






1. Golestan Palace (古列斯坦皇宫) Located in the heart of Tehran,

Golestan Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that reflects Iran's

opulent Qajar era architecture. It comprises several grand buildings,

ornate halls, and lush gardens adorned with intricate tile work, mirror

mosaics, and elegant frescoes.

2. National Jewelry Museum (伊朗珍宝博物馆) Situated in central

Tehran, the National Jewelry Museum houses an impressive collection

of jewels, including the famous Peacock Throne and the Globe of

Jewels. The exhibits showcase the country's rich history and

craftsmanship, with pieces that date back centuries.

3. Persepolis (波斯波利斯遗址) Persepolis, an ancient city near Shiraz,

was once the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. Now a

ruined complex, it remains one of the world's most significant

archaeological sites, featuring monumental stairways, towering

columns, and bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the empire's vast


4. Nasir al-Mulk Mosque (粉红清真寺) Although not in Iran but rather in

Malaysia, Masjid Putra, often referred to as the Pink Mosque due to its

pink façade, is mistakenly listed among Iranian attractions. However,

for a real "Pink Mosque" experience in Iran, visit Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

in Shiraz, known for its colorful stained glass windows that bathe the

interior in a rosy glow during sunrise.

5. Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Isfahan (伊斯法罕伊玛目广场) Known as

Imam Square or Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan, this vast plaza is

surrounded by magnificent structures such as the Imam Mosque,

Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Ali Qapu Palace, and traditional bazaars. It is

recognized as one of the largest city squares in the world and a

UNESCO World Heritage Site.

6. Shah Cheragh Shrine, Shiraz (设拉子沙赫·查拉格圣祠) This stunning

mosque and funerary monument in Shiraz is revered for its elaborate

mirror work and glittering interiors. It serves as an important pilgrimage

site and tourist attraction.

7. Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex (大不里士历史市场综合体) Another

UNESCO-listed site, Tabriz Bazaar is one of the oldest and largest

covered bazaars in the Middle East, offering a labyrinthine network of

alleys filled with shops selling carpets, spices, textiles, and more.

8. Yazd Old City (亚兹德老城) Yazd, a desert city in central Iran, boasts a

well-preserved historical center that showcases Persian vernacular

architecture with windcatchers, narrow alleys, and mud-brick buildings.

It is also home to Zoroastrian sites like the Towers of Silence and the

Fire Temple.

9. Takht-e Soleyman (索勒曼王座) A remote archaeological site in

northwest Iran, Takht-e Soleyman is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

containing the ruins of a Sassanian-era fire temple, a Zoroastrian

sanctuary, and later Islamic fortifications.

10. Kashan (卡尚) Kashan, a historic oasis city along the Silk Road, offers

a glimpse into traditional Persian urban life through its beautiful

gardens, like Fin Garden, and exquisite merchant houses, such as the

Borujerdi House and the Abbasi House.

Iran's diverse cultural and natural heritage ensures there are numerous other

fascinating destinations waiting to be explored by international visitors.

本文标签: 伊朗历史吸引伊斯兰景点