



how to apply for an e-mail address(怎样申请电子信箱)


t: first, open your internet explorer. you should click your

mouse on the left twice. next, input the web address: http:. and

you'll see a piece of beautiful page. but there are two ads. here,

so you should close it first. after this you'll see a “free postbox”

button. click you mouse on the left one. now you can see another

page. find “mail for free” button. again click it. then click this

button. “login e-mail for free”.(出现页面后) this is a login

page. you can input your user id here. before you input. look at

here: 注意事项(中文解释).

let's go on. for example, my user id is “qyzx1024” then i'll

input my name and birthday. now this page is over, click the

button “submit”.

ok, after this you'll see another login page. you'll see your

name here, please input your password, remember, don't forget

your password, or you can't enter your e-mail postbox. then

confirm it. but sometimes you'll forget your password. at this

time, the secret question and secret answer are very useful

because they can help you to get your password back. for

example, my secret question is “what's my name? my secret

answer is “my name is mike.” then what language do you use?

choose “chinese simplified”. are you a boy or a girl? i choose

boy. then your birthday, your id card number. but you are so

young and you don't have it. so you can input any numbers. then

choose your country. your province and which city you live in.

your degree: you are middle school students. of course, you

haven't get married. what's your job? a student. your occupation:

choose “other”. how much money can you get a month?

maybe less than 500. if you have a computer at home, how do

you connect with the internet? we can choose pstiv. how long do

you spend on the internet? how much do you spend? and last

one, choose your interest, then click the “submit” button.

now i've applied for an e-mail postbox. and my e-mail

address is “”.

ⅳ.students try to apply for an e-mail postbox themselves

now you try to apply for an e-mail postbox yourselves. if you

have any questions, please put up your hands.

t: ask some students to tell the e-mail address to the class.

ⅴ. students exchange their e-mail addresses.

t: now each of you has an e-mail address, that is to say, you

can send e-mail to you friends, relatives or classmates, now i want

to know e-mail address. (call a student's name)

a: what's your e-mail address?

b: my e-mail address is ……(t: do you want to know my e-mail


ss: yes.

t: so you can say what's your e-mail address?

a: my e-mail address is……

would you like to send me an e-mail?

b: yes, i'd like to.

t: now please do pair work.

exchange your e-mail addresses with your deskmates.

students do pair work and exchange their e-mail addresses.

ask two or three pairs to demonstrate their dialogue.

t: now you can send your e-mails. but wait, i have a question,

that is “how to send an e-mail?” let me tell you. we should log

in the e-mail postbox. then we’ll see the page of your e-mail

postbox. if you want to send an e-mail.

click the button of send e-mail .then another page appears.

you can input the e-mail address in the receiver bar. attention,

the e-mail address you input must be your friend's e-mail address.

then you can input topic of the e-mail. such as “i miss you very

much.” now you can type your letter. for example. “i haven't

seen you for a long time. i miss you very much.” friday, you

should click the button of “send right now”.

t: now the e-mail has been sent as you wish. you can close

the window now.

t: ok. now you try to send an e-mail to your deskmate. and

also if you have any questions. you can raise your hands.

t: today we have learned how to apply for and e-mail postbox,

and you have sent an e-mail to your deskmates. this is a very

useful skill, it will help you a lot in your future life.

t: class is over.

本文标签: 申请作文电子信箱页面解释