

LLMs之Koala:《Koala: A Dialogue Model for Academic Research一款针对学术研究的对话模型》翻译与解读

导读:2023年4月3日伯克利大学发布Koala ,本篇文章主要介绍了 Koala 对话模型,总结如下:




>> 收集来自网上的用户与ChatGPT对话记录等对话数据,并精炼高质量数据集。

>> 使用该数据集复习训练基于LLaMA的Koala模型。


>> 数据集选择了与ChatGPT等大模型对话,利用大模型产出提升小模型性能。

>> Koala模型在学术领域问题集和真实用户问题集上的人工评估表现优于Alpaca,与ChatGPT平分秋色。

>> 小模型仅靠高质量对话数据训练,性能有望接近大模型


>> Koala模型较小,可在学术环境下灵活应用。

>> 结果表明利用高质量对话数据集可能比模型规模更关键

>> 希望Koala能作为开源平台,推动对话模型安全性及配备研究。


《Koala: A Dialogue Model for Academic Research》翻译与解读


System Overview系统概述

Datasets and Training数据集和训练

ChatGPT Distillation Data蒸馏数据

Open Source Data开源数据

Preliminary Evaluation初步评估

Limitations and Safety局限性和安全性



Future Work未来工作

《Koala: A Dialogue Model for Academic Research》翻译与解读


论文地址:Koala: A Dialogue Model for Academic Research – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog





Xinyang Geng∗, Arnav Gudibande∗, Hao Liu∗, Eric Wallace∗, Pieter Abbeel⋄, Sergey Levine⋄ and Dawn Song⋄


In this post, we introduce Koala, a chatbot trained by fine-tuning Meta’s LLaMA on dialogue data gathered from the web. We describe the dataset curation and training process of our model, and also present the results of a user study that compares our model to ChatGPT and Stanford’s Alpaca. Our results show that Koala can effectively respond to a variety of user queries, generating responses that are often preferred over Alpaca, and at least tied with ChatGPT in over half of the cases.

在这篇文章中,我们介绍了一款名为Koala聊天机器人,它是通过在网络上收集的对话数据上Meta的LLaMA进行微调来训练的。我们描述了我们模型的 数据集整理和训练过程,并展示了与ChatGPT和斯坦福的Alpaca进行的用户研究的比较结果。我们的结果显示,Koala可以有效地响应各种用户查询,其生成的响应通常优于Alpaca,在超过一半的情况下至少与ChatGPT持平

We hope that these results contribute further to the discourse around the relative performance of large closed-source models to smaller public models. In particular, it suggests that models that are small enough to be run locally can capture much of the performance of their larger cousins if trained on carefully sourced data. This might imply, for example, that the community should put more effort into curating high-quality datasets, as this might do more to enable safer, more factual, and more capable models than simply increasing the size of existing systems. We emphasize that Koala is a research prototype, and while we hope that its release will provide a valuable community resource, it still has major shortcomings in terms of content, safety, and reliability, and should not be used outside of research.

Online interactive demo

EasyLM: training and serving framework

Koala model weights diff agaist base LLaMA



EasyLM:训练和服务框架:GitHub - young-geng/EasyLM: Large language models (LLMs) made easy, EasyLM is a one stop solution for pre-training, finetuning, evaluating and serving LLMs in JAX/Flax.


System Overview系统概述

Large language models (LLMs) have enabled increasingly powerful virtual assistants and chat bots, with systems such as ChatGPT, Bard, Bing Chat, and Claude able to respond to a breadth of user queries, provide sample code, and even write poetry. Many of the most capable LLMs require huge computational resources to train, and oftentimes use large and proprietary datasets. This suggests that in the future, highly capable LLMs will be largely controlled by a small number of organizations, and both users and researchers will pay to interact with these models without direct access to modify and improve them on their own. On the other hand, recent months have also seen the release of increasingly capable freely available or (partially) open-source models, such as LLaMA. These systems typically fall short of the most capable closed models, but their capabilities have been rapidly improving. This presents the community with an important question: will the future see increasingly more consolidation around a handful of closed-source models, or the growth of open models with smaller architectures that approach the performance of their larger but closed-source cousins?

