


· gain

· v. [geɪn] ( gains; gained; gaining )


· 双解释义



1.获得,赢得 obtain sth useful, necessary, earned, etc.


vt. & vi.

2.增加; 获利 have an increase in sth


vt. & vi.

3.(钟表)走快 (of a watch or clock) work too fast (by an amount

of time)



4.抵达 reach (a place), especially with effort or difficulty

· 基本要点






用作不及物动词时后接介词in表示“在某方面有所增长”; 后接介词on或


· 词汇搭配


gain a living 谋生,维持生计

gain a prize 获奖

gain a wide knowledge 获得广博的知识

gain approval 得到批准〔认可〕

gain ground 有进步,有起色,占优势

gain impetus 获得动力

gain land from sea 围海滩垦地

gain momentum 获得势头

gain one's interest 获得利益

gain one's point 贯彻自己的意见

gain permission 获得准许

gain possession of sth 获得〔占有〕某物

gain recognition 得到承认

gain sb's attention 吸引某人注意

gain speed 增加速度

gain strength 恢复体力

gain success 获得成功

gain the battle 打胜仗

gain time (故意)拖延时间,争取时间,(钟表)走得快

gain wealth 获得财富

gain weight (人)发胖,(牲畜)长膘

gain wind 占上风


gain a lot 大有好转

gain daily 一天天好转

gain finally 最终到达

gain greatly 收获很大

gain obviously 显然有利

gain significantly 大大提高

gain steadily 稳步赶上

gain over 把…争取到自己一边,说服


gain by 从…中获得利益

gain from 在…收获,从…中获益

gain in 增加,增进,积累,获得,在…方面增进

gain in experience 积累经验

gain in favour 更加受欢迎

gain in health 恢复健康

gain in influence 扩大影响

gain in knowledge 增长知识

gain in speed 增加速度

gain in strength 恢复体力

gain in weight 增加体重

gain on〔upon〕 接近,逼近,逐渐赶上,追上,跑得比…快,超过

gain on sb in a race 比赛中赶上某人

gain an advantage over 胜过,占优势,占上风

gain with an effort 努力获得

· 常用短语

gain by(v.+prep.)

通过…而取得进展 be improved by sth

▲gain by sth

You can only gain by further study.只有更进一步地学习,你才能提高。

Your side has obviously gained by the change.这一改变对你方显然有利。

The man supplying the capital expected to gain considerably by the enterprise.


▲gain sth by sth/v-ing

We gain our experience by degrees.我们的经验是逐步得来的。

He gained entry into the building by means of a bribe to the guard.他通过


He gained his livelihood by teaching English.他靠教英语为生。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

A good command of English can only be gained by constant practice.只有不


There is nothing to be gained by waiting any longer.再等待也没有什么好处。

gain from(v.+prep.)

从…获得利益 take advantage from

▲gain from sth

He hopes to gain from his crime.他想靠犯罪牟利。

They will gain from the training.在那种训练中,他们会有长进的。

The students gained from military training. 学生们在军训中有收获。

They gained greatly from this experiment.在这次实验中,他们收获很大。

▲gain sth from sb/sth

I gained a good deal of enlightenment from him.我从他那里获得许多启迪。

I gained a lot from my former experiences.我从以前的经验中受益匪浅。

Men gained rich experience both from their success and from their failures.


He gained all this information from books, not from direct experience.这


gain ground(v.+n.)

前进,取得进步 go forward; make progress

At last our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river.


gain in(v.+prep.)

在…(方面)增加; 增长 increase in

▲gain in sth

You gained in wheat but lost in cotton.你们在小麦方面赢利,在棉花方面却亏


He is gaining in weight after his recovery from illness. 他病愈以后体重增


They have gained in strength.他们的力量增强了。

Alfred is a person who never seems to gain in wisdom, no matter how painful

the results of his actions may be.艾尔弗雷德是这样一个人,不管他的行为会产


▲gain sth in v-ing

She has already gained some experience in teaching.她已取得一些教学经验。

gain on〔upon〕(v.+prep.)

〔说明〕 gain on〔upon〕通常不用于被动结构。

▲gain on〔upon〕 sb/sth

1.赶上,缩短距离 reduce the distance between oneself and a competitor

The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy.骑兵很快就赶上他们的敌人。

The policeman was slowly gaining on him.那警察在慢慢地向他逼近。

The police started chasing the criminals and soon gained on them in their

faster car.警察开始追捕罪犯,他们的汽车开得比罪犯的快,不一会儿便赶上了他


I couldn't go any faster, even though the car behind was gaining on us. 尽


We are gaining upon them.I think we shall soon catch up with them.我们离


After pumping for one whole night with the water still gaining upon them,

the sailors gave up in despair.水手们抽水抽了整整一夜之后水仍然抽不净,他


The second horse is gaining on the leader, and may pass it and win!第二匹


The submarine was gaining on us, and a shell landed only a hundred yards or

so astern of us.那艘潜艇向我们逼近,一发炮弹就落在我舰后面大约100码的海上。

2.逐渐侵蚀 gradually corrode or erode

The sea has been gaining on the east coast of England for many years.多年


The sea is gaining on the land along the coast.大海侵蚀着沿岸的陆地。

3.超过 outstrip; surpass; exceed

He continued to gain on the rest of the runners.他继续跑在其他运动员前面。

The cyclist is reserving his strength for the last round when he will gain

on his opponent.自行车运动员把力量保留起来,准备用在最后一圈超过对手。

It is impossible for a small company to gain on the big one while business

is so inactive.商业如此不景气,一个小公司要想超过大公司是不可能的。

In winter, the night gains on the day.冬天,黑夜比白天长。


gain over(v.+adv.)

