


单选题 (每题1分,共168道题)

1、 [单选] 一个项目连续错过交付日期,项目团队评估完该情况后,项目经理意识到团队绩效差的原因在于团队成员对于自己的职责缺乏清晰认识。项目经理首先应该关注哪一项?
A project has consistently missed the delivery dates. After assessing the situation with the project manager realizes the poor performance is due to a lack of charity for team member’s responsibilities? What should the project manager focus on first?

  •  A:创建RACI图
    Create a RACI chart
  •  B:巩固领导团队的角色
    Consolidate the role of the leadership
  •  C:协商获得具有更高技能的新团队成员
    Negotiation for new team member with stronger skills
  •  D:使用奖励和强制权利激励成员
    Use reward and coercive power to motivate the team

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:项目管理计划组件包括(但不限于)资源管理计划。资源管理计划为 如何管理和最终遣散项目团队资源提供指南。责任分配矩阵,如果团队是由内部和外部人员组成,RACI 矩阵对明确划分角色和期望特别有用。


2、 [单选] 作为一个财务问题的结果,卖方 A 将延迟一项关键产品。项目经理识别到另一个卖方,可以提供类似产品。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
As a result of a financial problem, seller A will delay a key product. The project manager identified another seller who could provide similar products. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:向变更控制委员会提交一项变更请求
    Submit a change request to the change control board
  •  B:与潜在卖方召开投标人会议
    Hold bidders meeting with potential sellers
  •  C:审查商业论证,确定投资回报
    Review business justification and determine return on investment.
  •  D:向采购部门提交一份变更请求
    Submit a change request to the purchasing department

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:替换供应商需要走变更流程,重大变更需要向 CCB 提交变更请求。


3、 [单选] 签约公司未达到质量标准,并且可交付成果频繁延迟. 项目经理发现,现有合同条款无法确保卖方提高绩效. 为避免卖方的低绩效,项目经理本应采取何种行动?
A contracted firm is not meeting quality standards and the deliverables are frequently late.  The project manager discovers there are no existing contract terms that could ensure a better. What should have been done by the project manager to prevent the seller’s low performance?

  •  A:让项目经理团队执行影响分析
    Have the project manager’s team do an impact analysis
  •  B:实施绩效审查
    Conduct procurement performance reviews
  •  C:实施风险再评估
    Conduct a risk reassessment
  •  D:参与合同的详细拟定
    Be involved during the contract elaboration

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见PMBOK第6版 中 ,考点:绩效审查。


4、 [单选] 项目经理说:“我现在不能处理这件事。此时,该项目经理用的何种冲突解决技巧?
What conflict resolution technique is a project manager using when he says, I cannot deal with this issue now!

  •  A:解决问题
    Problem solving
  •  B:强迫
  •  C:撤退
  •  D:妥协

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:, 撤退/回避:从实际或潜在冲突中退出


5、 [单选] 在定义活动过程中,一团队成员开始讨论一个项目经理从来没有听过的活动。此时项目经理应该怎么做?
During the Define Activities process, a team member begins to discuss activities that the project manager has never heard discussed. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:确保团队成员理解并将这些活动包含在活动清单里了
    Make sure he has a good understanding of the activities and include the activities in the activity list
  •  B:询问团队成员需要完成这些活动的原因
    Ask the team member to explain why such an activity would be needed to complete the work package
  •  C:确认所有团队成员都认同这些活动
    Make sure the entire team agrees that the activities should be done
  •  D:评估变更的影响
    Evaluate the impact of the change

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



7、 [单选] 在进行自制或购买决策后,你们公司决定对药品研究项目的管理工作进行外包。因为你们公司对项目管理是外行,不能完全了解合同所规定的管理服务范围。因此,最好是签订:
After conducting a make-or-buy analysis and reviewing its results, your company decided to award a contract for project management services on a pharmaceutical research project. Because your company is new to project management and does not understand the full scope of services that may be needed under the contact, it is most appropriate to award a

  •  A:固定总价合同
    Firm Fixed price contracts
  •  B:总价加激励费用合同
    Fixed price incentive Fee contracts
  •  C:成本加固定费用合同
    Cost plus fixed Fee contracts
  •  D:工料合同
    Time-and-materials contract

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK第6版 中


8、 [单选] 你在管理一个项目,该项目开发一种以大豆为原料,不含乳糖,富含镁的高营养饮料。该产品针对的是 50 岁以上的用户。你最近听说你的客户将你们的项目进度报告称为 “汉莫拉比法典 ,因为它们看起来是用象形文字书写的,只有埃及人才能读懂。这种情况可以通过以下哪种方法避免:
You are managing a project to develop a soy-based, lactose-free, magnesium-rich nutritional drink for the “over 50 market. You have recently heard that the client calls your progress reports the “Code of Hammurabi because they seem to be written in hieroglyphics and are completely indecipherable to all but an Egyptologist. This situation could have been avoided by

  •  A:在项目开始的时候就通知客户报告将采用的形式
    Informing the client at the start of the project of the types of reports they will receive
  •  B:运用风险管理技术识别来自客户方面的风险
    Using risk management techniques to identify client issues
  •  C:雇佣一名专业报告撰写人员准备标准化的报告
    Hiring an expert report writer to prepare standard reports
  •  D:进行沟通计划
    Engaging in communications planning

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK第6版 中 规划沟通管理-输出-沟通管理计划


9、 [单选] 项目经理被任命管理一个开发项目。在测试过程中,发起人决定变更产品的其中一个主要功能。项目经理将会使用下列哪一项来涵盖这个开发成本?
A project manager is assigned to a development project. During testing, the sponsor decides to change one of the product’s main functions. The project manager will cover the cost of this development using which of the following?

  •  A:管理储备
    Management reserve
  •  B:应急储备
    Contingency reserve
  •  C:成本储备
    Cost reserve
  •  D:约束条件储备
    Constraints reserve

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



10、 [单选] 你是一个商业写字楼建设项目的项目经理。你知道政府部门发布的相关建筑法规、消防法规等,都是你开展质量管理工作的重要依据。你必须保证项目质量计划符合相关法规的要求。这些法规将产生什么作用?
You are the project manager in charge of a commercial office building project. You understand that the applicable building code and fire regulations issued by the government authorities are the important basis for you to conduct quality management. You must ensure that the project quality plan meets the requirements under applicable regulations. What effect will these regulations have?

  •  A:是规划质量管理过程的输入
    is the input to the planning quality management process
  •  B:有助于进行质量管理革新
    contribute to quality management upgrading
  •  C:会导致项目质量成本的上升
    will lead to an increase in project quality cost
  •  D:有助于楼房建设质量的优化
    contribute to improved quality of building construction

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



11、 [单选] 在开发一个新产品时,耐久性测试是关键路径上的一项重要活动。然而,测试设施被一个优先级较高的项目占用,且占用时间比原计划长。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
In the development of a new project the endurance testing is an important activity on the critical path. However, the last facility is occupied by a higher project. Which is taking longer than initially planned. What should the project manager do text?

  •  A:为延迟的项目开展根本原因分析
    Perform a root cause analysis for the delayed project
  •  B:审查风险登记册中的适当响应
    Review the risk register for the appropriate response
  •  C:将延期情况通知项目相关方
    Inform the project stakeholders about the delay
  •  D:将问题上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the issue to senior management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:项目经理应该事先考虑此项重要风险。风险登记册中的应有相应的应对计划,因此在风险发生时要做审查风险登记册的应对计划。 选项A:延迟原因已明确,多此一举。选项C和D:项目经理应该努力解决问题,而不是直接通知项目相关方。


12、 [单选] 在一个公路施工项中,最近出现了返工的情况,导致项目经理非常担心项目的不一致性成本。项目经理来寻求你的帮助。你能给他的最好的建议是?
In a road construction project, the rework that happened lately makes the project manager very concerned about the inconsistency cost of no-conformance. The project manager turns to you for help. What is the best advice you can offer?

  •  A:重新进行规划质量管理过程
    To re-plan the quality management process
  •  B:加强质量控制
    To strengthen the quality control
  •  C:开展质量审计
    To perform quality audit
  •  D:开展标杆对照
    To carry out benchmarking control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



13、 [单选] 廉价的进口商品已经严重影响公司的业务。公司组建一支项目团队,开发新产品方案,希望在目前的$1亿营业收入基础上有所提高。项目团队起草了两套产品方案:产品A有40%的可能性将收入提高到$1.5亿,但有 30%可能性因保证索赔使收入会降低至$6000万.还有30%可能性对收入无影响。 产品B有50%的可能性将收入提高到$1.3亿,但有 20%可能性因保证索赔和诉讼使收入会降低至$8000万.还有30%的可能性收入将保持不变。
A company’s business has been seriously impacted due to cheaper imports. The company creates a project team to explore new product options to increase the revenue from the current value of $100 million. The project team drafts two product options:Produce A has a 40%chance of increasing revenue to $150 million and a 30% chance of reducing revenue to $60 million due to warranty claims. It also has a 30% chance that there will be no impact on revenue. Product B has a 50%chance of increasing revenue to $130 million and 20% chance of reducing revenue to $80 million due to warranty claims and litigation. There is a 30% chance that revenue will remain the same. Which produce provides the best EMV?

  •  A:方案A, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option A with EMV of $108 million
  •  B:方案B, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option B with EMV of $111 million
  •  C:方案A, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option A with EMV of $111 million
  •  D:方案B, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option B with EMV of $108 million

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见 PMBOK第6版 中决策树分析方案 A:EMV=40%*1.5+30%*0.6+30%*1=$1.08亿,方案 B:EMV=50%*1.3+20%*0.8+30%*1=$1.11亿


15、 [单选] 项目执行阶段,发现一个子团队没有为约定的项目目标工作。项目经理应该查阅哪份文件?
During the project execution phase, it is discovered that a sub-team is not working toward agreed-upon project goals. What document should the project manager consult?

  •  A:项目管理计划
    Project management plan
  •  B:资源分解结构(RBS)
    Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
  •  C:项目章程
    Project charter
  •  D:资源管理计划
    Resource management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



18、 [单选] 项目经理成功地将空调采购从 A 供应商转向 B 供应商。新产品检验完毕,并交付了所有项目可交付成果。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The project manager successfully transitions the procurement of air conditioners from supplier A to supplier B, New product verification is complete, and all project deliverables are met.What is next step for the project manager?

  •  A:将所有权移交采购部,以便再次订购
    Transfer ownership to the purchasing department to place future orders
  •  B:向供应商 B 授予成本加激励费用采购合同
    Award a cost-plus-incentive-fee procurement contract to supplier B
  •  C:作出自制或外购决定
    Conduct a make-versus-buy decision
  •  D:审查采购工作说明书
    Review the procurement statement of work

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:指南- 组织过程资产更新,采购结束后选取的供应商作为过程资产的一部分加以更新。


19、 [单选] 对于一个具有战略意义的重要客户资源,项目经理在确认矩阵组织中资源可用性时,发现某个关键资源已调往一个内部项目,项目经理首先应该采取何种行动?
For a strategically important customer resource, when the project manager identifies a resource availability in a matrix organization, it discovers that a key resource has been redeployed to an internal project, and what action should the project manager take first?

  •  A:与项目赞助人协商推迟项目
    Negotiate and postpone projects with project sponsors
  •  B:要求项目管理办公室将资源重新调回项目
    Request the project management Office to reassign resources to the project
  •  C:更新风险登记簿
    Update the Risk register
  •  D:与职能经理协商将资源重新调回项目
    Negotiate resources back to project with functional manager

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



20、 [单选] 项目经理应该使用什么方法来准确收集项目需求,并从多个不同国家的项目相关方获得反馈?
What method should the project manager use to accurately collect project requirement and feedback from stakeholder located in several countries?

  •  A:问卷调查
    Questionnaires and surveys
  •  B:焦点小组
    Focus groups
  •  C:引导式研讨会
    Facilitate workshops
  •  D:访谈

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



21、 [单选] 一位团队成员通知项目经理,实际系统速度和计划系统速度之间存在偏差,项目经理感到很惊讶,因为在项目规划阶段未确定这一绩效测量标准,项目经理然后评估是否需要应对这一偏差。 在评估期间,项目经理处于哪一个阶段?
A team member informs the project manager that there is an inconsistency between the actual system speed and the planned system speed. The project manager feels astonished because this performance measure has not yet been determined during the project planning phase, then he assesses whether it is necessary to handle such inconsistency. Which stage is the project manager in during the assessment?

  •  A:规划阶段
    Planning phase
  •  B:收尾阶段
    Conclusion phase
  •  C:控制阶段
    Control phase
  •  D:执行阶段
    Execution phase

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P613-第二部分项目管理标准-监控过程组。跟踪、审查和调整项目进展与绩效,识别必要的计划变更并启动响应变更的一组过程。收集项目绩效数据、计算绩效指标,并报告和发布绩效信息,是比较实际绩效与计划绩效,分析偏差,评估趋势以改进过程,评价可选方案,并建议必要的纠正措施。             根据题意:之前没有确定系统速度这个指标,现在这个指标出现了偏差,评估这个偏差是否需要应对,即这个偏差如何解决,显然属于监控过程组,题干不是确定这个测量指标,而是确定这个偏差是否需要应对!


22、 [单选] 项目交付日期前两天,项目发起人希望核实是否所有可交付成果均满足业务目标以及在项目生命周期过程中是否已应用所有变更。项目经理从开始就知道文档齐全。项目经理应该向项目发起人提供什么文件?
Two days before a project’s delivery date. The project sponsor wants to verify that all deliverable meet the business objectives, and that all the changes were applied throughout the project life cycle. The project manager knows that the project has been well documented from the beginning. What should the project manager provide to sponsor?

  •  A:项目管理计划的所有版本
    All versions of the project management plan
  •  B:需求跟踪矩阵
    Requirement traceability matrix
  •  C:项目范围说明书
    Project scope statement
  •  D:项目章程副本
    copy of the project charter

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



23、 [单选] 一位之前未识别到的相关方报告说,他们的职能领域受到很大影响,但没有持续通知他们关键项目的状态,项目经理首先应该做什么?
A stakeholder who failed to identify the issue previously reports that their functional areas are greatly affected, but does not keep them informed of the status of key projects. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  •  A:审查项目的沟通方法
    To examine the means of communication regarding this project
  •  B:检查并更新相关方登记册
    To check and update the register of stakeholders
  •  C:立即和该相关方开会确认
    To immediately hold a meeting with such stakeholder for confirmation
  •  D:审查并更新沟通管理计划
    To examine and update the communication management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



24、 [单选] 项目发起人指示项目经理立即开始一个工期非常紧迫的关键项目,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
The project sponsor instructs the project manager to immediately kick-off a key project on very tight schedule. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  •  A:与所有部门一起开会,以获得他们的认同与支持
    To hold a meeting with all departments concerned to seek their approval and support
  •  B:询问发起人该项目得如何获得资金支持
    To ask the sponsor how this project gets financial support
  •  C:收集初始需求以创建项目章程
    To collect initial requirements to generate the project charter
  •  D:起草项目进度计划以确定截止期限是否可行
    To draft the project schedule to ascertain if the deadline will be met

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



25、 [单选] 你正在管理一个为期7个月的项目,并且建立和严格执行了项目计划。在工作了5个半月后,这个项目既符合进度又在预算内,但是项目发起人对可交付成果不满意这一情况会导致项目完工延误。防止这种情况的最重要的过程是?
You are now managing a project with the duration of 7 months and have created and strictly executed the project plan. After five and a half months, the project is on schedule and budget, but the project sponsor's dissatisfaction with the deliverables may cause a delay: what is the most important process to prevent this case?

  •  A:控制风险
    To control risk
  •  B:监控项目工作
    To monitor project work
  •  C:收集需求和定义范围
    To collect requests and to define the scope
  •  D:实施整体变更控制
    To perform the integrated change control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



26、 [单选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
One project needs to manufacture and install an equipment. This equipment has been manufactured in a foreign factory. According to the established plan, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site within two weeks and will be installed there. According to what happened lately, the project manager considers that the equipment may not arrive at the site on schedule. What should he do right now?

