





1. 最近发现什么好的安卓软件了吗?

Find any good android apps lately?

2. 马格瑞特和安卓要结婚了!

Margaret and andrew are getting married!

3. 亲爱的安卓,真是盛大豪华的舞会!

Dear andre, what a splendid party!

4. 就在他父亲家里……在老安卓尼克斯那里。

And appoint the meeting even at his father' the old andronicus.

5. 全新安卓平板电脑--专为教育开发

A new android tablet aimed at education

6. 5个最受欢迎的安卓应用程序

Five most popular android apps of all-time

7. 微软公司反对安卓的专利策略

Microsoft's patent strategy against android

8. 安卓正在面临超过40项的诉讼。

Android is facing more than forty lawsuits.

9. 《华尔街日报》没有安卓手机的应用程式。

The journal doesn't have an android phone app.

10. 安卓版应用计划本季度推出。

An android version is planned for sometime this quarter.

11. 近日我决定再尝试一下安卓。

Earlier this week I decided to give android another try.

12. 安卓手机还会继续引领市场吗?

Will the market share mix continue with android leading the pack?

13. 安卓最终还是对苹果的airplay做出了回应。

Android finally has an answer to apple's airplay.

14. 安卓和ios系统已经深入民心。

Android and ios are well entrenched.

15. 安卓应用程序将主要在亚马逊发布

Amazon will take over android app distribution

本文标签: 超过做出手机继续引领