



Map Initialization 地图初始化

Destructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad Dies 可破坏物体被摧毁

Destructible Doodad - Within Region Dies 在区域中被摧毁

Dialog - Dialog Button Click 按下对话按钮

Game - Time Of Day 游戏中时间

Game - Value Of Real Variable 实数变量Real数值

Game - Load 读取

Game - Save 保存

Game - Hero Abilities Button Clicked 按下英雄升级技能按钮

Game - Build Structure Button Clicked 按下建造按钮

Player - Chat Message 聊天信息

Player - Cinematic Skipped 跳过电影

Player - Selection Event 选择事件

Player - Keyboard Event 键盘事件

Player - Properties 资源

Player - Alliance Change(Any) 同盟改变 (任何)

Player - Alliance Change(Specific) 同盟改变 (指定)

Player - Victory 胜利

Player - Defeat 失败

Time - Time Elapsed 时间经过

Time - Periodic Event 周期性事件

Time - Timer Expires 计时器过期

Unit - Specific Unit Event 特定单位事件

Unit - Player-Owned Unit Event 拥有单位事件

Unit - Generic Unit Event 一般单位事件

本文标签: 事件按钮摧毁