

1. 背景知识

1)2003年,[MRK] S. Micali,M.-O. Rabin和J. Kilian的论文《Zero-Knowledge Sets》中首次提出了zero-knowledge sets(ZKS) primitive:
允许prover commit to a secret finite set S S S so as to be able to prove statements such as x ∈ S x\in S xS or x ∉ S x\notin S x/S without revealing anything else on S S S, not even its size。同时指出,zero-knowledge elementary databases(ZK-EDB)可概括为:zero-knowledge sets in that each element x x x has an associated value D ( x ) D(x) D(x) in the committed database。Micali在该论文中构建了一个ZK-EDB based on the discrete logarithm assumption 和 use an extension of Pedersen’s trapdoor commitment[23],有trusted setup 需构建CRS。

2)2005年,Chase等人的论文《Mercurial Commitments with Applications to Zero-Knowledge Sets》中指出,ZKS protocol可由mercurial commitment构成。[MRK]的构建是由mercurial commitments和a Merkle tree组成,Merkle tree的每个internal node 包含a mercurial commitment to its two children。
博客 水银承诺mercurial commitment 中有介绍mercurial commitment知识。

mercurial commitment是binding 属性更灵活的commitment,分为:

  • hard commitment:可hard/soft-opened to only one message。可支持软打开和硬打开,且软打开的值应与硬打开的值一致。
  • soft commitment:可soft-opened to any arbitrary message without committing the sender to a specific one。仅支持软打开,不支持硬打开。

hard commitment和soft commitment应是computationally indistinguishable。

3)2008年,Catalano等人[CFM]论文《Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs》中指出:
之前构建的zero-knowledge database[21,10] 都是基于a binary Merkle tree of height O ( λ ) O(\lambda) O(λ),其中 λ \lambda λ为security parameter。Each internal node contains a mercurial commitment to (a hash value of) its two children whereas each leaf node is a mercurial commitment to a database entry. A proof of membership for the entry x consists of a sequence of hard openings for commitments appearing in nodes on the path from leaf x to the root. Proofs of non-membership proceed similarly but rather use soft openings along the path. 这种方式生成的proof经常是过长的。
将binary扩展为 q q q,2008年 Catalano等人[CFM]论文《Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs》 提出了trapdoor q q q-mercurial commitment(qTMC)的概念,允许一次commit to a vector of q q q messages at once,且open时可open指定位置的message,不需要将 q q q个message全部reveal。该方式构建的soft commitment openings仅需一个group element,从而大幅缩短了non-membership proof的长度;但是hard openings为 O ( q ) O(q) O(q) elements,从而membership proof的长度 O ( λ ⋅ q / log ⁡ ( q ) ) O(\lambda\cdot q/\log(q)) O(λq/log(q))比non-membership proof的长度要长很多。

4)本论文,2010年,Benoît Libert和Moti Yung 的论文《Concise Mercurial Vector Commitments and Independent Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs》在[CFM] qTMC的基础上,提出:

  • a concise mercurial vector commitment,具有如下特性:
    (1)hard and soft position-wise openings both have constant size(independent of q q q)。
    (2)the committer can hard-open the commitment at position i ∈ { 1 , ⋯   , q } i\in\{1,\cdots,q\} i{1,,q} without revealing anything on messages at other positions in the vector。
    (3)membership proof和non-membership proof的长度均较短, O ( λ / log ⁡ ( q ) ) O(\lambda/\log(q)) O(λ/log(q))。取 q = 128 q=128 q=128,proof可不超过2KB。

  • 可转化为concise multi-trapdoor qTMC scheme,以支持构建independent zero-knowledge databases,从而实现ZK-EDB的independence和short proof。

1.1 Complexity assumption

基于的假设为 q q q-Diffie-Hellman Exponent (q-DHE):已知 ( g , g α , ⋯   , g α q , g α q + 2 , ⋯   , g α 2 q ) (g,g^{\alpha},\cdots,g^{\alpha^q},g^{\alpha^{q+2}},\cdots,g^{\alpha^{2q}}) (g,gα,,gαq,gαq+2,,gα2q),计算 g α q + 1 g^{\alpha^{q+1}} gαq+1的难度很高。

1.2 Trapdoor q q q-Mercurial Commitment

Trapdoor q q q-Mercurial Commitment 由一系列算法组成(qKeygen, qHCom, qHOpen, qHVer, qSCom, qSOpen, qSVer, qFake, qHEquiv, qSEquiv)。

  • qKeygen( λ , q \lambda, q λ,q):基于security参数 λ \lambda λ和单次commit支持的消息数 q q q,输出为public/private keys ( p k , t k ) (pk,tk) (pk,tk)

  • qHCom p k _{pk} pk( m 1 , ⋯   , m q m_1,\cdots,m_q m1,,mq):基于public key p k pk pk,输出hard commitment C C C 和 辅助状态state信息 a u x aux aux

  • qHOpen p k _{pk} pk( m , i , a u x m,i,aux m,i,aux):为hard opening 算法。Given a pair ( C , a u x ) = (C,aux)= (C,aux)=qHCom p k _{pk} pk( m q , ⋯   , m q m_q,\cdots,m_q mq,,mq),it outputs a hard de-commitment π \pi π of C C C w.r.t. position i i i if m = m i m=m_i m=mi. If m ≠ m i m\neq m_i m=mi, it returns ⊥ \perp .