  •  A:立即将这个问题和推迟情况通知客户
    To inform the client of this issue and delay immediately
  •  B:确定这一事件对项目成本和进度的影响
    To ascertain the impact of this event on project cost and progress
  •  C:使用风险储备从当地购买设备,以便按时开始安装
    To use risk reserves to purchase the equipment from local manufacturer, in order to start installation on schedule
  •  D:召开团队会议,制订变通方案
    To hold a team meeting and to work out a workaround plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



27、 [单选] 项目落后于进度。项目团队发现,通过应用一个替代方法,他们可以加快关键路径上的一个项目可交付成果。然而,这将增加项目成本。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is behind schedule. The project team discovers that, by applying an alternate method, they may be able to expedite a project deliverable on the critical path. However, it will increase the project’s cost. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:增加额外的项目资源
    .Add additional project resources
  •  B:对所有方法开展预期货币价值分析(EMV)
    Conduct expected monetary value (EMV) analyses on all methods
  •  C:获得替代方法的批准
    Obtain approval for the alternate method
  •  D:将增加的成本更新到项目预算中
    Update the project budget with the increased cost

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



28、 [单选] 你向项目出资人提供了项目的成本估算,他对估算不满意,因为他认为价格太高了。他要你削减项目估算的15%,你该怎么做?
You provide a project cost estimate to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15 percent off the project estimate. What should you do?

  •  A:启动该项目,并不断的节约成本
    Start the project and constantly look for cost savings
  •  B:告诉所有团队成员削减其估算的15%
    Tell all the team members to cut 15 percent from their estimates
  •  C:告诉出资人要削减的活动
    Inform the sponsor of the activities to be cut
  •  D:加入工资率低的额外资源
    Add additional resources with low hourly rates

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



29、 [单选] 项目经理发现一个不可预料的高影响风险已经成为项目的一个因素,团队成员之间的自身利益导致问题得不到解决,项目经理必须快速行动,让团队重新集中精力,以便项目恢复进度,项目经理应该使用下列哪一项技术来解决问题?
The project manager discovers an unpredictable high-impact risk has become a factor in the project. Self-interest among team members is keeping the issue from being reached. The project manager must act quickly to refocus the team and get the project on tack. which of following techniques should the project manager use to resolve the issue?

  •  A:妥协
  •  B:合作
  •  C:强迫
  •  D:包容

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:所属知识领域:项目资源管理。所属过程组:执行过程组。在管理项目团队时,使用冲突管理工具,因为题干描述了项目经理需要在紧急情况下快速做出决定,强迫是以目标为导向,快速行动并解决冲突,不关注人际关系,容易造成团队内部关系紧张。所以参考答案 C。考点:冲突解决方法。出处:。


30、 [单选] 一家公司将更换使用了10年、不再符合市场需求基于旧平台的集成系统。在项目规划期间,管理人员将一个更灵活的价格结构作为关键需求。高级管理人员还未决定如何满足这项需求,但是同意该需求的战略正确性。在项目执行期间,价格结构的变更将要求频繁的返工和重新测试。下列哪项项目计划元素能够系统的解决这些问题?
A company will be replacing its integrated systems after 10 years of service from a legacy platform that on longer meets market needs. During project planning, managers identify a more flexible pricing structure as a key requirement. Senior managers have not yet decided how to meet this requirement but agree it is strategically correct. During project execution, changes in the pricing structure will require frequent rework and retesting. Which of the following is an element of the project plan that addresses this in a systemic way?

  •  A:项目变更需要获得高级管理人员批准的质量政策
    A quality policy requiring project changes to be approved by senior managers
  •  B:能够从新需求中识别风险的风险应对计划
    A risk response plan that would identify risks from new requirements
  •  C:实施价格结构变更的人员增加计划
    A staff augmentation plan to implement pricing structure changes
  •  D:具有详细实施需求的范围说明书
    A scope statement with detailed requirements for implementation

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



31、 [单选] 在高科技产品开发中,为了保证产品成功,在产品最终定型之前,通常要进行大量的测试工作。这种做法被认为是高科技产品开发项目风险管理的有效方法,尽管增加测试会增加项目成本。这属于哪种风险应对策略?
In the development of hi-tech products, to ensure that the product is commercially successful, a number of tests is usually carried out before the final type approval. This practice is believed to be an effective instrument for the risk management of hi-tech product development project, even though more tests means higher project cost. Which kind of risk response strategy does this belong to?

  •  A:风险接受
    Risk acceptance
  •  B:风险转移
    Risk transfer
  •  C:风险规避
    Risk avoidance
  •  D:风险缓解
    Risk mitigation

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



32、 [单选] 在什么时候通过增加剩余项目的预算(利用业绩表现修正的)达到当前实际的计算EAC的方法最经常使用?
The method of calculating the EAC by adding the remaining project budget (modified by a performance factor) to the actual to date is used most often when the

  •  A:在偏离被视为非典型的偏离的时候
    Current variances are viewed as atypical ones
  •  B:由于条件发生变化,初始的估计假定不再可信的时候
    Original estimating assumptions are no longer reliable because conditions have changed
  •  C:当前的偏离被视为未来偏离的代表的时候
    Current variances are viewed as typical of future variances
  •  D:初始的估计假定被认为存在根本性缺陷的时候
    Original estimating assumptions are considered to be fundamentally flawed

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:使用CPI计算EAC。 在计算 EAC 值时,经常会使用累计 CPI 和累计 SPI 值。假设以当前 CPI 完成 ETC 工作。这种方法假设项目将按截至目前的情况继续进行,即 ETC工作将按项目截至目前的累计成本绩效指数(CPI)实施


33、 [单选] 项目经理把发起人的指示函件通过电子邮件转发给了异地的团队成员,该团队成员收到该邮件后及时发送了邮件回执,并开始采取行动。然而项目经理到项目上去检查时,对项目团队成员的工作非常不满意,坚持说他曲解了邮件的内容。这可能是沟通中哪个环节出了问题?
The project manager has forwarded the instructions issued from the sponsor to a team member in other place by email. Upon the receipt of the email, the team member sends the receipt and takes action. But when the project manager inspects the project site, he is very dissatisfied with the work and insists that such member has misunderstood the email. Which part of the communication may cause this problem?

  •  A:项目经理编码错误
    Project manager makes a coding error
  •  B:不应该采取电子邮件来传递信息
    He shouldn't have transmitted the information by email
  •  C:缺乏信息反馈
    Lack of information feedback
  •  D:没有及时告知收到信息
    Failure of promptly notifying that such information has been already received

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



35、 [单选] 一个项目需要内部资源和外部资源。外部资源通过一份标准采购计划活动。在一场飓风袭击供应商所在地,他们无法满足可交付成果要求的时间期限。哪一个合同将澄清供应商未能满足该合同条款的财务解决方式?
A project requires internal and external resources. External resources are acquired by a standard procurement plan. After a hurricane strikes the contracted supplier’s place, they can no longer meet the required delivery timeline. Which clause will clarify the financial resolution for the supplier’s failure in the following contract terms?

  •  A:不可抗力退款
    force majeure clause
  •  B:激励条款
    incentive clause
  •  C:补偿条款
    reimbursement clause
  •  D:仲裁条款
    arbitration clause

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


36、 [单选] 在项目施工阶段,供应商处发生火灾,导致原材料的供应延迟了一周,项目经理已识别到延迟的风险并包含在计划当中,发生这个事件之后,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
During the project's construction phase, a supplier has a fire and the supply of raw material is delayed by a week, The project manager identified the risk of a delay and inclued it in the plan .After the occurrence of the event, what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:执行风险响应计划
    Carry out risk response planning
  •  B:由于材料延误,要求项目延期
    Ask for an extension of the project due to delay
  •  C:更新项目基准
    Update the project baseline
  •  D:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属知识领域:项目风险管理。所属过程组:监控过程组。解析:项目经理已经识别了延误的风险,并将该风险应对纳入了计划,当该风险发生时执行风险应对计划即可,监控风险包括实施风险应对计划,B不符合题意,C该风险的应对措施已经纳入计划,当该风险发生时无需更当该风险发生时无需更新基准,D风险登记册中已包括该风险,无需更新风险登记册。考点:监督风险。出处:PMBOK第6版 中 11.7。


37、 [单选] 在一件设备交付到项目现场之后,最终用户投诉产品与预期不同,为避免这种情况,该使用哪一项工具或技术?
After a piece of equipment is delivered to the project site, the end-users complain the product is different from what was expected. To avoid this situation, what tool or technique should manager have used?

  •  A:检查
  •  B:帕累托分析
    Pareto analysis
  •  C:多标准决策分析
    Multicriteria decision analysis
  •  D:专家判断
    Expert judgment

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK8.3.2.3 检查。检查是指检验工作产品,检验的结果通常包括相关的测量数据,可在任何层面上进行,可以检查单个活动的成果,也可以检查项目的最佳产品。       


38、 [单选] 生产过程运行图中有 8 个点,其中有一个点在控制界限以外,项目经理如何解读?
How should a project manager interpret an 8-point run in a process with 1 point located out of control limit?

  •  A:这属于正常情况,不用采取行动
    It is a normal situation, nothing should be done
  •  B:应放宽控制范围
    Control limits should be widened
  •  C:这属于不正常情况,生产流程需改进
    It is an abnormal situation; production processes should be corrected
  •  D:这是一个警告信号,质量标准系统需升级
    It is a warning signal; quality measurement systems should be updated

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:连续 7 个点落在均值上方或下方时,就认为过程已经失控。


39、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,批准了一项监管法律,责令立即遵守,这项法律将影响项目的范围,进度和成本,项目经理首先应该做什么?In the phase of project execution, a regulation was approved and ordered to be duly observed. This regulation will affect the project scope, schedule and cost. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  •  A:减轻风险
    To mitigate risk
  •  B:更新项目管理计划
    To update the project management plan
  •  C:将问题升级上报给高级管理层
    To submit this issue to senior management
  •  D:开始变更请求过程
    To initiate the change request process

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



40、 [单选] 项目遇到了一个未预料到的问题,高级技术领导建议的解决方案没有被团队成员们接受。结果高级技术领导很受挫折。项目经理应该采用哪种技能解决这个问题?
A project has encountered an unexpected technical issue. The senior technical lead suggests a solution which is not accepted by some team members. As a result, the senior technical lead becomes frustrated. What kind of skills should the project manager use to resolve this issue?

  •  A:培训技能
    Training skills
  •  B:技术技能
    Technical skills
  •  C:硬技能
    Hard skills
  •  D:软技能
    Soft skills

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



41、 [单选] 在竞价和潜在卖方评估阶段,客户认为潜在卖方所建议的团队成员不符合合作性要求,并要求替换不合格人员。作为潜在卖方的项目经理,应该怎么做?
During the bidding and potential seller evaluation phase, if the customer believes that the team members proposed by the potential seller do not meet the cooperation requirements and request that the disqualified personnel should be replaced. What should the project manager of the potential seller do?

  •  A:接受客户的要求,把客户认为合格的人放人这个团队中
    To accept the client's request and to assign the person as the customer considers qualified into the team
  •  B:会见客户,就受质疑人员的能力进行磋商,以确定是否要替换他们
    To meet with the client to negotiate on the capabilities of the persons in question to determine whether it is necessary to replace such persons
  •  C:不采取任何措施,因为选择谁在这个项目中工作是卖方的事,与其他人无关
    To take no action, because whoever works in this project is the seller's business and has nothing to do with others
  •  D:你知道受质疑的人有能力承担这个工作,因此你依旧把他们放入团队中
    You know that the persons in question are able to take this job, so you still put them in the team

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



43、 [单选] 因为所有的预算已经花光,发起人要求项目经理停止项目,项目经理应该怎么做?
Because all budgets have run out, the sponsor requests the project manager to suspend the project. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:准备变更请求,更新项目范围
    To prepare the change request and to update the project scope
  •  B:记录项目情况,准备最终报告
    To record the project conditions and to prepare the final report
  •  C:寻找新的发起人,更新项目章程
    To fine a new sponsor and to update the project charter
  •  D:与客户洽谈,继续完成剩余任务
    To negotiate with the client and to finish the left tasks

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



44、 [单选] 项目团队负责制造 10,000 个小零件。基于集中检查 500 个零件的批次质量是控制质量工具哪一种的实例?
The project team is responsible for creating 10,000 small parts. Basing the quality of the batch on an intensive review of 500 parts is an example of what quality control tool?

  •  A:质量审计
    Quality audit
  •  B:帕累托原则
    Pareto principle
  •  C:统计抽样
    Statistical sampling
  •  D:检查

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析: 数据收集 统计抽样。统计抽样是指从目标总体中选取部分样本用于检查统计抽样是指从目标总体中选取部分样本用于检查(如从 75 张工程图纸中随机抽取 10 张)。


45、 [单选] 项目落后于进度,并超出预算。开发和质量保证团队已经报告了大量缺陷。项目经理应更新哪一项内容?
The project is behind schedule and over budget. The development and quality assure teams have reported numerous defects.

  •  A:问题日志
    Issue log
  •  B:验收标准
    Acceptance criteria
  •  C:项目管理计划
    Project management plan
  •  D:风险登记册
    Risk register

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



46、 [单选] 随着项目管理方法的应用,更多的项目走向成功,但是仍然有不少项目是失败的。很多项目失败的根本原因,实际上并非是难以解决的技术问题,也不是不可控制的外力,而是不良的项目管理实践或有缺陷的项目管理系统。以下哪项不是项目失败的主要原因?
With the application of project management methods, more projects turn out to be successful, but some projects still fail. The underlying reason that many projects fail is actually not a complicated technical issue or an uncontrollable force, but rather a poor project management practice or a defective project management system. Which of the following items is not the main reason for the project failure?

  •  A:项目经理的项目管理经验不足
    Project manager has inadequate experience in project management
  •  B:没有做好项目计划
    Fail to make a good project plan
  •  C:没有充分收集相关方的需求
    Fail to collect the sufficient needs of stakeholders
  •  D:忽视平衡各种相互制约的因素
    Neglect the factors that check and balance different constraints

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



48、 [单选] 一名项目经理被委任到正在执行的工程项目上。刚上任不久,他发现负责与客户沟通的玛丽经常抱怨客户对报告太挑剔,经常要求她对报告返工。项目经理应该首先做什么?
A project manager is appointed to a project under construction. Shortly after assuming this position, he finds that Mary, a member who is responsible for communicating with clients, often complains that a client is too picky about the report and often asks her to revise. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  •  A:对玛丽进行报告编写技能的培训
    To provide a training of report writing for Mary
  •  B:向客户了解不满和要求
    To know the dissatisfaction and requirements from the customer
  •  C:告诉客户不要太挑剔
    To tell the customer not to be too picky
  •  D:让更能干的团队成员替代玛丽编写报告
    To replace Mary with more capable member to write the report

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



50、 [单选] 一个项目在拥有矩阵式组织结构的公司中启动。没有招聘权限的项目经理可以通过下列哪一项获得项目团队?
A project is instantiated within a company that has a matrix organizational manager with no hiring authority, could acquire a project team by doing which of the following?

  •  A:与公司管理层交流
    Network with the company's management
  •  B:与职能经理协商
    Neonate with functional managers
  •  C:劝说团队成员加入项目
    Persuade team members to join the project
  •  D:与项目发起人沟通
    Communicate with the project sponsor

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:9.2.2 获取资源,项目经理没有权限招聘,需要与职能经理谈判获取资源。


52、 [单选] 一些新需求在项目范围批准后被识别。项目经理应该做什么?
After approval of project scope, new requirements are identified. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:调整范围
    Adjust the scope
  •  B:按原计划继续
    Continue as planned
  •  C:评估影响
    Assess the impac
  •  D:修订各种计划
    Amend the various plans

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:项目范围已经被批准,发现新的需求需要走变更流程。参考PMBOK第6版 中 “实施整体变更控制” 引言。


53、 [单选] 每次你与你的项目发起人会面,她都要强调对于你的新的电子商务项目的成本控制的必要性。她经常询问你成本业绩方面的问题,诸如哪一个预算达到了哪一个没有达到。为了回答她的问题,你应该提供
Each time you meet with your project sponsor, she emphasizes the need for cost control on your new-business project. She always asks you about cost performance in terms of which budgets have been met and which have been met and which have not. To answer her concerns, you should provide

  •  A:绩效测量基准
    Cost Performance baseline
  •  B:业绩衡量图表
    Performance measurement graphs and charts
  •  C:资源生产力分析
    Resource productivity analyses
  •  D:趋势分析统计
    Trend analysis statistics

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析: 控制成本-输入-1.项目管理计划中的成本绩效基准:将绩效测量基准与实际结果比较,以决定是否 有必要进行变更、采取纠正措施或预防措施。


54、 [单选] 下列哪个选项描述的是应急储备金?
Which of the following options describes contingency reserve?