争取过来 win over; convert

〔说明〕 gain over通常不用于被动结构。

▲gain sb ⇔ over

They have gained him over.他们把他争取了过来。

They gained him over in the debate.他们在辩论中说服了他。

They expect to gain over a lot of converts.他们指望能争取许多改变信仰的人。

The new leader's popularity gained over many members of the opposing party.


I don't think you will succeed in gaining him over to our side.我认为你无



gain over(v.+prep.)

争取过来 win over; convert

▲gain sth over sb

Tom is trying to gain an advantage over me by getting Dick's support.汤姆


· 句型例句



This clock neither gains nor loses.这钟不快不慢。

The man gained a lot in the business, but he lost the respect of his friends.




He gained the rank of Colonel.他获得上校军衔。

Many countries have gained national independence after prolonged struggles.


I gained my experience.我获得了经验。

To gain a complete mastery of English, one must study very hard.要想精通


They gained the game with ease.他们很轻松地赢得了这场比赛。

He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.在多次战役中他


He gained the admiration of the whole world.他受到全世界的钦佩。

The soldiers fought hard and began to gain ground.士兵们奋力作战,开始占领


The sick man gained ground after being near death.那病人在生命垂危之后又


Under strict management his business gained ground.在严格的管理下,他的生


He has had a hard time in his new business but he is gaining ground now.


The car is gaining speed.那辆轿车正在加速。

Within two weeks, she gained five pounds in weight.两周内她的体重增加了5


My watch gains two minutes every day. 我的表每天快两分钟。

The swimmer gained the shore.游泳者游到了岸边。

We cut a path through the forest and gained the river next day.我们在林中


Finally we gained the summit of the mountain.我们终于到达了山顶。

Our car gained the main street.我们的车子开到大马路上。

Having overcome a lot of difficulties we gained our destination at last.


◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Nothing can be gained without an effort.没有不劳而获的东西。



His persistence gained him victory.他的毅力使他获得了胜利。

Her talent and hard work gained her success as an artist.她作为一名艺术家,


His misfortune gained him much sympathy.他的不幸使他得到许多同情。

· 词语辨异

gain, achieve, acquire, attain, earn, get, obtain, secure, win


· · gain

· n. [geɪn] ( gains )


· 双解释义



1.获益; 增财 the act of making a profit; increase in wealth



2.利润; 增加 a profit; increase in amount

· 基本要点



· 词汇搭配


achieve gains 得到利益

consolidate one's gains 巩固自己的成果

count one's gains 计算收益

nullify a gain 使无利可图

seek gain 牟利


considerable gains 显著提高

enormous gain 巨大的收获

gradual gain 逐渐加快

ill-gotten gains 不义之财

personal gain 个人利益

petty gains 小便宜

substantial gain 巨大的进展

tangible gain 实际的收益

tremendous gain 巨大的收获


capital gains 资本收益

economic gains 经济收益

material gains 物质利益

voltage gains 电压增高


greedy after gain 贪得无厌

greedy for gain 贪得无厌

be blinded by the love of gain 利令智昏

greedy of gain 贪得无厌


a gain in efficiency 效率的增加

a gain in weight 体重增加

a gain of one pound 增加一磅

a gain to knowledge 知识的增进

a gain to one's happiness 幸福的增进

· 句型例句

He put a lot of money into the firm with the hope of gain in the future.


The gain is greater than the loss.收益大于损失。

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。

We shouldn't seek after comfort, personal fame and gain.我们不应该贪图安


He prefers the public welfare to personal gain.他把公众福利放在个人利益之


He will do anything for gain.只要有利可图,他什么事都干得出来。

He did it as much out of kindness as for financial gain.他既是出于好意也


Gains cannot offset losses.得不偿失。

No gains without pains.不劳则无获。

His ill-gotten gains have made him a rich man.他的不义之财使他成了富翁。

They see gains of five to ten per cent this spring.今春他们的利润增长百分


A gain in health is a good thing.增强体质是一件好事。

The gain in weight of the cattle over a period of weeks was recorded.牛在


Increase of wealth is not always a gain to one's happiness.财富的增加并非


The baby had a gain of half a pound in weight last week.这个婴儿上周长了


Stocks this week has shown a significant gain over last week's prices.本


There has been a gain of two cents in the value of the pound against the dollar.


Unemployment was high despite the gains of the civil rights movement.尽管


The price of gold fell again today following yesterday's gains.黄金价格继


Agriculture has made rapid gains in recent years.最近几年农业迅速取得了成


We must consolidate and expand our gains in trade.我们必须巩固和扩大贸易


· 补充资料

[同义词] v. achieve, advance, capture, earn, gather, get, increase,

progress, reach, win n. achievement,advancement, benefit, improvement,

income, return, winnings

[反义词] v. lose n. loss, losses

[词源] <古法语gaaignier(赚得)

本文标签: 获得增加得到表示取得