


A guide to

Creating an Apple ID

Using the internet on an iPad

We need to be on the internet in order to create an Apple ID. To use internet on

the to browse the web, create an Apple ID, download apps or use apps

that need internet, please follow these steps first:

1. From the Home screen, tap on the Safari app

2. Try to load a by typing the website URL in the address bar and

tap the return button on the keyboard.

3. This following Smoothwall webpage should be displayed for you to enter your school

username and password.

4. Once you have logged in you can use the internet. If you want to browse the web, keep this

page open and tap the



5. For security reasons, your internet access will timeout after 30 minutes. If you still need to

use the internet after 30 minutes, you need to log in again by opening the Safari app and

repeating steps 2 and 3.

Moray Digital Learning Team

V2 – 11/01/19


A guide to

Creating an Apple ID

Your Apple ID is the account you use to access Apple services like the

App Store, iTunes Store and Book Store. To comply with Apple’s Terms

and Conditions, you must create an Apple ID per iPad.

Creating an Apple ID

1. Log in via Smoothwall (steps on page 1)

2. From your iPad, tap Settings

3. Tap Sign in to your iPad at top left hand side

4. Tap Don’t have an Apple ID or forgot it then Create Apple ID.

5. Follow the onscreen instructions to create the Apple ID. Info required is:

a. Date of birth

b. First name – for example “Cabrach”

c. Last name –for example “Primary School”

d. Email Address – each Apple ID must have its own email address. It is not good

practice to use a teacher’s email address as they may leave. Tap Get a free iCloud

email address.

i. Enter what you would like the email address to be and tap Continue. These

accounts could be **********************, **********************

and so on.

e. Password – the password for the Apple ID which will be required when downloading


f. Phone number – this is used to verify your identity. You can enter a mobile or

landline number here. You may want to use the school phone number. Enter

number and tap Next.

6. Enter the verification code on the iPad which you will receive to the specified number by the

method you selected.

7. Read the Terms and Conditions and if you are satisfied tap Agree.

8. After a short while, you are asked to enter the iPad passcode (2580 by default unless


9. After a short while you should be signed in to the iPad with the Apple ID. The name will

appear at the top left hand side where previously it said “Sign in to your iPad”.

Please see next page to complete your Apple ID so that you are ready to download apps.


A guide to

Creating an Apple ID

Complete your Apple ID

You are almost ready to download apps!

1. Go to the App Store.

2. Find any free app and tap Get.

3. If asked, tap Use Existing Apple ID.

4. Enter your Apple ID email and password and tap OK.

5. You will see a message that says “This Apple ID has not yet been used in the iTunes Store.”.

Tap Review.

6. Read Terms and Conditions and if you are satisfied tap Agree then tap Next.

7. Complete Payment Method information. You will be asked about your Payment Method

even if you have selected a free app. This is so that you can complete your Apple ID for

future use.

You can leave payment Info at “None” if you will not be purchasing apps, or you can select

another if have a school credit card.

8. Complete the Billing Address details under the payment method, tap Next and tap Continue.

Even if you don’t enter payment details you must still complete the Billing Address

information underneath.

9. Now find an app you want to download and tap Get.

10. Tap Install and enter your Apple ID password. Once downloaded, tap your home button and

find it on the home screen of your iPad.

11. After a short while you may see a message asking if you require a password for additional

app downloads on this device. “Always Require” is the most secure option. You can change

this in Settings at any time.

Purchasing Apps – important information

 If you already have an Apple ID(s) that you have made purchases on then you can

continue to use these but as per Apple Terms and Conditions, you must not share the

same Apple ID on multiple iPads in school.

 Apps must be purchased for each iPad they are installed on. You cannot pay for an app

once and use it on more than one iPad.

 Purchased apps may be lost in the future if we move to a more managed approach in



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