


优化的电源管理 (Optimized power management)

In previous versions of the Windows operating system, the state management “sleep”, i.e., those in which the system could go into standby to reduce power consumption, taking occurred constantly monitor CPU activity, when its employment fell below 20% then it was possible, along with other criteria, put in stand-by system. Through this approach, therefore, if any application occupied the CPU for more than 20%, the operating system believes that the system is “too busy” to activate the standby and thus, in many real cases, how low consumption is not activated. We must not forget that very often antivirus and other background programs may occupy more than 20% CPU inhibit any further attempt to reduce consumption.

在Windows操作系统的早期版本中,状态管理处于“睡眠”状态,即系统可以进入待机状态以降低功耗的状态管理,它会持续监视CPU活动,当其使用率降至20%以下时,便有可能以及其他条件一起放入备用系统。 因此,通过这种方法,如果有任何应用程序占用了CPU超过20%的内存,则操作系统认为系统“太忙”以致无法激活备用服务器,因此在许多实际情况下都无法激活低能耗。 我们一定不要忘记,防病毒软件和其他后台程序经常会占用20%以上的CPU,这会阻止任何进一步尝试以减少消耗。

Windows 7 should abandon this approach for monitoring the last user-supplied input or requests made by applications and services.

Windows 7应该放弃这种方法来监视用户最后一次提供的由应用程序和服务提供的输入或请求。

开机时间 (Time to boot)

Microsoft stated that a group of programmers is working on optimizing the time of launch of the new operating system in mind the objective of allowing a boot the entire system in just 15 seconds. It would be extremely successful when compared with the 30 seconds needed for faster from Windows Vista (Microsoft about 35% of systems), and to achieve this goal, efforts have driven parallelization of the high loading of drivers and in reducing number of active services at boot.

微软表示,考虑到允许在15秒内引导整个系统的目标,一组程序员正在努力优化新操作系统的启动时间。 与从Windows Vista(Microsoft约占系统的35%)中获得更快的速度所需的30秒相比,这将是非常成功的,并且为了实现此目标,人们努力推动并行化驱动程序的高负载并减少活动服务的数量。开机。

Microsoft, however, in outlining his goal did not specify whether this time will be measured starting from the moment the system or by the time the motherboard BIOS has finished the power-on self test (POST), or all that set of hardware diagnostic tests performed by the motherboard before you start loading the operating system. However, given that when a board takes several seconds to the POST, it is reasonable to assume that Microsoft intends to measure 15 seconds from the end of the POST and not physical since the ignition system.

但是,Microsoft在概述其目标时并未指定是从系统启动时起还是从主板BIOS完成开机自检(POST)或所有硬件诊断测试集开始进行测量。在开始加载操作系统之前由主板执行。 但是,考虑到板子要经过几秒钟才能进行POST,因此可以合理地假设Microsoft打算从POST结束算起15秒钟,而不是自点火系统以来的实际时间。

其他特性 (Other features)

Microsoft announced that Windows 7 can handle multiple graphics cards simultaneously. At present if a system has multiple video cards, they can be used together only through technologies such as NVidia SLI or ATI Crossfire. With Windows 7 instead you can use independently of each video card, even from different manufacturers.

微软宣布Windows 7可以同时处理多个图形卡。 当前,如果系统具有多个视频卡,则只能通过NVidia SLI或ATI Crossfire等技术一起使用它们。 取而代之的是,使用Windows 7,即使来自不同的制造商,也可以独立于每个视频卡使用。

Furthermore it is possible to make a seamless roaming between different wireless technologies (WiFi, WWAN, WiMax, etc.).


In mid October 2008 Steve Ballmer announced that Windows 7 will simply be an improved version in graphics and performance of Windows Vista. He denied however that this should suggest a minor release, mainly for the amount of work has been done over 2 years.