  •  A:为未计划的项目范围和成本变更而储备的预算
    Budget reserved for unplanned changes to project scope and cost
  •  B:为掩盖较差的业绩而储备的预算
    Budget reserved for covering poor performance
  •  C:为未计划但是可能由于风险登记册中登记风险成真而潜在要求的变更而储备的预算
    Budget reserved for unplanned but potential required changes that can result from realized risks identified in the risk register
  •  D:为支付批准变更所产生的超支费用而储备的预算
    Budget reserved for covering cost overrun due to approved changes

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:储备分析。 为应对成本的不确定性,成本估算中可以包括应急储备(有时称为“应急费用”)。 应急储备是包含在成本基准内的一部分预算,用来应对已识别的风险;应急储备还通常是预算 的一部分,用来应对那些会影响项目的“已知 — 未知”风险。

55、 [单选] 某停车场能容纳1000辆车。停车场业主刚刚启动一个改造项目,以便升级车辆进出管理系统和停车引导系统。为了确保项目成功实施,必须记录详细的需求。作为项目经理应该怎么做?
The accommodation capacity of a parking lot is 1,000 cars. The parking lot owner has just kicked-off a renovation project to upgrade the vehicle access management system and the parking guidance system. To ensure the successful project execution, the requests must be recorded in details. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:鼓励项目相关方尽早参与进来
    To encourage the stakeholder to participate in the project as early as possible
  •  B:根据需求确定项目目标
    To identify project goal based on specific needs
  •  C:对需求变化进行实时监控
    To monitor the change in requests in real time
  •  D:定期召开项目状态评审会议
    Tp hold project status review sessions at regular intervals

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


56、 [单选] 你是建设一个生猪养殖厂项目的经理。当地居民和环保团体反对该项目。他们已经提供了一系列数据显示厂里焚烧的内脏和猪尸体将产生有害的甚至有毒的气体,对当地居民有危害。他们威胁要将公司告上法庭。你发现你的大量时间花费在平息他们的担忧。在花费大量时间和精力之后,你说服管理层同意将项目迁至一个新的镇外的厂址。这是以下哪种风险反应的例子:
You are the project manager for the construction of a hog rendering plant. Local residents and environmental groups are opposed to this project. They have produced reams of data showing that the volume of entrails and carcasses burned at the site will cause noxious-and possibly toxic-fumes to which the residents will be exposed. They have threatened to take your company to court. You find you are spending most of your time trying to work with these groups to alleviate their concerns. After so much time and effort in these meetings, you convince management to move this project to a different site outside town. This is an example of which of the following risk responses?

  •  A:被动接受
    Passive acceptance
  •  B:主动接受
    Active acceptance
  •  C:缓解风险
  •  D:回避风险

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:注意:你需要明确风险是什么?是居民将公司告上法庭?是工厂产生有毒气体,危害了当地居民?出处:PMBOK第6版 中11.5.2.1 规避 解析: 1. 题干表明,风险为公司很可能因有毒气体危害居民而被告上法庭; 2. 规避是指采取行动来消除威胁,或保护项目免受威胁的影响。适用于发生概率较高,且具有严重负面影响的高优先级威胁。 出处:


57、 [单选] 一个项目的项目经理被替换,新的项目经理识别到项目超出预算并落后于进度计划,新项目经理首先应该做什么?
The project manager of a project was replaced. The new project manager identified that the project exceeded the budget and was behind the schedule. What should the new project manager do first?

  •  A:要求项目发起人增加预算并延长进度计划
    Ask the project sponsor to increase the budget and extend the schedule
  •  B:获得发起人授权重新组织团队
    Obtain the sponsor's authorization to reorganize the team
  •  C:减少范围去满足初始预算和进度
    Reduce the scope to meet initial budget and schedule
  •  D:识别改进区域加强监控
    Identify improvement areas and strengthen monitoring

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:考点:4.6 实施整体变更控制。新PM发现项目进度落后成本超支,应该先进行偏差程度分析和原因分析,然后再根据偏差的程度决定是否需要提交变更申请。有些小的偏差不一定需要变更基准,通过后续的一些控制和改进也可以达到纠偏的效果。A和C都直接对基准进行了变更,不正确;B重新组织团队,更加不现实。D识别改进区域加强监控,意在努力通过不变更基准的情况下纠偏,符合题意。


58、 [单选] 一个成本控制敏感项目团队分布在三个位置——存在时区、语言、沟通问题。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
A cost-control-sensitive project has teams in three locations-with time-zone, language and communication issues. What should the project manager do to manage these issues?

  •  A:召开定期的视频会议
    Hold periodic video-conferencing meetings
  •  B:使用电子邮件让沟通可跟踪
    Make communications traceable using email
  •  C:使用拉式沟通方法
    Use the pull communication method
  •  D:确保关键任务分配给处于单独位置的团队
    Ensure that critical tasks are assigned to a single location

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


59、 [单选] 项目办公室刚刚发布给你一份项目状况检查报告。当你看到在执行总结中标题为“建议”的章节时,你的心情激动起来:你又一次被批评没有为项目提供足够的支持细节。尽管报告没有举例,但是你记得在PMBOK中看到过支持细节,它包括如下全部,除了
The project office just issued you a project health check report. Your heart races with anticipation as you scan the euphemistically entitled “recommendations” in the executive summary. Once again, you have been criticized for failing to provide sufficient supporting detail about the project. Although the report does not provide examples, you remember reading about supporting detail in the PMBOK It includes all the following except.

  •  A:命令和交付进度
    Order and delivery schedules
  •  B:现金流推算
    Cash-flow projections
  •  C:最好和最坏情况下的备用进度表
    Best-and worst-case alternative schedules
  •  D:相关方职位报告
    Stakeholder position papers

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


60、 [单选] 某项目主要依靠外部组织的力量来完成,其中一个合同的期限预计为3年,价格可能高达500万美元。买方想要采用总价合同,但又担心潜在卖方在报价中计入过高的通货膨胀应急储备。买方应该选择什么合同?
A project is completed by relying on the strength of external organization. The term of a contract is expected to be 3 years, and the price might be up to $5 million. The buyer intends to use lump-sum contract, but has a concern that the potential seller records excessive inflation emergency reserves in the offer. What kind of contract should the buyer choose?

  •  A:固定总价合同
    Firm Fixed Price (FFP)
  •  B:总价加激励费用合同
    Fixed Price Incentive Fee (FPIF)
  •  C:总价加奖励费用合同
    Fixed Price Reward Fee
  •  D:总价加经济价格调整合同
    Fixed Price plus Economic Price Adjustment (FP-EPA)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


61、 [单选] 在项目中途,一名团队成员告知项目经理,鉴于项目范围的复杂性,估算的项目进度不充分,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Halfway through the project, a team member told the project manager that, given the complexity of the project scope, the estimated project was not progressing sufficiently, what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:管理风险并实施风险响应活动
    Managing risk and implementing risk response activities
  •  B:分析报告以确定最佳的行动措施
    Analyze reports to identify best practices
  •  C:收集并记录经验教训
    Collecting and documenting lessons learned
  •  D:执行详细的分析,如需要的话可提交变更请求
    Perform detailed analysis and submit change requests if needed

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


62、 [单选] 在演示和审查会议期间,进度报告显示一个敏捷项目脱离正轨,项目经理感到很惊讶,因为所有工作都是经过有目的性的选择和排序以满足更高层级的目标。 若要预防这种沟通不畅的问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
During the presentation and review sessions, the project progress report indicates that an agile project is off-track, and the project manager is very astonished because all works are purposefully selected and sorted to meet the higher-level goals. To prevent this issue of poor communication, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A:鼓励团队自行组织并项目提供支持
    To encourage the team to organize and support the project
  •  B:创建一份应急储备
    To generate emergency reserves
  •  C:让团队参与记录敏捷进度报告系统
    To involve the team in recording the agile progress reporting system
  •  D:培训并指导团队使用敏捷方法
    To train and guide the team how to use agile methods

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P342-建设团队-培训。旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动。 敏捷项目正脱轨,项目经理不受控,沟通不畅,对于工作的优先级排序被认为满足目标,显然是对敏捷项目管理缺乏应有的能力,应进行敏捷项目管理培训。


64、 [单选] 项目团队成员担心一项批准的变更请求会增加范围,延长时间线,但是却不增加预算。项目经理应该怎么做?
Project team members are concerned that an approved change request might expend the scope, delay the timeline, but does not include the additional budget. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:寻求可选替代方案,在现有预算范围内管理工作
    Look for alternatives to manage work within the existing budget
  •  B:要求管理层增加预算
    Ask management for a budget increase
  •  C:激励团队面对挑战
    Motivate the team to meet the challenge
  •  D:拒绝批准的变更请求
    Reject the approved change request

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



65、 [单选] 项目经理向项目发起人提供增加一个新功能所需的预计活动费用。项目经理参考 WBS 和历史数据后,预计这项活动实际上需要 20 天,在最坏情况下的需要 32 天,在最好情况下需要 14 天。如果每天的费用为$140 元,则增加这项新功能的预计费用是多少?
The project manager provides the project sponsor with an expected activity cost for adding a new feature. The project manager refers to the WBS and historical data, and estimates that the activity requires 20 days realistically,32days in worst case scenario and 14days in a best case scenario. If the cost per day is $140, what is the expected cost to add the new feature?

  •  A:$2,520
  •  B:$2,940
  •  C:$3,080
  •  D:$3,640

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:本题考查的是 PERT 法,又称三点估算法。均值 e(t)=(14+4*20+32)/6=21 天,预计费用=21*$140=2940


66、 [单选] 在于项目团队成员的非正式谈话中,项目经理发现某个关键部分的供应商在执行一个已获批准的产品变更时有问题。项目经理接下来应执行下列哪一项?
In informal conversations with project team members, the project manager found that a key part of the vendor was having problems executing an approved product change. Which of the following should the project manager do next?

  •  A:实施对供应商的质量审计
    Implement quality audits for suppliers
  •  B:安排一次变更控制会议
    Schedule a Change Control meeting
  •  C:审查供应商的工作绩效
    Review supplier's work performance
  •  D:与供应商的高级经理谈话
    Talk to the senior manager of the Supplier

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:见PMBOK第6版 中 /数据分析, 绩效审查。对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。它可以包括买方开展的检查、对卖方所编相关文件的审查,以及在卖方实施工作期间进行的质量审计。


67、 [单选] 连续的降雨导致山洪暴发,道路被冲毁。如果未来一段时间内继续降雨,道路抢修需要20天;如果晴天,10天就可以修好;不过,从未来一段的天气预报情况推测,最有可能12天完成。完成道路抢修的期望工期为?
Continuous rainfall causes flash floods and roads are washed out. If it will continue raining for a few days, the road repair work takes 20 days; if it is sunny, 10 days will be enough; however, it is most likely to be completed in 12 days according to the weather forecast. What is the expected period of completing the road repair work?

  •  A:13天
    13 days
  •  B:15天
    15 days
  •  C:12天
    12 days
  •  D:14天
    14 days

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:贝塔分布。tE = (tO + 4tM + tP) / 6。(20+10+4*12)/6=13


68、 [单选] 项目的客户告诉项目经理他已经没钱了,不能再支付该项目。项目经理应该首先做什么?
The customer on a project tells the project manager he has run out of money to pay for the project. What should the project manager do FIRST?

  •  A:推迟进度中的多数项目工作,以给客户时间去寻找资金
    Shift more of the work to later in the schedule to allow time for the customer to get the funds
  •  B:进入行政收尾
    Enter administrative closure
  •  C:停止工作
    Stop work
  •  D:解散一部分项目团队
    Release part of the project team

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:每个项目都必须收尾,行政收尾给执行机构带来好处,所以停止工作(选项C)不对。选项 A 和 D 不能解决这个问题,它们只是推迟处理它。 当中断项目资金投入后,即项目提前结束,应执行项目收尾过程。项目收尾包含产品或服务的移交、行政收尾和采办收尾三方面。


69、 [单选] 有一部分项目工作从外部资源采购,项目团队制定采购计划,并向多个供应商发出建议邀请书,团队从潜在供应商那里获得关于工作的询问,为向潜在供应商提供响应,项目团队应该怎么做?
A portion of the project work is sourced from external sources, the project team makes the purchase plan and sends out a proposal invitation to multiple vendors, the team obtains inquiries about the work from the potential suppliers, and what the project team should do to provide responses to potential suppliers.

  •  A:向每一位供应商发送单独回复
    Send a separate reply to each supplier
  •  B:在项目团队中为每一位供应商指定单个联系人
    Assign individual contacts to each vendor in the project team
  •  C:修订建议邀请书,将对所有问题的回复包含在内,并分发给所有供应商
    Revised proposal invitation to include responses to all questions and distribute to all suppliers
  •  D:召开投标人会议,澄清所有供应商的全部问题
    Convene a meeting of bidders to clarify all suppliers ' issues

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



70、 [单选] 项目接近完工,团队成员向项目经理报告一个会影响到重要期限的问题,每周状态报告将在第二天发送主要相关方,项目经理下一步该怎么做?
When the project is nearing completion, the team members report to the project manager a problem that will affect the critical period, and the weekly status report will send the key stakeholders the next day, and what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:更新问题日志,通知发起人并使用问题升级流程,问相关方报告可能延迟
    Update the issue log, notify the initiator and use the escalation process to ask the relevant party to report possible delays
  •  B:在下一次状态周报告中通知相关方,与他们讨论可能的解决方案,并请求预算和进度延期
    Notify stakeholders in the next status week report about possible solutions and request budget and schedule delays
  •  C:核实这个问题是否包含在风险计划中,如不在,则应该将其包含在内,并编制风险减轻计划
    Verify that the issue is included in the risk plan and, if not, include it and prepare a risk mitigation plan
  •  D:更新问题日志,将可以帮助解决问题的所有人员包含在内,并与相关方就此问题进行沟通
    Update the issue log, include all people who can help solve the problem, and communicate with relevant parties on this issue

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析: 问题日志,问题日志记录由谁负责在目标日期内解决特定问题,并监督解决情况。


71、 [单选] 项目选择委员必须在项目 A 和项目 B 之间做出选择,项目 A 的投资回报期为 21 个月,项目B 的成本为 175000 美元,第一年的预期正现金流为 75000 美元,之后每季度的正现金流为 50000美元,项目经理应选择哪一个?
The project selection committee must make a choice between project A and Project B, project A has an investment return period of 21 months, the cost of Project B is $175000, the expected positive cash flow for the first year is $75000, and the positive cash flow for each quarter is 50000 USD, which should the project manager choose?

  •  A:项目 A 或项目 B,因为两个项目投资回报期一样
    Project A or project B, as two project investment return periods
  •  B:项目 B,因为项目 A 的投资回报期更长
    Project B because the investment return period for project A is longer
  •  C:项目 A,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更长
    Project A, because Project B has a longer investment return period
  •  D:项目 B,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更短
    Project B because the investment return period for Project B is shorter

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:所属知识领域:项目成本管理。所属过程组:规划过程组。解析:在进行项目选择的商业讨论中,投资回收期指标是一个选择方法,根据题意,项目 A 的回收期是 21 个月,项目 B 的回收期是 18 个月(12 个月加上两个季度 6 个月),所以选 D。考点项目回收期。出处:PMBOK第6版 中 7.1


72、 [单选] 在识别和了解项目风险过程中,项目团队希望通过图形化方式表现风险。这些关键元素包括决策、不确定元素、因果关系和目标。团队应使用哪种类型的风险图解技术?
While working to identify and understand risk in the project, the project team would like to graphically represent risks by displaying essential including decisions, uncertainties, causality and objectives. The team should use what type of risk diagramming technique?

