


For job seekers, the news that the unemployment rate has risen to 10.2 percent is dispiriting,

and may even tip a few into the “discouraged” category. Some of the unemployed feel so hopeless

1 they stop looking and are no longer included in that statistic.

2 , the calender is now 3 job hunter’s side, as companies hire for the holidays. A holiday job

won’t be 4 , and it may not be the work of your dreams, but it can put food on the table, 5

structure to your day and possibly open the door to future work.

Holiday hiring is more 6 this year than it was in 2008, 7 not as strong as in 2007, said John

nger, chief executive of Challenger Gray&Christmas, the outplacement firm.

So 8 with local stores, restaurants and caterers to see 9 they need holiday help or not.

Seasonal jobs are also 10 in areas like e-commerce, packaging, shipping, customer service and

accounts payable and receivable, 11 in credit departments, Mr. Challenger said. If you are 12

to a store, make sure to give your application in 13 to a manager, he added.

14 the job may be, you are likely to 15 some new skills. Your 16 to work could shed a

favorable 17 on your work ethic and 18 to a higher-level job at the same company later.

And one 19 thing: you may be able to 20 an employee discount.

1. A)and B) that C) thus D)therefore

2. A) Particularly B)Unexpectedly C)Fortunately D)Essentially

3. A) on B) in C) for D) at

4. A)permissible B) perceptible C)permanent D)perseverant

5. A)maintain B) conduct C)shrink D)provide

6. A)powerful B)robust C)vigorous D)energetic

7. A)since B)despite C)though D)because

8. A)examine B)inspect C)test D)check

9. A)if B)which C)what D)whether

10. A)useful B)usable C)available D)unavailable

11. A)as well B)as well as C)such as D)the same as

12. A)objecting B)utilizing C)employing D)applying

13. A)person B)place C)practice D)conclusion

14. A)what B)whatever C)which D)whichever

15. A)obtain B)acquire C)receive D)gain

16. A)eagerness B)willingness C)zeal D)preparation

17. A)light B)impression C)evaluation D)opinion

18. A)bring B)spark C)result D)lead

19. A)more B)another C) better D)best

20. A)make use of B)take advantage of C)get rid of D)get away with

People can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even

television. Peolple who have such an addiction are compulsive, ie. they have a very powerful

psychological need that they feel they must 1 . According to psychologists, many people are

compulsive spenders. They feel that they must spend money on something. This compulsion, like

most others, is irrational---impossible to explain 2 . For compulsive spenders, they feel excited

when they buy on credit and charge accounts. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with

credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending 3 amounts is actually greater than the

pleasure that they get from the thing they buy.

There is even a(n) 4 psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most

people look for sales, low prices, and 5 . Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy

things that they don’t need just because they are 6 . They want to believe that they are helping

their 7 and save their money. When they can buy something for 8 than other people, they

feel that they are winning.

It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending 9 , but also

business people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use the psychology to 10 business. When

creating their advertising and sales methods, they consider people’s needs for love, power, and


A. special J. increase

B. especial K. habits

C. enormous L. funds

D. less M. budgets

E. little N. discounts

F. cheap O. reduction

G. reasonably

H. satisfy

I. content

1._______________________________ (我突然想起来)that I still owed 200 dollars to my

friend Tom.

2. __________________________________ (除非采取强有力的措施), the destiny of the

country is hard to predict.

3. Frankly speaking, I would rather ______________________________________ (你不卷入这


4. No soon had the airport been built ___________________________________________ (居民


5. Currently, these two countries __________________________________ (已经建立稳固的关

系) despite different political systems.

本文标签: 阅读深度采取抱怨措施