大型语言模型(LLMs)已经使越来越强大的虚拟助手和聊天机器人成为可能,例如ChatGPT、Bard、Bing Chat和Claude能够响应广泛的用户查询,提供示例代码,甚至能写诗。许多最强大的LLMs需要大量的计算资源来训练,并且通常使用大型和专有数据集。这表明在未来,高度能干的LLMs将主要由少数组织控制,用户和研究人员将付费与这些模型互动,而无法直接访问、修改和完善它们。另一方面,最近几个月也看到了越来越有能力免费提供或(部分)开源的模型发布,如LLaMA。这些系统通常不如最强大的闭源模型,但它们的能力正在迅速提高。这为社区提出了一个重要问题:未来是越来越集中在少数闭源模型周围,还是小型架构的开源模型增长,其性能接近更大型的闭源同类?

While the open models are unlikely to match the scale of closed-source models, perhaps the use of carefully selected training data can enable them to approach their performance. In fact, efforts such as Stanford’s Alpaca, which fine-tunes LLaMA on data from OpenAI’s GPT model, suggest that the right data can improve smaller open source models significantly.

We introduce a new model, Koala, which provides an additional piece of evidence toward this discussion. Koala is fine-tuned on freely available interaction data scraped from the web, but with a specific focus on data that includes interaction with highly capable closed-source models such as ChatGPT. We fine-tune a LLaMA base model on dialogue data scraped from the web and public datasets, which includes high-quality responses to user queries from other large language models, as well as question answering datasets and human feedback datasets. The resulting model, Koala-13B, shows competitive performance to existing models as suggested by our human evaluation on real-world user prompts.



Our results suggest that learning from high-quality datasets can mitigate some of the shortcomings of smaller models, maybe even matching the capabilities of large closed-source models in the future. This might imply, for example, that the community should put more effort into curating high-quality datasets, as this might do more to enable safer, more factual, and more capable models than simply increasing the size of existing systems.

By encouraging researchers to engage with our system demo, we hope to uncover any unexpected features or deficiencies that will help us evaluate the models in the future. We ask researchers to report any alarming actions they observe in our web demo to help us comprehend and address any issues. As with any release, there are risks, and we will detail our reasoning for this public release later in this blog post. We emphasize that Koala is a research prototype, and while we hope that its release will provide a valuable community resource, it still has major shortcomings in terms of content, safety, and reliability, and should not be used outside of research. Below we provide an overview of the differences between Koala and notable existing models.



Datasets and Training数据集和训练

A primary obstacle in building dialogue models is curating training data. Prominent chat models, including ChatGPT, Bard, Bing Chat and Claude use proprietary datasets built using significant amounts of human annotation. To construct Koala, we curated our training set by gathering dialogue data from the web and public datasets. Part of this data includes dialogues with large language models (e.g., ChatGPT) which users have posted online.

Rather than maximizing quantity by scraping as much web data as possible, we focus on collecting a small high-quality dataset. We use public datasets for question answering, human feedback (responses rated both positively and negatively), and dialogues with existing language models. We provide the specific details of the dataset composition below.

构建对话模型的一个主要障碍是策划训练数据。包括ChatGPT、Bard、Bing Chat和Claude在内的著名聊天模型使用的是通过大量人类注释构建的专有数据集。为了构建Koala,我们从网络和公共数据集中收集对话数据来策划我们的训练集。这部分数据包括与大型语言模型(例如ChatGPT)的对话,用户在网上发布了这些对话。


ChatGPT Distillation Data蒸馏数据

Public User-Shared Dialogues with ChatGPT (ShareGPT) Around 60K dialogues shared by users on ShareGPT were collected using public APIs. To maintain data quality, we deduplicated on the user-query level and removed any non-English conversations. This leaves approximately 30K examples.

