



1. repair factory BUG: sometimes pull a tank to the garage, some

tanks after repair plant will occur when the explosion is like,

or to fix a car, another car to enter when such phenomenon will


2. engineers and the Kirov BUG: a dog on the bridge seemed to

bite engineers, similarly, in the bridge above the Kirov, air

defense vehicle also can not play him.

The 3. main bases: BUG base number, then the vendor base at the

same time, according to the number of the selected main base,

then the mouse to click the left mouse button to open up the

main base as the base car, sometimes it will make the main base

disappear, but the system still consider that the main base is

still, so you never lose.

4. soldiers of the BUG radiation: radiation forces on the bridge

when the bridge is sometimes interrupted by radiation,

radiation, soldiers fall into the water but can never die, but

the radiation to mowgli.

5. aircraft BUG aircraft 1: under normal circumstances, only

one bullet, but sometimes bursts of two bombs, this is the plane


6. aircraft BUG 2: in addition to aircraft can be parked in the

air, can be stopped at any building, but not the blood and

texturing, and can also be put into the aircraft maintenance

factory in repair.

7. dogs BUG: sometimes let their dog bite each other's dog, bite,

and found that not only the other side of the dog gone, and his

dog is gone.

BUG: sometimes when 8. mines laid down in the mines made the

car out of place if there are other things through, will find

the light out of mine, not mine.

9. since the theft of BUG: the construction of their own

injuries, only send an engineer and a spy into the wounded

buildings, such as: heavy industry, only when there are spies

into other people heavy industry the same effect.

10. Kirov BUG: Kirov was built in a moment a heavy if the super

space transfer to other places, this will not be able to control

and Kirov was attacked.

11., sometimes the dog finds the enemy's biological arm on the

bridge to attack, but when it fails, it is easy to get stuck

on the bridge and can not move.

12. sometimes the two dogs bite at each other, and they

disappear at the same time.

13. sometimes in unknown circumstances, not making things, such

as not heavy tanks, cannot whistle Rong etc..

Bug (trump general)

The ship - made aircraft carrier wasp = create such as aircraft.

Is the aircraft carrier aircraft in achq.

When the soldiers run away -- time = = this air force bug, can

not move, can not be attacked (only with weapons of mass

destruction can be killed if the soldiers) point of time and

space walk, it is running on the spot, very interesting!!

Engineer - shipyard but does not seem to count and = =. A spy

can go in, but a ship can not lift.

---1) octopus bug. Many people think the Allied octopus is

useless. In fact, the main use of octopus is pathfinder. One

more thing I'd like to say is to cooperate with the attack. A

boat for red blood. Once, it's very serious

---2) Soviet tanks, bug. The Soviet tanks were not only heavily

armoured, but also had a range advantage!! The rhino and the

Apocalypse are 5.75 units of range! The Allied Grizzlies are

0.75 more So the Grizzlies must not chase rhinos! He was

beaten because he couldn't catch it. The speed slows down.

So your tanks will soon be over! The Soviet tanks were shot with

a dead cross!! It is in the four directions (four compartments)

at the top, bottom, left and right, outside the fort's range!

(everyone can go and have a try, my original picture.

Unfortunately, the computer is broken and can't be shown here.)

---3) V3 missile bomb. Evans can be installed on the missile

bomb! Thus, the power of the missile is much stronger!! You try,

even behind V3. Had better have an engineer. When Ann arrives

at the V3, he can pull it down. (as with the above reasons, so

there is no picture)

---4) bridge soldier. Soldiers have appeared before, under the

bridge. In fact, it doesn't do any harm. But carriers on the

stone bridge was destroyed in the soldiers kept under the bridge.

(not the land below the bridge.)

---5) helicopter flying low. The helicopter will hit the ground

when it is about to stop, so it will do. Can only be used to

fight anti-aircraft guns and the like

---6) an attack by sea troops on the sea. On land, allied

phantoms and Soviet auxiliary shots are powerful instruments

for dolphins and octopuses!!

---7) destroyer bug. Destroyers can be as far away from an

aircraft carrier. So you can use some Pathfinder units to

explore, and then OK!!

---8) space-time soldier bug. Time and space soldiers make a

big noise, affecting your attack! All you have to do is press

the S button. This won't make any noise! And so you can upgrade

your own stuff!! Just put it in the multi-function)! A great

deal of skill will benefit you in the game If you are a red

alert fighters, will not care about this little money!!

I bought the Allied tanks. Usually, when you don't have a mine,

hit the harvesters and get into the repair shop, and point to

the $$shift to the tank or the car, and a $graphic will appear.

It's half price! The Soviet repair shop doesn't work. And I

suggest the harvesters had better hold the muzzle. - - tanks

parked in the same grid. Jinghong said so Kuang Yi Sapporo for

troop transport with barium and hoop, such as some analogy, you

can put a lot of tanks to hide, show the enemy is weak -

Engineer demolition. Can see the Evans bomb can be removed. I

can't see it. Sell it!! - Yuri's dog and flying soldiers.

Soldiers in Yingkou on the guard on the line, practical poor,

but fun!! (the most powerful, even as a safe, sometimes can blow

to a group of three cruisers) - enhanced version! Is it okay

to use cruiser three? To be more comfortable, double-click it

on what you want to play. I used it. In two or three seconds,

I killed dozens of flying soldiers!! (it's better than Tan Ya,

who killed the infantry) a little exaggeration!! I accelerate

the engineer. Choose engineer stop points to his destination,

can speed up (novice is not recommended) often care for this

and lose that phenomenon. (not the micro master will not use,

the rookie is not) - bridge soldiers When your APC was

destroyed when the bridge, you will hide under the bridge. And

the other side only destroy the bridge, you may hit (or use

radiation), and use this method to defend the bridge, of course,

the best!! - Octopus boat!! Octopuses are used to beat blood

loss to red blood cells!! The opposing ship had only red blood,

Your ship may have to fire three or four more shots with an

octopus and ice!! Not as long as the whole blood

This is a red alert three special map 2, super fun, love we can

play well, decompression in Red Alert 2 installation directory

on the line!

本文标签: 红警作弊