  •  A:章程图
    Charter diagram
  •  B:帕累托图
    Pareto diagram
  •  C:德尔菲图
    Delphi diagram
  •  D:影响图
    Influence diagram

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析: 数据分析之影响图,作为风险定量分析的工具:用图形方法表示变量与结果之间的因果关系、事件时间顺序以及其他关系。另外,四个选项中只有影响图可显示因果关系。


73、 [单选] 项目经理收到一封正式函件,通知由于组织结构内部调整,某一重要相关方不再作为主抓该项目的负责人,而是作为咨询顾问继续参与项目工作。得到这一信息后,项目经理应该如何处理?
The project manager has received a formal letter, stating that a key stakeholder no longer acts as the project leader, but continues to participate in the project as a consultant due to internal adjustment in the organizational structure. Upon the receipt of this information, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:修改项目文件和项目管理计划
    To revise project documents and project management plan
  •  B:通知团队成员,以后不需要再给该相关方发送报告
    To notify the team members that there is no need to send a report to such stakeholder in future
  •  C:私下沟通,核实该消息的可靠性
    To make private communication to verify the reliability of such information
  •  D:要求项目执行组织解释做出这种调整的理由
    To request the project execution organization to explain for performing such adjustment

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



74、 [单选] 在一个工程项目中,项目经理应用了在之前更为复杂项目中成功应用的项目管理方法。项目团队成员抱怨说这类项目的每份文件同行评审需要花费太多的精力。 若要确保质量成本满足项目特征,项目经理应该怎么做?
In one project, the project manager applied a project management method that was successfully applied in a previously more complex project. Project team members complain that it takes a lot of effort to peer review every document of this type of project. What should the project manager do to ensure that quality costs meet project characteristics?

  •  A:省略同行评审
    Omitting peer review
  •  B:查询质量测量指标
    Query quality metrics
  •  C:执行质量审查
    Implementation of quality reviews
  •  D:在计划中考虑质量成本
    Consideration of quality costs in planning

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



75、 [单选] 在某个软件开发项目中,卖方已经按照合同要求圆满地完成了项目工作,这时,买方又要求在合同中添加一项新工作。鉴于上述情况,卖方应该如何做? 
In a software development project, the seller has successfully completed the project work in accordance with the requirements as specified in the contract. At this point, the buyer requests to add a new work in the contract. Given this, what should the seller do?

  •  A:开始合同收尾,并要求就新工作签订新合同
    To proceed with the contract closing and to request a new contract for the new work
  •  B:同意添加新工作,但要求用成本补偿的方式来做
    To agree to add the new work, but request the cost reimbursement
  •  C:拒绝做新工作,因为合同已经完成
    To refuse to do new work because the contract has been completed
  •  D:立即开展新工作,以便维护与买方的良好关系
    To immediately start the new work to maintain a good relationship with the buyer

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



76、 [单选] 进行自制或外购分析后,项目经理将已经包含工作分解结构(WBS)中的内容进行外包,项目经理应该采取下列哪一项措施?
After a make-or-buy analysis, the project manager decided to outsource the deliverables that included in the work breakdown structure (WBS). Which of the following should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将需要外包的可交付成果从WBS中移除
    Remove deliverables from the WBS that will be outsourced
  •  B:将需要外包的可交付成果保留在 WBS 中
    Maintain in the WBS the deliverables that will be outsourced
  •  C:创建另一个 WBS,仅包含将需要外包的可交付成果
    Create another WBS includes only the deliverables that will be outsourced
  •  D:等到选定外包供应商后才对 WBS 进行更改
    Don’t change anything of the WBS until the outsourcing provider is selected

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:所属过程组:规划过程组。所属知识领域:项目范围管理。解析:WBS 是对项目团队为实现项目目标、创建可交付成果而需要实施的全部工作范围的层级分解。外包的可交付成果仍然是项目目标的组成部分所以不应该移除


77、 [单选] 一个制造项目预期每周将交付 100,000 件产品,周缺陷率不大于 0.01%。在过去四周内的缺陷率却是 0.3%、0.1%、0.1%和 0.45%。项目经理集合了一支专家队,判定原材料不满足质量规范。项目团队决定将有必要修订原材料检查过程。 项目经理应如何处理这些信息?
A manufacturing project is expected to deliver 100,000 items per week at a weekly defect rate of no more than 0.01 percent. Within the past four weeks, the defect rate was meanwhile 0.3 percent, 0.1 percent, 0.1 percent, and 0.45 percent. The project manager assembles a team of experts that determines that the raw materials do not meet quality specification. The project team decides that a revised raw material inspection process will be necessary. What should the project manager do with this information?

  •  A:执行优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析
    Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis
  •  B:提出变更请求
    Initiate a change request
  •  C:请求额外的质量资源
    Request additional quality resources
  •  D:开展一致成本研究
    Conduct a cost of conformance study

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:修订原材料检查过程需要提变更请求。 对项目产品质量的缺陷补救,属于变更的其中一种,项目经理集合专家分析,属于监控过程中运用专家判断的方法,项目经理通过对项目评估(题目中未提及到是否涉及到项目基准) 做出决策:提出了解决问题的办法就是修订原材料检查过程。所以应提出变更请求来提高产品质量基准。


78、 [单选] 在合同执行过程中,买方的一名团队成员要求卖方编制并提交了一份合同规定之外的特殊的项目工作绩效报告。卖方为此向买方提出了额外费用索赔,以弥补它编制报告的支出。针对这种情况,买方的采购管理员应该怎么做?
During the project execution, a team member of the buyer requests the seller to prepare and submit a special project performance report that is not specified under the contract. The seller makes a claim for additional costs to the buyer to recover the expense of preparing the report. In this case, what should the buyer’s purchasing administrator do?

  •  A:拒绝卖方的索赔要求,并调查团队成员为什么索要这份报告
    To turn down the seller’s claim and to investigate why the team member requests this report
  •  B:请团队成员提出变更请求,以便把该报告加进合同中
    To ask the team members to submit a change request to include the report into the contract
  •  C:向卖方支付费用补偿,并采取合理措施
    To pay compensation to the seller and to take reasonable action
  •  D:防止团队成员以后再索要类似报告
    To prevent team members from requesting any similar reports in future

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



80、 [单选] 在管理当前项目的时候,非常重要的一点是要运用从以往项目上积累的经验教训来提高项目管理的水平。因此在结束项目或阶段程序中,回顾下列哪项是比较重要的?
When managing current projects, it is important to use lessons learned from previous projects to improve the organization’s project management process. Therefore, in Close Project or Phase, it is important to review the-

  •  A:曾发生过的中等程度的风险
    Secondary risks that occurred
  •  B:风险核对单
    Checklists for risk identification
  •  C:工作分解结构词典
    WBS dictionary
  •  D:团队成员简历
    Team members’ curriculum vitae

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析: 风险核对单。


81、 [单选] 项目经理了解到主题专家(SME)正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中?
The project manager learned that the subject matter expert (SME) was considering leaving the company, the expert resource has deep knowledge in its subject area and is difficult to replace, to ensure that the subject matter expert can remain in the project throughout the project, the project manager discusses possible measures with the manager of the subject matter, and what documents should be recorded in these measures?

  •  A:人力资源计划
    Human resources planning
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk Register
  •  C:风险管理计划
    Risk management Plan
  •  D:组织分解结构
    Organizational Breakdown Structure

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



82、 [单选] 项目经理注意到正在构建的系统存在多个质量问题,项目经理应该使用什么来跟踪这些问题的解决方案?
Where the project manager notices that there are a few of quality issues with the system under construction, what should the project manager use to track the solution to such issues?

  •  A:变更控制过程
    Change the control process
  •  B:质量分析
    Quality analysis
  •  C:风险审查
    Risk review
  •  D:问题日志
    Issue log

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



84、 [单选] 项目团队正在讨论。幸运的是项目经理已经建立了奖励机制和团队建设,有助于鼓励团队进一步合作。团队最近讨论的一件事是他们是否应自己完成一工作包还是外包给其他人。他们现在肯定是在采购过程的哪个阶段?
The project team seems to like to argue; they have argued about everything. Luckily the project manager has set in place a reward system and team building sessions that will help and encourage the team to cooperate more. The latest thing they are arguing about is if they should complete a work package themselves or outsource the work to someone else. What part of the procurement process must they be in?

  •  A:控制采购
    Control Procurements
  •  B:规划采购管理
    Plan Procurement management
  •  C:实施采购
    Conduct Procurements
  •  D:结束采购
    Close Procurements

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析: 自制或外购决策 通过自制或外购分析,做出某项特定工作最好由项目团队自己完成,还是需要从外部渠道采 购的决策。


85、 [单选] 你决定向以前经常为你的公司服务的一家供货商外包合同。该供货商在履行时间表和成本效益方面记录良好,而且与你建立了良好的工作关系。你现在的项目虽然与以前的不同,但是与该供货商完成其它工作类似。在这种情况下,你应该订立什么类型的合同:
You have decided to award a contract to a seller that has provided its services to your company frequently in the past. This seller has a good record in terms of schedule and cost performance, and your working relationship with this seller is excellent. Your current project, although somewhat different from previous projects, is similar to other work the seller has performed. In this situation, to minimize your risk you should award what type of contract?

  •  A:固定价格,附加币值调整
    Fixed-price with economic price adjustment
  •  B:固定酬金(固定目标)
    Fixed-price incentive (firm target)
  •  C:固定价格
  •  D:成本加酬金
    Cost-plus-award fee

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK第6版 中 合同的类型


86、 [单选] 项目经理注意到有一个部门完成每个项目活动花费的时间都比计划长。到目前为止,这些活动/工作包都不在关键路径上,也没有影响到已经发生的关键链计划编制。项目经理担心关键链会出问题,因为接下来的5个关键路径活动中有4个要由该部门完成。项目经理打了3个电话,最后总算能和部门经理说上话了,项目经理想知道发生了什么。对话进行得很慢,因为两个人说的是不一样的母语,他们试着用法语—共同语言—讲话。为了使谈话更容易,项目经理总是让部门经理再说一遍。部门经理说,他的下属遵照一项公司政策,该政策要求2级测试。谈话中,部门经理还作出一些评论,这让项目经理相信该政策会增加工作量。这已经是该项目经理第4次听到这样的评论了。他该怎么办?
The project manager notices that project activities being completed by one department are all taking slightly longer than planned. To date, none of the Activities/work packages have been on the critical path, nor have they affected the critical chain planning that has occurred. The project manager is bothered by the critical chain problem, since four of the next five critical path activities are being completed by this department. After making three calls, the project manager is finally able to converse with the department manager to determine what is going on. The conversation is slow, because both speak different native languages and they are trying to converse in French, a shared language. To make communication easier, the project manager frequently asks the department manager to repeat back what has been said. The department manager communicates that his staff is following a company policy that requires two levels of testing. During the conversation, the department manager also makes a comment that leads the project manager to believe that the policy may include excessive work. This is the fourth time the project manager has heard such a comment. What is the BEST thing to do?

  •  A:编制更好的沟通管理计划,要求该项目使用一种语言,并安排翻译随时候命
    Create a better communications management plan that requires only one language to be the universal language on the project and have translators readily available on a moment's notice.
  •  B:联系部门中其他的能更流利的说项目经理母语的成员,来确认部门经理的意见
    Contact someone else in the department who speaks the project manager's native language better to confirm the department manager's opinion.
  •  C:确认接下来的活动是否要重新估算
    Find out if the upcoming activities should be re-estimated.
  •  D:通过不断的改进存在问题的政策,提高执行机构的效率
    Work on increasing the effectiveness of the performing organization by recommending continuous improvement of the policy in question.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



87、 [单选] 项目经理发现关键路径上一项活动的开始到结束依赖关系遗漏了。项目进度计划已经与客户沟通,若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
The project manager identifies that a finish-to-start dependency for an activity on the critical path is missing. The project schedule was already communicated to the customer. What should the project manager have done to avoid this issue?

  •  A:审查工作分析结构
    Reviewed the work breakdown structure
  •  B:进行进度网络分析
    Conducted a schedule network analysis
  •  C:制定风险管理计划
    Prepared a risk management plan
  •  D:进行挣值分析
    Conducted an earned value analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



88、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目的规划阶段,如果比承诺交付时间提前两个月交付产品,公司将获得一份奖励,产品开发的项目经理让编程人员在需求和设计完成之前开始代码编写。这种情况下,项目经理在应用哪项进度技术?
During the planning phase of a software development project, the company is offered an incentive to deliver the product two months earlier than the agreed upon delivery date. The project manager for the product development asks the programmer to start coding before the requirements and design are completed. Which scheduling technique is the project manager applying in this situation?

  •  A:赶工
  •  B:快速执行
    Fast implementation
  •  C:快速跟进
    Fast tracking
  •  D:分阶段执行
    Phased implementation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:见 PMBOK6/进度压缩-快速跟进。快速跟进:一种进度压缩技术,讲正常情况下按顺序进行的活动或阶段改为至少是部分并行开展。


89、 [单选] 项目经理被批准执行一个价值1200万美元为期三年的项目,6个月后,25%项目已完成,项目团队开支为400万美元。 计算完进度绩效指数和成本绩效指数后,下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is approved to execute a US$12million, three-year project. After 25% of the project is completed What is the next step after calculating the schedule performance index and cost performance index?

  •  A:要求更多资金
    Ask for more money
  •  B:执行偏差分析
    Perform variance analysis
  •  C:制定绩效预测
    Develop performance forecast
  •  D:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:控制成本之预测。 四个选项的先后顺序为B-C-D-A, 完成SPI和CPI的计算后,应该首先进行偏差分析。分析相对于进度基准和成本基准的偏差原因与程度,并确定是否需要采用纠正或预防措施。 即便要提交变更请求或要求追加预算,也要在进行偏差分析后才能提出。故选项B是最佳参考答案。


90、 [单选] 项目经理与主题专家(SME)一起估算项目任务。主题专家认为某项活动最可能花45小时完成。但是,在项目团队会议上,相同的活动估计需要花70小时。而有些团队成员认为这项活动能够在32小时内完成。 项目经理应该怎么估算这项活动?
The project manager estimates project tasks with subject matter experts (SMEs). The SMEs feel that an activity will most likely take 45 hours to complete. However, during a project team meeting, the same activity is estimated to take 70 hours. Some team members believe that this activity can be completed within 32 hours. What should the project manager estimate for this activity?

  •  A:32小时 
  •  B:45小时 
  •  C:47小时
  •  D:70小时

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



91、 [单选] 在项目上,项目经理带领团队运用头脑风暴法完成了风险识别工作。其中有一个风险,大家都认为发生的可能性很小,但万一发生会有很严重的影响。对这个风险,应该采用什么方法加以监控?
In a project, the project manager leads the team to complete the risk identification by using brainstorming method. In which, one risk is believed by all members to be unlikely, but it will have a material impact if happened. Which method should be used to monitor this risk?

  •  A:帕累托图
    Pareto chart
  •  B:控制图
    Control diagram
  •  C:散点图
    Scatter chart
  •  D:鱼骨图
    fishbone diagram

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



92、 [单选] 项目经理要求风险经理开展每月的定量风险分析。风险经理应该提交什么?
The project manager asks the risk manager to conduct a monthly quantitative risk analysis. What should the risk manager present?

  •  A:蒙特卡洛累积图
    Monte Carlo cumulative char
  •  B:风险重新评估
    Risk reassessment
  •  C:概率和影响矩阵
    Probability and impact matrix
  •  D:根据概率和影响等级来识别风险
    Identified risks with probability and impact ratings

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:实施定量风险分析的输出是风险登记册的更新,包括项目的概率分析即蒙特卡洛累积图。 BD是工具不是输出,并且不是定量风险的工具。 C是定性风险分析使用的工具和输出。


93、 [单选] 项目 A 已经交付给客户 A ,而且开始开展收尾活动. 项目团队将会转到客户B的项目上工作. 销售经理要求项目经理提供项目A的售后支持. 项目经理应执行下列哪一项?
Project A is delivered to customer A and the closure activities are carried out. The project team will be transferred to work on project B for customer B. The sales manager requests the project manager provide post-sales support for project A. Which of the following should the project manager do?

  •  A:将项目团队转移到项目B上,开始新的启动活动
    Move the project team to project B and start new initiation activities
  •  B:建议销售经理获得新的资源
    Suggest the sales manager obtain new resources
  •  C:确保项目A的特定知识已获收集,并移交组织
    Ensure project A’s specific knowledge is captured and transferred to the organization
  •  D:拒绝销售经理的请求,并查阅合同
    Deny the sales manager’s request and refer to the contract

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



94、 [单选] 在一个最近的项目状态评审会议上,一名团队成员对其他成员非常不满,而且贬低别人在团队中的地位,这个人属于下列哪项提及的破坏性团队角色?
During a recent status review meeting for your project, one team member was critical of others and seemed to try to diminish their status on the team. This person was assuming which of the following destructive team roles?

