

Recently, Jinjian rice industry equity transfer announcement, many people can not help feeling "going to see the sunrise".

6 years ago, the Changde branch of the Agricultural Bank through a $219000000 debt means that become a shareholder in Jinjian rice industry.According to the "commercial bank law" the relevant provisions, Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch shares pledge within two years into the disposal of shares, although previous reduction, but until now, Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch announced by public collection way of transferring the remaining value of about 400000000 yuan all share."

bank debt convertible"

last Friday (December 21st), Jinjian rice claimed that controlling shareholders of Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch plans through public collection, transfer all the shares 92660000 shares held by the company.

"this is in the Chinese capital market the first-ever commercial banks participating in the listing Corporation management case, nike tn."An industry expresses to the reporter.

data shows, 2003, Jinjian rice industry the major shareholder of Changde City Grain and Oil Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the Changde grain and oil) involved in loan settlement, eventually the Hunan high court adjudged by Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch Changde oil pay 219000000 yuan of loan and interest.But then Changde grain and oil to repay, in 2005 by the ruling will be 146000000 shares of Jinjian rice industry shares, louboutin pas cher, with the auction reserve price of 1.59 yuan / share up to Changde branch of Agricultural Bank of China, abercormbie france, for the total of about 232000000 yuan.In June the following year, Agricultural Bank of China Changde Branch officially by controlling shareholder identity in Jinjian rice industry.

because of China's "commercial bank law" expressly prohibits commercial banks participating in the listing Corporation to operate the business, therefore, is forced to the Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch was also promised: "I do not buy the shares of the listing Corporation, plan, in accordance with the commercial bank law and other laws and regulations, I shall be handled in two years has held shares."

transfer promise did not fulfill

surprisingly, tn requin, Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch did not live up to its promise.2009 September, Hunan Province Bureau of inspect points out, abercrombie homme, Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch Holdings Company commitment period has passed.Jin Jian rice was said: "the company has timely to the major shareholder of Agricultural Bank, Wen Wei Po, to assist in the restructuring work".But it quickly and not below.

2010 July, agricultural bank through the IPO land capital market, tn pas cher, in its prospectus mentioned in holding Jinjian rice industry of part of the shares, but not to give following management opinion.

2012, go from bad to worse Jinjian Cereals Industry was no longer "Chinese rice first unit".According to the iFinD data, air jordan pas cher, the company last year, a loss of 70750000 yuan, up to this year the end of the three quarter, which is still a loss of 45600 yuan, if the four quarter cannot realize gain, be the risk of ST, and the Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch finally decided to quit.

"daily economic news" reporter learned through statistics, from the Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch holdings Jinjian rice industry since, it has passed the 12 holdings will stake from 26.82% to the current 17.02%, the cumulative reduction of about 470000000 yuan cash, while the debt amount to 219000000 yuan, Agricultural Bank of China Changde branch has been actually received 251000000 yuan income.

holding time exceeded the law

what causes the bank fails to transfer the shares?For this, the reporter contacted Jinjian rice industry Dong Xie Wen, its major shareholders behavior as dongmi cannot answer.Agricultural Bank, the reporter tried to contact the company securities department concerned personnel, louboutin femme, but as of press, the telephone is still no answer. 相关的主题文章:

本文标签: ChangdebranchcommitmentAgriculturalBank