


硬盘0磁道修复(Hard disk 0 track repair)

Hard disk 0 track (zero track) damage repair!

The hard disk often starts, is one of the most common areas,

so the damage probability is much larger than other sectors.

Let's talk about some of the 0 hard disk knowledge and

maintenance methods

0 hard disk damage phenomenon is generally not through board

self-test (hard disk after some self voice right). There are

caused by a very slow start (the other disc guide is slow). This

can usually be identified belong to 0 faults (and one and 0 is

similar to the fault is hard disk firmware defects,


The "0" track is in a very important position on the hard disk,

and the master boot record area (MBR) of the hard disk is in

this position. MBR is located in the 0 track 0 cylinder 1 sector

of the hard disk, which stores the hard disk, the main boot

program and the hard disk partition table. In a total of 512

bytes of hard disk master boot record sector, 446 bytes belong

to the hard disk master boot program, and 64 bytes belong to

the hard disk partition table (DPT), and two bytes (55 AA)

belong to the end of the partition flag. Thus, once the "0" track

is damaged, the main boot program and partition table

information of the disk will be seriously damaged, resulting

in the hard disk can not bootstrap. The "0" track also belongs

to the hard disk, but because its position is too important,

so once destroyed, it will have serious consequences.

Symptoms of 1. hard disk "0" tracks damaged

When the hard disk 0 track damage: self inspection system can

pass, but the boot partition C disc lost or directory is missing,

there are laws of the hard disk " Creak "seek the

sound operation of the SCANDISK scan drive, a red" B "appears

in the first cluster; Fdisk partition software can not find the

hard disk, with low version of the DM partition, the program"

dead "on track 0; in" Format C ", the screen prompt track 0

damaged or endlessly read command" Track 0 Bad".

2., to solve the hard disk "0" track damage ideas

The magnetic head always uses the "0" track as the reference

point for searching, and if the "0" track is physically damaged,

the head alignment mechanism fails to find the "0" track to

cause the hard disk to lift itself. Therefore, in the "0" track

to solve hard problems, generally adopt the method of "using

1 generation 0", which is in the hard disk partition, a new

definition of "0 track", the original "1 track" is defined as

the logic "0" on the track, to avoid the damaged "0" track.

3., through tool software to solve the hard disk "0" track


(1) solve through the DM universal Edition

First download the DM version from the Internet and make the

DM boot floppy, then execute the DM and enter its main interface.

Press the Alt+M key combination into the advanced mode of DM

in the main interface, position the cursor "(E) dit/View

partitions" (edit / view partition) options, press enter after

本文标签: 磁道硬盘修复