



01. account for


EG: His illness account for his absence from school. 他因病未能去上学。

That accounts for it. 原来如此。


[3]对……负责( answer for )。

02. add up to

[1]合计,总计(amount to ,count up to );

EG: These figures add up to 117.


03. allow for

[1]考虑到(take into consideration);


EG: You should allow for his youth. 你应当体谅他还年轻。

04. arrive at

**在表示"到达"的具体含义时,arrive at/in =get to =reach ;在表示"达成"等抽象含义时,

只用arrive at或 reach。.

05. ask after 探望,问候

EG: She asked after your health. 她问候你。

06. ask for


[2]央求。EG: ask for help.

07. avail (oneself) of 利用(机会等)

EG: You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak foreign languages.

08. back up





09. bear/keep in mind 记住

EG: We have no vacations now, but we'll certainly bear your application in mind.

010. break away (from) 脱离,逃跑

EG: He considered breaking away from the clan. 他考虑同那伙人分道扬镳。

**break away (from) & get away from 都是vi.

前者-Escape with a sudden violent effort.

后者-Escape from the scene of a crime or from being caught.

011. break down 损坏,分解,瓦解




012. break in


[2](on) 打断,插嘴;



013. break into



014. break off




015. break out



016. break through



017. break up





018. bring about 带来,造成 (=give rise to, lead to, result to )

019. bring down


EG: The wind brought down a number oftrees.


EG: Good Harvest will bring down the price.




020. bring forth


EG:Trees bring forth fruit.


EG:bring forth a question.

021. bring forward


EG: Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ?



022. bring out


EG: This essay fully brings out his ability. 这篇论文充分显示出他的才能。

[2]公布,出版。bring out a new book




本文标签: 损坏结束才能停止伤心