


Unit8 单元测试卷


小明的生活很规律,清晨他和爸爸一起(1) __________ (跑步),迎着朝阳心

情好。校园生活丰富多彩,女生(2) __________ (跳绳),男生(3) __________ (踢

足球)。 小明最爱玩(4) __________ (篮球),体育课上他经常和同学们(5)

__________ (打篮球),课间他还经常给同学们(6) __________ (唱歌)。每逢周末

小明一家去(7) __________ (游泳),坚持锻炼身体好。


( ) 1. A. draw

( ) 2. A. after

( ) 3. A. go

( ) 4. A. Sunday

( ) 5. A. sing


( ) 1. I like ________ rope.

A. jump to B. to jump C. jump

B. ball C. rope D. picture

D. on

D. basketball

D. Friday

D. Art

B. song C. in

B. come C. sing

B. Monday C. Science

B. game C. class

( ) 2. The boy ________ every morning.

A. runs B. run C. is run

( ) 3. —________ your sister like to dance

—Yes, she ________.

A. Do; do B. Does; do C. Does; does

( ) 4. Let’s ________ pictures.

A. draw B. to draw C. drawing

( ) 5. I want ________ up late on Sunday.

A. get B. getting C. to get


(1) What do you like to do

(2) Does he like to swim

(3) Do you like to dance

(4) Let’s play together.

A. OK.

B. They like to dance.

C. I like to play basketball.

D. Yes, he does.

(5) What do they like to do


E. No, I don’t.

( ) 1. 小明想和刘华一起打篮球,他应该说:

A. OK. B. I like to play basketball.

C. Let’s play basketball together.

( ) 2. 妈妈在早晨九点叫玲玲起床,她应该说:

A. It’s nine. Go home, Lingling. B. It’s nine. Get up, Lingling.

C. Let’s play together.

( ) 3. 爸爸妈妈要去看电影,莉莉想让爸爸妈妈等一等她,她应该说:

A. Wait for me, Dad and Mum. B. Great!

C. What do you like to do

( ) 4. 孙莉不喜欢在晚上看电视,她应该这样告诉别人:

A.I like to swim. B. I don’t like to watch TV in the evening.

C.I like to watch TV in the morning.

( ) 5. 你想知道对方喜欢做什么,你可以问:

A. What do you like to do

C. What do they like to do

B. What does he like to do


Hi! I’m Jim. I like to sing songs. I have some friends. They are Lily, Lucy, Frank

and Peter. Lily likes to dance. Lucy likes to draw pictures. Frank likes to swim. Peter

likes to run in the morning.

(1) Jim likes to sing songs.

(2) Lily likes to sing songs.

(3) Lucy likes to dance.

(4) Frank likes to swim.

(5) Peter likes to run in the afternoon.


要求:1. 语法正确,条理清晰。

2. 不少于30个单词。

我:游泳 爸爸:打篮球 妈妈:唱歌;跳舞



(1) run (2) jump rope (3) play football (4) ball (5) play basketball (6) sing songs (7)







(1)-(5) CDEAB




(1)-(5) √××√×


Hi, I’m a student. I like to swim. I swim every day. My father likes to play

basketball. He plays basketball on Sunday. My mother likes to sing songs and dance.

She sings songs and dances on Saturday.



( ) 1. A. bike

( ) 2. A. bag

B. time

B. name

B. fish

B. ice

B. pig

C. milk

C. cat

C. sit

C. life

C. lift

D. smile

D. cap

D. time

D. ride

D. like

( ) 3. A. kick

( ) 4. A. picture

( ) 5. A. city


Tom是个好学生,每天六点就 (起床) (1) _________。(按时) (2) __________

校不 (迟到) (3) __________ 放学之后 (做作业) (4) __________ 九点之前 (上床

睡觉) (5) __________,早睡早起身体好。


1. Do you __________ __________ (看电视) every evening

2. I read a book at __________ __________ (2点20分) in the afternoon.

3. What time do you __________ (跑步)

4. Look at the __________ (时钟). It’s __________ (八点整).

5. What time does your father __________ __________ __________ (去上班).


( ) 1. ________ I come in

A. May B. may C. Am

( ) 2. —________ is it

—It’s ten fifteen.

A. What B. What’s C. What time

( ) 3. ________ you do exercise in the morning

A. Does B. Do C. Are

( ) 4. What time ________ your grandpa go to bed

A. do B. does C. is

( ) 5. I run ________ four o’clock.

A. at B. on C. in

( ) 6. Don’t play ________ computer games.

A. many too B. too much C. too many

( ) 7. Look at the clock ________ the wall.

A. on B. in C. /

( ) 8. You ________ late again.

A are B. do C. be

( ) 9. —Do you often play football here


A. Yes, I don’t. B. No, I don’t. C. No, you don’t.

本文标签: 应该短文打篮球校园生活唱歌