


Grant and Lee

1、They were two strong men, these oddly different generals, and they

represent the strengths of two conflicting currents that, through them, had come

into final





2、He was one of a body of men who owned reverence and obeisance to no

one, who were self-reliant to a fault, who cared hardly anything for the past but

who had a sharp eye for the future.



3、Back of them, in the great surge that had taken people over the Alleghenies

and into the opening Western country, there was a deep, implicit dissatisfaction

with a past that had settled into grooves.



4、He had, in other words, an acute dollars-and-cents stake in the continued

growth and development of his country.

同义:His financial success was closely related to the development of his



5、No part of either man’s life became him more than the part he played in

their brief meeting in the McLean house at Appomatox.

同义:They were born for the role they played in the historic meeting in the

McLean house at Appomatox.



Going for broke

1、A large part of those gambling losses, estimated to 30% to 40% , outflows

from the pockets and purses of these frequent losers, who became addicted to the

sudden, changeable rush of risking their money and fascinated by the fast as well

as heated change of the gambling world.

同义:A substantial share of those gambling losses—an estimated 30% to 40%

pours from the pockets and purses of chronic losers hooked on the adrenaline

rush of risking their money, intoxicated by the fast action of gambling’s

incandescent world.



2、Exasperated spouses play the sleuth, combing through pockets, wallets,

purses, searching the car.

同义:The infuriated spouses play the role of a detective, searching carefully

through pocket, wallets, purses, and cars.

3、With drug or alcohol abusers, there is the hope of sobering up, an

accomplishment in itself, no matter what problems may have accompanied their


同义:There is hope for the drug or alcohol abusers to sober up, no matter

what problems may have accompanied their addiction. Besides, to be

sober-minded itself is an accomplishment.

The scientist

1、The award was a miracle.

It wasn’t just that

Mr. Nash, one of the

mathematical geniuses of the postwar era, was finally getting the recognition he


Nor that

he was being honored for a


27-page Ph.D. thesis

written almost half a century ago at the tender age of 21.





No sooner



magazine singled him out in July 1958 as

America’s brilliant young star of the “new mathematics”


the disease had

devastated Mr. Nash’s personal and professional life.

同义:As soon as


magazine chose him as America’s brilliant young

star of the “new mathematics”, Mr. Nash’s personal and professional life was

destroyed by the disease.



3、There he became the Phantom of Fine hall, a mute figure who scribbled

strange equations on blackboards in the mathematics building and searched for

anxiously for secret messages in numbers.

4、“The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays



and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature

with it” (Francis Bacon).


来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质” (富兰西斯·培根)。


On / at one level (on / at another level

)” is used when speaking about

two opposite ways of thinking about something.

Eg:On one level I quite like the attention but on another level, I suppose I find

it a bit disturbing.


Nothing was more important to

the senior Nashes


supervising their

children’s education, recalls the sister, Martha Nash Legg. John Jr. was a prodigy

but not a



同义:It is most important for the senior Nashes to guide their children’s


“straight-A” means” Excellent”.

7、Briefly, von Neumann only had a good theory for pure rivalries in which one

side’s gain was the other’s loss. Mr. Nash focused on rivalries in which mutual

gain was also possible.



8、The story of his prize is itself testament not only to his survival but to the

fierce loyalty and admiration he inspired in others.

同义:It serves as the evidence both of his strong vitality and of respect and

faithfulness from others.

Falsity and failure

1、The general


of the thoughtful, worried essays was that the reported

instances of deliberate mistruth on the part of scientists

seem to be

on the

increase, and the self-monitoring system, traditionally relied upon to spot and

immediately expose all cases of faked data,

appears to be


同义:The word “drift” refers to “the general idea”.

The phrases “seem to be” and “appear to be” indicate uncertainty. The

author uses these two phrases in order to show that the phenomenon may not

necessarily happen in any scientific paper.



2、It says, simply, that people are not inclined to try cheating in a game where

cheating leads almost inevitably to losing.


3、The genetic composition of human mitochondria has been


, and

these structures, long believed to be the descendants of bacteria living as

permanent lodgers inside all nucleated cells, are turning out to have an

arrangement of their genes like nothing else on earth:




的细菌衍生物的结构, 原来具有一种不同于世间其他事物的基因排列:……


testify in defense of 为……作证

outright fraud and plagiarism . 彻头彻尾的欺诈、剽窃行为

on the increase 有上升趋势

within the walls of 在……内

flat out 直言不讳地

come to light 被揭露

in the lay press 在普通报刊中

within the scientific community 在科学界内部

pride oneself on 一向为……而自豪

lump in with 与……联系在一起

a constantly spreading blot 仍在继续扩散的污点

get away with it 不被追究

conform in every fine detail 完全吻合

a guessed-at truth about nature 推测的自然法则

for a certainty 肯定 be off and running in a new direction 起步奔向一个


lead almost inevitably to losing 不可避免地会导致失败

catch a sense of 意识到

cause even more of a stir 带来更大的震动

new bursts of research 新一轮的研究

in some respects 在某些方面

be moved on to a new ground 进入一个新天地


1、 Those two are the unendurable infirmities of a crippling old age and the

final devastations of terminal disease.


2、Is theirs not the “rational suicide” so strongly defended in journals of

ethics and the op-ed pages of our daily newspapers?


3、With proper medication and therapy, most of them would be relieved of the

cloud of oppressive despair that colors all reason gray, would then realize that the

edifice topples not quite so much as thought, and that hope of relief is less

hopeless than it seemed


When the patients are treated with correct medicine and methods, most

of them will recover and become hopeful again.


(比喻) is used in the sentence where the mood of unbearable

despair is compared to the cloud that darkens the sky (笼罩在身上的抑郁绝望的阴


4、All of this is not to say that there are no situations in which Seneca’s words

deserve heeding.

同义:All of this does illustrate that there are situations in which people should

pay attention to the words of Seneca.

5、Against such a standard, the suicide of Percy Bridgman was close to being


同义:We can hardly criticize the practice of Percy Bridgman’s suicide if we

judge it according to such a standard.

6、“It is not decent for Society to make a man do this to himself. Probably, this

is the last day I will be able to do it myself.”



7、The guild of Hippocrates should not develop a new specialty of accoucheurs

to the grave so that conscience-stricken oncologists, surgeons, and other

physicians may refer to others those who wish to exit the planet.

同义:When oncologists, surgeons and other physicians are reluctant to help

patients to die, they may ask these patients to see those “accoucheurs” for




8、But things are different today; we have a new wrinkle on suicide, aided and

perhaps encouraged by self-styled consultants on the limits of human suffering.


9、Hippocrates winced, and his living heirs wept in spirit.


10、The fact that the self-appointed deliverer had never seen his victim before

did not deter him from not only carrying out but actually publishing the details of

his misconceived mission of mercy, saturated with the implicit fulsome certainty of

his wisdom.



11、These words are so eminently sensible that few would disagree that suicide

would appear to be among the options that the frail elderly should consider the

days grow more difficult, at least those among them who are not barred from

doing so by their personal convictions.



12、cry out for急需

Eg:The garden is crying out for rain. (花园急需雨水。)

give thought to 考虑,思考


It’s high time that Millie gave serious thought to whether she was going

to get married or not.

tie up 阻挡、受阻

eg:The traffic was tied up by the accident.交通因意外事故而受阻。

give consideration to 考虑

eg: He said careful consideration would be given to the future role of the



muster up 召集,振作

eg:With all the courage I could muster up, I told him to get out.


bring out into the open大白于天下

stand a chance of 有……的希望

本文标签: 考虑事物行为