Human ChatGPT Comparison Corpus (HC3) We use both the human and ChatGPT responses from the HC3 english dataset, which contains around 60K human answers and 27K ChatGPT answers for around 24K questions, resulting in a total number of around 87K question-answer examples.

公共用户共享的ChatGPT对话(ShareGPT):通过公共API收集了大约60K个用户在ShareGPT上共享的对话。为了保持数据质量,我们在用户查询级别上进行了去重,并移除了所有非英语对话。这留下了大约30K个示例。 人类与ChatGPT比较语料库(HC3):我们使用了HC3英语数据集中的用户和ChatGPT的响应,该数据集包含大约60K个人类答案和27K个ChatGPT答案,针对大约24K个问题,总共大约有87K个问题-答案示例。

Open Source Data开源数据

Open Instruction Generalist (OIG). We use a manually-selected subset of components from the Open Instruction Generalist dataset curated by LAION. Specifically, we use the grade-school-math-instructions, the poetry-to-songs, and the plot-screenplay-books-dialogue datasets. This results in a total of around 30k examples.

Stanford Alpaca. We include the dataset used to train the Stanford Alpaca model. The dataset contains around 52K examples, which is generated by OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 following the self-instruct process. It is worth noting that HC3, OIG, and Alpaca datasets are single-turn question answering while ShareGPT dataset is dialogue conversations.



Anthropic HH. The Anthropic HH dataset contains human ratings of harmfulness and helpfulness of model outputs. The dataset contains ~160K human-rated examples, where each example in this dataset consists of a pair of responses from a chatbot, one of which is preferred by humans. This dataset provides both capabilities and additional safety protections for our model.

OpenAI WebGPT. The OpenAI WebGPT dataset includes a total of around 20K comparisons where each example comprises a question, a pair of model answers, and metadata. The answers are rated by humans with a preference score.

人类评价模型输出有害性和有益性的数据集(Anthropic HH):该数据集包含约160K个人类评价的示例,每个示例由一个聊天机器人的两个响应组成,其中一个是人类偏好的。这个数据集为我们的模型提供了能力和额外的安全保护。 OpenAI WebGPT:OpenAI WebGPT数据集包含大约20K个比较,每个示例包括一个问题、一对模型答案和元数据。答案由人类以偏好分数进行评级。

OpenAI Summarization. The OpenAI summarization dataset contains ~93K examples, each example consists of feedback from humans regarding the summarizations generated by a model. Human evaluators chose the superior summary from two options.

When using the open-source datasets, some of the datasets have two responses, corresponding to responses rated as good or bad (Anthropic HH, WebGPT, OpenAI Summarization). We build on prior research by Keskar et al, Liu et al, and Korbak et al, who demonstrate the effectiveness of conditioning language models on human preference markers (such as “a helpful answer” and “an unhelpful answer”) for improved performance. We condition the model on either a positive or negative marker depending on the preference label. We use positive markers for the datasets without human feedback. For evaluation, we prompt models with positive markers.

The Koala model is implemented with JAX/Flax in EasyLM, our open source framework that makes it easy to pre-train, fine-tune, serve, and evaluate various large language models. We train our Koala model on a single Nvidia DGX server with 8 A100 GPUs. It takes 6 hours to complete the training for 2 epochs. On public cloud computing platforms, such a training run typically costs less than $100 with preemptible instances.