  •  A:寻求赞誉者
    Recognition seeker
  •  B:阻挡者
  •  C:攻击者
  •  D:独断者

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



95、 [单选] 一家公司正在执行一个关键项目,而该项目可能极大影响到公司的收入。首席执行官非常关注项目成功,并承诺分配所有必要资源。 该首席执行官的参与程度应如何分类?
A company is working on a critical project that could greatly impact company revenues. The CEO has high interest in the project’s success, and is committed to assigning all necessary resources. What should the CEO’s level of engagement be classified?

  •  A:管理
  •  B:领导
  •  C:参与
  •  D:支持

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



96、 [单选] 一家公司正在建设一栋新建筑,该建筑与两年前建造的另一栋建筑具有相同特点,项目发起人需要审查新项目的现金流,以避免上一个项目发生的问题。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A company is constructing a new building which has the same characteristics as another building constructed two years ago. The project sponsor needs to examine the cash flow of new project to avoid the issues that occured in the previous project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:审查上一份项目章程
    To examine the previous project charter
  •  B:检查上一个项目的经验教训
    To check the lessons learned from the previous project
  •  C:制定新的商业论证
    To work out a new business case
  •  D:与上一个项目的项目经理沟通
    To communicate with the project manager who is in charge of the previous project

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



99、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目经理评估客户添加更多质量检查请求,由于在初步测试中发现一些缺陷,产品经理对此表示赞同,然而,项目团队却不认为这将有助于实现项目目标,为确保质量,项目经理应该怎么做?
In the execution of the project, the project manager assessed the customer to add more quality inspection requests. The product manager agreed with the defects found in the preliminary tests. However, the project team did not believe that this would help achieve the project objectives. What should the project manager do to ensure quality?

  •  A:修订过程改进计划
    Revise the process improvement plan
  •  B:分析工作绩效信息
    Analyze the work performance information
  •  C:使用七种基本质量工具
    Use seven basic quality tools
  •  D:更新质量管理计划
    Update the quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



100、 [单选] 项目经理在会见员工时,不管自己多么忙,多么疲劳,都一定要聚精会神、一丝不苟地与员工交谈,使每个员工都感觉到自己被重视。根据上述内容,一可以判断以下描述都是正确的,除了
When the project manager meets with employees, no matter how busy or tired, he must be concentrated and conscientious when talking with the employees, so that individual employees feel being regarded. Based on the above, the following descriptions can  be judged to be correct, except

  •  A:项目经理的有效沟通可以缩小与下级之间的权力距离
    Effective communication conducted by the project manager can reduce the power distance with the subordinate
  •  B:清楚地了解每一个团队成员的需求和期望是项目经理的职责
    Clearly understanding the needs and expectations of individual members is the project manager's responsibility
  •  C:项目经理在会见员工时应该充分使用自己的职位权力
    The project manager should make full use of his position power when meeting with employees
  •  D:项目团队成员可以跨越直接上级与项目经理直接沟通
    Project team members can directly communicate  with the project manager instead of reporting to the immediate superior in the first place

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



101、 [单选] 制定项目范围说明书之后,团队已准备好继续进行其他项目活动。项目团队要项目经理为下一个项目会议的活动和成果提供指导。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
After defining the project scope statement the team is ready to proceed with other project activity. The team members request the project manager to provide education about activities and outcomes for the next project session. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:列出限制团队更新项目文件选择范围的制约因素
    list the project constraints that limit the team options to update project documents
  •  B:收集需求,创建需求跟踪活动资源
    collects the requirement to create the requirements resource
  •  C:将活动清单排序,估算活动
    sequence the activity list to estimate the activity resources
  •  D:审查之前项目的政策,程序和经验教训,创建工作分解结构
    review the policies, procedures, and lessoned from work breakdown structure

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:所属过程组:规划过程组。所属知识领域:项目范围管理。解析:范围说明书是定义范围过程的输出,完成之后就要以此为输入创建 WBS。A,B 应该在定义范围之前完成。创建 WBS 之后再以此定义活动完成之后才能进


102、 [单选] 一名工程师在没有提交变更请求的情况下,完成一名项目相关方的可交付成果变更要求。项目经理应该怎么做?
An engineer completes a stakeholder request for a change in a deliverable without submitting a change request. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:获得为何进行变更的相关信息
    Obtain information about why the change was made
  •  B:审查变更的影响,并提交变更请求
    Review the impact of the change, and submit a change request
  •  C:更新问题日志
    Update the issue log
  •  D:指示该工程师撤销变更
    Instruct the engineer to undo the change

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



103、 [单选] 一个为期五年的研发项目项目经理希望将更多的风险放到承包公司,激励他们释放成本,下列哪一个合同类型将满足项目经理的目标?
The project manager of a five-year research and development project wants to place more risk on the contracting company to motivate them to keep costs down. Which of the following contract will meet the project manager’s objectives?

  •  A:成本补偿合同
  •  B:成本加按成本百分比计算酬金合同
  •  C:Cost-plus-incentive-fee
  •  D:Quantity contract

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:见 PMBOK5/组织过程资产-成本加激励费合同。为卖方报销履行合同工作所发生的一切可列支成本,并在卖方达到合同规定的绩效目标时,向卖方支付预先确定的激烈费用。


104、 [单选] 一项目经理正在定量计算其项目的风险。她的几名专家都不在身边,但是她想把他们放进来。这该怎么办?
A project manager is quantifying risk for her project. Several of her experts are offsite, but wish to be included. How can this be done?

  •  A:用互联网作为工具,采用蒙特卡罗分析
    Use Monte Carlo analysis using the Internet as a tool.
  •  B:采用关键路径法
    Apply the critical path method.
  •  C:决定纠正措施的备选方案
    Determine options for recommended corrective action.
  •  D:采用 Delphi 技术
    Apply the Delphi Technique.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:Delphi 技术在取得技术问题、项目或产品的范围或风险的专家意见时最为常用。

105、 [单选] 异常的天气状况危及到一个关键可交付成果的时间线,在这个时候,下列哪一份项目文件对项目经理有帮助?
Which of the following project documents is helpful to the project manager when the abnormal weather conditions endanger a timeline of key deliverables?

  •  A:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  B:工作分解结构
    Work breakdown structure
  •  C:项目进度
    Project progress
  •  D:风险分解结构
    Risk breakdown structure

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属知识领域:项目风险管理。所属过程组:规划过程组。解析:异常天气作为一个风险被记录在风险登记册中,已识别的风险应对措施也被记录在风险登记册中,所以选 A

107、 [单选] 在正式建议邀请书发出后,潜在供应商提交了投标文件,所有供应商的投标包包括两个信封,一个是技术提案,另一个是财务提案。项目采购人员收到三份报价:A 供应商了,120 万美元,B供应商:140 万美元;C 供应商:100 万美元。项目采购人员向项目经理通报了选择提案的困难。项目经理忘记向项目采购人员提供什么?
Following the issuance of the formal proposal, the potential supplier submitted the tender document, and all the suppliers ' tender packages included two envelopes, one technical proposal and the other financial proposal. Project procurement staff received three quotations: supplier A, 1.2 million USD, B suppliers: USD 1.4 million; Suppliers: 1 million USD. Project procurement staff informed the project manager of the difficulty of selecting proposals. What did the project manager forget to offer the project purchaser?

  •  A:资源选择标准
    Criteria for resource selection
  •  B:合格卖方名单
    List of qualified sellers
  •  C:卖方提案
    Seller's proposa
  •  D:自制或外购决定
    Homemade or outsourced decisions

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析: 采购文档.供应商选择标准,供方选择标准通常是采购文件的一部分。见12.1.3.5节。此类标准描述如何评估投标人的建议书,包括评估标准和权重。 为了减轻风险,买方可能决定与多个卖方签署协议,以便在单个卖方出问题并影响整体项目 时,降低由此导致的损失。

110、 [单选] 项目分包商没有按照合同规定期限交付工作产品。虽然一再警告,但分包商还是无法交付。项目经理将他们的担忧上报给分包商公司的管理层。但是,这并没有对分包商的绩效带来任何改进。项目经理下一步应该采取下列哪一项措施?
A project’s subcontractor did not deliver the work products as per the terms of the contract. Despite repeated warnings, the subcontractor failed to deliver. The project manager escalated their concerns to the management of the subcontractor’s company. However, this did not result in any improvement in the subcontractor’s performances The project manager should take which of the following action next?

  •  A:停止向分包商付款。
    Stop payment to the subcontractor
  •  B:启动终止合同的程序。
    Initiate termination of the contract.
  •  C:对分包商采取法律措施。
    Take legal action against the subcontractor.
  •  D:采取其他纠纷解决过程。
    Follow the alternative dispute resolution process.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:屡教不改,违反合同,提前终止。见4.7引言。111、 [单选] 在进行检查期间,你发现一家供应商没有适当生产可交付成果的一个重要部件。你应该如何做?
During a walk-through, you discover that a seller has neglected to properly produce a major component of its deliverable. What should you do?

  •  A:坚持卖方遵守质量保证计划
    Insist that the seller follow their quality assurance plans
  •  B:就偏差,通知项目发起人
    Inform the project sponsor of the discrepancy
  •  C:通过函件,坚持要求遵守合同
    Insist that the contract be adhered to via correspondence
  •  D:安排会议,讨论偏差
    Schedule a meeting to discuss the discrepancy

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK第6版 中 12.3 作为买方在进行采购管理时,主要对结果和目标进行监控,一般不涉及卖方的具体过程管理,备选答案 A 和 D 均属项目过程管理属于卖方的职责,而 B 是否通知项目发起人需要根据问题的严重性而定。

112、 [单选] 在一个关键项目的中间阶段,项目经理发现项目落后于进度。项目经理应该执行下列哪一项活动将项目拉回到正常进度轨道?
In the middle of a critical project, the project manager finds that the project is behind schedule.Which activity should the project manager perform to bring the project back on track?

  •  A:资源平衡
    Resource leveling
  •  B:调整提前期量与滞后量
    Adjusting leads and lags
  •  C:进度压缩
    Schedule compression
  •  D:假设场景分析
    What-if scenario analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:见 PMBOK第6版 中进度控制工具。


113、 [单选] 项目经理正在制定一个项目计划。项目赞助人得知后,立即让项目经理针对项目成本开展初始粗略评估,以满足未来财政预算的需求。 项目经理采用下列哪一项评估项目成本?
The project manager is developing a project plan, on short notice project sponsor  asks the project manager to create an initial rough estimate of project cost to satisfy requirements for the upcoming fiscal budget. The project manager uses which of the following for estimating the project cost?

  •  A:自下而上估算
    Bottom-up estimating
  •  B:三点结算
    Three-point estimating
  •  C:类比估算
    Analogous estimating
  •  D:建立参数模型
    Parametric modeling

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:规划过程组 项目成本管理  考点:成本估算成本类比估算是指以过去类似项目的参数值(如范围、成本、预算和持续时间等)或规模指标(如尺寸、重量和复杂性等)为基础,来估算当前项目的同类参数或指标。在估算成本时,这项技术以过去类似项目的实际成本为依据,来估算当前项目的成本。这是一种粗略的估算方法,有时需根据项目复杂性方面的已知差异进行调整。出处:PMBOK 7.2  估算成本


114、 [单选] 一个为期两年的项目完成了50%,进度绩效指数1.051和成本绩效指数为1.02。一个新的项目进入投资组合,被视为一个优先级并且高于当前的项目。因此,目前项目失去了三个关键资源。尽管资源紧张,但是高级主管仍然要求项目经理按时完成项目,并且按照预算且不会有额外的资源补给。 项目经理应该怎样做?
A two-year project is 50% complete has a schedule performance index of 1.051and a cost performance index of 1.02, A new project enters the portfolio and is deemed a higher priority than the current project. As a result, the current project loses three key resources.  Despite tossing resources, the project manager is asked by senior management to complete the project on time and within budget without additional resources. What should do next?

  •  A:执行资源平衡
    executive resources balance
  •  B:赶工
  •  C:变更项目基准
    change the project baseline
  •  D:实施偏差分析
    implements deviation analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



115、 [单选] 你们公司决定为市场开发一种新的高科技产品,要求你起草项目章程。你起草项目章程时发现无法把项目目标可测量化。下列哪一项是引起这个问题的最可能原因?
Your company decides to develop a new hi-tech product for the market demand and requests you to draft the project charter. When drafting the project charter, you find that the project goal is immeasurable. Which of the following items is the most probable reason?

  •  A:项目的范围尚未明确
    The project scope has not yet been clear
  •  B:项目的目标尚未明确
    The project goal has not yet been clear
  •  C:产品范围描述不清
    The description of product range is unclear
  •  D:你自己的相关经验不足
    You have less relevant experience

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


116、 [单选] 由于一台设备设计规格中的某一项被忽略了而导致项目延期,而赶制此项需要更长的交货期。为避免这种情况的发生,项目经理在项目规划期间应完成下列哪一项?
A project is delayed because one item in the equipment specification has been ignored. It will require a longer lead time to catch up. To avoid this situation, the project manager should have done which of the following in project planning?

  •  A:制定应急计划
    prepare a contingency plan
  •  B:选择更为可靠的供应商
    select a more reliable supplier
  •  C:在识别风险过程上花费更多的努力
    spend more efforts on the process of risk identification
  •  D:确保该项不在关键路径上
    ensure that the item is a not on the critical path

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


117、 [单选] 在一个项目的最终阶段,一名关键相关方识别到产品缺失关键功能,必须增加这些功能才能在市场上具有竞争力。项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project’s final stage, a key stakeholder identifies that the product is missing critical features that must be added to be marketplace competitive. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:修订范围管理计划。
    Modify the scope management plan.
  •  B:更新质量核对表。
    Update the quality checklists.
  •  C:遵循变更管理计划。
    Follow the change management plan.
  •  D:查看工作说明书(SOW)。
    Review the statement of work (SOW).

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


118、 [单选] 项目经理观察到某些项目团队成员开始一起工作并调整工作习惯,但是,他们彼此不互相信任。项目经理可以得出下列哪一项关于团队的结论?
The project manager observes that some project team, members begin to work together and adjust work habits, however, they do not trust each other. The project manager may conclude which of the following about the team?

  •  A:团队处于发展的规划阶段,很有可能前进到执行阶段。
    it is in the norming stage of development and will most probably move on the performing stage.
  •  B:团队处于发展的规范阶段,很有可能倒退回震荡阶段。
    It is in the norming stage of the development and will most probably slip back to the storming stage.
  •  C:团队处于发展的震荡阶段,很好有可能前进到规划阶段。
    It is in the storming stage of development and will most probably move on to the norming stage.
  •  D:团队处于发展的震荡阶段,很有可能倒退回组建阶段
    It is in the storming stage of the development and will most probably slip back to the forming stage,

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


119、 [单选] 一名新项目经理与由高级技术人员组成的项目团体工作,在制定项目治理中,新项目经理将有来自高级技术人员的阻力。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A new project manager works with a project team comprised of senior technical staff. During the establishment of project governance, the new project manager anticipates that there will be resistance from the senior technical staff. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:为项目团队成员建立角色和职责
    Establish roles and responsibilities for the project team members.
  •  B:制定并同意项目人员配备方案
    Establish and agree on project staff assignments.
  •  C:制定工作分解结构
    Establish a work breakdown structure.
  •  D:制定并同意团队运行规则
    Establish and agree on team operating rules.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析: 团队章程团队章程对项目团队成员的可接受行为确定了明确的期望。尽早认可并遵守明确的规则,有助于减少误解,提高生产力;讨论诸如行为规范、沟通、决策、会议礼仪等领域,团队成员可以了解彼 此重要的价值观。由团队制定或参与制定的团队章程可发挥最佳效果。所有项目团队成员都分担责 任,确保遵守团队章程中规定的规则。

120、 [单选] 一名初级项目经理被指派到一个新启动的项目,高级项目经理指示该初级项目经理去识别在项目中享有既得利益的人员。 高级项目经理让初级项目经理创建的是下列哪一项?
A junior project manager is assigned to a newly initiated project, and the senior project manager instructs the junior project manager to identify the person who has a vested interest in the project. Which of the following items is created by the senior project manager for the junior project manager?

