


I recently asked a


有关移动设备的计算机清单应用程序的 question about Computer Inventory applications for Mobile Devices.  I was specifically interested in an app I could use on my android phone.  The best answer to that question was a recommendation from expert 问题 。 我对我可以在Android手机上使用的应用特别感兴趣。 对该问题的最佳答案是专家 Fouad Maidine for 2 apps, one of them was Fouad Maidine推荐的2种应用,其中一种是 infradog.  I have used another app for several years called Computer Inventory (CI) from Infradog 。 几年来,我使用了 iMobile3, which is for iPad only and Here I was looking for an Android app.  I also found an app called iMobile3的另一个名为Computer Inventory(CI)的应用程序,该应用程序仅适用于iPad。在这里,我正在寻找一个Android应用程序。 我还找到了一个名为 Cellica DB, which can be used to create the tracking forms I wanted. Cellica DB的应用程序,该应用程序可用于创建我想要的跟踪表单。

I exported the data from the Computer inventory app on my iPad to a csv file - to import into the demo of the Cellica DB app.  And I signed up for and downloaded the free version of InfraDog.  There were some major differences from the start.  CI is a dedicated computer inventory application with some user configurable fields (you can also rename the predefined fields).  The application is fairly comprehensive.  But you must enter all the data, there is no way, that I have found, to either scan it in or upload it.  The only real shortcut is to download/export the file in csv format and then use it in excel to enter more data.  When you are finished you can import it back into the CI app.

我将iPad上的计算机清单应用程序中的数据导出到一个csv文件中,以导入到Cellica DB应用程序的演示中。 我注册并下载了InfraDog的免费版本。 从一开始就存在一些主要差异。 CI是具有一些用户可配置字段的专用计算机清单应用程序(您也可以重命名预定义的字段)。 该应用程序相当全面。 但是您必须输入所有数据,但我发现找不到扫描或上传数据的方法。 唯一真正的快捷方式是以csv格式下载/导出文件,然后在excel中使用它输入更多数据。 完成后,可以将其导入回CI应用程序。

I started checking out the 2 apps I had no familiarity with, infradog and cellica db. They are very different in how they work, what they do, and how well they are put together.  InfraDog is more of a computer monitoring app than anything else.  It automatically collects as much iinformation as it can get from the computers you designate (assuming you have access rights to them). Then you can set up various alerts for each or all computers to make monitoring much easier.  The setup was fairly easy and making the alerts, although initially a little confusing, was nonetheless straightforward.  The companion app for the android is also easy to use and has been extremely helpful (we are considering purchasing it). It does have some odd reporting which I will be discussing with the company.  For Instance, I keep getting an alert that a 2tb disk, which I know has less than 100gb used, is full or near full.  Then the alert magically resolves itself.  My biggest problem with infradog is that it is a monitoring app, not an inventory app.  There are very few fields you can enter information into, and those are mostly notes fields.  What I really was looking for was an app that I could use to track computers.  I want to be able to see at a glance what hardware is being used, what software is installed and what the various configurations are, especially network configs. So although we may purchase thhis software for monitoring purposes, it won't fill the inventory need.  Here are seven of the screen shots from the android client for infradog.

我开始检查我不熟悉的2个应用程序,infradog和cellica db。 它们在工作方式,工作方式以及组合在一起方面有很大不同。 InfraDog更像是计算机监控应用程序。 它会自动从您指定的计算机中收集尽可能多的信息(假设您具有对它们的访问权)。 然后,您可以为每台或所有计算机设置各种警报,以使监视更加容易。 设置非常简单,尽管最初有些混乱,但使警报变得非常简单。 Android的配套应用程序也易于使用,并且非常有用(我们正在考虑购买)。 它确实有一些奇怪的报告,我将与该公司讨论。 对于实例,我一直收到一个警报,通知我2TB磁盘(已使用的磁盘少于100GB)已满或接近已满。 然后,警报神奇地解决了自己。 我的红外线狗最大的问题是它是监视应用程序,而不是清单应用程序。 您可以在其中输入信息的字段很少,而这些字段大多是注释字段。 我真正想要的是可以用来跟踪计算机的应用程序。 我希望能够一目了然地看到正在使用的硬件,已安装的软件以及各种配置,尤其是网络配置。 因此,尽管我们可能出于监视目的而购买了该软件,但仍无法满足库存需求。 以下是来自Android客户端的Infradog的七个屏幕截图。

Here you see the login screen, the list of your groups (defaults), and the list of the computers you have registerred.