  • qHVer p k _{pk} pk( m , i , C , π m,i,C,\pi m,i,C,π):为hard verification算法。若 π \pi π gives evidence that C C C is a commitment to a sequence ( m 1 , ⋯   , m q ) (m_1,\cdots,m_q) (m1,,mq) such that m i = i m_i=i mi=i,则输出 1 1 1,否则输出 0 0 0

  • qSCom p k _{pk} pk():为probabilistic 算法用于生成soft commitment和辅助信息 a u x aux aux。Such a commitment is not associated with a specific sequence of messages。

  • qSOpen p k _{pk} pk( m , i , f l a g , a u x m,i,flag,aux m,i,flag,aux):生成一个soft de-commitment τ \tau τ of C C C to the message m m m at position i i i f l a g ∈ { H , S } flag\in \{\mathbb{H},\mathbb{S}\} flag{H,S} 变量代表辅助state信息 a u x aux aux对应为hard commitment ( C , a u x ) = (C,aux)= (C,aux)=qHCom p k _{pk} pk( m 1 , ⋯   , m q m_1,\cdots,m_q m1,,mq) 还是 soft commitment ( C , a u x ) = (C, aux)= (C,aux)=qSCom p k _{pk} pk()。若 f l a g = H 且 m ≠ m i flag=\mathbb{H}且m\neq m_i flag=Hm=mi,则该算法返回错误信息 ⊥ \perp

  • qSVer p k _{pk} pk( m , i , C , τ m,i,C,\tau m,i,C,τ):returns 1 1 1 if τ \tau τ is a valid soft de-commitment of C C C to m m m at position i i i and 0 0 0 otherwise. If τ \tau τ is valid and C C C is a hard commitment, its hard opening must be to m m m at index i i i

  • qFake p k , t k _{pk,tk} pk,tk():为随机算法,将trapdoor t k tk tk 作为输入,输出为a q q q-fake commitment C C C 和辅助信息 a u x aux aux C C C不与任何消息绑定。The q q q-fake commitment C C C is similar to a soft de-commitment with the difference that it can be hard-opened using the trapdoor t k tk tk

  • qHEquiv p k , t k _{pk,tk} pk,tk( m 1 , ⋯   , m q , i , a u x m_1,\cdots,m_q,i,aux m1,,mq,i,aux):为 non-adaptive hard equivocation algorithm. Given ( C , a u x ) = (C,aux)= (C,aux)=qFake p k , t k _{pk,tk} pk,tk(),生成a hard de-commitment π \pi π for C C C at the i i i-th position of the sequence ( m 1 , ⋯   , m q ) (m_1,\cdots,m_q) (m1,,mq)。 该算法为non-adaptive是因其要求the sequence of messages必须是确定的 be determined once-and-for-all before the execution of qHEquiv。

  • qSEquiv p k , t k _{pk,tk} pk,tk( m , i , a u x m,i,aux m,i,aux):为soft equivocation algorithm。Given ( C , a u x ) = (C,aux)= (C,aux)=qFake p k , t k _{pk,tk} pk,tk()中的辅助信息 a u x aux aux,it creates a soft de-commitment τ \tau τ to m m m at position i i i

Standard trapdoor mercurial commitment可认为是 q = 1 q=1 q=1的qTMC特例。

使得adversary无法区分真实的commitment/de-commitment和基于trapdoor t k tk tk伪造的commitment/de-commitment。

1.3 Zero-Knowledge Sets and Databases

An elementary database D D D (EDB) is a set of pairs ( x , y ) ⊂ { 0 , 1 } ∗ × { 0 , 1 } ∗ (x,y) \subset \{0,1\}^{*}\times\{0,1\}^{*} (x,y){0,1}×{0,1},其中 x x x为key, y y y为相应的value。
A zero-knowledge EDB要求可提供“ x ∈ [ D ]   a n d   y = D ( x ) x\in [D]\ and\ y=D(x) x[D] and y=D(x) is the associated value”或“x\notin [D]”的相应证明 without revealing any further information on D D D (not even the cardinality of [ D D D])。

Zero-knowledge sets可认为是所有value值均为 1 1 1的ZK-EDB的特例。

EDB scheme由(CRS-Gen,P1,P2,V)算法组成:

2. Concise qTMC Scheme

本文构建的concise qTMC scheme是基于Camenisch等人2009年论文《An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials》的accumulator累加器思路(该思路又是受Boneh等人2005年论文《Collusion Resistant Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys》启发)。

