



1、sentence fragment:残缺句
2、run-on sentences:流水句
例子:There are many students choose to go aborad.

2020.12 第二套
1.which is 55 kilometers long totally(in length)(with/have a total length of)(全长多少)
2.wonderful project(engineering feat)(工程壮举)(undertaking)(merit:功绩)(fulfillment)
3.ocean-crossing and tunnel system(跨海大桥)(隧道系统)
4.span(跨度)(range) a testament to(充分证明)(testify)(witness)
6.cut the time from... to...(减少到)(shorten)(reduce)
7.Boost(推动) (encourage)(help develop)(enhance)(promote)
8.can rival sb. in(能和谁媲美)(match)(is parallel to)(paralleled:平行的) schedule(overall plan)(总体规划)
10.technological innovation(科技创新)
11.economic prosperity(经济繁荣) the key to (pivotal)(vital)(是...的关键、重要)
13.regional intergration (variety)区域一体化(多样化)

例子:Hongkong-zhuhai-Macau Bridge, with a total length of 55 kilometers, is an extraodinary engineering feat for China.

Qingzang road, with a total length of 1956 kilometers, is the highest and longest plateau road in the world. With 960 kolimeters road at the height of 4000 meters, It is the first road which link Xizang with the other regions of China. The road crosses the most fragile ecosystem in the world. Consequently, at the term of building and after being built, engineers take the action to protect the ecosystem, which can make sure that it can be a "green road". It cut the travel time between Xizhang and other regions of China shapely. More importantly, it also boost the economic development of Xizang and improve the living standrad of local populaces. After the opening of the road, more and more people choose going to Xizang by train which can have a chance to appreciate beautiful scene along the road.  

960 kolimeters of it above 4000 meters above the sea level:(在海拔4000米以上的地方有960公里)
enlighten(set up)(开通)
delicate ecological(脆弱的)vulnerable
take measures(采取措施)
due to the fact that(不能直接接句子)considering that
intensely greatly shapely significantly(巨大地)

bank cloze 技巧



A)credentials            B)credited           C)cumulative      D) disruptions  E) federal 

     n. +s                          v.+ed                         adj.                   n.+ s              adj.


F) foreseeable           G)predictions     H)preference        I)scale         J) strangle    

           adj.                       n. + s                    n.                       n.                   v.


K)subtle             L)summoned      M)survive        N) vacancy    O) wedge

     adj.                     v+ed                   v.                         n.                 n.


Strangle   抑制    扼杀

Wedge    楔子

  1. 主题句
  2. 简化
  3. 语义:本身;句前;句中;句后;common sense

搭配:27: on this scale(在这个规模上)   32: be credited with(被认为)   a question of preference(偏好问题)


Virtually every activity that entails or facilitates in-person human interaction seems to be in the midst of total meltdown as the coronavirus (冠状病毒) outbreak erases Americans desire to travel. Amtrak says booking are down 50 percent and cancelations are up 300 percent. Hotels in San Francisco are experiencing ___26_N__ rate 语义:宾馆房间的。。。率;建议前一句; 定语:形容词 /名词 between 70 and 80 percent. Broadway goes dark on Thursday night. Universities, now emptying their campuses have never tried online learning on this ___27_I__搭配: on this _____ 名词单数). White-collar companies like Amazon, Apple, and the New York Times are asking employees to work from home for the ___28_F___future. (词性:________; 语义可与未来搭配)

But what happens after the coronavirus?

In some ways, the answer is: All the old normal stuff. The pandemic (大流行病) will take lives____29__J_and 连接并列词,词性________; 词义,take lives; destroy的同义词;词形: 动词的_________)economies and destroy routines, but it will pass. Americans will never stop going to basketball games. (主题句) They won't stop going on vacation. They'll meet to do business. No decentralizing technology so far - not telephones, not television, and not the internet- has dented that human desire to shake hands, despite technologists'___30_G__ (词性,名词很可能是单数/复数?语义长句本身:与逗号之前的句子紧密相关)to the contrary. 长句做减法

Yet there are real reasons to think that things will not return to the way they were last week. Small ___31_D__名词:单数/复数?语义上与本句中的变化相关) create  small societal shifts; big ones change things for good. The New York transit strike of 1980 is ___32_B___搭配:be _____ with; be credited with 被认为; 语义:能够联系到本句的主语和宾语) with prompting several long-term changes in the city, including bus and bike lanes, and women wearing sports shoes to work. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 prompted the development of national health care in Europe.

Here and now, this might not even be a question of___33H___. 词性:名单;词义:固定搭配) It's not clear that the cruise industry will ___34M___词性:动词原形; 词义:本句).Or that public transit won't go broke without ___35E___ assistance 词性:形容词;词义:常识). The infrastructure might not even be in place to do what we were doing in 2019.


1. 词汇   2)搭配   3)上下文

上下文:1)句子本身;2)上一句 3)下一句  4) 常识



2020. 12.3

  1. amazing                     B. closer                   C. driven                  D. engaged               

E.  malignant                 F. oppressing           G. premises            H. random

I.  sentimentally             J. spiritually            K. temptations         L. thriftier               

M. tickled                         N. unique                 O. vulnerable


New words:

Sentimentally 多愁善感的;多情的       malignant 恶性的 --- malign 邪恶的;污蔑

Be vulnerable to 易受伤害的         tickle 使痒;引发

Compromise 妥协                    random 随意的

   Social distancing is putting people out of work, canceling schools and tanking the stock market. It has been ___26___ by fear, and it is creating even more fear as money problems and uncertainty grow. However, at its core is love, and a sacrifice to protect those most___27___ to the coronavirus’ effects – the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, and those whose life-saving resources would be used up by a ___28___ epidemic. 


   Americans make life-saving decisions every day as a matter of course. We cut food into bite-sized pieces, we wear seatbelts, and we drive the speed limit. But social distancing is ___29___ in that it is completely self-sacrificing. Those who will benefit may be the elderly relatives of the ___30___ person we didn’t pass in Starbucks, on the subway, or in the elevator. 


Social distancing is millions of people making hundreds of sacrifices to keep the elderly alive. It doesn’t include the ___31___ to run from society or make an excuse to avoid one’s obligations – such as life-saving medical work, the Mass obligations of Catholics, or the parental obligation to buy groceries. What it does include is applying love through prudence. And in doing so, it offers an ___32___ opportunity for those who care about the elderly to find new ways to love them.


If we’re not ___33___ as much in our normal work or school, we have extra time to call parents and grandparents. We can also ask elderly relatives how to best support them ___34___ and use our sacrifices as an opportunity to bring us, our community and the world ___35___.

本文标签: 六级技巧