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Tech industry expo opens portal to tomorrow

  • industry: 产业;声势浩大的活动;
  • expo:展览会;博览会;
  • portal:正门;宏伟的大门;

The show must go on.

That sentiment couldn’t have been stronger this week at CES, the largest consumer electronics convention in the country. The conference, which brought more than 180,000 people to Las Vegas, was a reminder of what the tech industry is best at: being optimistic about itself.

在本周的国际消费电子展(CES)上,这番感触最为强烈。CES 是美国最大的消费型电子产品展会,而本届大会吸引了超过 18 万人涌入拉斯维加斯。此次展会提醒了人们,科技行业最擅长对自身的前景保持乐观。

  • sentiment:(基于思想或情感的)态度,情绪;
  • couldn’t have been stronger:否定词+比较级 = 最高级 最为强烈
  • convention:(组织、政治团体的)大会,大型会议;
  • conference:(常持续数天的)专题讨论会,研讨会;
  • reminder:提示;使人回忆起某事的事物;
  • be best at :最擅长

The conference offered a peek at the year’s hottest tech trends, including artificially intelligent virtual assistants, next-generation wireless networks and connected cars.

  • peek:瞥;偷看;窥视;
  • artificially intelligent virtual assistants:人工智能虚拟助理
  • next-generation wireless networks:新一代无线网络
  • connected car:车联网

Front and center at CES was the battle between virtual assistants. Aaron Emigh, chief executive of Brilliant, which makes smart home products that work with Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, said it was critical for virtual assistants to work together, not against one another, because the smart home was already too complex, with products like light switches, thermostats and cameras coming from different brands.
CES 的重头戏是虚拟助理间的较量。亚伦·艾美是 Brilliant 公司的首席执行官,这个公司负责制造与 Alexa,谷歌助手和 Siri 联动的智能家居产品。他认为,“智能之家”中存在着不同品牌的照明开关、恒温器和摄像头,已经十分繁杂,因此,虚拟助理应当相互协作而非对立。

  • front and center:in a very important position, where it will receive attention 重头戏
  • virtual assistants:虚拟助理
  • light switch:照明开关
  • thermostat:恒温器

Wireless carriers and chipmakers highlighted 5G, the next-generation cellular network arriving this year in a small number of cities with data speeds so zippy that devices can download an entire movie in seconds.
无线运营商和芯片制造商都重点介绍了 5G 网络。这个新一代的蜂窝网络已于今年登陆少量城市,其速度之快,使得电子设备顷刻间就可以下载一整部电影。

  • cellular network :蜂窝网络,细胞网络
  • zippy: very fast

Car manufacturers like Mercedes-Benz and BMW showed off concepts of autonomous vehicles powered by AI and 5G wireless connections. Smarter cars with features like built-in voice assistants to help people use maps, play music or get a sports update without taking their eyes off the road are available now.
梅赛德斯-奔驰和宝马等汽车制造商都隆重介绍了一些新概念:由人工智能和 5G 网络无线连接技术驱动的自动驾驶汽车。更智能的汽车现已开售,它们配有车载语音助手,可以帮助人们在专注于路况的情况下使用地图,播放音乐或是获取最新的体育新闻。

  • manufacturer:生产商;制造商;
  • available:能找到的;可获得的;

Matt Strauss, a Comcast executive, was especially bullish about the year ahead. He said just about everything announced at CES required an Internet connection, so that’s the last thing that people would cut off.

  • bullish:乐观的;充满希望的;

“It’s become like oxygen,” he said.

————— 文章来源 / 纽约时报

本文标签: 流利Techindustryopensportal