Camenisch等人2009年论文《An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials》中的思路为:
public key: ( g , g 1 , ⋯   , g q , g q + 2 , ⋯   , g 2 q ) (g,g_1,\cdots,g_q,g_{q+2},\cdots,g_{2q}) (g,g1,,gq,gq+2,,g2q),其中 g i = g α i g_i=g^{\alpha^i} gi=gαi
待累加元素: ν ⊆ { 1 , ⋯   , q } \nu \subseteq \{1,\cdots,q\} ν{1,,q}
累加算法: V = ∏ j ∈ ν g q + 1 − j = g 1 g 2 ⋯ g q = g α + α 2 + ⋯ + α q V=\prod_{j\in\nu}g_{q+1-j}=g_1g_2\cdots g_q=g^{\alpha+\alpha^2+\cdots +\alpha^q} V=jνgq+1j=g1g2gq=gα+α2++αq

待证明: i ∈ ν i \in \nu iν
Prover提供的证明可为: W i = ∏ j ∈ ν ∖ i g q + 1 − j + i = V α i / g q + 1 W_i=\prod_{j\in\nu\setminus i}g_{q+1-j+i}=V^{\alpha^i}/{g_{q+1}} Wi=jνigq+1j+i=Vαi/gq+1
Verifier验证: e ( g i , V ) = e ( g , W i ) ⋅ e ( g 1 , g q ) e(g_i,V)=e(g,W_i)\cdot e(g_1,g_q) e(gi,V)=e(g,Wi)e(g1,gq)即可。

本论文中,为hiding属性,增加了随机数 γ ∈ Z p \gamma \in \mathbb{Z}_p γZp,同时为使累加的消息 m i ∈ Z p ∗ m_i\in \mathbb{Z}_p^{*} miZp 对位置敏感(in a position-sensitive manner) Benoît Libert做了如下改进:

  • commit to ( m 1 , ⋯   , m q ) (m_1,\cdots,m_q) (m1,,mq)表示为 V = g γ ⋅ ∏ j = 1 q g q + 1 − j m j V=g^{\gamma}\cdot\prod_{j=1}^{q}g_{q+1-j}^{m_j} V=gγj=1qgq+1jmj 【该commitment在q-DHE assumption下具有binding属性,若q-DHE assumption不成立,则adversary可produce two distinct openings of V V V at position i i i。同时,也可将该commitment看成是trapdoor commitment,其trapdoor key为 g q + 1 = g α q + 1 g_{q+1}=g^{\alpha^{q+1}} gq+1=gαq+1,拥有该trapdoor key 的人可open 该commitment为任意值。】
  • 为证明 m i m_i mi为 the i i i-th committed message,Prover提供: W i = g i γ ⋅ ∏ j = 1 , j ≠ i q g q + 1 − j + i m j W_i=g_i^{\gamma}\cdot \prod_{j=1,j\neq i}^{q}g_{q+1-j+i}^{m_j} Wi=giγj=1,j=iqgq+1j+imj
  • Verifier验证: e ( g i , V ) = e ( g , W i ) ⋅ e ( g 1 , g q ) m i e(g_i,V)=e(g,W_i)\cdot e(g_1,g_q)^{m_i} e(gi,V)=e(g,Wi)e(g1,gq)mi即可。
  • 为实现mercurial commitment 具有更灵活的binding属性,若调整Verifier的验证公式为 e ( g i , V ) = e ( g 1 , W i ) ⋅ e ( g 1 , g q ) m i e(g_i,V)=e(g_1,W_i)\cdot e(g_1,g_q)^{m_i} e(gi,V)=e(g1,Wi)e(g1,gq)mi则相应的binding属性将消失。基本思路为,Prover 的commitment不再只是 V V V,而是 ( C , V ) (C,V) (C,V),其中 θ ∈ Z p \theta \in\mathbb{Z}_p θZp,当 C = g θ C=g^{\theta} C=gθ时,为hard commitment;当 C = g 1 θ C=g_1^{\theta} C=g1θ时,为soft commitment。Verifier验证的公式为: e ( g i , V ) = e ( C , W i ) ⋅ e ( g 1 , g q ) m i e(g_i,V)=e(C,W_i)\cdot e(g_1,g_q)^{m_i} e(gi,V)=e(C,Wi)e(g1,gq)mi

详细的mercurial commitment流程如下:


3. 基于qTMC构建ZK-EDB

2008年Catalano等人[CFM]论文《Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs》中构建ZK-EDB的思路可参见Camenisch等人2009年论文《An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials》的附录B。
基本的思路为:对于 q q q-ary tree of height h h h,将每个key x x x赋值给tree的leaf,理论上,该EBD的size 上限为 q h q^h qh
本论文在次基础上增加了independent zero-knowledge的要求,即 adversaries be unable to correlate their database to those created by honest provers.

本文标签: 学习笔记VectorCommitmentsConcisemercurial