



故事是儿童的第一大需要 。各个年龄段(尤其是低年级)的孩子都喜欢听故事。因为故





Near the castle of this King was a large and gloomy forest. Just a short walk

into the trees was a small clearing. At the far side stood an old lime tree, and

beneath its branches splashed a fountain in the middle of a dark, deep pool.

Whenever it was very hot, the King's youngest daughter would run of into this

wood and sit by the pool, throwing her golden ball into the air. This was her

favourite pastime.

One afternoon when the Princess threw the ball high up in the air, she didn't

catch it! It slipped through her fingers onto the grass. Then it rolled past her into

the pool and disappeared beneath the water.

The Princess peered into the pool, but her precious ball was gone. Quickly, she

plunged her arms into the pool as far as she could reach, but she could feel nothing

except weeds and water lilies. Some people said the pool was so deep, it had no

bottom. So when the Princess realised her golden ball was gone forever, she began

to cry. "Come back to me this minute, golden ball," sobbed the Princess, staring

into the water.

Now as a rule, Princesses are used to getting their own way. So after her golden

ball didn't magically pop up out of the water, she started to howl even louder. Dear,

oh dear! First she stamped her feet and then she threw herself down on the grass

in temper.

The Princess was making so much noise that she didn't notice a big green frog

stick his head out of the water and jump onto the grass beside her. "Don't cry,

beautiful Princess," croaked the frog. " I saw your golden ball fall into the water,

and it will be my pleasure to dive down and get it for you, if you will give me

something in return.

At this, the Princess cheered up. " I will gladly give you my jewels and pearls,

even my golden crown, if you will bring back my golden ball." It is true to say that

promises should never be made in a hurry, even by Princesses, because a promise

is a thing that must be kept, especially to frogs!"

The frog hopped nearer to the Princess. "Pearls and jewels and golden crowns

are no use to me," he went on, "but if you'll love me and be my friend, if you'll let

me eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup, and sleep on your

golden bed, I will dive down and fetch your ball."

So eager was the Princess to see her golden ball once more, that she didn't

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