在使用开源数据集时,一些数据集有两个响应,对应于被评为好或坏的响应(Anthropic HH、WebGPT、OpenAI摘要)。我们在Keskar等人、Liu等人和Korbak等人的先前研究基础上,展示了在人类偏好标记(如“一个有帮助的答案”和“一个没有帮助的答案”)上调节语言模型的有效性,以改善性能。我们根据偏好标签在正面或负面标记上调节模型。我们在没有人类反馈的数据集上使用正面标记。为了评估,我们用正面标记提示模型。 Koala模型是在我们的开源框架EasyLM中用JAX/Flax实现的,该框架使得预训练、微调、服务和评估各种大型语言模型变得容易。我们在一台装有8个A100 GPU的Nvidia DGX服务器上训练我们的Koala模型。完成2个周期的训练需要6个小时。在公共云计算平台上,这样的训练运行通常成本不到100美元,使用可抢占实例。

Preliminary Evaluation初步评估

In our experiments, we evaluated two models: Koala-Distill, which solely employs distillation data, and Koala-All, which employs all of the data, including both distillation and open-source data. Our aim is to compare the performance of these models and evaluate the influence of distillation and open-source datasets on final performance. We ran a human evaluation to compare Koala-All with Koala-Distill, Alpaca, and ChatGPT. We present our results in the figure above. We evaluate on two different sets, one consisting of 180 test queries used by Stanford’s Alpaca (“Alpaca Test Set”), and our own test set (“Koala Test Set”).


The Alpaca test set consists of user prompts sampled from the self-instruct dataset, and represents in-distribution data for the Alpaca model. To provide a second more realistic evaluation protocol, we also introduce our own (Koala) test set, which consists of 180 real user queries that were posted online. These user queries span various topics, are generally conversational in style, and are likely more representative of the real-world use cases of chat-based systems. To mitigate possible test-set leakage, we filtered out queries that have a BLEU score greater than 20% with any example from our training set. Additionally, we removed non-English and coding-related prompts, since responses to these queries cannot be reliably reviewed by our pool of raters (crowd workers). We release our test set for academic use and future benchmarking.

With these two evaluation sets, we conducted a blind pairwise comparison by asking approximately 100 evaluators on Amazon Mechanical Turk platform to compare the quality of model outputs on these held-out sets of prompts. In the ratings interface, we present each rater with an input prompt and the output of two models. They are then asked to judge which output is better (or that they are equally good) using criteria related to response quality and correctness.


使用这两个评估集,我们在Amazon Mechanical Turk平台上询问了大约100名评估者,让他们对保留提示上的模型输出质量进行比较。在评分界面中,我们向每个评分者展示一个输入提示和两个模型的输出。然后要求他们根据响应质量和正确性相关的标准判断哪个输出更好(或者它们一样好)。

On the Alpaca test set, Koala-All exhibited comparable performance to Alpaca. However, on our proposed test set, which consists of real user queries, Koala-All was rated as better than Alpaca in nearly half the cases, and either exceeded or tied Alpaca in 70% of the cases. Of course, the more conversational prompts in the Koala test set more closely resemble the Koala training set, so this is perhaps not surprising, but insofar as such prompts more closely resemble likely downstream use cases for such models, this suggests that Koala would be expected to perform better in assistant-like applications. This suggests that data of LLM interactions sourced from examples posted by users on the web is an effective strategy for endowing such models with effective instruction execution capabilities.

Perhaps more surprisingly, we found that training on open-source data in addition to the distillation data (Koala-All) performs slightly worse than training on just ChatGPT distillation data (Koala-Distill), as shown by the comparison to Koala-Distill on both datasets. Though the difference might not be significant, this result suggests that the ChatGPT dialogues are of such high quality that incorporating even twice as much open-source data did not lead to a significant improvement. Our initial hypothesis was that Koala-All should perform at least somewhat better, hence we used it as our primary model in all evaluations, but a potential takeaway from these experiments is that effective instruction and assistant models could be finetuned from LLM backbones such as LLaMA entirely using data from larger and more powerful models, so long as the prompts for these responses are representative of the kinds of prompts that users will provide at test-time. This also further supports the notion that the key to building strong dialogue models may lie more in curating high-quality dialogue data that is diverse in user queries, rather than simply reformatting existing datasets as questions and answers.



