



概述 General Introduction

1. Introduction(简介)

1)Official Name (官方国名)

The United States of America (美利坚合众国)

The United States of America is also called the States, the US or Uncle Sam.

2)American National Flag (美国国旗)

American national flag was originally set on July 14th, 1777. It consisted of 13

stripes, which represented the original 13 states. Now there are 50 stars on the flag

representing America’s 50 states. In addition, there are three colors: white, red and


3)Location (地理位置)

The United States is a country in the Western Hemisphere. It consists of 48

contiguous states on the North American continent, Alaska, and Hawaii. The

continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north,

Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its south, the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the

Pacific Ocean to its west. The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated

from the continental United States: Alaska borders on northwestern Canada, and

Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.(美国位于西半球,北美洲中部,由50个州组成, 领土还



4)Population (人口)

America is the third most populous country in the world after China and India.

The population of the United States is a bit more than 272 million, about 13% of

which are Black, 12% are Hispanic (拉裔美国人), 4% are Asian and the rest are

White Americans. (美国人口排名世界第三,仅次于中国和印度。)

2. Geographical Regions (地理区域)

1)New England States

Much of the land is mountainous. New England is called the birthplace of

America. It was the chief center of the American War of Independence.

It is also well known for its position in education, with many universities

located there such as Yale, Harvard, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

New Englanders were originally known as Yankees (美国佬). (新英格兰是美国的发源


2)Middle Atlantic Coast States

本文标签: 美国太平洋北美洲世界西临