






want some is reading a book.


eg. Birds fly. He works in the factory.


谓语,必须和作表语的词语连用,构成谓语。如:be , look, become


eg. They are became very interested in science.


一)根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类: 1 deep

finger fly paperspass refuse size spoon delicious 10 thick 11 town

1map 1myself 1and 1on 1sheep

1ship 1mine 1important 0 an 1 catch first laugh

thirdleavehereflyhome round0 sing1 blindbut



1. scientist. singer. conversation. beautiful. loudly

7. government. dangerous. instruction

13. national 14. traditional. famous 12. safeties 10. careful 11.

lively 15. illnesses 16. wonderful 17. competitions

23. really

18. information 19. successful0. natural1. illnesses2. lovely4.

friendly 5. usually6. yearly7. advertisement




cinemaTuesdaycheap advice twotheyableforsay0 quickly1 if



10. You can‘t agree with


一)根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类: 1. deep

深的,形容词. finger 手指,名词

3. fly 飞,动词. papers 报纸,名词

pass 通过,动词 refuse 拒绝,动词

size 尺寸,名词 spoon 汤匙,名词


10 thick厚的,形容词 11 town 城市,名词

1map 地图,名词 1myself我自己,反身代词

1and 和,并列连词 1on 在……上,介词

1sheep 绵羊,名词 1ship 轮船,名词

1mine 我的,名词性物主代词 1important重要的,形容词

20 an 一个,冠词1 catch赶上,动词

2first 第一,序数词laugh 笑,动词

2third 第三,序数词leave 离开,动词

2here 这儿,副词fly 飞,动词

2home 家,名词round 圆形的,形容词

30 sing 唱,动词1 blind 瞎的,形容词

3but 但是,转折连词eighth 第八,序数词

3about关于……,介词bad 坏的,形容词

3yours 你的,形容词性物主代词child 小孩子,名词 3against反

对……,介词ah 啊哈感叹词

40 with 和……,介词1 cinema 电影院,名词

4Tuesday 星期二,名词43. cheap 便宜的,形容词 4advice 建

议,名词two 二,基数词

4they 他们,代词able有能力的,形容词

4for 为……。介词say 说,动词

50 quickly快地,立刻地,马上地,副词1 if 如果,



1 scientist科学家,名词singer 歌手,名词conversation谈话,

名词 beautiful 漂亮的,形容词loudly 大声的,副词 famous著名的,

形容词 government 政府,名词 dangerous 危险的,形容词

instruction 说明,名词 10 careful 小心的,形容词 11 lively 活泼的,

有生气的,形容词 1safety 安全,名词 1national 国家的,人民的,

形容词 1traditional传统的,形容词 1illness 不健康,不可数名词


1information 信息,名词1successful成功的,形容词0 natural自

然的,形容词21 illnesses某一种疾病,可数名词lovely 可爱的,形

容词really 真地,副词friendly友好的,形容词2usually 通常地,频

度副词yearly 每年的,形容词 advertisement广告,名词


1. Mary dances well.副词,玛利的舞跳的很好。

2. His father is reading.代词,他的爸爸正在读书。

3. Tom is looking for his watch.名词,汤姆正在找他的表。

4. He often plays violin after school.介词,他


5. Mr. Green works in a university.动词,格林先生在一所大学工


6. The teacher taught us an English song.名词,老师教给我们


7. I have bought this pen for two years.数词,我已经买这只钢


8. Nothing can live without water.介词,没有水,万物都不能生


9. You may keep this dictionary for two weeks.情态动词,你


10. You can’t agree with me .代词,你不能同意我。


姓名___________ 分数____________

1. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are _______

new words in it.

A. a little

B. little

C. a few

D. few

2. ---Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? ---______

is OK.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Both

D. None

3. ---Is ______ here? ---No. Li Lei and Han Mei

have asked for leave.

A. somebody

B. everybody

C. anybody

D. nobody

4. If you want to book a round-trip ticket, you’ll have to pay

______ ﹩30.

A. others

B. other

C. another

D. the other

5. We decides to go for a field trip with some friends of


A. us

B. our

C. ours

D. ourselves

6. Mrs. Bond is one old friend of ________.

A. Jack mother

B. Jack mother’s

C. Jack’s mother

D. Jack’s mother’s

7. -- Are there any _____ on the farm? --- Yes, there are some.

A. horse

B. sheep

C. duck

D. chicken

8. These ________ hav e saved many children’s lives.

A. women doctors

B. woman doctors

C. women doctor

D. woman doctor

9. Max prefer ____ English to ______ Physics. At the same time,

he likes play ____ piano.

A. an; a; the

B. a; a; the

C. /; /;the

D. the; the; /

10. The sign reads “in case of _____ fire, break the glass and

push _____ red button.”

A. /;a

B. /; the

C. the; the

D. a;a

11. I know ______ John Lennon, but not ______ famous one.

A. /; a

B. a; the

C. /; the

D. the; a

12. _______ of the land in the city is covered with trees and


A. Two fifths

B. Two fifth

C. Two five

D. Second fifths

13. Which number is wrong? ___________.

A. Ninety

B. Ninteen

C. Ninth

D. Nineteenth

14. Our school is not very big. There are only ________


A. nine hundreds of

B. nine hundreds

C. nine hundred

D. nine hundred of

15. Which room do you live in? ________.

A. The01 Room

B. Room01

C. Room01st

D. The01’s Room

16. ______ the help of the teacher, Tom has made rapid

progress _____ his studies.

A. For; at

B. By; on

C. With; for

D. With; in

17. Is there sny differences _______ these two sentences?

A. for

B. in

C. between

D. among

18. A woman fell ______ the boat _____ the water.

A. off; into

B. at; below

C. down; under

D. away; in

19. Wood can be made ______ paper.

A. by

B. into

C. from

D. of

20. Japan lies ______ the east of China. And the United States

is ____ the south of Canada.

A. on; to

B. to; on

C. in; to

D. with; on

21. There are some birds singing _____ the trees.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. from

22. Tom and his sister sit _______ the waiting room. They

didn’t leave the station ______ their parents arrived.

A. in front of; by

B. in the front of; after

C. in front of; at

D. in the front of; until

23. Children get up very early _____ the morning of Christmas


A. in

B. at

C. on

D. for

24. He often goes _____ school _____ six thirty

____ the morning.

A. for; to; in

B. to; at; in

C. to; for; at

D. for; at; to

25. He put up a map ____ the back wall because there is a

hole ____ it.

A. on; in

B. on; on

C. at; in

D. on; at

26. There is a _________ table in the room.

A. big new black round

B. new black round big

C. big round black new

D. black new round big

27. There is __________ with the recorder.

A. something wrong

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