





Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named

Snow White. She was the fairest of them all, with skin as white as

snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. Everyone

in the kingdom adored her, except for the evil queen who was

jealous of her beauty.

One day, the queen gave Snow White a poisoned apple,

causing her to fall into a deep sleep. The king was desperate to

save his beloved daughter and called for the kingdom's best

doctor to come and help.

The doctor arrived at the castle, carrying his medical bag

filled with all sorts of potions and medicines. He examined Snow

White carefully and realized that she had been poisoned by the

apple. He knew that time was running out and he had to act fast

to save her.

The doctor worked tirelessly, mixing different medicines and

trying various treatments to wake Snow White from her deep

slumber. He was determined to save her and refused to give up


Finally, after many hours of hard work, the doctor found the

right combination of medicine that could cure Snow White. He

gave her the potion and waited anxiously for her to wake up.

Suddenly, Snow White opened her eyes and smiled weakly

at the doctor. The whole kingdom cheered as the princess was

saved from the evil queen's curse.

From that day on, Snow White and the doctor became good

friends, and the king rewarded him with a big bag of gold coins

as a token of gratitude.

And they all lived happily ever after. The end.


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named

Snow White. She lived in a big castle with her stepmother, the

Queen. The Queen was very jealous of Snow White's beauty and

ordered a huntsman to take Snow White deep into the forest and

kill her.

But when the huntsman saw how kind and gentle Snow

White was, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he told

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