





Explorers Camp

•Full day camp for kids aged 5—


•Monday-Friday, July 8

—26, 9 a


4 pm.

Week 1 | July 8—


Week 2 | July 15—


Week 3 | July 22—


•Register for a single week or multiple weeks.

•Fees: $365 per week.

•The last day to cancel registration and receive a full refund(退款) is June 15.

Camp Structure

The day is divided into two thematic sessions per age group. Campers have a three-hour

morning class engaging with a morning theme (9 am to 12 noon) and a one-hour lunch break,

followed by another three-hour class engaging with an afternoon theme(1 pm to 4 pm). Snack

periods are held throughout the day. All campers should bring their own bagged lunch and


Camp Content

Explorers Camp organizes engaging arts, history, and science-related activities in every class

and focuses on a range of topics that emphasize active learning, exploration and, most of all,

fun! All camp sessions are created with age-appropriate activities that are tailored to the

multiple ways that kids learn.

Camp Staff

Campers enjoy a staff-to-child ratio ranging from 1:4 to 1:7 depending on the age group.

Instructors are passionate educators who are experts in their fields and have undergone

training and a background check.

1、On which of the following dates can you cancel your registration with a full refund?

A. June 22. B. June 12. C. July 19. D. July 26.

2、How are campers divided into different groups?

A. By gender. B. By nationality. C. By interest. D. By age.

3、How many hours of class will you have altogether if you register for a single week?

A. 30. B. 21. C. 15. D. 42.

Somewhere in the warm, clear waters off the coast of Australia, a mature bottlenose

dolphin is swimming with her daughter. It's dinnertime. But, instead of chasing down a fish in

open waters like she usually does, mom swims over to a basket sponge(海绵) growing on the

ocean floor. In a quick move, she breaks off a piece of the sponge, then fits it closely over her

mouth. It's hard not to wonder what that watchful youngster might be thinking about all this.

Are you going to eat that sponge? Are we playing?

With the sponge secured on her beak, the older dolphin starts sweeping her head back and

forth across the ocean floor. She ' s looking for fish like the sand perch(沙鲈), which hide

themselves on the floor of the sea under the sand. As for the sponge stuck onto her mouth, it

allows her to clear away the sand without injuring herself on broken pieces of coral, or maybe

even suffering the sting(刺痛) of the scorpion fish. The extra work it takes to catch a fish like

the sand perch is worth it because they tend to be fattier. And for a dolphin, fattier means

more nutritious.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, a sand perch comes out. The fish dashes off for a few

yards and then hesitates, waiting for a moment before burying itself in the sand again. In that

brief pause, the elder dolphin shakes off the sponge, surfaces fora breath, and then comes

down and catches the sand perch before it can rebury itself. She then passes it to her daughter.

And with that, the younger dolphin hasn’t just gotten a good meal; more importantly, she's

learned a powerful hunting technique—one that years from now, she'll pass along to her own


4、Which word best describes the young dolphin's feeling in the first paragraph?

s. B. Curious. C. Scared. D. Relaxed

5、Why does the mother dolphin need a piece of sponge?

A. To chase down fattier fish.

C. To protect herself from being hurt.

B. To play with her children.

D. To hide herself under the sand.

6、How does the older dolphin catch the sand perch?

A. She waits for the right time.

C. She sets a trap for it.

7、What is the text mainly about?

A. Guidance of an experienced elder.

B. The process of catching fat fish.

C. The powerful hunting technique.

D. Reliance of a young dolphin on her mom.

B. She hides under the sand.

D. She makes use of space.

I’m fond of EHS because English is my favorite subject. Though that sounds like the

beginning paragraph of a suck-up(奉承者), it’s true. I love reading and writing, and while I

may not be the best at it, certainly try my hardest. I intend to run for EHS Vice President,

along with Jordan Pincus, because I feel that’s the best position for me in this Honor Society.

I want to be able to share my own ideas on how to better improve EHS without being the

absolute top, and what better position for that than Vice President.

I feel I’m qualified for this position because I’m full of great ideas and love English. I

actually get English, and get along very well with others, which is very important for a board

member. As a team, Jordan and I work very well together. Despite some disagreeing from

time to time, the two of us actually end up getting more done at a faster pace, and because we

spend most of our time together, communication issues are not a problem. Nothing is better

for Vice Presidents to have than two people who are always together. On top of that, we are

both devoted to anything we start, so EHS will never be ignored by either of us.

I will contribute all I can to EHS, whether in making sure meetings run smoothly or

finding new projects/events for the club to do as a whole. I personally believe that I am fit for

the job and will be able to perform tasks above the highest exceptions placed on me, which

may sound a little prejudiced but I really think I'm fit for this! Thank you for reading this and

taking me into consideration.

