syrup

Chinese pronunciation:Xiao'er Zhike Tangjiang

[Ingredients] Extractum Glycyrrhizae Liquidum , Extractum Platycodonis

Liquidum, Oleum Citri Sinensis ,NH



[Description] Translucence brown-red viscous and dense liquid, it smells

fragrant and tastes sweet.

[Main actions] Eliminating phlegm, relieving cough. Used for children’s

coughs from cold.

[Specification] 100 ml each bottle


[Usage and Dosage] Orally, 5 ml each time for 2~5 year-old children,

extenuation for children aged under 2, 5~10 ml every time for children aged above

5 years old, 3~4 times a day

[Adverse Reactions] Not known

[Contraindications] The patients who hepatic insufficiency, renal inadequacy

or drepanocytic anaemia are forbidden


1. Piquancy, crude, cold foods are forbidden.

2. High blood pressure, cardiopathy, nephropathy, edema and other chronic

patient should used with cautious.

3. If the symptoms haven’t been catabatic after used this medicine for 3 days,

should go to see a doctor.

4. This medicine is not suitable for long-term use.

5. It should not be used in a patient who has anaphylatoid reaction with this

medicine, and irritability corporeity should be used with caution.

6. Children should be administered under the supervision of adult.


7. It should be kept out of reach of children.

8 If in process of using other medicine, please consult physician or chemist

before use this medicine.

[Medicine reaction] If used other medicines at the same time, the medicine

reaction may occur, please consult physician or chemist the correlative detail.

[Storage] Avoid sun’s rays, preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a

cool place

[Packing]Medicine PP plastic bottle,100 ml / bottle

[Period of Validity]

[Administer standard] National medicine standard YBZ03582006

[Approval number] State medical permitment number. Z20063226

[Manufactured] By Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical co ., Ltd.


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