





a bit(of) 有一点

a bottle / glass / cup of 一瓶/玻璃杯/茶杯

a few 一些

a kind of 一种:一类

a little 一点;少量

a piece of 一块(张,片,根)

a lot of = lots of 许多

a moment later 片刻之后

a number of 若干的;许多的

above all 首先

according to 按照

add to…增加

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人去做某事

after all 毕竟

after class 下课后

after school 放学后

again and again 再三地

agree with 同意

along with 和…一道

all over 到处;结束

all over the world 全世界

allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事

all the best 一切顺利,万事如意

all day(long) 整天;一天到晚

all the year round 全年

all the same 仍然

all the time ①一直;始终②老是(美国英语)

answer for 对…负责

apart from 除了

argue with 与…吵架

arrive at/in 到达某地

arrive in a place (加大地方)

arrive at a place (加小地方)


as…as one can(=as…as possible) 尽量

as a matter of fact = in fact 其实

as a result (作为)结果

as if 仿佛…

as long as 只要

as far as 就…来说

as well 同样

as though 好像

as usual 和往常一样

ask for 请求得到

ask ons about sth.(问某人关于某事的问题)

ask sb. for…问…索要……

ask(sb)to do 要求…去做

ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人做某事(叫某人不要去做某事)as

soon as 一……就……

at a time 每次

at breakfast 早餐时

at first 起先;开始的时候

at home 在家

at last 最后;终于

at night 在夜里

at noon 在正午

本文标签: 搭配小学茶杯地方