8、Why does the author want to be EHS Vice President?

is very good at English.

is very willing to help others.

has a talent for leadership.

thinks he is fit for the position.

9、What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?

author and Jordan can cooperate well.

author and Jordan are good friends.

often quarrels with the author.

ication is very important for friends.


What does “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

EHS Vice President.

icating with each other.


What can we know about EHS?

is short for “Honor Society”.

can improve the students’ results.

is a club related to English.

often organizes some activities.

always together.

good ideas.

A team of Chinese researchers have recently developed a new type of self-powered flexible

and transparent(透明的) electronic skin to monitor human activities, shedding light on the

future of wearable electronics. This new e-skin integrates a flexible transparent

supercapacitor(超级电容器) as an energy storage device with a stretchable transparent strain

sensor(应变传感器). Thanks to its mechanical softness, the integrated e-skin can be directly

attached to various parts on the body.

As the largest organ of human body, skin is responsible for multiple major functions such

as protection, perspiration(出汗), regulation of body temperature, and sensory stimulation(感

觉刺激). It forms the basis of people’s physical interactions with the outside world.

The ideal e-skin should be highly sensitive, self-powered, and suitable for the human skin.

“Inspired by sensory functions and performance of real human skin, we have made the new e-

skin both flexible and transparent to serve multiple functions. After charging, it is capable of

monitoring of people’s subtle physical signals and multi-scaled activities in real-time. It can

measure a person’s pulse, tell when they are swallowing, and detect other body movements,”

said Lan Wei, a professor at the School of Physical Science and Technology of Lanzhou

University and the leader of the research team.

E-skin is the core of future wearable electronic devices. The new invention can be applied

in smart health care, human-machine interaction, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. For

example, it could help surgeons control surgical robots more precisely(精确地), enable

people to “touch” over long distances, and create more immersive(沉浸式的) gaming


Going ahead, the research team will focus on strengthening the sensory capacity and power

supply of the e-skin, making it even more like human skin, which will in turn make it more

adaptive to various future applications.

12、What is the purpose of the new wearable e-skin?

A. To monitor human activities.

B. To regulate body temperature.

C. To slow down the aging of human skin.

D. To improve the flexibility of human skin.

13、What is special about the new e-skin according to Lan Wei?

A. It has large battery storage.

B. It can be attached to human skin directly.

C. It can meet diverse functional requirements.

D. It is highly sensitive to environmental change.

14、What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about the new e-skin?

A. Its target users.

C. Its working theory.

B. Its medical value.

D. Its application potential.

15、Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A. Electronic Skin: A New Breakthrough

B. Electronic Skin: A Technology Reform

C. Electronic Skin: The Welfare to Human Health

D. Electronic Skin: The Model of Wearable Devices


16、 Thomas Derksen was born in Germany in 1988 and married a Chinese girl, Zhu

Liping, in 2014. After that, they chose to live in Shanghai. One weekend he went to the

Snake Artificial Island in Shanghai to fish with his Chinese father-in-law. ①_____.

On the journey to the island, Derksen's father-in-law, "old Zhu", called five of his friends

one by one promising to give them each two fish. However, it proved difficult to catch more

than the two fish which Derksen hooked. ②_____.

In the end, to honor the promises, they went to a nearby market to buy a dozen fish.

Derksen describes this funny thing in his German book about his trying to win over his

wife's tough Chinese father. The book published in April has sold more than 20,000 copies in

Germany. ③_____. The book has been so far translated into Chinese, titled Meet the Tiger

Father-in-Law. The first run of 5,100 copies has sold out.

What caused Derksen to write this book? In fact, he had been thinking of how to let

German people learn more about China. ④_____. So, he wrote down all the funny things that

he had experienced in China to help German readers better know about Chinese culture.

⑤_____. Despite the convenience of the Internet and social media, it is common for

people to harbor cultural stereotypes(刻板印象) of other countries. Derksen said, "To change

people's stereotypical view of another country, one of the best ways is to visit the country in

person, to take a look and to experience the local customs and traditions. People often

communicate with each other better when that is the case."

A. His friend suggested that he write a book

B. There are many challenges in a mixed marriage

C. They are very enthusiastic about the Chinese history

D. He thought it was a good opportunity to improve their relationship

E. It's popular for its vivid and amusing details about Chinese people and culture

F. The unhappy father-in-law and the nervous son-in-law barely exchanged a word

G. Understanding is key to the communication between people from different cultures


When you say that someone has a good memory, what exactly do you mean? Are you

saying that the person has fast recall or that he or she 1 information quickly? Or maybe

you just mean that the person remembers a lot about her or his childhood. The truth is that it

is 2 to say exactly what memory is. Even scientists who have been studying memory for

decades say they are still trying to 3 exactly what it is. We do know that a particular

memory is not just one thing stored somewhere in the brain. 4 , a memory is made up of

bits and pieces of information stored all over the brain. Perhaps the best way to 5 memory

is to say that it is a process—a process of recording, storing, and getting back information.

