



I listened to XXX's song relatively late. I started listening to it at the beginning of this

year. The first song I listened to was Jocelyn Flores, which caused "depression". At that

time, I probably didn't resonate. I just thought that the melody of this song was easy to

cycle. Later, I heard this song when I was in a bad mood. I was really attracted by this sad

atmosphere. Later, I listened to the album? And 17, I can't stop. I always think that x is a

sincere artist. You can know his temperament and feel his mood when you listen to his

songs. You can see his appearance from his eyes, and it's easy to resonate. Most of his

songs are short and concise. It's because they are short and tasty that you can't get tired

of listening to them repeatedly.

Later, I began to understand him. He started from the manic look at me! And then

sad! Seeing his transformation, he was a problem teenager since childhood. He often

went to prison for injuring people with lethal weapons. This kind of uninhibited

experience has led to a sharp rise in the number of his fans. However, he seemed to have

predicted the shooting in the previous live broadcast. But he also knew that he would

be involved in a rap dispute. In the final live broadcast, he said that if one day he died

unfortunately, He hopes that his life experience can make 5million children happy. It is a

great honor that I am one of those 5million children. He also said that don't let others

control your soul and thoughts. He integrated his own soul and thoughts into the song,

which made me feel a real biggest regret is that I haven't seen the scene of X.

his scene is only $5. It's also to take care of the black people in the slums. His scene is

the most cracked scene I've ever seen. I will always remember a singer who has never

stepped down to join the fans, a sincere artist and a real person.

本文标签: 歌手作文