This page shows a list of alerts.  It is what you would see if you had tapped on Alerts in the first screen in the  above picture.

此页面显示警报列表。 如果您在上图的第一个屏幕中点击“警报”,就会看到此内容。

Cellica DB is a wholly different animal.  It is as versatile as infradog is not.  There is a major problem though.  Cellica requires that you create everything from scratch.  I thought this wouldn't be too diffcult, but I was wrong.  The main problem is that although the software asks you to identify the phone for which you will be creating these forms, the Form Manager view on your computer and the way it looks on the phone are different.  Here are examples of how the form looks on my computer and on my phone.  The left side is the computer and the right side is the phone.  The data came from the imported csv file from CI.  Be mindful that this is how it looked after fiddling with the sizing for quite awhile, in order to get it to look better.  Initially I had it looking perfectly on the computer and it looked perfectly awful on my phone (useless).

Cellica DB是完全不同的动物。 它像红外线狗一样通用。 但是有一个主要问题。 Cellica要求您从头开始创建所有内容。 我以为这不会太难,但是我错了。 主要问题是,尽管该软件要求您识别要为其创建这些表单的电话,但计算机上的“表单管理器”视图及其在电话上的显示方式却有所不同。 以下是该表格在计算机和手机上的外观示例。 左侧是计算机,右侧是电话。 数据来自CI导入的csv文件。 请注意,这是在调整尺寸一段时间后的外观,以便使其看起来更好。 最初,我在计算机上的显示效果非常好,而在手机上的显示效果却很糟糕(没用)。

The forms are displaying properly as per the design in Cellica Database desktop Software. You may need to increase height and width of some button controls.

表格根据Cellica Database桌面软件中的设计正确显示。 您可能需要增加某些按钮控件的高度和宽度。

Could you please let us know the exact issue while displaying the forms on device with control layout is not matching with desktop form design.?


We will accordingly try to fix the issue on priority.


Here is the readout from my phone


And here is how the desktop app is setup:


Needless to say, although I like the versatility of this app, it does not get my vote.  If it had an interface on the desktop that reflected the actual way the form would look on your phone, I might have felt different.  Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy affordable solution that does everything.  The best application I have for this is the Computer Inventory app from iMobile3.  As I mentioned earlier, it does computer inventory fairly well.  It neither queries the network in realtime, nor collects information remotely as infradog does.  CI does let you enter most of the information you would want to.  After several attempts at finding something that does everything, I have come to believe that if there was something that ponied up and tried, it would be a jack of all trades, master of none situation.  

不用说,尽管我喜欢这个应用程序的多功能性,但它并没有获得我的投票。 如果它在桌面上有一个界面,可以反映表格在手机上的方式,那么我可能会有所不同。 不幸的是,似乎没有一种简单,负担得起的解决方案可以解决所有问题。 我拥有的最佳应用程序是iMobile3的计算机清单应用程序。 如前所述,它可以很好地处理计算机清单。 它既不会实时查询网络,也不会像红外线狗一样远程收集信息。 CI确实可以让您输入您想要的大多数信息。 经过几次尝试找到可以做所有事情的东西之后,我开始相信,如果有什么东西冒出来尝试,那将是所有行业的杰作,无所适从。

My solution is the following


For the Android/Windows:

对于Android / Windows:

  • WinAudit to gather more specifics about each machine - even if I do have to go to each machine to run it (FREE)

  • infradog client for Android to montior the machines and network devices (FREE for 10 computers)

  • VNC to remote in and check the computers (Teamviewer/RDP/LogMeIn/Chrome Remote Desktop) (FREE versions)

    VNC远程登录并检查计算机( Teamviewer / RDP / LogMeIn / Chrome远程桌面 ) (免费版本)
  • I will continue looking for a decent invenory app


For iOS:


  • WinAudit to collect information  (FREE)

  • infradog client for iOS to montior the machines and network devices (FREE for 10 computers)

  • VNC to remote in and check the computers (Teamviewer/RDP/LogMeIn/Chrome Remote Desktop) (FREE versions)

    VNC远程登录并检查计算机( Teamviewer / RDP / LogMeIn / Chrome远程桌面 ) (免费版本)
  • Computer Inventory, by iMobile3 (1.99 in the app store)

    计算机库存 ,由iMobile3提供(在应用商店中为1.99)
Real VNC for Android or 使用Android的Real VNC或 RealVNC for iOS. iOS的RealVNC 。

UPDATE April 22, 2016: This needed to be updated and the best reason was I did end up finding an application for my Android. There are several caveats, but it works decently. The application is called MobiDB. It is NOT specific to computers, so it requires that you set it up. I have only used the Android version and have not tried the PC version they have.

