

1. 引言

Campanelli等人 2020年论文《Vector Commitment Techniques and Applications to Verifiable Decentralized Storage》,介绍视频参看:

与同期VMware research和以太坊团队2020年论文《Aggregatable Subvector Commitments for Stateless Cryptocurrencies》有相互引用。

针对vector m ⃗ = { m 1 , ⋯   , m n } \vec{m}=\{m_1,\cdots,m_n\} m ={m1,,mn},每个元素 m i m_i mi k k k-bits组成,根据位置 i ∈ [ n ] i\in[n] i[n]映射为co-prime vector p ⃗ = { p 1 , ⋯   , p n } \vec{p}=\{p_1,\cdots,p_n\} p ={p1,,pn}

  • Boneh 等人 [BBF19] 2018年论文《Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains》(可参见博客 密码学累加器cryptographic accumulator)中,主要是通过对 0 0 0-bit提供non-membership proof,对 1 1 1-bit提供membership proof,然后对 ( a k , a ∈ [ n ] ) (ak,a\in[n]) (ak,a[n])个位置进行batch open,从而实现subvector commitment;
  • 本论文第一种方式所构建的SVC,在[BBF19]的基础上,主要做了如下改进:
    – 1)弃用了non-membership proof。
    – 2)对每个位置 j ∈ [ k ] j\in[k] j[k],分别拆分为 0 0 0-bit 累加器 a c c j 0 acc_{j0} accj0 1 1 1-bit累加器 a c c j 1 acc_{j1} accj1。一共有 2 k 2k 2k个累加器。对所有的 i ∈ [ n ] i\in[n] i[n],若 j j j-th bit of m i m_i mi 0 0 0,则将 p i p_i pi分配至累加器 a c c j 0 acc_{j0} accj0;否则分配至累加器 a c c j 1 acc_{j1} accj1
    – 3)对于任意位置 j ∈ [ k ] j\in[k] j[k] a c c j 0 acc_{j0} accj0内的co-prime元素乘积 a j a_j aj a c c j 1 acc_{j1} accj1内的co-prime元素乘积 b j b_j bj,则有 a j ⋅ b j = ∏ i = 1 n p i a_j\cdot b_j=\prod_{i=1}^{n}p_i ajbj=i=1npi。借助 P o P r o d 2 PoProd_2 PoProd2 protocol即可实现相应的证明。(参见6.1.1节内容。)

  • SVC对比:
  • VDS对比:

1.1 背景知识

Russell W. F. Lai 和 Giulio Malavolta 在Crypto 2019上发表的论文《Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments》中主要关注的是subvector commitment (SVC) —— 允许open a committed vector at a set of positions,且opening size与vector的size以及要open的位置数均无关。(具体参见博客 Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments学习笔记)

  • 改进效率improving efficiency;
  • 使SVC更适用于decentralized settings。


  • 支持incremental aggregation的VC:允许merge openings in a succinct way an unbounded number of times。

  • 同时对比了直接generate openings in a distributed way算法和通过preprocessing使用incremental aggregation来更快生成openings的算法。

  • 为支持incremental aggregation SVC,基于groups of unknown order,提出了2种实现。与Boneh 等人2018年论文《Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains》类似(可参见博客 密码学累加器cryptographic accumulator),但是Boneh只支持one-hop aggregation。两者均有constant-size public parameters,commitments and openings。但是本文构建的第1个方法支持将subvector openings证明用于keyless proof of storage with compact proofs。

  • 将SVC用于:storing a file efficiently in completely decentralized networks。本文介绍了verifiable decentralized storage (VDS) cryptographic primitive,允许用于检查 the integrity of a file stored by a network of nodes in a distributed and decentralized way。

值得注意的是,[Mer88] Merkle tree 可看成是具有 O ( log ⁡ n ) O(\log_{}{n}) O(logn)-size openings的vector commitment。

