


Lesson 3



I hate ______ the dishes, but I like to ______ my bed.

A. making; make B. to do; making C. doing; make


David doesnˈt like rice noodles; his son doesnˈt, .

A. also

A. two more

A. No, you canˈt

C. Sure, go ahead

A. write down it

C. write down them


Would you like to go a walk?

A. for

A. in front of

C. better than

B. with C. to

B. in the front of

D. fall behind

D. of


If you want to be ahead of your classmates, you have to study much harder than before.

B. too

B. more two

C. either

C. two another

B. Iˈve no idea

D. Not at all

B. write it down

D. write them down

D. not

D. other two


They missed the train, so they had to wait for hours.


—May I use your iPad today, Paul? — . I will not use it.

D. do; make


This is my telephone number. Please .


Have you finished your homework yet? —No, Iˈll finish it in fifteen minutes.

A. another

A. write

B. other

B. writes

C. more

C. Writing

D. some

D. wrote


I hate in such a noisy room.


—How terrible the weather is! I hate rainy days.

I it, too. Because I canˈt go to play soccer.

A. dislike


Our English teacher was like a friend to us, and we all liked her. One day she came into the classroom

and shouted, “Who did this?” She held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who (11) the

window?” She seldom became angry, but this time she was.

I broke the I had done that (12) throwing a baseball. I didn't want to admit (



it (13) I didn't have enough money to pay for a big window (14) that .“My father will

be angry,” I thought. At first I didnˈt put up my hand, but later something strong in my heart suddenly

B. disliked C. liked D. like

made me (15) up. “I did it,” I said. How difficult it was for me to say that!

My teacher (16) a book from one of our book shelves and then began walking towards my

desk. I was afraid that she was going to punish(


) me.

“I know you like collecting (17) very much,” she said, looking down at my nervous face.

“Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for. Now, the book is yours and I shall

not punish you. Remember, itˈs because you (18) the truth.”

I couldnˈt believe it! My teacher wasnˈt punishing me. I didnˈt (19) to pay for the broken

And I got my favourite book!

(20) time goes, the book is gone, so is my wonderful teacher. But I will never forget the

lesson the teacher gave me that day.


A. cleaned


A. by


A. because


A. like


A. to stand


A. read


A. books


A. talked


A. like


A. To



John is a student in Sunshine Middle School. He loves playing sports. His classmate Tim tells him

that there will be a sports meeting in a few days. John wants to join in the soccer game. So he goes to

learn about more information.


Dear students,

Our school will have a sports meeting at 8: next Friday (Sep. 27th). We will have volleyball

and basketball games in the school gym


and other sports in the playground


. It will

lastthree days. If you like running, football, basketball, the high jump, the , you are


welcome to join in the sports meeting. Every student can only join in at most three games.

September 18, 2020


Tim is a _____.

B. climbed

B. in

B. if

B. on

B. stand

B. wrote

B. desks

B. spoke

B. want

B. As

C. broke

C. on

C. when

C. to

C. standing

C. took

C. stamps

C. said

C. use

C. When

D. mended

D. to

D. though

D. of

D. stood

D. bought

D. windows

D. told

D. need

D. While

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