Limitations and Safety局限性和安全性

Like other language models, Koala has limitations and can be harmful when misused. We observe that Koala can hallucinate and generate non-factual responses with a highly confident tone, which is likely a result of the dialogue fine-tuning. Perhaps an unfortunate implication of this is that smaller models inherit the confident style of larger language models before they inherit the same level of factuality—if true, this is a limitation that is important to study in future work. When misused, the hallucinated responses from Koala can potentially facilitate the spread of misinformation, spam, and other content.

Koalas can hallucinate inaccurate information in a confident and convincing tone.

Koalas can hallucinate inaccurate information in a confident and convincing tone. Beyond hallucinations, Koala shares deficiencies from other chatbot language models. Some of which include:

Biases and Stereotypes: Our model will inherit biases from the dialogue data it was trained on, possibly perpetuating harmful stereotypes, discrimination, and other harms.

Lack of Common Sense: While large language models can generate text that appears to be coherent and grammatically correct, they often lack common sense knowledge that humans take for granted. This can lead to nonsensical or inappropriate responses.

Limited Understanding: Large language models can struggle to understand the context and nuances of a dialogue. They can also have difficulty identifying sarcasm or irony, which can lead to misunderstandings.




偏见和刻板印象:我们的模型将继承它所训练的对话数据中的偏见,可能会延续有害的刻板印象、歧视和其他伤害。 缺乏常识:虽然大型语言模型可以生成看似连贯且语法正确的文本,但它们通常缺乏人类视为理所当然的常识知识。这可能导致荒谬或不适当的回应。


To address the safety implications of Koala, we included adversarial prompts in the dataset from ShareGPT and Anthropic HH to make the model more robust and harmless. To further mitigate potential misuse, we deploy OpenAI’s content moderation filter in our online demo to flag and remove unsafe content. We will be cautious about the safety of Koala, and we are committed to perform further safety evaluations of it while also monitoring our interactive demo. Overall, we decided to release Koala because we think its benefits outweigh its risks.

为了解决Koala的安全问题,我们在数据集中包括了来自ShareGPT和Anthropic HH的对抗性提示,以使模型更加健壮和无害。为了进一步减轻潜在的误用,我们在在线演示中部署了OpenAI的内容审查过滤器,以标记和移除不安全的内容。我们将对Koala的安全性保持谨慎,并承诺对其进行进一步的安全评估,同时监控我们的互动演示。总的来说,我们决定发布Koala,因为我们认为其好处超过了其风险。


We are releasing the following artifacts:

An online interactive demo of Koala

EasyLM: our open source framework we used to train Koala

The code for preprocessing our training data

Our test set of queries

Koala model weights diff against the base LLaMA model





我们的查询测试集 Koala模型权重与基础LLaMA模型的差异


The online demo is a research preview intended for academic research only, subject to the model License of LLaMA, Terms of Use of the data generated by OpenAI, and Privacy Practices of ShareGPT. Any other usage of the online demo, including but not limited to commercial usage, is strictly prohibited. Please contact us If you find any potential violations. Our training and inference code is released under the Apache License 2.0.


Future Work未来工作

We hope that the Koala model will serve as a useful platform for future academic research on large language models: the model is capable enough to exhibit many of the capabilities that we associate with modern LLMs, while being small enough to be finetuned or utilized with more limited compute. Potentially promising directions might include:

Safety and alignment: Koala allows further study of language model safety and better alignment with human intentions.

Model bias: Koala enables us to better understand the biases of large language models, the presence of spurious correlations and quality issues in dialogue datasets, and methods to mitigate such biases.

Understanding large language models: because Koala inference can be performed on relatively inexpensive commodity GPUs, it enables us to better inspect and understand the internals of dialogue language models, making (previously black-box) language models more interpretable.





本文标签: 学术研究模型dialogueKoalaLLMs