1.2 vector commitment历史

  • 2010年,[LY10] Benoît Libert和Moti Yung 的论文《Concise Mercurial Vector Commitments and Independent Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs》在[CFM] qTMC的基础上,提出 了 a concise mercurial vector commitment,具有如下特性:
    (1)hard and soft position-wise openings both have constant size(independent of q q q)。
    (2)the committer can hard-open the commitment at position i ∈ { 1 , ⋯   , q } i\in\{1,\cdots,q\} i{1,,q} without revealing anything on messages at other positions in the vector。
    (3)membership proof和non-membership proof的长度均较短, O ( λ / log ⁡ ( q ) ) O(\lambda/\log(q)) O(λ/log(q))。取 q = 128 q=128 q=128,proof可不超过2KB。
    (4)可转化为concise multi-trapdoor qTMC scheme,以支持构建independent zero-knowledge databases,从而实现ZK-EDB的independence和short proof。(参见博客 Concise Mercurial Vector Commitments and Independent Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs 学习笔记)

  • 2013年,[CF13] Dario Catalano 和 Dario Fiore 2013年论文《Vector Commitments and their Applications》中提出了两种Vector Commitment实现:基于RSA-assumption的Vector Commitment实现;基于Computational Diffie-Hellman (in bilinear groups) CDH-assumption的Vector Commitment实现。(参见博客 Vector Commitments and their Applications学习笔记)

  • 2019年,[BBF19] 和 [LM19] 均支持subvector openings,在[BBF19]中称为batch openings。A VC with subvector openings (called SVC, for short) allows one to open a commitment at a collection of positions I = { i 1 , . . . , i m } I = \{i_1, . . . , i_m\} I={i1,...,im} with a constant-size proof, namely of size independent of the vector’s length n n n and the subvector length m m m. subvector openings属性,可用于降低communication complexity,如PCP/IOP-based succinct arguments以及keyless Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) [Fis18]。
    [BBF19] Boneh等人论文《Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains》中提出的VC算法,其subvector openings为constant size,public parameters也为constant size(与vector的长度无关)。(参见博客 密码学累加器cryptographic accumulator)
    2019年,[LM19] Russell W. F. Lai 和 Giulio Malavolta 在Crypto 2019上发表的论文《Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments》中主要关注的是subvector commitment (SVC):
    (1)SVC允许open a committed vector at a set of positions,且opening size与vector的size以及要open的位置数均无关。
    (2)subvector commitment based on root assumption (RSA assumption),同时将其推广到work over modules over Euclidean rings。
    (3)subvector commitment based on CubeDH assumption。
    (4)Linear map commitment (LMC):allow to open a committed vector to its images under linear maps with a single short message, and propose a construction over pairing groups。
    (5)CS proof:使用Fiat-Shamir transform in the random oracle model 来构建non-interactive argument。
    (6)本文提出使用SVC来实现将PCP转换为non-interactive argument。
    (7)在该文第8章提出了一些可供被选定module families。
    (参见博客 Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments学习笔记)

  • 本文研究的重点是支持subvector openings的vector commitment (SVC),主要目标是提升效率以及扩展其在分布式系统的应用。
    现有的SVC最主要的特性是constant size of their opening proofs,最大的缺陷是每次generating each opening takes at least time O ( n ) O(n) O(n) (i.e., as much as committing)。
    [BBF19]中指出,VC可用于解决分布式账本(如account model blockchain)完整性的问题:commitment is a succinct representation of the ledger,and a user responsible for the i i i-th entry can hold the corresponding opening and use it to prove validity of v i v_i vi。但是,在[BBF19]中并未明确指出 how to create a succinct subvector opening for, say, m m m positions held by different users each responsible only of its own position/s in the vector。【Pointproofs 有关注proof of correctness/binding for cross-commitment aggregation (参见博客 Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments 学习笔记1)】

1.3 SVC + incremental aggregation/disaggregation

SVC + incremental aggregation:即支持不同的subvector openings (如, sets of positions I I I J J J) 可merged together into a single concise (如,constant-size) opening (for positions I ∪ J I\cup J IJ),而整个merge或aggregate的过程中,不需要知道整个committed vector。
aggregation is incremental 可递增的,是指:aggregated proofs can be further aggregated(如,two openings for I ∪ J I\cup J IJ and K K K can be merged into one for I ∪ J ∪ K I\cup J\cup K IJK,以此类推,无次数现在),同时也支持disaggregate(如,given an opening for set I I I, one can create one for any K ⊂ I K\subset I KI)。

