


火炬之光2秘籍修改(Torch light 2 Cheats modification)

Torchlight 2

First, open my computer, user name, my document, My

Gamestorchlight 2save, a string of digital

Save OK from 0 to 1 after CONSOLE: 0 and DEBUGMENUS: 0.. After

entering the game, press "ins" to call out console

Here is the console command:

HELP displays all the cheats list

CLS empty console history

Room goes back to the beginning of the character's layer

FPS display frame rate and so on

God God mode, invincible

Speed role walking, running speed up

Godspeed invincible + speed boost

Damage shapes displays damage types

Aifreeze closes / opens monster AI

Playernotarget monsters won't attack you

Disablepet cancel pet

Levelup upgrade, increase the experience value to the next


Reload reload model

Pathing shows the path of characters

Combatlog combat log

Sounddebug sound test mode

Killall blame the dead

The next floor of ascend

One layer on the descend

Clearhistory empties the history

Missiletrails displays long-range attack trajectory

Alwayscrit all right, you always hit

Debuglogic logic test

Noxp, you don't go up for experience

Money count (count), give you the money

本文标签: 秘籍火炬修改