



1. The manager asked his secretary if it was possible for her to ______ the investment plan within five days.

A) work out

C) take out

2. She called me up______ she received my letter.

A) promptly

C) quickly

B) immediately

D) properly

B) make out

D) set out

3. Leaning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, or a question of ______ new knowledge.

A) obtaining

C) achieving

B) gaining

D) acquiring

4. Scientists have found new uses for some ______ such as mercury and lead.

A) stuff

C) substances

B) matters

D) materials

5. This book is ______ as it is the only one ever signed by the author.

A) special

C) rare

B) unique

D) unusual

6. Ann’s boss is always finding ______with her the way she does things.

A) error

C) fault

B) mistake

D) flaw

7. Mozart began to ______ poems and taught literature at the age of 20.

A) compose

C) write

B) make

D) create

8. The young doctor treated his ______ with great patience

A) clients

C) consumers

B) clerks

D) customers

9. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of ______.

A) discouragement

C) encouragement

B) persuasion

D) confirmation

10. His superior is often caught ______ by his smart questions dealing with transactions

A) up

C) on

B) out

D) up with

11. The accused man was found not guilty and was ______.

A) excluded

C) driven

B) discharged

D) dismissed

12. The lawyer really didn’t know how to ______ the problem.

A) tackle

C) deal

B) cope

D) dispose

13. A witness in a murder trial is ______ to know the facts in the case.

A) assumed

C) consumed

B) resumed

D) assured

14. Gettysburge was the ______ of the most important battle in the American civil war.


A) view

C) sight

B) scene

D) landscape

15. She claimed she was ______ to a social position high above those of the commons due to her noble birth.

A) entitled

C) granted

B) given

D) assumed

16. It was ______ for Mary to wear a T shirt at the press conference.

A) out of question

C) out of order

B) out of place

D) out of practice 51

17. At the end of her trial, she was ______ to three years’ imprisonment.

A) found

C) sentenced

B) convinced

D) condemned

18. If you have a ______ to make about the quality, we are willing to help you.

A) dislike

C) discontent

B) discomfort

D) complaint

19. Although I had told them not to keep me waiting, they made no ______ to speed up the deliveries.

A) trial

C) action

B) attempt

D) progress

20. John’s black eye gave ______to rumours that he had been in a fight.

A) rise

C) suspicion

B) reason

D) impulse

21. It seemed as if all of a ______ the animal had smelt danger in the air.

A) sudden

C) minute

B) moment

D) once

22. The patient’s condition is now ______; if he can’t get proper treatment, he will die.

A) vital

C) emergent

B) urgent

D) critical

23. When the maid was questioned about the missing nacklace, she firmly ______ having seen it before.

A) rejected

C) denied

B) refused

D) ignored

24. The two countries have always been on good ______ with each other.

A) friendship

C) connection

B) relations

D) terms

25. Mr. Wang wants to get his decayed tooth ______ this afternoon.

A) repaired

C) filled

B) mended

D) cured

26. The engineer ______ a rare disease when he was working in Africa.

A) took

C) caught

B) suffered

D) infected

27. After the music had ______ there was a moment of absolute silence.

A) died out

C) died away

B) died off

D) died down

28. Fred’s good nature makes him the most ______ boy in the school.


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