[BBF19]中VC算法支持aggregation,但是can be performed only once。而本文构建的第一个VC Scheme支持无限次数的aggregate。


  • incremental aggregation for efficiency:之前每次生成opening的时间均为线性的 O λ ( n ) O_{\lambda}(n) Oλ(n)。本文通过在commitment时进行precompute 计算包含 n / B n/B n/B openings 的辅助信息( B B B为每次batch open的位置数。)

1.4 构建支持incremental aggregation的SVC

  • 支持incremental aggregation的VC:本文构建了2种方式:(均需要hidden-order groups [DK02](如classical RSA groups, class groups [BH01]以及最近的proposed groups from Hyperelliptic Curves [DG20]。))
    (1)一种是类似于[BBF19],基于Strong RSA assumption in groups of unknown order,借助preprocessing,本文算法的open速度要远远高于[BBF19]。In a file of 1 Mibit ( 2 20 2^{20} 220 bits), preprocessing reduces the time to open 2048 bits from one hour to less than 5 seconds!
    (2)在[LM19]和[CF13]的RSA-based SVC的基础上,使其具有constant-size parameters并实现incremental aggregation。与第一种方法相比,本方法效率更高,且based on more standard assumption, in the standard model。

1.5 用于Verifiable Decentralized Storage的incremental aggregation SVC

Incremental aggregation for decentralization:
decentralized storage networks (DSNs):a decentralized and open alternative to traditional cloud storage and hosting services。如Filecoin(built on top of IPFS),Storj,Dat,Freenet以及general-purpose blockchains like Ethereum均关注这个领域。
VDS:Verifiable Decentralized Storage。

2. unknown order group下的假设

根据 [BBF18,BBF19,LM19] 里的讨论,实际可用的group有:

  • class groups [BH01];
  • the quotient group Z N ∗ \mathbb{Z}_N^* ZN/{1,-1} of an RSA group [Wes18]。

注意不可以直接使用整个RSA group,因为 − 1 ∈ Z N ∗ -1\in\mathbb{Z}_N^* 1ZN的order是known的,这样adaptive root assumption就不成立了。在quotient group中, { 1 , − 1 } \{1,-1\} {1,1}为identity element,因此,知道 − 1 -1 1的order并不有助于找到任何non-identity element的root,因此adpative root assumption仍然成立。

2.1 Low Oder Assumption [BBF18]

2.2 Adaptive Root Assumption [Wes18]

2.3 Strong-RSA Assumption [BP97]

2.4 Strong Distinct-Prime-Product Root assumption [LM19]

3. Shamir’s Trick [Sha83]

Shamir’s Trick:具体是指,已知 ρ x x = ρ x y = g \rho_x^x=\rho_x^y=g ρxx=ρxy=g,求 g g g x y xy xy-th root的方法:
x , y x,y x,y的最大公约数为 d = g c d ( x , y ) d=gcd(x,y) d=gcd(x,y),则存在相应的 a , b a,b a,b,使得 a x + b y = d ax+by=d ax+by=d成立,于是 g g g x y xy xy-th root为 ρ x b ρ y b \rho_x^b\rho_y^b ρxbρyb

在[BBF19] Boneh等人论文《Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains》中要求的是 x , y x,y x,y互为素数,则有 d = g c d ( x , y ) = 1 d=gcd(x,y)=1 d=gcd(x,y)=1。(参见博客 密码学累加器cryptographic accumulator)

4. hidden order group下的succinct arguments of knowledge

可参看博客 Proof (of knowledge) of exponentiation。

4.1 Protocol PoE

4.2 Protocol PoKE*

4.3 Protocol PoKE2

5. VC+subvector openings

[LM19] Russell W. F. Lai 和 Giulio Malavolta 在Crypto 2019上发表的论文《Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments》中(参见博客 Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments学习笔记)提出的 VC with subvector openings 是基于Benoˆıt Libert, Somindu C. Ramanna 和 Moti Yung 2016年论文 《Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators from Simple Assumptions》(参见博客 Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators学习笔记)的 functional vector commitments 的基础上的specialization。

functional vector commitments 是在普通vector commitment的基础上,额外增加了:opening the commitment to a function of the committed vector,如 f ( v ⃗ ) f(\vec{v}) f(v )

vector commitment with subvector openings简称为SVC。

  • subvectors定义为:
  • SVC基本算法组成:

5.1 VC+Specializable Universal CRS

通常vector commitment的public parameters(又称为CRS, common reference string),会依赖于committed vector的长度 n n n,即为length-specific CRS。
而本文的VC.Setup算法,是与 n n n无关的,受[GKM+18] 2018年Groth等人论文《 Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs》启发,将这样的称为VC with Specializable (Universal ) CRS。

由于VC.Com, VC.OpenVC.Ver等算法都是work on input a length-specific CRS c r s n crs_n crsn。因此,对于VC with Specializable CRS, c r s n crs_n crsn的生成会拆分为2步:

  • a length-independent, probabilistic setup c r s ← V C . S e t u p ( 1 λ , M ) crs\leftarrow VC.Setup(1^{\lambda},M) crsVC.Setup(1λ,M)
  • a length-dependent, deterministic specialization c r s n ← V C . S p e c i a l i z e ( c r s , n ) crs_n\leftarrow VC.Specialize(crs,n) crsnVC.Specialize(crs,n)

这种模式的优点是:由于VC.Specialize为deterministic的,可以由任何人执行,且对于不同长度的vectors可以复用相同的 c r s crs crs

  • VC+Specializable Universal CRS定义为:

5.2 incremental aggregation subvector openings

  • aggregation的定义为:
    different proofs of different subvector openings can be merged together into a single short proof which can be created without knowing the entire committed vector。

  • incremental aggregation的定义为:
    支持再次组合,即aggregated proofs可以再次被aggregate。与aggregate signature类似,将支持再次组合的aggregate属性称为incremental aggregation或者multi-hop aggregation。

  • disaggregation的定义为:
    即from an opening of positions in the set I I I one can create an opening for positions in a set K ⊂ I K\subset I KI


  • all openings must remain short(即与open的位置数无关);
  • aggregation和/或disaggregation must be computable locally,即可在不知道整个committed vector的情况下执行。

Aggregatable Subvector Openings的定义为:(主要分为VC.AggVC.Disagg 两个算法)

当需要aggregate several openings for sets of positions I 1 , ⋯   , I m I_1,\cdots,I_m I1,,Im into a single opening for ∪ j = 1 k I j \cup_{j=1}^kI_j j=1kIj时,直观的方法是依次调用VC.Agg算法进行Sequential aggregation,,相应的复杂度为 Θ ( m 2 ) \Theta(m^2) Θ(m2)

而借助Divide-and-Conquer 分治法(递归),aggregate m m m个openings的复杂度可降为 Θ ( s ⋅ m log ⁡ m ) \Theta(s\cdot m\log m) Θ(smlogm)。(其中 s s s I j I_j Ij的size bound。)

而当需要disaggregate an opening for a set I I I into several openings for sets I 1 , ⋯   , I m I_1,\cdots,I_m I1,,Im that from a partition of I I I,仍然可借助Divide-and-Conquer 分治法(递归),复杂度为 Θ ( m log ⁡ ( m / B ) ) \Theta(m\log (m/B)) Θ(mlog(m/B))

5.3 precomputation for committing and opening

若vector size为 n n n B B B值的取值范围可为 1 1 1 n n n B B B值越大,则所需的memory越小,但是opening time会增加;而 B B B值越小(极限情况为 B = 1 B=1 B=1)时,需要的存储空间越大,而opening time将更少。

正常 B B B应为an integer that divides n n n,设置 n ′ = n / B n'=n/B n=n/B

6. incremental aggregatable SVC的算法实现

6.1 第一种SVC实现——基于RSA accumulators

在[BBF19] Boneh等人论文《Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains》(参见博客 密码学累加器cryptographic accumulator)的基础上,做了如下改进:

