

Consulting giant SAIC has launched an initiative to create SOA interoperability standards within the energy industry. SAIC is inviting participation in this effort. The company has been working for over two years with BP and other energy companies in the definition, development and implementation of SOA interoperability standards. Earlier this year, SAIC sponsored an Energy Industry SOA Roundtable, where the need for a Web service interoperability standard was discussed. During this event, SAIC-client BP contributed a draft of a web service interoperability standard that has been adopted across the BP Group and was used as a source document for the recent PRODML V1.0 specification. A SAIC press release states that standards will enable interoperability and integration for utility companies of systems supporting the high-data volume requirements of industry initiatives such as advance metering infrastructure and automated demand response solutions. 

本文标签: SOAindustryEnergylaunchedInitiative