


The Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m your local guide . Here we arrive at the

Big Wild Goose Pagoda. This is the Cultural coordinate of the Qujiang New District

and a Landmark Building in the ancient city of Xi'an. The sceneries are including

the big wild goose pagoda, the da ci’en temple and the south and north squares.


化曲江新区坐标的标志性建筑,在古城西安。秀丽包括大雁塔、ci 'en殿和大南部和



In the center of the south square is the bronze statue of Monk Xuan g

a cassock, holding the staff, presenting a imposing appearance, we can simplely

imagine , the master xuan zang are on a hard journey , firmly in pursuit of truth.

Behind it are the da ci’en temple and the big wild goose pagoda.


们可以简单的想象,玄藏在艰苦的旅程中,坚定地追求真理。其背后的大ci 'en殿和大


大慈恩寺来名 损毁 再建

Originally built in the Sui Dynasty, the temple was named Wulou Temple. Then,

Crown Prince Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty, in order to commemorate his mother,

sponsored a repair project on the temple and named it Da Ci’en Temple. It was a

typical Mahayana temple for the royal family. The Da Ci’en temple was destroyed in

a war at the end of the Tang Dynasty. Only the pagoda was left intact. The present

buildings in the temple were built in the Ming Dynasty. But now it covers only one

seventh of the original area it did in the Tang Dynasty.


亲,赞助金庙装修工程并将其命名为达Ci 'en寺。这是一场典型的大乘佛教寺庙的皇

室成员。检察官Ci 'en寺中被毁了的结束一场战争,唐代。只有塔是原封不动。目前



Now look at the 3 main entrance gates. In Chinese, we call it “Shan men” means

mountain gate. In the ancient times the Buddhist temples were usually built

among the mountains.




Walking north forwards, there are two small buildings. The one on the east side

houses a bell, and the one on the west side houses a drum. The bell and drum

towers are the (characteristic) landmarks of a temple. They were used to mark

time for the monks in the temple. The bell is rung in the morning and the drum is

struck at dusk.





The Great Hall is the center of the temple. Inside it, there are three buddhas of

Sakyamuni. The one in the middle is called Fashen Buddha, which means the truth

and law. The one on the west side is called Baoshen Buddha, and the one on the

east side is called Yingshen Buddha.



After we visiting the great hall, we come to another core building--- the doctrine

chamber(法堂)where the amitabha buddha is worshiped. It is said that at the word

of the amitabha buddha, one will be led to paradise upon his death. This rubbing is

called “xuan zang on his way back to chang’ an”. (负芨图) With rolls of scriptures

on his back, a pair of straw sandals on his feet and an oil lamp on top of the rolls,

xuan zang is making his way back to the capital.





玄奘简介 经书 两个碑

Well, let’s know something about the famous monk in Chinese history, Xuan Zang.

He was both a great translator and traveler. He had spent 17 years in India

studying Buddhism. And when he came back to Chang’an, he had taken back more

than 600 volumes of Buddhist scriptures. His “travel in the western regions” was

based on what he had witnessed in about 128 countries and regions. And Xuan

zang stayed in the da ci’en temple for 12years and translated more than 1000

volumes of buddhist scriptures. In prise of the master’s dedication to buddhism,

emperor tai zong and the crown prince li zhi respectively built two famous tablets

for him.







Now we come to the foot of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Originally the pagoda was

a five-story construction. And then it increased to be ten stories. But the war made

the pagoda almost to ruins, so it was rebuilt with a seven-story structure. This

pagoda is an architectural marvel. It was built with layers of bricks but without any

cement in between. It’s indeed a good reflection of people’s wisdom and talent in

ancient China.






Well, Engraving autographs on the walls of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda became the

custom in the Mid-tang Dynasty. All the successful candidates who passed the

imperial examinations would climb up the pagoda and write poems and

inscriptions to indicate that he would have a soaring career in the future. The

poem from the famous poet bai juyi is especially widely known by us. Now we can

still climb the pagoda and enjoy the sight of the old capital.(嗯,雕刻的亲笔签名





On the top you can have a bird’s view of Xi’an and also a view of the gardens

around. To the north of the pagoda, there is the largest public square in Xi’an and

also in China. Everyday we can see the largest music fountain playing there at a

certain time. The square is also surrounded by architectural imitations of Tang

Dynasty. What’s more, it is not only provides citizens with leisure space, but also

improves the environment and enhances the overall image of the city.






Not far from the pagoda, we can see another beautiful garden that is the Tang

Paradise. It is a cultural theme park in the Tang style of an original royal garden. It

has many new records: the largest movie on water screen in the world, the first

theme park of five senses which includes sight, sound, taste, touch and smell (五

感主题公园), the biggest outdoor fragrance project (室外芳香工程) in the world ad

the biggest reproduction of the Tang royal garden in China. If you are interest in

that, we can also have a visit this afternoon.

( 宝塔的不远处,我们可以看到另一个美丽的花园,是唐天堂。这是一个文化主题公





Ok, everyone, so much for this today. We still have some free time. We’ll leave at 2

o’clock, so please do not be late! And I’ll stay here, if you have any questions, you

can ask me. By the way, watch your step please! Ok, it’s your turn. You can look

around and enjoy yourselves. Thank you for lestening.




本文标签: 建筑世界工程西安中国