  • 不再使用non-membership proof来表示0值,而是将以二进制表示的vector S S S 拆分为了ones S 1 S_1 S1zeros S 0 S_0 S0 两组集合。
  • 为了防止同一index被分配到了2组集合中,需要proof π S \pi_S πS保证 each index i i i is in either S 0 S_0 S0 or S 1 S_1 S1,即不允许adversary对同一位置 i i i open为 b b b 1 − b 1-b 1b 2个值。

6.1.1 P o P r o d 2 PoProd_2 PoProd2 protocol

P o P r o d 2 PoProd_2 PoProd2 protocol:【基本思想为模运算。】

6.1.2 关键定义


  • v i j v_{ij} vij表示the j j j-th bit in position i i i。其中message space M = { 0 , 1 } k M=\{0,1\}^k M={0,1}k,vector v ⃗ ∈ M n \vec{v}\in M^n v Mn i ∈ [ n ] i\in[n] i[n] j ∈ [ k ] 。 j\in [k]。 j[k]即vector内每个元素以 k k k个二进制位表示。

  • PrimProd(I)是对indices集合 I I I中的所有prime值求乘积—— P r i m e P r o d ( I ) = u I = ∏ i ∈ I p i PrimeProd(I)=u_I=\prod_{i\in I}p_i PrimeProd(I)=uI=iIpi。当 I = [ n ] I=[n] I=[n]时, P r i m e P r o d ( [ n ] ) = u n PrimeProd([n])=u_n PrimeProd([n])=un

  • PrimeGen用于map integers to primes。与[BBF19]的实现类似。

  • P a r t n d P r i m e P r o d ( I , y ⃗ ) → ( ( a I 1 , b I 1 ) , ⋯   , ( a I k , b I k ) ) PartndPrimeProd(I,\vec{y})\rightarrow ((a_{I1},b_{I1}),\cdots,(a_{Ik},b_{Ik})) PartndPrimeProd(I,y )((aI1,bI1),,(aIk,bIk)):即输入为set of indices I = { i 1 , ⋯   , i m } ⊆ [ n ] I=\{i_1,\cdots,i_m\}\subseteq [n] I={i1,,im}[n]和vector y ⃗ ∈ M m \vec{y}\in M^m y Mm,将每个元素bit为1对应的素数相乘记为 b I j b_{Ij} bIj,将每个元素bit为0对应的素数相乘记为 a I j a_{Ij} aIj
    ( a I j , b I j ) = ( ∏ l = 1 ; y l j = 0 m p i l , ∏ l = 1 ; y l j = 1 m p i l ) ,   f o r   j = 1 , ⋯   , k (a_{Ij},b_{Ij})=(\prod_{l=1;y_{lj}=0}^{m}p_{i_l},\prod_{l=1;y_{lj}=1}^{m}p_{i_l}),\ for \ j=1,\cdots,k (aIj,bIj)=(l=1;ylj=0mpil,l=1;ylj=1mpil), for j=1,,k
    其中 p i l ← P r i m G e n ( i l )   f o r   a l l   i l p_{i_l}\leftarrow PrimGen(i_l)\ for\ all\ i_l pilPrimGen(il) for all il

  • 对于任意的 I I I y ⃗ \vec{y} y ,总是有 a I j ⋅ b I j = u I a_{Ij}\cdot b_{Ij}=u_I aIjbIj=uI恒成立。

6.1.3 SVC+incremental aggregation详细实现


6.2 第二种SVC实现——基于RSA assumption

主要基于[LM19] Russell W. F. Lai 和 Giulio Malavolta 在Crypto 2019上发表的论文《Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments》
(参见博客 Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments学习笔记 第3节内容“subvector commitment based on root assumption over Euclidean ring”)和 [CF13] Dario Catalano 和 Dario Fiore 2013年论文《Vector Commitments and their Applications》(参见博客 Vector Commitments and their Applications学习笔记 第2.2节内容“2.2 基于RSA的Vector Commitment实现”)。

基于RSA assumption构建的SVC算法细节为:

7. VDS算法实现

7.1 第一种VDS算法实现

7.2 第二种VDS算法实现

本文标签: 学习笔记TechniquescommitmentVectorApplications