2008年10月中旬,史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)宣布Windows 7将仅仅是Windows Vista图形和性能的改进版本。 但是他否认这应该建议稍作释放,主要是因为工作量已经完成了两年。

It was released the new version of Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office 2010. It should also bring the advantages of speed than the previous version. This change will further speed up the new Microsoft operating system at home.

它发布了新版本的Microsoft Office:Microsoft Office2010。它还应带来速度上比以前版本更优越的优点。 此项更改将进一步加快新的Microsoft家用操作系统的速度。

March 5 is to exit the Build 7057 which gives the possibility to change the background of the login window by editing the registry. This function is also implemented in the final release, however, since this revolt OEMs, this is not a tool with graphical interface for configuring the same.

3月5日将退出内部版本7057,该版本可以通过编辑注册表来更改登录窗口的背景。 在最终版本中也实现了此功能,但是,由于该起义OEM厂商,这不是具有用于配置该图形界面的图形工具。

Windows XP模式 (Windows XP mode)

Windows XP mode is a feature available only for versions Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate editions of Windows 7 through Microsoft Virtual PC offers a version (already activated) updated to Windows XP Service Pack 3 could be provided in accordance the intentions of Microsoft, a solution for every kind of incompatibility that any application developed for Windows XP may have with the new Windows.

Windows XP模式是仅适用于通过Microsoft Virtual PC的Windows 7专业版,企业版和旗舰版提供的功能,可以根据Microsoft的意图提供更新至Windows XP Service Pack 3的版本(已激活)。为Windows XP开发的任何应用程序都可能与新Windows发生各种不兼容。

But this feature is not natively included in the operating system reached the stage of final RTM October 3, 2009, consists of two free files (Virtual PC and Windows XP mode, in fact) made available exclusively for download and only holders of a regular license to use one of the three editions in question. Until mid-March 2010 its operation required a minimum 2 GHz processor that included support for the X86 virtualization (AMD-V or Intel VT), properly enabled in the BIOS, and at least 2 GB of RAM, after which Microsoft has provided an update to release the XP mode of virtualization hardware, but warned that using processors without this technology will heavily penalize the performance.

但是,此功能并不是本机所固有的,它已在2009年10月3日达到最终RTM阶段,它包含两个免费文件(实际上是Virtual PC和Windows XP模式),仅供下载,仅具有常规许可证的持有者使用有问题的三个版本之一。 在2010年3月中之前,其运行至少需要2 GHz处理器,其中包括对X86虚拟化(AMD-V或Intel VT)的支持(已在BIOS中正确启用)以及至少2 GB的RAM,之后Microsoft提供了更新。发布了XP模式的虚拟化硬件,但警告说,使用不使用该技术的处理器将严重降低性能。

发展历程 (Development )

Originally, a version of Windows code-named Blackcomb was planned as the successor to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The main features were planned for Blackcomb including the importance of research data and an innovative file system called WinFS. The release of Blackcomb was delayed, an intermediate and minor release was announced in 2003. In mid 2003, however, Longhorn had acquired some features originally intended for Blackcomb. After three major viruses have exploited flaws in operating systems for a short period in 2003, Microsoft has changed its development priorities, putting some of the major groups working in the Longhorn time, to improve the security of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The development of Longhorn resumed in September 2004.

最初,计划使用Windows代号Blackcomb的版本来替代Windows XP和Windows Server2003。Blackcomb的主要功能包括对研究数据的重要性和称为WinFS的创新文件系统的计划。 Blackcomb的发布被推迟了,2003年宣布了中级和次要版本。但是,2003年中期,Longhorn获得了一些最初打算用于Blackcomb的功能。 在2003年短暂地利用了三种主要病毒利用操作系统中的漏洞之后,Microsoft改变了其开发优先级,使一些主要小组在Longhorn时期开始工作,以提高Windows XP和Windows Server 2003的安全性。 Longhorn公司于2004年9月恢复运营。

Blackcomb was named Vienna in early 2006, and then Windows 7 in 2007. In 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would become the official name of the operating system.