Practice and repetition can help to 6 the pieces that make up our memory of that


Memory can be 7 affected by several things. 8 nutrition can affect a person's ability

to store information. Excessive alcohol use can also weaken memory and cause permanent

9 to the brain over the long term. A vision or hearing problem may affect a person's ability

to notice certain things, thus making it 10 to record information in the brain.

When people talk about memory, they often 11 short-term memory and long-term

memory. If you want to call a store or an office that you don't call often, you look in the

telephone book for the number. You dial the number, and then you forget it! You use your

short-term memory to remember the number. Your short-term memory lasts about 30seconds,

or half a minute.

12 , you don't need to look in the telephone book for your best friend's number, because

you already know it. This number is in your long - term memory, which 13 information

about things you have learned and experienced through the years.

Why do you forget things sometimes? The major reason for forgetting something is that

you did not learn it well enough 14 . For example, if you meet some new people and right

away forget their names, it is because you did not 15 the names at the first few seconds

when you heard them.

17、A. collects

18、A. necessary

19、A. figure out

B. processes

B. important

B. take out

C. published

C. difficult

C. put out

D. absorbs

D. convenient

D. give out

20、 all

21、A. recall

22、A. lose

B. Instead

B. refresh

B. organize

C. By contrast

C. describe

C. identify

C. actively

C. Special

C. effect

D. Besides

D. decrease

D. strengthen

D. directly

D. Various

D. damage

D. more convenient

D. break down

D. Otherwise

D. stores

C. in the beginning D.

23、A. positively B. negatively

24、A. Poor

25、A. benefit

26、A. easier

27、A. refer to

B. Adequate

B. offence

B. more impressive C. harder

B. apply for C. come across

C. Consequently

C. checks

B. at the end

28、A. Furthermore B. However

29、A. leaks B. transmits

30、A. in the middle

ahead of time

31、A. restore B. record C. replace D. respond


32、 As Shanxi Province suffered a record-breaking rainfall and floods, thousands of

ancient buildings were also ①_____ great risk.

②_____(fortunate), thanks to accurate weather forecasts and a timely response, most of

the province's ancient buildings were protected in advance ③_____(prevent) flooding and

did not suffer too much damage. However, as a province with the ④_____(large) number of

ancient architectural sites in the country Shanxi ⑤_____(know) as the "treasure house of

ancient Chinese architecture", but during the recent floods and landslides ⑥_____(cause) by

days of heavy rainfall, there are still many ancient buildings in danger.

According to Shanxi Evening News, at least 16 ancient buildings registered partial

collapses, cracks, or serious leaking during the rare continuous rainfall, ⑦_____ also affected

the safety of the surrounding houses. In Taiyuan, capital city of Shanxi, multiple major

historical and cultural sites protected at the ⑧_____(nation) level were damaged to various

extent, including the Jin Temple, and the Tianlongshan Grottoes notable for the Buddhist

temples located inside. In some temples, roofs leaked after days of rainstorm and the

retaining walls collapsed ⑨_____cracked. Roads to scenic ⑩_____(spot) were also damaged

by landslides because of the saturated soil.










Good morning, everyone!






Thank you for your listening.




“This year is going to be different,” Mark told himself every year. He always said that he

would start exercising more and eating less. Every year he made the same resolution(决定),

but every year he failed to keep it. However, this year Mark knew it was going to be different

because he decided to make changes to his resolution. He learned that it should be more

specific for his goal. Only in this way could he be more focused and know exactly where to


Losing weight by taking exercise is very common. Without guidance, Mark was less likely

to reach his goal. This year he decided to run at least one mile everyday, which was easy for

him. He also said that he tried to eat at least five fruits a week. It could be realized since Mark

used to eat two fruits per week at most. As weeks went on, Mark found it easier to keep his

resolution because he knew what he had to do. In the past, he would exercise once in a while

and eat a diet only sometimes. He did not have a plan on what he was going to do at that time.

Now he did so well that he reached his goal. He felt great about the changes he was

making; he felt happier and healthier gradually. He also thought about other things he could

do to improve his health. This resolution encouraged him to sleep earlier and drink more

water. In the past, he usually watched TV programs for a longtime at night. He knew some

TV series were boring, but he just couldn't get up from the sofa because it felt so good. After

that he played some video games before going to sleep. Sometimes he forgot about time and

went to bed very late. No wonder he felt tired the next morning.


Mark thought a lot about his habits.




What about other changes?




本文标签: 感恩开头续写中学