  •  A:相关方管理计划
    Related party management plan
  •  B:项目团队清单
    List of project teams
  •  C:项目批准人清单
    List of project approver
  •  D:相关方登记册
    Relevant party registers

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


121、 [单选] 客户启动了一个新的战略项目,该项目必须自年底前完成。该项目对于客户的战略成功至关重要。关于项目范围、预算和进度的意见已经讨论过。 项目章程中还应包含哪些内容?
A customer initiates a new strategic project, Which must be completed by the end of the year. The project is critical to the strategic success of the customer. An idea about the scope, budget, and timeline has already been discussed. What else should be included in the project charter?

  •  A:批准的预算,制定的资源和固定的完工日期
    Approved budget, named resources, and fixed-end date
  •  B:定量的风险、限制和例外情况,已经修订的历程碑日期
    Quantified risks, limits and exclusions, and revised milestone dates
  •  C:总体要求,主要风险和识别的范围
    High-level requirements, high-level risks, and identified scope
  •  D:项目计划,范围计划和资源计划
    Project plan, scope plan, and resource plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:指南-项目章程,项目章程记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息,例如 •项目目的;•可测量的项目目标和相关的成功标准;•高层级需求;•高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果;•整体项目风险;•总体里程碑进度计划;•预先批准的财务资源;•关键相关方名单;•项目审批要求(例如,用什么标准评价项目成功,由谁对项目成功下结论,由谁来签署项目 结束);•项目退出标准(例如,在何种条件下才能关闭或取消项目或阶段);•委派的项目经理及其职责和职权;•发起人或其他批准项目章程的人员的姓名和职权。 项目章程确保相关方在总体上就主要可交付成果、里程碑以及每个项目参与者的角色和职责达成共识。


122、 [单选] A 公司的客户满意度调查显示,由于服务水平下降,客户有投向竞争对手的趋势。随着管制解除的迫近和竞争变得越来越激烈,CEO 宣布将改善客户体验摆在第一位,应该使用下列哪一项技术?
Company A’s customer satisfaction survey indicates that customers are leaving for the competition due to deterioration support responsiveness. With the impending deregulation and increased competition, the CEO vows to place priority on improving client experience. What project techniques should be used?

  •  A:Q-分类技术
  •  B:参数估算
    Parametric estimation.
  •  C:鱼骨图
    Fish-bone diagram.
  •  D:敏感性分析
    Sensitivity analysis.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



123、 [单选] 项目工期为五个月。项目最初费用拨款总额为30.000美元,目前项目处于第三个月。项目前两个月的总支出为12,500美元。项目完工部分超前于进度符合预算。项目的成本差异是多少?
The duration of a project is five months. The total cost initially allocated was US$30,000. The project is in the third month, The total expenditure in the project for the first two months is us$12,500. The project is ahead of schedule and on budget for work completed. What is the cost variance of the project?

  •  A:大于零
    Greater than zero
  •  B:小于零
    Less than zero
  •  C:零
  •  D:一

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



124、 [单选] 一项目经理和公司中设计铁路设备的团队要设计一台能将石头装载到火车上的机器。该项目允许损耗 2%,也就是每天能损耗超过 2 吨的石块。在下列哪项中项目经理记录该项目的质量控制、质量保证和质量改进?
A project manager and team from a firm that designs railroad equipment are tasked to design a machine to load stone onto railroad cars. The design allows for 2 percent spillage, mounting to over two tons of spilled rock per day. In which of the following does the project manager document quality control, quality assurance and quality improvements for this project?

  •  A:质量管理计划
    Quality management plan
  •  B:质量政策
    Quality policy
  •  C:控制图
    Control charts
  •  D:项目管理计划
    Project management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:选项 B 和 C 都是质量管理计划的组成部分。质量管理计划是项目管理计划的一部分。正确参考答案是选项 A,质量管理计划,参见 PMBOK 质量管理计划。


125、 [单选] A 项目通过一个组织矩阵进行管理。项目经理向一位高级总裁汇报工作,后者对项目提供实际的帮助。在这种情况下,以下哪个陈述最好地说明了项目经理的相对权力?
Project A is being administered using a matrix form of organization. The project manager reports to a senior vice president who provides visible support to the project. In this scenario, which of the following statements best describes the relative power of the project manager?

  •  A:项目经理很可能不会受到项目相关方的责难
    The project manager will probably not be challenged by project stakeholders.
  •  B:在这个强矩阵中,权力的平衡倾向于职能经理
    In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the functional line managers.
  •  C:在这个紧密矩阵中,权力平衡倾向于项目经理
    In this tight matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.
  •  D:在这个强矩阵中,权力平衡倾向于项目经理
    In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



127、 [单选] 项目经理的上一个项目曾在范围管理方面遇到麻烦,发起人疲于审批范围变更,而范围变更进而又引发了一系列严重问题。在总结了这个教训之后,项目经理在本项目上应该怎么做?
The last project the project manager was in had troubles in scope management, the sponsor was tired of approving scope changes, and the scope change caused a series of serious issues. After drawing this lesson, what the project manager should do in this project?

  •  A:建议发起人保留对范围变更的审批权力
    To recommend the sponsor to reserve the power to approve scope change.
  •  B:建议由自己和发起人共同对范围变更进行审批
    To recommend that the scope change should be approved by him and the project sponsor
  •  C:建议发起人授权变更控制委员会(CCB)对范围变更进行审批
    To recommend that the sponsor should authorize the Change Control Board (CCB) to approve such scope change.
  •  D:建议发起人授权项目管理团队对范围变更进行审批
    To recommend that the sponsor should authorize the project management team to approve such scope change.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。CCB 是一个正式组成的团体,负责审查、评价、批准、推迟或否决项目变更,以及记录和传达变更处理决定。


128、 [单选] 在某种特定合同下,确定有可列支成本作为供应商的补偿。供应商已获得$102,000的支付款项。其中$80,000为实际成本。合同原始成本估算为$90,000,$20,000作为奖励酬金。对于实现成本节约,供应商获得其中的20%。 这属于下列哪一个合同类型?
Under a certain contract, a list of allowable costs is established for supplier reimbursement. The supplier is paid $102,000, of which $80,000 is actual cost. The original cost estimate of the contract is $90,000 and $20,000 is incentive fee. The supplier gets a 20% share of cost savings achieved. This is which of the following types of contracts?

  •  A:固定总价加奖励费用合同
    Fixed-price incentive-fee
  •  B:成本加固定费用合同
  •  C:可按经济指数价格调整的固定总价合同
    Fixed-price with economic price adjustment
  •  D:成本加激励费用合同

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参见“PMBOK第6版中12.1.1.6”,成本加激励费用 (CPIF)。为卖方报销履行合同工作所发生的一切可列支成本,并在卖方达到 合同规定的绩效目标时,向卖方支付预先确定的激励费用。在 CPIF 合同中,如果最终成本 低于或高于原始估算成本,则买方和卖方需要根据事先商定的成本分摊比例来分享节约部 分或分担超支部分。例如,基于卖方的实际成本,按照 80/20 的比例分担(分享)超过(低 于)目标成本的部分。


129、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个软件开发项目的执行工作。在执行过程中,发生了一个风险应对计划中没有包括的风险。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is managing the execution of a software development project. During the execution process, a risk that is not included in the risk response plan happens. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用应急储备来解决风险的后果
    To solve the risk consequence with emergency reserves
  •  B:把风险的实际情况报告给管理层
    To report the actual situation of the risk to the management
  •  C:召开团队会议讨论权变措施
    To hold a team meeting to discuss workaround
  •  D:不理会这个风险,既然计划中没有包括
    To ignore this risk, because this risk is not included in the plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



130、 [单选] 一家公司的仓储设施受到风暴影响,这对项目的完成日期和里程碑产生不利影响。项目经理应查阅哪一份文件来找到将解决这种情况的这些人员角色和职责?
A company’s storage facilities are affected by storms. This negatively impacts the project’s completion date and milestones. What document should the project manager consult to find the roles and responsibilities of those people who will resolve the situation?

  •  A:相关方管理计划
    Stakeholder management plan
  •  B:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan
  •  C:资源管理计划
    Resource management plan
  •  D:沟通管理计划
    Communication management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:1.根据题目描述,项目经理需要确定应对风险的责任人及职责,这些内容在风险管理计划中 2.风险管理计划中,确定了每个活动的领导者和支持者,以及风险管理团队的成员,并明确其职责


132、 [单选] 你刚刚被分配到一个处于实施阶段中期的项目任项目经理,你正在确定你将如何控制这个项目,控制这个项目的最佳方法是:
You have just been assigned as project manager in execution phase and you have to determine how you should control the project,the best way is to:

  •  A:使用综合的沟通方法(使用多面性沟通方法)
    Use a combination of communication methods
  •  B:召开项目进度会议
    Hold schedule meetings
  •  C:每周参照甘特图
    Refer to Gantt chart weekly
  •  D:定期与管理层开会
    Meet with management regularly

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



133、 [单选] 为了确定最长的工期路径,项目团队同时考虑了任务的依赖关系和资源制约条件. 项目经理使用的是下列哪一项进度安排方法?
To determine the longest duration path,the project team considers both task dependencies and resource constraints. The project team uses which of the following scheduling methodologies ?

  •  A:关键链法
    Critical chain method
  •  B:关键路径法
    Critical path method
  •  C:关键评审技术
    Critical evaluation and review technique
  •  D:图形路径法
    Graphical path method

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



134、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目中,开发人员发现一个可以提高速度的新工具。项目经理分析发现这种新工具能够缩短当前开发阶段20%,并节省10%的项目成本。在变更控制委员会批准之后,项目经理修订了项目进度。这属于哪种风险应对类型?
During a software development project, a developer discovers a new tool that could increase development speed. The project manager’s analysis finds implementing the new tool could shorten the current development phase by 20% and save 10% of the project’s cost. After approval from the change control board, the project manager revises the project schedule. What is the type of risk response?

  •  A:开拓
  •  B:接受
  •  C:增强
  •  D:转移

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



135、 [单选] 一个团队正在与人际问题做斗争,若要提高团队精神,应该使用哪一种策略?
A team is struggling with interpersonal issues, which strategy should be used to improve team spirit?

  •  A:建立一个认可和奖励机制,激励各个成员作为团队工作
    Establishing a recognition and incentive mechanism to motivate members to work as a team
  •  B:将团队成员送去参加个人培训,提高他们的技能
    Send team members to personal training to improve their skills
  •  C:为了说明可被接受的行为,制定规矩
    In order to demonstrate acceptable behavior, develop rules
  •  D:让团队在一个共同办公室中集中办公
    Keeping teams focused in a common office

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:9.4 建设团队,本过程的主要作用是,改进团队协作、增强人际关系技能、激励员工、减少摩擦以及提升整体项目 绩效。集中办公可以增强团队工作能力。


136、 [单选] 因为完成可交付成果1和2需要额外的资源技能,1 期的实际成本为 55,000 美元。项目的可交付成果和质量是不可协商的。在 II 期开始前,项目经理应该怎么做?
TheThe actual cost of phase I is US$55,000, because additional resource skill sets were requiredto complete both deliverables I and 2. The deliverables and quality of the project are nonnegotiable. Before the opening of phase II occurs, what should the project manager do? 


  •  A:确保具有批准增加 20,000 美元预算的变更管理文件。
    Ensure there is a change management document approving the additional US$20.000 to the budget
  •  B:验证 II 期资源需求的项目计划。
    Validate the project plan for phase it’s resource requirements
  •  C:确定如何从 II 期或 III 期削减 20,000 美元。
    Determine how US$20,000 will be cut from phase II phase III
  •  D:确定相关方应重新考虑 II 期或 III 期的哪些可交付成果。
    Determine which deliverables from phase II of phase 3 the stakeholders should reconsider

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:项目成本管理 因为项目的可交付成果和质量是不可协商的,因此第二三阶段也会有可交付成果 1 和 2,条件不变的情况下也会增加额外的资源技能,因此需要再第二期开始之前重新进行验证成本计划。又因为第二期还有其它第一期没有包含的可交付成果,因此不确定是否只用增加 20000,A 不准确。选 B。


137、 [单选] 有一种激励理论认为,真正能激励人的是工作本身。包括工作中的责任感、职业发展和自我实现等,而不是工作所带来的经济收人。这种激励理论是?
A motivation theory argues that what really motivates is the work itself, including the sense of responsibility at work, career development and self-actualization, rather than the economic income from work. What is this incentive theory?

  •  A:戴明的PDCA循环理论
    Deming's PDCA Cycle Theory
  •  B:麦克利兰的成就动机理论
    McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory
  •  C:马斯洛的需求层次理论
    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  •  D:赫兹伯格的双因素理论
    Herzberg's Two-factor Theory

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



138、 [单选] 新项目经理正在制定项目管理计划,但项目经理对该项目领域没有经验。若要从其他人的讲演中获益,项目经理应该参考下列哪一项?
A new project manager is developing a project management plan in an area that the project manager has no experience. Which of the following should the project manager reference to benefit from the experience of others?

  •  A:团队绩效评估
    Team performance assessment
  •  B:绩效报告
    Performance report
  •  C:历史信息
    Historical information
  •  D:相关方登记册
    Stakeholder register

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:组织过程资产 能够影响制定项目管理计划过程的组织过程,组织过程资产是大部分规划过程的输入,历史信息属于组织过程资产。


139、 [单选] 一个项目分多个阶段执行。项目团队完成了第一阶段的可交付成果。第一阶段的可交付成果已经过完整性确认。目前正在执行下列哪一项项目过程?
A project is executed in multiple phases. The project team completed their first phase of deliverables. The first phase’s deliverables are validated for completeness. Which project process is being performed?

  •  A:确认范围过程
    Validate scope
  •  B:管理质量过程
    Perform quality assurance
  •  C:控制范围过程
    Control scope
  •  D:控制质量过程
    Control Quality

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:指南-5.5确认范围,是正式验收已完成的项目可交付成果的过程。本过程的主要作用是,使验收过程具有客 观性;同时通过确认每个可交付成果,来提高最终产品、服务或成果获得验收的可能性。


141、 [单选] 工作分解结构建立后,项目经理通过头脑风暴发启动了识别风险过程。该过程指出了一些潜在风险. 项目经理应该怎么做?
After the work breakdown structure is crested, the project manager starts the Identify Risks Process using the brainstorming technique. During this process, some potential risks are raised. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更改项目范围以回避风险
    Change the project scope to avoid the risks.
  •  B:接受风险并将其预期值纳入项目预算
    Accept the risks and include their expected value to the project budget.
  •  C:确定潜在响应
    Define potential responses.
  •  D:实施变通方案以回避风险
    Implement workarounds to avoid the risks.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



142、 [单选] 项目的主要相关方要求对一个优先问题立即采取纠正措施,并批准项目经理继续。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project’s major stakeholder requests immediate corrective action for a priority issue, and authorizes the project manager to proceed. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:请求变更控制委员会(CCB)的批准。
    Request approve from the change control board (CCB).
  •  B:评估对关键路径的影响,并更新进度基准。
    Assess the impact on the critical path, and update the schedule baseline.
  •  C:更新问题日志。
    Update the issue log.
  •  D:继续进行变更。
    Proceed with the change.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



143、 [单选] 在为一个大型项目工作时,项目经理注意到某个特征的开发人员经常错过最终期限,项目经理应该怎么做?
In a large project, the project manager notices that a developer with certain characteristic often neglects the deadline, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:确定该开发人员是否是另一个项目的共享资源。
    To ascertain if the developer is a shared resource for another project.
  •  B:通过电子邮件给该开发人员一个警告,以提高他们的工作质量。
    To warn the developer by email to improve their working quality.
  •  C:将该问题升级上报给该开发人员的直线经理,并要求立即解决该问题。
    To escalate the issue to his line manager and to request that the issue should be solved immediately.
  •  D:私下与该开发人员开会,并在适用情况下提供支持。
    To hold a private meeting with this developer and to provide support where applicable.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



144、 [单选] 在团队会议期间,项目经理不能保持项目团队的注意力,团队成员不断查看电子邮件,并讨论不相关的话题,发生这种问题的原因是什么?
During team meetings, the project manager cannot maintain the project team’s attention. Team members constantly check emails and discuss unrelated topics. What is the cause of this issue?

