



Skateboarding Tricks on the Street:

1. Ollie: This is the most fundamental trick in skateboarding. It involves

popping the tail of the skateboard to make it jump off the ground and

bringing both feet up in the air before landing back on the board.

2. Kickflip: This trick is an advanced version of the Ollie. While in the air,

you flick the edge of the skateboard with your foot to make it flip

horizontally and then catch it with your feet before landing.

3. 180 Turn: As you ride forward, use your shoulders and pivot your body

to turn the skateboard 180 degrees. This trick requires a good sense of

balance and coordination.

4. Manual: A manual is essentially riding only on the back or front wheels

of the skateboard while keeping the other set of wheels off the ground.

This trick requires precise weight distribution and control.

5. Powerslide: Powersliding involves sliding the skateboard sideways

while moving at a fast speed. To execute this trick, you need to shift your

weight to one side, kick the rear wheels out, and let them slide while

keeping the front wheels still.

6. Wallride: This trick involves riding up and along the side of a wall or

ramp with the wheels touching the vertical surface. It requires speed,

balance, and precise timing to execute correctly.

7. Grinds: Grinds involve sliding along a surface like a ledge, rail, or

coping with the trucks of the skateboard. Common types of grinds

include 50-50, boardslide, and noseslide.

8. Kickturn: A kickturn is a simple maneuver where you pivot the

skateboard's front wheels in the opposite direction while keeping the

back wheels stationary. It is commonly used to change direction quickly

while riding.

9. Slalom: Slalom skateboarding involves navigating through a series of

cones or obstacles at high speed while repeatedly making sharp turns.

This trick emphasizes quick reflexes and agility.

10. Boneless: A boneless is a trick where you lift your feet off the

skateboard and grab it mid-air while using your other foot to push off

the ground. This trick adds style and creativity to your skateboarding


本文标签: 滑板街道技巧