





Riding Your Bike Safely and Happily!

Hi friends! Today I want to talk to you about something I

really love - riding my bike! Biking is one of my favorite activities.

It's fun, it's good exercise, and it gets me outside in the fresh air.

But you know what's not fun? Getting hurt while riding your bike.

That's why it's super important to always practice safe biking


The very first rule of safe biking is to wear your helmet -

every single time you ride, no exceptions! I know helmets may

not be the most stylish accessories, but they can literally save

your life. Your brain is the most important part of your body, and

your helmet protects it if you happen to fall or get into an

accident. Helmets should fit snugly and be worn level on your

head, not tilting back or forward. Make sure to get your helmet

professionally fitted to get the right size.

Next up - make sure your bike is the proper size for you and

that it's tuned up and working properly. You should be able to

straddle the top bar with your feet flat on the ground. The seat

should be adjusted to the right height so you can pedal

comfortably without overextending your legs. Check that the

brakes, chain, tires and everything else are in good working

order before each ride.

Now that your helmet is on and your bike is ready, it's time

to hit the road or trail! But where exactly should you ride? The

safest places are bike paths or trails that are separate from roads.

If you have to ride on the street, stick to residential roads with

low speed limits and less traffic. Ride on the street in the same

direction as traffic, as far to the right as possible. Use hand

signals to communicate your turns and stops.

Speaking of stops, you need to obey all traffic signs and

signals, just like you would if you were driving a car. That means

stopping at stop signs, waiting for green lights, yielding to

pedestrians, etc. It's also crucial to ride predictably and avoid any

sudden swerving or weaving between cars. If you need to move

further into the lane to avoid obstacles, look behind you first and

use hand signals.

Be extra careful at intersections by making eye contact with

drivers and ensure they see you before proceeding. Never ride

out into the street from between parked cars - drivers may not

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