  •  A:项目经理没有准备会议议程
    The project manager does not have a meeting agenda
  •  B:项目经理没有沟通基本原则
    The project manager has not communicated the ground rules
  •  C:项目经理处于一个弱矩阵型组织
    The project manager is in a weak matrix organization
  •  D:项目经理的领导力不足
    The project manager has inadequate leadership skills

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析: 团队章程团队章程对项目团队成员的可接受行为确定了明确的期望。尽早认可并遵守明确的规则,有助于减少误解,提高生产力;讨论诸如行为规范、沟通、决策、会议礼仪等领域,团队成员可以了解彼 此重要的价值观。由团队制定或参与制定的团队章程可发挥最佳效果。所有项目团队成员都分担责 任,确保遵守团队章程中规定的规则。


145、 [单选] 一个关键项目落后于进度,并超出预算。项目管理办公室(PMO)的详细分析表明并非所有关键人员都被识别,并且没有积极的过程来接洽和管理这些人员。项目经理应该采取什么纠正措施?
A critical project is behind schedule and over budget. Detailed analysis by the project management office (PMO) revealed that not all key people were identified, and no active process for engaging and managing them. What corrective action should the project manager take?

  •  A:改进相关方管理计划。
    Improve the stakeholder management plan.
  •  B:查看权力/利益方格。
    Review the power/interest grid.
  •  C:控制相关方参与程度。
    Control stakeholder engagement.
  •  D:更新沟通管理计划。
    Update the communications management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



147、 [单选] 由于生产线错误和缺陷,制造商正面临大量产品退货,产品经理怀疑根本原因可能是培训和/或库存采购和货物分类流程较差,若要确定生产问题的准确的、根本原因,应使用下列哪一项工具?
A manufacturer is experiencing a large number of returned items due to production line errors and defects. The product manager suspects that the root causes may be training and/or poor inventory purchasing and sorting processes. Which to should be utilized to determine the precise root causes of the production problems?

  •  A:帕累托图
    Pareto chart
  •  B:直方图
  •  C:质量控制图
    Quality control chart
  •  D:石川图
    Ishikawa diagram

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



148、 [单选] 项目实施中,项目业主通常有权在项目工作结束前指令进行工作范围变更。如果业主在项目将要结束时突然口头要求承包商进行某范围变更,且坚持不发布书面变更令。这种情况下应该怎么做?
During the project execution, the project owner generally has the right to instruct the scope change before completing the project work. If the owner suddenly requests the contractor orally to perform a certain scope change before completing the project and insists that no written change order should be issued. What should the project owner do in this case?

  •  A:实施该变更的成本将全部由业主承担
    The cost of performing such change will be borne by the owner.
  •  B:业主应在变更实施之前支付一半的成本。在变更完成之后再支付另一半
    The owner should pay a half of the cost before performing such change. Pay the rest after performing such change
  •  C:承包商将承担与该变更有关的全部风险
    The contractor will bear all risks associated with such change
  •  D:如果变更不大,承包商应该实施该变更
    If this is a minor change, the contractor should perform such change

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



149、 [单选] 项目经理正在考虑项目风险和制约因素,然后组织了一次与高级员工召开的头脑风暴,了解当前流程,项目经理向部门经理讲述了业务影响相关问题,并审查了风险和制约的因素,在咨询信息技术部门的一名方案架构师的意见后,项目经理要求获得输入和评估。项目经理使用的是哪种工具和技术?
A project manager look at the project’s risk and constrains and then organizes a brainstorming session with senior staff to understand the current processes. The project manager speaks with department managers regarding business impacts ,and reviews risks and constraints. Consulting with a solution architect in the information technology department ,the project manager asks for inputs and assessments. What tool and technique is the project manager using?

  •  A:风险登记册模板
    Risk register template
  •  B:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  C:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets
  •  D:外部分析
    External analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:见 PMBOK6/专家判断。项目经理应选择相关专家,邀请他们根据以往经验和专业知识指出可能的风险。


150、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目的执行阶段,一些海外开发成员加入团队,项目经理应首先更新哪一项内容?
In the execution phase of a software development project, some overseas development members join in the team. Which item should the project manager update in the first place?

  •  A:范围管理计划
    Scope Management Plan
  •  B:沟通管理计划
    Communication Management Plan
  •  C:项目进度计划
    Project Schedule
  •  D:资源管理计划
    Resource Management Plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



151、 [单选] 当项目接近完工时:
As a project approaches completion:

  •  A:就不再需要风险管理
    Risk management is no longer needed
  •  B:变更成本一般会增加
    The cost of changes typically increase
  •  C:高风险项的有能性会增加
    The probability of high-risk items increases
  •  D:不再需要应急储备
    Contingency reserves are no longer needed

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见 2.4.1 项目生命周期的特征,变更和纠正错误的代价在项目接近完成时通常会显著提高,所以选 B。考点:项目生命周期特征。


152、 [单选] 客户要求新产品必须尽快推向市场,客户要求项目经理进一步压缩项目进度,项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
The customer requests the new product to be on the market as soon as possible, the customer asks the project manager to further compress the project progress, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:告知客户进度无法更改
    Informing the customer that the progress cannot be changed
  •  B:要求客户提交变更请求
    Request a customer to submit a change request
  •  C:修订关键路径并将新进度通知团队
    Revise critical paths and notify the team of new progress
  •  D:协商变更范围,并压缩进度
    Negotiate the scope of changes and compress progress

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



153、 [单选] 项目经理在管理客户期望以及指导实现项目目标方面有困难。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应将客户的高层次需求记录在哪里?
A project manager is having difficulty managing customer expectations, and directing the achievement of project goals, where should the project manager have documented the customer’s high-level needs to address these issues?

  •  A:项目章程
    Project charter
  •  B:工作分解结构(WBS)
    Work breakdown structure (WBS)
  •  C:需求管理计划
    Requirements management plan
  •  D:相关方参与计划
    Stakeholder management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



154、 [单选] 项目经理与项目相关方开会,收集需求并制作项目需求文档。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The project manager meets with the stakeholders, gathers requirements, and develop the project requirement documentation. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:制定需求基准,并获得关键关系人的批准
    Baseline the requirement and obtain key stakeholders approve
  •  B:与团队一起创建工作分解结构
    Create the work breakdown structure with team
  •  C:准备一份详细的项目范围说明书
    Prepare a detailed project scope statement
  •  D:制定项目管理计划
    Develop a project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:见 PMBOK5/5.3/定义范围。从需求文件中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于项目及其产品、服务或成果的详细描述。156、 [单选] 在项目评审会上,从事活动 AD 的项目团队成员通知项目经理,完成该活动还需要三天,组织的高级经理要求项目经理,即使需要额外的预算,也必须找到方法,按原定基准计划交付项目。项目应该使用什么方法来满足高级经理的需求?

During a project review meeting, the project team member working on activity AD advises the project manager that it will take three more days to complete the activity. The organization's senior manager asks the project manager to find ways to deliver the project according to the original baseline plan, even though it may need additional budget. What should the project manager use to meet the senior manager's needs?

  •  A:使用快速跟进
    Use fast tracking
  •  B:使用赶工
    Use fast crashing
  •  C:应用关键链法
  •  D:应用时间提前量和时间滞后量
    Apply leads and lags

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



157、 [单选] 你决定要在公司中组建一个PMP考试的学习小组,邀请公司内部其他的项目经理一起参加,以此帮助大家更好地准备这次考试。由于公司总经理已经决定要奖励每个通过考试的人5000美元,所以每个人都有了很强的动力要通过考试。那么,在组织这个学习小组的过程中你要采用什么类型的沟通方式呢?
You have decided to organize a study group of other project managers in your organization to help prepare for the PMP exam. Everyone is highly motivated to earn the credential because the CEO has decided to pay a ¥5,000 bonus to each person who becomes certified. What type of communication are you employing in your efforts to organize this group?

  •  A:横向沟通
  •  B:向下沟通
  •  C:正式沟通
  •  D:外部沟通

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


158、 [单选] 这个图中的关键路径是什么?
In this diagram, what is the critical path?

  •  A:B-F-J
  •  B:B-E-H-J
  •  C:B-D-H-J
  •  D:C-G-I-J

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:见 PMBOK5/关键路径。由图可以得出:BEHJ 持续时间=2+6+3+3=14。这条路径最长无图

159、 [单选] 你所在的公司正在考虑启动一个新产品研发项目。公司的总工程师要求采用“最先进的设计方法”,公司的营销总监要求未来的新产品要“绝对好卖”,而公司分管生产的副总经理则要求“制造成本低”。公司准备聘请你担任该项目的项目经理。你最应该做下列哪项?
Your company is considering to kick off a new product development project. The chief engineer requests that the "most advanced design method" should be used, the marketing director requests the proposed new product to be "best-seller", while the deputy general manager who is in charge of production requests “low manufacturing costs.” The company is ready to appoint you as the project manager. Which of the following options should you do in the first place?

  •  A:优先满足总工程师的要求,因为他是你的顶头上司
    To give priority to the request from the chief engineer because he is your immediate superior
  •  B:优先满足营销总监的要求,以便给公司带来尽可能多的利润
    To give priority to the request from the marketing director, so as to bring substantial profits as much as possible to the company
  •  C:优先满足生产副总经理的要求,以便最大限度地降低生产成本
    To give priority to the request from the deputy general manager who is in charge of production to reduce production cost to the extent possible
  •  D:确保所有要求都是可以测量的
    To make sure that all requests are measurable

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


160、 [单选] 一个项目要求从外部供应商购买一些服务器。标准程序要求在做出采购决策前需考虑三个供应商的报价。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project requires that some servers be purchased from external vendors. Standard procedure requires that three vendor quotations be obtained before making a purchasing decision. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:发出投标邀请书(IFB)。
    Send out an invitation for bid (IFB).
  •  B:准备建议邀请书(RFP)。
    Prepare a request for proposal (RFP).
  •  C:提交采购订单(PO)。
    Submit a purchase order (PO).
  •  D:发出洽谈邀请。
    Send out an invitation for negotiation.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


161、 [单选] 管理层已经向你保证如果你提前完成该项目,客户会给你一部分奖励。在最后完成一主要的交付成果时,你的团队告诉你该应付成果满足合同的要求但是不能提供客户所需的功能。如未能如期交付,项目将不会提早完成。你应该采取什么措施?
Management has promised you part of the incentive fee from the customer if you complete the project early. While finalizing a major deliverable, your team informs you that the deliverable meets the requirements in the contract but will not provide the functionality the customer needs. If the deliverable is late, the project will not be completed early. What action should you take?

  •  A:就这样递交交付成果
    Provide the deliverable as it is.
  •  B:告诉客户情况是这样的,寻找一个双方都能接受的解决方法
    Inform the customer of the situation and work out a mutually agreeable solution.
  •  C:开始由客户编写引起延误的列表以准备谈判
    Start to compile a list of delays caused by the customer to prepare for negotiations.
  •  D:悄悄削减其它活动以为修复该交付成果节约时间
    Cut out other activities in a way that will be unnoticed to provide more time to fix the deliverable.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:选项 A 和 D 忽略了客户的最大利益。应已与其它变更命令一起解决了任何延期,所以选项 C 不对。正确的解决方法是和客户谈(选项 B)。你也许还能赢得奖金并找到一个双方都同意的解决方法。想想告诉客户能带来的商誉。

162、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目团队需要按项目沟通计划的要求召开项目状态评审会议。为了使会议有效进行,沟通计划要求相关成员在预定的状态评审会议之前2天提交项目进展情况报告。尽管他们过去都严格按计划执行,但这次却直到状态评审会议之前4小时才提交了报告。你粗略地看了一下报告,发现其中有几处严重的错误。此时项目经理应该怎么做?
During the project execution, the project team is required to hold the project status review meeting according to the project execution plan. In order to make the meeting held effectively, the communication plan requires the relevant members to submit the project progress report 2 days before the scheduled status review meeting is held. Although this practice was strictly in accordance with the plan, but this report is submitted until 4 hours before the status review meeting is held. You quick-read the report and discover a few of major errors. What should the project manager do in this case?

  •  A:照常召开状态评审会议,并计划在会议上纠正这几处错误
    To hold the status review meeting as usual and to plan to correct such errors at the meeting.
  •  B:要求团队纠正错误,并推迟状态评审会议
    To request the team to correct such errors and to postpone the status review meeting
  •  C:查明是谁引起的错误,并加以处罚
    To identify who caused such errors and to impose punishment where appropriate.
  •  D:照常召开状态评审会议,并看看其他人能否发现这几处错误
    To hold a status review meeting as usual and to see if others can find such errors.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


163、 [单选] 项目经理希望确定产生项目中大部分问题或缺陷的原因。为帮助确定问题,项目经理应该使用哪项工具?
A project manager wants to identify the causes that product the large majority of the problems or defects in a project. Which tool should the project manager use to help identify the problem areas?

  •  A:控制图
    Control charts
  •  B:流程图
    Flow chart
  •  C:帕累托图
    Pareto chart
  •  D:散点图
    Scatter diagram

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


164、 [单选] 项目经理与客户一起进行检查,确认项目可交付成果是否符合产品验收标准并满足客户的期望。这些行动属于下列哪一个过程的组成部分?
The project manager conducts an inspection with the customer to confirm that the project deliverables meet the product acceptance criteria and fulfill the customer’s expectation. These actions are part of which of the following processes?

  •  A:控制质量
    Control Quality
  •  B:项目或阶段收尾
    Close Project or Phase
  •  C:控制范围
    Control Scope
  •  D:确认范围
    validate Scope

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:指南-5.5确认范围,是正式验收已完成的项目可交付成果的过程。本过程的主要作用是,使验收过程具有客 观性;同时通过确认每个可交付成果,来提高最终产品、服务或成果获得验收的可能性。

165、 [单选] 一个多阶段项目发起人离开公司,项目文件已获得批准并满足其目标。资源预算已到位。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
The sponsor of a multiphase project quits the company. The project is documented and is meeting its objectives. The resourcing budget is in place. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在离开组织的发起人的主管同意下,评估项目的持续需求
    Assess the continuous project need by agree of the superior of the sponsor quit
  •  B:立即开始项目收尾过程
    immediately start the project closing process
  •  C:检查与商业论证的符合性
    check alignment with the business study
  •  D:延迟重新评估,直至项目结束并资金已经完全使用。
    delay reassessment till the prefect funding has been used at the end of the project

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


166、 [单选] 以下哪一项最好地说明了在信息有限地情况下进行的成本或周期预测的特点?
Which of the following statements best characterizes a cost or duration estimate developed with a limited amount of information?

  •  A:它应该是需要的管理储备规划的一部分
    It should be part of the planning for the needed management reserve.
  •  B:它是识别风险的输入项
    It is an input to identify risks.
  •  C:它是识别风险的输出项
    It is an output to identify risks.
  •  D:它是项目风险优先排序中必须考虑的因素
    It must be factored into the list of prioritized project risks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


167、 [单选] 项目团队定期向客户演示软件。客户在这些演示中请求变更,然后团队合并这些变更。这导致团队落后于进度计划。 若要预防这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
The project team demonstrates software to a client on a regular basis. The client requests changes among demonstrations, which the team then incorporates. This causes the team to fail behind schedule. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  •  A:使用快速跟进
    Used fast tracking
  •  B:将这种变更定义为项目风险
    Defined the changes as project risks
  •  C:创建一个变更控制过程
    Created a change control process
  •  D:分配更多的项目资源
    Assigned more project resources

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


168、 [单选] 项目经理从一个符合进度和预算的项目中辞职。在聘用了替代的项目经理后,项目经理提出的意见被团队成员反对。团队处于下列哪一个发展阶段?
A project manager resigns from a project that is on schedule and on budget. A new project manager is hire, the team members oppose the ideas presented by the new project man. The team is in which of the following stages of development?

  •  A:形成阶段
  •  B:规范阶段
  •  C:成熟阶段
  •  D:震荡阶段

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


169、 [单选] 项目经理将一个变更请求通知指导委员会这属于下列哪一项范畴?
The project manager informs the Steering Committee of a change request which of the following categories?

  •  A:推式沟通
    Push type communication
  •  B:纠正措施
    Corrective action
  •  C:公开沟通
    Open communication
  •  D:预防措施
    Preventive measures

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参见 PMBOK。考点:推式沟通。

170、 [单选] 午餐时,你会遇到一位管理大型营业额化工厂项目的同事。你的同事很担心,因为客户是不理性的,要求进行对范围计划和成本产生严重影响的变更,客户也没有准备好接受对时间表和成本的额外影响。同事寻求你的建议,此时应该怎么做?
At lunch, you will meet a colleague who is managing a chemical plant project with high revenue. Your colleague is very concerned because the customer is irrational and he requests changes that have a serious impact on scope planning and costs, the client is not ready to accept the additional impact on timeline and cost. The colleague seeks your advice, what should you do in this case?

