




in a difficult situation:处于困境中


in a few weeks’ time:几周后 in a flash:一刹

in a low voice:低声

in a minute:一会儿,立刻 in a short while:不一

in a way / in many ways:在一/很多方面 once in a while偶尔

in a word:总而言

in all总共,总之


in addition to: 除...之外 in addition:并且

in advance=ahead of time:提前


in agreement with: 符合... in anger=angrily生

in a hurry 匆忙,很快地 in all 总而言之;总计 (total) in a word 简言之,总之

in battle:战斗中 in bed:在睡觉 in case of:万一

in Chinese/English in charge of:主管/负责 in conclusion 最后,总之

have sth. in common 与...有共同点


in connection with:与…联系 in danger:处

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in debt: 负债 in detail: 详细地 in the direction of…:朝…

in the eyes of:方向 in doubt=doubtfully怀疑地


in exchange for:交换/流

in 面临


in fact 事实上,实际上 in favor of: 赞同, 支

in front of 在……前面 in the 在...前部 in future:以后

in general = generally speaking总的说来 in good / poor health:健康状况好/差 in

in honor of:为向…表示敬意/

in memory of:为纪念

great numbers:在批量地 in harmony with:与…协调

纪念 in the hope of:怀着…的希望 in a hurry =hurriedly

in need of 需要,缺少

in no time:立刻,马上


in no way / in no account 绝不 in

in pairs:成对地 in place of: 代替

in order 按顺序

in possession of:拥有/占有

in order that 为了 in the possession of:由某人拥有

in order to 为了 in other words 换句话说 in peace 安静,宁静

in place:在适当的位置

in preparation for:为…准备 in public=publicly

in surprise 吃惊,惊讶 in the end 最后,当众/公开地 in public 当众;公开

终于 be in the way /get in one’s way :挡路;妨 . in need/want of:需要 in

one’s opinion:在某人看来

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in one’s search for..:寻找/求 in order:整齐/有条理 in order to do:为

in 了 in particular=particularly 尤其 in praise of: 赞扬

reality/fact:事实上 in/with regard to:关于

in 回报..

in relation to: 关于

in ruins:成为废墟 in secret=secretly :秘密地 in search of:为寻找

in short:简而言之 in silence=silently沉默地 in space:在太空

in spite of=despite:尽管 in a strange /proper /honest way(或manner)= strangely

/properly /honestly in surprise=surprisedly惊奇地

in terms of: 就…而言 in that case:那样的话

in the form of: 以…的形式

in store:贮藏着/准确性备着

in the charge of:由…负责

in the first place:首先/第一


in the future:未来 in the middle/center

in the open air:露天


in the past:过去 in the name of:在…

in the wild:在野外 in this way:这样,有这种方法 in time for:及时赶上

in time:及时,终究/早晚 in turn:依次/轮流;反过来

in trouble/difficulty:处于困境/麻烦中 in use:在使用中 in vain:徒劳/白辛苦


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believe in信任 break in插话(不及物) bring in引进;挣得(钱);

compete in:参加…(竞争)


burst in 闯入;打断(不及物) call in召集/请来,

cut in 插嘴, 插入超车 check in 登记, 报到 draw in:收网

drop in顺便走访(drop in on sb / at sp) :以…告终

fail in在…失败;

fill in:填写

get in 进入;收获/收割;

give in屈服/让步(give in to

join in:参加 sb/sth) hand in 上交


lie in在于

send in呈报,递送

let in 让…进入;

share in:分担

pull in 车子进站=pull over

participate in:参加

result in 造成/引起


succeed in(doing) sth在…成功 take in接受/吸纳;领会;

take part in参加 turn in交还/上交;向内拐 wait in line排队等候


be absorbed/buried/lost in 全神贯注于/专心于 be active in在…方面活跃/ 积极参加

be /get caught in the rain/snow/storm遭遇...

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be dressed in 穿

be engaged in 从事于,忙于 be experienced at/in:在…有经验

be high/low in含…高/低

be/grow/become interested in:对…感/产生兴趣

be lacking in 缺乏 be 在某处制造

be/get married to 与某人结婚

be/get stuck /trapped in 被困于

be weak in 差/不擅长于

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be rich in富含/盛产

be successful in:在…成功

本文标签: 活跃参加超车