

Java Python ENVM7100 - Foundations of Sustainable Development

1.General Course   Information

1.1 Course Details Course Code:ENVM7100

Course Title:Foundations of Sustainable Development Coordinating Unit:School of theEnvironment

Semester:Semester 2,2023 Mode: In Person

Level:Postgraduate Coursework Delivery Location: St Lucia

Number of Units:2

Contact Hours Per Week:LEC2 Hours/Week CON 1 Hour/Week 2L1C Incompatible:ENVM2100

Course Description:Our world continues to face diffiout and confronting isuesrelating to ourpastand present development pathways.This course thus providesfoundationa knowledge of the principles of sustainable development as a possible way to balance social equity,environmental

sustainability and economic needs.This course draws on numerous case studies from around the world toillustrate the complexity of sustainable development issues and their implicit trade-offs.

Assumed Background:

There is no assumed background inthis course.However,students areexpected to bring an inquiring mind to thecourse andbe orientated towards analysing and developing responses to sustainable development challenges in a practical and pragmatic fashion

1.2 Course Introduction

This course is an introduction to the key principlesof sustainable development and the aplication of such principles in real world situations.These   principles include:the socia,environmental and economic pllars of sustainable development global population,poverty and aidconsiderations;and the value o multiple sets of knowledge in particular indigenous knowledge.Adiverse set of case studies and issues of concern are addressed

throughout  the  course  andinclude:climate  change,resources  and  waste;ircular  economy  biodiversity  ffsets;tourism  industry,ocalcommunity governmentpartnerships;and the options before us for the future development of human society in a worldof limited carrying capacity.

Course Changes in Response to Previous StudentFeedback

In response to student feedback from past offers of this course,we added more possible essaytopics and also have a greater emphasis on solutions.

1.3 Course Staff

Course Coordinator: Dr Anthony Halog

1.4 Timetable

Timetablesare available on the UQ PublicTimetable.(

Additional Timetable Information

Students are required to attend the 2 hour lecture and a1 hour practical each week.

2.1 Course Aims

The overarching aim of this course is to develop students'foundationalknowledge and skill in sustainable development.This course seeks to challenge students to think criticallyab ENVM7100 - Foundations of Sustainable Development Semester 2,2023SQL out what sustainable development means for this generation and the next

This course is taught alongside an undergraduate offering.Masters level students have aditional components on the two major assignments and receive some specialised tutorial attention.

2.2 Learning Objectives

After successfully completingthis course youshould be able to:

1 Describe the major principles of sustainable development;

2 Apply the principles of sustainable development to a range of issues, and propose practical improvements;

3 Critically analyse and debate contentious topics in sustainable development;

4 Assess the conflicts and trade-offs inherent in sustainable development;

5 Discuss the interests and roles of multiple stakeholders in promoting sustainable development;

6 Effectively use verbal and written communication skills to articulate knowledge;

7 Source, read and, demonstrate an understanding of academic literature in relation to sustainable development issues;

8 Work both in groups and independently toward a better understanding and promotion of sustainable development;

9 Demonstrate a mature understanding of the causes, consequences and potential solutions to pressing sustainable development issués.

3.Learning    Resources

3.1 Required Resources

No required learning resources

3.2 Recommended Resources

There are no recommended textboks in this course.Sustainable development is abroad and dynamic field of study.Howevet,teaching staffin this course will direct students to appropriate key literature in the varioustopics

There isa listof course readings hat will be providedinWeek 1 on the course Blackboard site

Further reading material and other usefulinks will lso beadded to the course Blackboard site throughout semester;students are advised to check regularly for new material.

3.3 University Learning Resources

Access to required and recommended resources,plus past central exam papers,is available at the UQ Library website ( (

The University offers a range of resources and services to support tudent learning.Details areavailable on the myUQ website (htps// (

3.5 Other Learning Resources &Information

This course requiresstudents to write and present research on sustainable development,both independenty andin groups.Please consult SEESs and UQ's website for information on writing research papers,group work and presentation skills,available at: (


本文标签: SustainableFoundationsDevelopmentsqlSemester