


Test 1


A. furniture B. place C. rainbow D. beaches E. falls down

The sky is grey. Smoke comes out from factories and cars. We cannot see the clouds,

the___1____and the stars. What’s wrong?

A tree____2______, then the second. People chop them to make ____3____and paper. We cannot

hear birds’ sweet songs. What’s wrong?

Rivers are smelly. Fish die. There were warnings on ___4____. We can only swim in swimming

pools. What’s wrong?

Can we do something? Can we change the world to be a better place?

Dear students,

There will be a fire drill(演习)at two o’clock in the afternoon. When you hear the5, please

leave your classrooms and go to the playground. Your class teachers will 6the number of students

there. You must not play or run on the 7. Line up in the playground when you reach there.

Remember, the fire drill is important because you will do the 8if a fire happens.


One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years.

Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means Grandpa has been…er…A really long time!”

His parents said, “Yes. That’s why we are going to have a surprise party for him.”

Jack loved his Grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the

business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no

longer have the position on that card, so he decided to get a new one for his grandpa.

When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others.

He carried it around with him the whole evening.

When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and

gave him the gift.

His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?”

“Sure! “Jack said excitedly.

As Grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eye. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had

ever got! They were business cards with his new position:” FULL-TIME GRANDPA”! Jack said,

“Now our full-time job is my grandpa!”

“Well, how much do I get paid?” His grandpa asked, smiling.

A. same B. alarm B. play games D. count E. stairs

“As many hugs as you want!” With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug.

“Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa.

1. Jack’a grandpa was going to ___________________.

A. work as a businessman B. retire after working for a long time

C. work for a long time D. stay at home only

2. Jack remembered _____________ his grandpa had given him two years before.

A. the birthday card B. the toy

B. the business card D. the hug

3. Jack’s parents wanted to _________________for his grandpa.

A. buy a gift B. find a full-time job

C. cook some delicious food D. hold a surprise party

4. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa _________________.

A. as soon as the party began B. together with other people

C. when all the other people left D. before the party began

5. _______________ moved Grandpa to tears.

A. The lost position B. The surprise

C. Jack’s gift D. So much pay

6. Grandpa guessed he was the richest man in the world as _______________.

A. he could get much money B. he could work again in the office

C. he could remember his business card D. he could get love from his grandson.

C. 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文

What do you, the trees and a hamster(仓鼠)have in common? Don’t know the answer? You

all 1 water. All living things must have water, whether they get it from a river, a rain cloud

or a little bottle on one side of a hamster cage.

Without water, your body would stop ____2____. A person can’t live without water for

more than a few days. Why? Your body has lots of jobs and it needs water to do many of

them.____3_____, your blood needs a lot of water to carry oxygen to every part of your body.

Water also helps to protect your body from illness, to digest(消化)your food and to

____4____waste. So, everyone needs to drink water.

____5____water is so important, you might want to know whether you’re drinking enough.

Of course, you should drink when you are thirsty. But when it’s hot, you’ll need more. Be sure to

drink some extra water when you’re out in____6____, especially while doing sports or exercising.

If you can help your body by drinking when you’re thirsty and when it’s hot, your body will be

able to do all of its wonderful jobs and you’ll feel great!

1. A. have B. drink C. need D. get

2. A. living B. working C. growing D. thinking

3. A. In addition B. For example C. By the way D. In other words

4. A. keep off B. throw away C. get rid of D. run out of

5. A. If B. While C. Although D. Since

6. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

D. 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给。

Christopher and Jeff had known each other since childhood. One day, Jeff told his friend that

he’d fallen in love and planned to get married the n___1___ month. He asked Christopher to lend

him $1,000 for the wedding party, and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his

new job. Christopher knew that Jeff was not very good with money, but he s___2____ agreed. As

they were old friends, they didn’t put anything in writing.

A month later, Christopher hadn’t heard from Jeff or received any money, s_____3___he

phoned him. Jeff was very apologetic and said he would surely pay him back within a month. Six

weeks later, Christopher tried to phone Jeff and f____4____he had moved and left no link

address.B___5____this time, he was angry.

Then one month later, to his surprise, Christopher received a cheque for $100 from Jeff and a

letter giving his new address. He explained that he’d been having money p___6____, and

wouldn’t be able to pay back the remaining $900 for some time. Christopher wrote back telling

Jeff forget the r___7____ of the money and never to reach him again by message or telephone.

E. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题

There was a poor student. He lived in a small room near a restaurant. His room was at the

back of the kitchen. The restaurant owner was a very selfish(自私的) man. But he was a good

cook and the food in his restaurant was delicious, so many people came to his restaurant to eat and


One day when the owner was in his kitchen, he heard the poor student talking with his friend.

“You aren’t very happy, are you?” asked his friend. “Oh, no, I am very happy.” said the

student, “I am interested in my room.”

“But you have no money to buy nice food to eat.”

“Yes, it’s true. I eat only rice. But the smells from the kitchen make the rice nice indeed,”

said the student.

The restaurant owner was angry. The student was stealing the smells from his kitchen! He

decided to take him to court(法庭).

Everybody laughed when the selfish man finished his story. But the judge said seriously,

“The student was wrong.” The restaurant owner was happy and the poor student was afraid very

much. What could he do? He had only a few coins.

The judge asked the student if he had money. The student took out four coins and gave them

to the judge.

“Let the coins fall into your left hand,” said the judge. The court was very quiet and everyone

heard the sound of the coins as they were falling into the student’s left hand.

“Well,” said the judge to the restaurant owner, “you’ve heard his money. You’ve been paid

for your smells.”

1. Where did the student live?


2. How was the food in the restaurant?


3. When did the restaurant owner take the student to court?


4. Why did the student feel afraid?


5. How did the judge solve the student’s problem?


6. What do you think of the judge?






D. 1 next 2 still 3. so 4. found 5. By 6 problem(s) 7 rest

E. 1. In a small room near a restaurant

2. The food was delicious.

3. After he heard the student’s talk with his friend

4. Because the judge said he was wrong./ Because he had only a few coins.

5. By making the restaurant owner hear the sound of the falling coins.

6. He was clever/wise…

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