  •  A:拒绝让步,不做任何改变
    To decline to compromise and make no changes
  •  B:要求其执行管理层对客户提起法律诉讼
    To request its executive management to lodge legal proceedings against the client
  •  C:最终客户永远是对的,所以继续进行改变吸收对成本,进度和范围的影响
    The final client is always right, so keep making changes to absorb the impact on cost, schedule and scope
  •  D:与客户建立会议,以更好地了解变更的必要性要求
    To convene a meeting with the client for better understanding the necessity for making such changes.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


171、 [单选] 办公楼建设项目已进人内部装修阶段,某一重要相关方来项目进行视察,口头要求给所有办公室增加百叶窗帘。这项工作本不在项目工作范围内。此时,项目预算还有较大结余。作为项目经理,你最好做什么?
When the office building construction project has entered the interior finish stage, an important stakeholder inspects the project site and orally requests that all offices should be added with blinds. This is beyond the project scope. At this point, there is a large amount of budget surplus. As the project manager, what is the best practice for you?

  •  A:直接拒绝他的要求
    To turn down his request straightforwardly
  •  B:请他提交正式的书面变更请求
    To request him to submit a formal written change request
  •  C:动用项目预算满足他的要求
    To meet his requirement with the project budget
  •  D:评估此项变更带来的影响
    To assess the impact of such change

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


175、 [单选] 由于另外一位项目经理离职,你接手了他的项目。你所在的公司是一个职能型的组织,不同部门之间互相充满敌意。你负责的这个项目是一个大型的项目,项目活动均是公司之前没有接触过的。你发现项目文件还是比较齐全,包括项目章程、项目管理计划和工作分解结构等等。项目进度和预算均在计划内。然而,团队会议上的气氛总是很紧张,与会者即兴的发言充分表明他们对项目非常不满。你和主要相关方评估了所有的主要项目文件,大家一致认为这些文件都还是很准确的,但这种举措似乎没有解决实际问题。出现此种问题的最佳原因应该为:
You have taken over a project from another manager who left the firm. This is a functional organization and the different units are often rather hostile to each other .The project is a large one involving activities that the organization has never done before .You find that the project has what appears to be adequate documentation, including an agreed-to project charter, project management plan, WBS, etc., The project is on schedule and within budget. However, the atmosphere in meetings with the project members often seems tense, and offhand comments made by participant seem to indicate a high level of dissatisfaction with the project. You review all of the major project documents with the key stakeholders and get agreement that they are still accurate, but this does not seem to solve the problem. What is the MOST likely explanation for this situation?

  •  A:团队成员之间存在个性冲突,需要你来发现并给予解决。
    There are personality conflicts among the project team members that you need to uncover and resolve.
  •  B:此项目没有一个有效的发起人,所以没有较高的优先级。
    The project does not have an effective sponsor and thus is not viewed as a high priority.
  •  C:相关方对项目的完成结果存在不同的期望。
    Stakeholders have very different expectations about what the project is supposed to accomplish.
  •  D:公司的组织结构及动因防碍了团队成员之间有效的协作。
    The organizational structure and dynamics prevent people from working together effectively.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


176、 [单选] PMP 所在公司打算成立一个 PMO,其上司要求他们指导可能的新项目经理如何制定一份项目章程。PMP 最适当回应是什么?
A PMP’s company is trying to establish a PMO. The PMP’s boss asks them to instruct possible new project managers on how to create a project charter. What will be the PMP’s MOST APPROPRIATE response?

  •  A:表示同意。因为他们正在帮助发展项目管理的专业.
    They agree because they are possible helping to develop the profession.
  •  B:表示拒绝。因为在未获得组织许可的情况下,告知有关 PMI 的知识是不道德的.
    They decline because it would be unethical to talk about PMI knowledge without the organization’s permission.
  •  C:表示拒绝。因为他们将会散播有关项目管理专业人员的保密信息.
    They decline because they will be spreading confidential information about the project management profession.
  •  D:表示同意。因为将会产生与承担此项活动有关的个人利益.
    They agree because there will be a personal gain associated with undertaking this activity.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK第6版/ 项目管理办公室/项目管理办公室 (PMO) 是对与项目相关的治理过程进行标准化,并促进资源、方法论、工具和技术共享的一个组织结构。  支持型 PMO 担当顾问的角色,向项目提供模板、最佳实践、培训,以及来自其他项目的信息和经验教训。

177、 [单选] 前任项目经理编制了项目预算。在项目进入执行阶段不久,他就离职了。项目经理刚就任该项目的项目经理。通过审查,项目经理发现这个项目预算明显不可行。项目经理应该怎么办?
The former project manager has already prepared the project budget. Shortly after the project proceeds with the execution phase, he resigns. The project manager has just been appointed as the project manager. Through examination, the project manager finds that the project budget is clearly infeasible. Then, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:不采取任何行动,反正没有人指望你能在预算内完工
    To take no action, anyway no one expects you to complete the project on budget.
  •  B:重新编制项预算,并按新预算执行
    To rework the budget and to perform the new budget
  •  C:向公司报告前任项目经理的无能
    To report to the company that the former project manager is incapable of his work
  •  D:向公司提交情况分析报告
    To submit to the company the situation analysis report

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


178、 [单选] 在执行管道项目的过程中,管道施工承包商提出使用某种更高级的材料而不改变项目工期和成本目标。在此项改变得到批准后,应该更新哪个文件?
During the pipeline project execution, the pipeline construction contractor proposes using certain higher-grade material without changing the project duration and cost target. After such change is approved, which document should be updated?

  •  A:采购工作说明书
    Purchasing specifications
  •  B:合同工作分解结构
    Contract WBS
  •  C:质量管理计划
    Quality management plan
  •  D:过程改进计划
    Process improvement plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


179、 [单选] 你的项目团队中有两名成员在过去几周的时间里一直在争论对于这个项目来说哪个项目管理软件最有效的问题,而你已经对他们的争论感到厌烦。因此,你决定要召集一次会议,借机看看他们能否在意见上求同存异,进而向着最佳的解决方案努力,并最终达成共识。你将使用下列哪种类型的争端解决方法?
Two of your team members have been arguing for the past several weeks about which project management software will work best for the project. You are tired of listening to them. So you decide to conduct a meeting to see whether they can reach consensus on the matter by identifying common points of agreement and striving for fair resolution. Which style of conflict resolution will you employ?

  •  A:退步型
  •  B:缓和型
  •  C:问题解决型
    Problem solving
  •  D:妥协型

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析: ,注意:求同存异(努力争取解决问题,并没有说问题解决了)。

180、 [单选] 客户和供应商已经签署了一份合同,合同中约定了项目需求。由于对此类项目具有非常丰富的经验,项目经理指示计划编制团队绕过制订工作分解结构(WBS)这一过程,直接开始安排资源和任务。项目经理从计划中删掉了客户的其中一项需求,因为根据项目经理的经验认定这项需求是没有必要的。但是在项目进行到一半的时候,人工成本就已经超出预算 30%了。 下列哪个原因最有可能造成这种情况?
The customer and supplier have signed a contract stipulating the project requirements. Due to extensive experience on this type of project, the project manager instructs the planning team to bypass the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) and begin scheduling resources and tasks. The project manager has dropped one of the customer’s requirements from the plan because the project manager’s experience has shown that it is NOT needed. Midway through the project, the labor costs exceed the budget by 30 percent. To what reason would this MOST likely be attributed?

  •  A:未能成功使用参数估算技术
    Failure to use parametric estimating techniques
  •  B:未识别的工作没有列入预算
    Unidentified work not being budgeted
  •  C:未能成功使用非参数估算技术
    Failure to use non-parametric estimating technique
  •  D:有缺陷的缩减
    Flawed contracting

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


182、 [单选] 项目团队担心为保持进度计划将需要过度加班。目前,一个产品部件需要花两倍时间生产。项目经理应该通过执行下列哪一项来调整这个问题?
A project team is concerned that excessive overtime will be required to maintain the schedule currently, one product component is taking twice as long to manufacture. The project manager should investigate the issue by performing which of the following?

  •  A:风险效益分析
    Risk benefit analysis
  •  B:力场分析
    Force field analysis
  •  C:根本原因分析
    Root cause analysis
  •  D:成本效益分析
    Cost-benefit analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


183、 [单选] 担心与项目无关的邮件数量,一名团队成员认为其中一个可交付成果将延迟,因为在读和回复邮件上花费了大量时间。项目经理应该怎么做?
Concerned about the quantity of irrelevant project-related emails, a team member think one deliverable will be delayed, because of the time spent reading and replying to emails.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求团队成员加班完成工作。
    Ask the team member to work overtime to complete the work.
  •  B:要求项目团队更改项目沟通管理计划。
    Ask the project team to change the communications management plan.
  •  C:与项目团队一起强化时间管理计划指南。
    Reinforce the time management plan guidelines with the project team.
  •  D:与项目团队一起强化沟通管理计划指南。
    Reinforce the communications management plan guidelines with the project team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


184、 [单选] 在项目规划阶段,项目经理完成进度计划。若要确定总体进度计划的灵活性,项目经理应使用下列哪项工作或技术?
During the project’s planning phase, the project manager completes the schedule planning. To make sure the overall flexibility of schedule, the project manager should use which of the following work or technical?

  •  A:关键路径分析
    Critical path analysis
  •  B:赶工
  •  C:资源平衡
    Resource leveling
  •  D:资源日历
    Resource calendar

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


185、 [单选] 项目经理被任命管理一个为期多年的项目。在创建工作分解结构(WBS)过程中,项目团队无法分解将在项目后期发生的某些阶段。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is assigned to a multiyear project. During creation of the work breakdown structure(WBS), the project team is unable to decompose some of the phases that will occur during later stages of the project. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:适当的时候,开展滚动式规划。
    Conduct rolling wave planning when appropriate
  •  B:回到需求收集阶段
    Return to the requirements gathering stage
  •  C:为这些阶段预估WBS分解
    Estimate WBS decomposition for those phases
  •  D:减少项目范围
    Reduce the project scope

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参见 。考点:滚动式规划。

186、 [单选] 为了尽可能减少个人偏见对供应商选择所产生的影响,下列哪种是把定性数据定量化的方法?
What is the method for quantifying qualitative data to minimize the effect of personal prejudice in vendor selection?

  •  A:风险分类
    Risk categorization
  •  B:筛选系统
    Risk categorization
  •  C:独立估算
    Independent estimating
  •  D:加权系统
    Weighting system

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:加权系统指把定性数据加以量化,以减少个人偏见对供方选择影响的方法。多数加权系统包括:1)对每项评估标准赋予一个数字加权值,2)为期望卖方评定每项评估标准的得分;3)把得分乘以加权值,再 4)把所有乘积相加,求出总的得分

189、 [单选] 项目目标是为汽车行业开发改进部件,对原型的测量发现,这些通常都超出技术规定界限。分析显示造成这些差异的原因有多种。 项目团队如何确定应首先解决哪个原因?
The aim of a project is to develop improved components for the automotive industry Measurements on the prototypes show that these are often outside the specification limits. An analysis identifies multiples reasons for the variations, How does the project team determine which cause to address first?

  •  A:鱼骨图
    Fishbone diagram
  •  B:控制图
    Control chart
  •  C:帕累托图
    Pareto diagram
  •  D:趋势图
    Run chart

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


190、 [单选] 项目经理最有可能面临的人员问题发生在什么时候?
When does project manager most likely face personnel problem?

  •  A:提交项目报告时
    Submitting project report
  •  B:客户来访期间
    Customer visiting
  •  C:项目交界点上
    The project stage point
  •  D:设计审核会议期间
    Designing project review meetings

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


191、 [单选] 离完成分配的任务只剩 30 天时,一名项目团队成员离开公司。可惜的是,没有可用的替代资源。项目经理在项目进度计划中包含一个应急储备金。为了计算剩余的应急储备金,项目经理应该使用什么技术?
From the completion of assigned tasks only 30 days, a project team members leave the company. Unfortunately, there is no available alternative resources. Project manager includes a contingency reserve in the project schedule. In order to calculate the remaining contingency reserve, the project manager should use what technology?

  •  A:风险审计
    risk audit
  •  B:趋势分析
    trend analysis
  •  C:储备分析
    Reserves analysis
  •  D:技术绩效衡量
    Technical performance measurement

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:所属过程组:监控过程组。所属知识领域:项目风险管理。 考点:风险监督的工具和技术:储备分析。

193、 [单选] 客户决定更换信息技术服务提供商供应商 A。客户与供应商 B 协调一项协议立即开始服务。项目收尾前,供应商 A 的项目经理应该怎么做?
A customer decides to replace the information technology service provider vendor A.The customer negotiates an agreement with vendor B to immediately initiate their services.Before closing the project, what should vendor A’s project manager do?

  •  A:向法律部门寻求如何继续的意见。
    Ask the legal department for advice on how to proceed.
  •  B:确保向客户转让可交付成果的所有权。
    Ensure the transfer of ownership of the deliverables to the customer.
  •  C:确保所有相关文档已更新。
    Ensure all relevant documentation is updated.
  •  D:与供应商 B 协商提供分包商服务。
    Negotiate with vendor B to provide subcontractor services.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:指南- 组织过程资产更新, 验收的可交付成果,如果项目提前终止则应该进入收尾阶段,首先向客户移交可交付成果。

194、 [单选] 在为项目采购关键设备的谈判期间,卖方开始收拾东西准备离开会场,气氛非常紧张。这属于下列哪种谈判策略?
Emotions are running high during negotiations to purchase major equipment for your project when the seller starts to pack up his things. This an example of which negotiation strategy?

  •  A:关键人物不在场
    Missing man
  •  B:公平、合理
    Fair and reasonable
  •  C:撤退
  •  D:截止日期

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


197、 [单选] 高级主管希望开始一项计划,将公司战略和附加价值与业务计划保持一致。应该先创建下列哪一项?
A senior executive wants to start an initiative align the company’s strategy and add business plan. Which of the following should be developed first?

  •  A:项目和产品的详细描述
    Detailed description of project and product
  •  B:描述项目可交付成果和创建这些可交付成果所需工作的说明书
    Statement describing the project’s deliverables and the work required to create deliverables
  •  C:定义如何执行、监控和收尾项目的项目计划
    Project plan to define how the project is executed, monitored and controlled
  •  D:正式授权一个项目的文件
    Document that formally authorizes the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


198、 [单选] 你所负责的项目正在执行过程中,一个团队成员找到你,询问关于他的职责和工作,因为他不知道如何去完成工作。项目经理应该给他看什么?
The project you are in charge is in execution. A team member finds you and asks about his duties and functions because he has no idea how to get the work done. What should the project manager show to him?

  •  A:责任分配矩阵
    Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)
  •  B:人员配备管理计划
    Staffing management plan
  •  C:项目管理计划
    Project Management Plan
  •  D:项目组织机构图
    Project organization chart

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


199、 [单选] 信息技术(IT)部将开发一个市场营销部的接口程序,IT 部经理承诺近期交付接口程序。一名项目经理和技术资源被分配到该项目上。由于项目的高优先级,必须立即开始接口程序的相关工作,项目经理与团队开会讨论,并制作了一份满足近期交付日期的进度计划。在项目经理被分配到项目后,项目经理首先应该做什么?
The information technology (IT) department will develop an interface for the department. The IT department manager commits to a near-term delivery date project manager and technical resources are assigned to the project. Due to the priority, work must begin immediately on the interface. The project manager to discuss estimates, and produces a schedule to meet the neat-term delivery After the project manager was assigned the project, what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:制定项目章程
    Developed the project charter
  •  B:识别风险
    Identified risks
  •  C:记录沟通管理计划
    Documented a communications management plan
  •  D:制定项目管理计划
    Developed the project management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属过程组:启动过程组。所属知识领域:项目整合管理。解析:信息技术(IT)部将开发一个市场营销部的接口程序,IT 部经理承诺近期交付接口程序说明已完成项目工作说明书和商业论证过程,项目经理需制定项目章程并获取批准以正式启动项目。


本文标签: 正题PMIPMP模考三