Blackcomb在2006年初被命名为Vienna,然后在2007年被命名为Windows7。2008年,宣布Windows 7将成为该操作系统的正式名称。

Bill Gates, in an interview with Newsweek, suggests that the next version of Windows would be more user-centric, that is more user-centered and more accurate in meeting the real needs of users of Windows. Also said that Windows 7 would have had some performance improvements, to become more efficient, explaining later Blog development of Windows 7, how the firm was using a variety of tools to measure performance in various areas of the system Operating on an ongoing basis to help find parts inefficient code, and then to prevent sagging performance.

比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)在接受《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)采访时建议,下一版本的Windows将更加以用户为中心,这将更加以用户为中心并且更加准确地满足Windows用户的实际需求。 还表示Windows 7将会进行一些性能改进,以提高效率,稍后将解释Windows 7的Blog开发。该公司如何使用各种工具来衡量系统各个方面的性能,并不断进行操作以帮助找到零件效率低下的代码,然后防止性能下降。

The senior vice president Bill Veghte said that Windows 7 would not have compatibility issues with Windows Vista, than those that Vista has with its previous operating systems. Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft talking about Windows 7 October 16, 2008, confirmed the system compatibility with all applications already compatible with its predecessor. Ballmer also confirmed the similarity between Vista and 7, indicating that this is only an improvement of sight. On December 27, 2008 Beta of Windows 7 was released on the Internet. According to a test conducted by ZDNet, in the field of Windows 7 Beta beat speed is Windows XP and Vista in several key areas of the system, including startup and shutdown time, working with files and opening documents. On January 7, 2009, the 64-bit Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) released on the Internet.

高级副总裁比尔·维格特(Bill Veghte)表示,与Vista与其以前的操作系统相比,Windows 7不会与Windows Vista发生兼容性问题。 微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在谈论Windows 7时,于2008年10月16日确认了该系统与所有与其前身已经兼容的应用程序的兼容性。 鲍尔默还证实了Vista和7之间的相似性,表明这只是视觉上的改进。 2008年12月27日,Windows 7 Beta在Internet上发布。 根据ZDNet进行的一项测试,在Windows 7 Beta领域,Windows XP和Vista在系统的几个关键区域中表现出色,包括启动和关闭时间,处理文件和打开文档。 2009年1月7日,Internet上发布了64位Windows 7 Beta(内部版本7000)。

The beta officially announced at CES 2009, was made available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers on January 7, 2009, and has been for public download on Microsoft TechNet 9 January 2009 before being withdrawn and replaced with a message calling back a few days later. The servers were in difficulty because of the number of users who wanted to download the Beta. Microsoft has added additional servers to cope with the huge volume of application.

该Beta在CES 2009上正式宣布,已于2009年1月7日提供给MSDN和TechNet订户,并且已于2009年1月9日在Microsoft TechNet上公开下载,然后被撤消并由几天后返回的消息代替。 由于要下载Beta的用户数量众多,服务器遇到了困难。 Microsoft已添加其他服务器来应对大量应用程序。

Due to high demand, Microsoft has decided to remove the initial limit of 2.5 million to make the beta available until January 24, 2009. It was later revised to 10 February 2009, the date it is no longer available to the public, and paused downloads continued to operate until February 12. In July was released the final version (RTM Release To Manufacturer) Windows 7 to 32 and 64 Bit (x86 and x64). The build number is 7600.16385, and this is the build which was then being marketed worldwide.

由于需求量大,Microsoft决定取消250万的初始限制,以使该Beta版本在2009年1月24日之前可用。后来将其修订为2009年2月10日,即不再向公众发布的日期,并暂停了下载。继续运行直到2月12日。7月发布了最终版本(向制造商发布RTM)Windows 7至32和64位(x86和x64)。 内部版本号为7600.16385,并且此版本随后在全球范围内销售。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/microsoft-windows-7-part-3/


本文标签: 微软官方MicrosoftWindows