更新2016年4月22日:需要更新,最好的原因是我确实找到了适用于Android的应用程序。 有几个警告,但效果不错。 该应用程序称为MobiDB。 它不是特定于计算机的,因此需要您进行设置。 我只用过Android版本,还没有尝试过PC版本。

The Android version of MobiDB Pro costs $10.00 and the PC version costs $19.90. The design is relatively good. It is a relational database, which you must design. The Form design is not the way I would like it to be. For instance, I have been playing with it for some time and can only get a single form instead of a tabbed form. This is rather important in that not being able to separate the fields into tabs, makes the whole form more confusing. The biggest benefit is that I can import a csv file and have instant data. One does have to export a csv first, in order to see what structure the database expects. Importing works pretty well, but there is a problem when you are importing into drop down fields. The fields import as empty, even though you go through the process of entering the data exactly as it appears in the drop down list.  I tried the synchronization  with Dropbox portion of the app. It is reassuring to set up,  but it takes a long time to sync and ever since I interrupted the first sync,  not only had it been unable to finish a sync,  everytime I try to either ref it atable, form or create a new table/form,  MobiDB crashes losing everything I emerged since it started previously. 

安卓版MobiDB Pro售价$ 10.00,个人电脑版$ 19.90。 设计比较好。 它是一个关系数据库,您必须设计它。 表单设计不是我希望的那样。 例如,我已经玩了一段时间了,只能得到一个表格而不是一个选项卡式表格。 这很重要,因为无法将字段分隔为选项卡,会使整个表单更加混乱。 最大的好处是我可以导入一个csv文件并拥有即时数据。 确实必须先导出一个csv,以便查看数据库期望的结构。 导入效果很好,但是当您导入下拉字段时会出现问题。 即使您完全按照下拉列表中显示的内容输入数据,这些字段也将作为空白导入。 我尝试与应用程序的Dropbox部分进行同步。 可以放心设置,但是同步需要很长时间,而且自从我中断第一次同步以来,不仅无法完成同步,而且每次我尝试引用它,形成表格或创建新表时/ form,MobiDB崩溃,失去了自上次启动以来出现的所有内容。

Due to the crashing and the lack of tabs,  I am going to give Cellica DB another chance..

由于崩溃和缺少标签,我将再次给Cellica DB一个机会。

UPDATE May 10, 2016: I gave CellicaDB another try and ended up deciding on it as my solution for my android device.  The application is good and the desktop interface is much better.  There are three basic versions: CellicaDB Internet (the trial version is of this type), CellicaDB Wi-Fi and CellicaDB Anywhere.  I think their prices are on the high side, $44.99 for the internet and wi-fi personal editions and $120 for the anywhere personal edition.  But don't get taken in by the "relatively" low price.  Unless you make a stink about it, you will pay $80 over and above the $120 for the image add-on, if you want that capability.  Not a drop in the bucket...

2016年5月10日更新:我再次尝试了CellicaDB,最终决定将其作为我的android设备的解决方案。 该应用程序很好,桌面界面也更好。 共有三个基本版本:CellicaDB Internet(此类型的试用版),CellicaDB Wi-Fi和CellicaDB Anywhere。 我认为它们的价格偏高,互联网和wi-fi个人版为44.99美元,任何地方的个人版为120美元。 但是不要被“相对”低的价格所吸引。 除非对此感到不满意,否则如果要使用该功能,您将在$ 120以外的价格中支付$ 80。 滴水不漏...

On the other hand I have created forms for several of the Access databases I use, so I now have access to them on my handheld device, which is more than useful.  I might add that the support has greatly improved.  The biggest problem is that the forms still do not display correctly on the handheld unless you do a lot of messing with the resolution settings on the desktop.

另一方面,我已经为我使用的多个Access数据库创建了表单,因此现在我可以在手持设备上访问它们,这不仅有用。 我可能会补充说,支持已大大改善。 最大的问题是,除非您对台式机上的分辨率设置进行了很多修改,否则表单仍无法在手持设备上正确显示。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange/articles/18542/Finding-a-Computer-Inventory-Application-for-Use-with-Mobile-Devices.html


本文标签: 应用程序路径清单计算机设备