


Lesson Six

I. Word explanation

1. mutation

A. relation

C. addition

2. discredit

A. doubt

C. believe

3. corollary

A. connection

C. harmony

4. diversity

A. variety

C. disturbance

5. homogeneous

A. phonetic

C. unidentified

6. asset

A. storage

C. benefit

7. inevitable

A. preventable

C. unnecessary

8. cosmopolitan

A. systematical

C. identical

9. rehabilitation

A. improvement

C. recitation

10. evade

A. explain

C. avoid

11. generate

A sum up

C. offer

12. undermine

A. imply

C. emphasize

13. molecule

A. particle

C. impulse

14. galaxy

A. museum

C. star

Disappearing Through the Skylight

B. change

D. reduction

B. disgrace

D. disappear

B. structure

D. consequence

B. entertainment

D. community

B. uniform

D. linguistic

B. price

D. approval

B. unavoidable

D. doubtful

B. political

D. international

B. residence

D. regulation

B. exhaust

D. intrude

B. deform

D. produce

B. weaken

D. minimize

B. frame

D. generosity

B. audience

D. accumulation


15. ethics

A. infinity B. glorification

C. admiration D. morality

16. ponderous

A. heavy B. light

C. considering D. haughty

17. sculpture

A. analysis B. statue

C. stature D. status

18. bulldozer

A. a big bird B. a strong animal

C. a powerful tractor D. a dozen of bulls

19. etch

A. eat up B. praise highly

C. draw D. scratch

20. bleary

A. blurred B. clear

C. dreary D. melancholy

21. imperative

to follow or rise up

ible to deter or evade

to change or stop

to occur or develop

22. consistent

A. in effect B. in disagreement

C. in form D. in agreement

23. transmission

A. gearbox B. belt

C. message D. carriage

24. equivalent

A. tremble B. equal

C. acceptable D. different

25. trait

A.a long line

B.a person’s clothes

C.a distinguishing feature

D.a movable house

26. universalise

A. differ B. distinguish

C. specialize D. generalize

27. fantastic

A. happy B. strange

C. horrible D. perfect

28. trusses

A. a rigid framework B. a unsafe support

C. a tight wooden box D. a useful pattern

29. unique

A. ordinary B. usual


C. single D. common

30. catastrophe

A. downfall of water B. sudden calamity

C. unexpected air-raid D. expected solution

31. permanent

A. lasting B. elegant

C. wonderful D. spreading

32. nuclear

A. uniform B. dim

C. atomic D. succinct

33. decade

A. state of being dignified B. state of being rotten

C. a piece of land D. a period of ten years

34. reminisce

A. reinforce B. recollect

C. recover D. response

35. reliable

A. deceptive B. dependable

C. responsible D. constructive

36. vault

A. compartment B. security

C. temple D. willingness

37. initially

A. in the end B. in the way

C. at first D. by name

38. linger

A. sing B. stretch

C. extend D. remain

39. innovation

way to make things smooth

act of introducing something new

state of proclaiming something

movement of making something smaller

40. trailer

A. a furnished van B. a portable computer

C. a beautiful ribbon D. a suburban lawn

II. Complete the word according to the definition, the first letter of which is


1.a following of one thing after another; succession. sequence

sively self-assured assertive

remove (recorded material) from a magnetic tape or other storage medium erase

change in form or character modify

treat with ridicule or contempt mock

ng or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name


7.a narrow opening; a groove or slit: slot

cloth weave


9.a closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current circuit

artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with

unifying lines and color collage

agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred:


which has mass and occupies space; matter substantiality

revive with or as if with rest, food, or drink; give new vigor or spirit to refresh

t, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving perception

physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area. Geography

intent malice

in large numbers of amounts abound

18.a device through which a user can communicate with a computer terminal

19.a business deal transaction

20.a dispersion of fine sand, smoke, dust in the air that reduces visibility haze

e of the relations between heat and mechanical work thermodynamics

e dealing with heredity genetics

or conduct an outline that offers the least resistance in moving through air,

water etc. streamline

appreciation of beauty aesthetic

ptuous of irrelevant talk about God and sacred things blasphemy

cial product a rtefact

act or practice of eating one's own kind cannibalism

art of winning by using the rules to one's own advantage with out actually

cheating gamesmanship

act of placing, or the state of being placed, side by side juxtaposition

30.a very high degree of skill in performance or appreciation in one of the arts


III. Determine whether the following statements are true or false:

universality of science means more and more people accept the basic

concepts of science. (T)

there still exist two schools of genetics---a western genetics and a Soviet

genetics. (F)

logy which follows naturally after science also shows the tendency toward

universalizing. (T)

the spread of technology and science, people become less and less identical.


5.A technical innovation like streamlining may not be accepted by car makers at

first. (T)

's automobile has unique feature to show it is produced and made by a

certain company or country. (F)

Fiesta, the car model, seems to have disappeared completely from the market

of the world. (T)

can easily see the difference on the various car models that are in the same

price range within a distance of 500 paces. (F)

l traits in American cars displayed the influence of American history, and

these traits are disappearing. (T)


idea of streamline was first put forward by Ferdinard Porsche. (F)

being, whichever country he is in, is in the same surroundings and culture,

so the modern man no longer has distinct individuality. (T)

a cosmopolitan, he can only find disadvantage, for he loses a home in the

traditional sense of the word. (F)

there is not a great disaster caused by a nuclear war, the universalizing force of

technology will not continue to influence modern culture and the people's

conscience. (F)

machine aesthetic was discovered by Madame Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia. (F)

every artist wanted to show his contempt for the Eiffel Tower, machines

soon produced new ideas and problems which have a flexible quality that was

beyond human powers. (T)

is not trying to give a name to things in the real world. (F)

e has showed that the world is not made of real material object that we see

with our eyes. (T)

e has produced images of a lot of classes of reality which lie on the surface

of the objects of things we see within our eye sight. (F)

sky says that beautiful art reflects the inner need of a man's soul. (T)

art not only shows the material objects in nature that we can see from the

normal distance but also depicts things that we see in our minds. (F)

world of nature that modern art reveals no longer contains the material

objects instead the world is now filled with images of the mind. (T)

playfulness of the modern art aesthetic is its most striking and serious feature,

but the least upsetting feature. (F)

playful and fantastic buildings of postmodernism and neomodernism reflects

the playfulness of the modern aesthetic. (T)

culture is active and changing, but it can not depict structures that reflect

straight lines of geometric designs. (F)

culture refers to the geometric patterns of the international style, the

imaginative design of facadism and the playfulness of theme park. (T)

banks are like abstract art for they are clearly visible solid buildings. (F)

culture is not the image of the self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci which

looks worn and tired. (T)

is not only stored in vaults but also recorded on magnetic tapes. (F)

culture is the image of a power which creates regular patterns of things

and which is capable of putting it aside and creating a different one. (T)

won't be long when the banks completely disappear, for the dim outline of this

can be seen through the mists. (F)


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