

An organization is working on a software application development project with different stakeholders involved in different stages of the project. How should the project manager involve stakeholders throughout the project?

  •  A :使用来自相关方的信息来制定项目需求 Use information from interested parties to develop project requirements

  •  B : 定期与所有相关方确认关键项目决策 Regularly confirm key project decisions with all interested parties

  •  C :让相关方参与制定项目商业论证 Involve interested parties in developing project business case

  •  D :不断与所有相关方分享项目状态报告 Continuously share project status reports with all interested parties

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划是项目管理计划的组成部分。 它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动。 解析规划好相关方的定期决策,让相关方持续参与项目。A和C只参与一次,D分享但相关方不一定查阅。



You are midway into an agile phase of a predictively managed project. You have just been notified by the company's CEO that, due to a growing pandemic, all non-essential personnel will be required to work remotely, including your project team. However, the resource management plan mandates the use of physical colocation to enhance communication and collaboration. What is your best course of action?

  •  A : 请求变更资源管理计划,以合并使用虚拟工具在远程环境中集中办公 Request a change to the resource management plan to incorporate the use of virtual tools to replicate colocation in a remote environment

  •  B :检查虚拟团队成员的需求,调查替代方案,并实现虚拟团队成员参与的选项 Examine virtual team member needs, investigate alternatives, and implement options for virtual team member engagement

  •  C :提交变更请求以更新项目管理计划,将项目管理方法从混合式转变成预测性 Submit a change request to update the project management plan to migrate the project management approach from hybrid to predictive

  •  D :将项目暂停直到疫情结束,然后让小组回到现场工作,以遵守资源管理计划 Put the project on hold until the pandemic is over and then bring the team back on-site to comply with the resource management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P357 章节: 如果控制资源过程出现变更请求,或者推荐的纠正措施 或预防措施影响了项目管理计划的任何组成部分或项目文件,项目经理应提交变更请求。并通过实施整体变更 控制过程(见 4.6节)对变更请求进行审查和处理。 确定变更了,就提交变更,更改资源管理计划。



According to the communications management plan, the project should use a dashboard to communicate information to stakeholders. Some team members are struggling to keep their project data current. What is the best action for the project manager?

  •  A :鼓励团队成员尽可能输入任何信息 Encourage team members to enter any information whenever they can

  •  B : 向那些在及时报告上有困难的团队成员提供帮助 Offer help to those team members who are struggling to report on time

  •  C :让团队专注于他们的工作并代表他们报告状态 Have the team focus on their work and report the status on their behalf

  •  D :减少或调整那些无法保持数据最新状态的格式 Reduce or adjust the format of those not able to keep their data current

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P342 章节: 培训:如果项目团队成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。 A,没有意义 C,数据输入还是得团队成员来 D,先教会成员, 若的确有问题再调整。



A project involves hardware from a reputable supplier.In the middle of the project,the project manager notice that the quality of the hardware has declined;a team member wants to conduct a quality inspection immediately.What document contains the provisions for inspection?

  •  A : 质量测量指标 Quality metrics

  •  B :风险登记册 Risk register

  •  C :采购合同 Procurement contract

  •  D :绩效报告 Performance reporting

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P287 章节: 质量测量指标: 质量测量指标专用于描述项目或产品属性,以及控制质量过程将如何验证符合程度 质量该怎么检查,检查到什么程度,在质量测量指标里。



During a daily standup meeting, the project manager goes from one team member to another questioning each one on the work they have accomplished and reprimanding them for the slow progress the team made so far. The meeting lasts for almost an hour and turns into a status meeting. What should the project manager do differently to avoid the next standup meeting turning into a status meeting?

  •  A :使用在会议开始30分钟后配置为报警的计时器 Use a timer configured to alarm 30 minutes after the start of the meeting

  •  B :将开发生命周期从适应型切换到预测 Switch the development life cycle from adaptive to predictive

  •  C : 让团队成员代替项目经理来引导站会 Have a team member to facilitate the standup instead of the project manager

  •  D :只关注阻碍进展的障碍和阻碍的问题 Only focus on issues that represent roadblocks and impediments to progress

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 站会中常见的一个反模式是,站会变成了状态报告会议。 团队可以举办自己的站会。只要体现了团队工作需要的 密切合作,进行顺利,站会便会非常有用。要针对团队 何时需要站会、站会是否有效等问题有意识地做出决定。 站会可以自组织,让团队成员轮流主持。站会非状态报告会。



When is the most frequently used method of calculating EAC by increasing the budget of the remaining projects (corrected by performance) to achieve the current actual calculation?

  •  A :在偏离被视为非典型的偏离的时候 Current variances are viewed as atypical ones

  •  B :由于条件发生变化,初始的估计假定不再可信的时候 Original estimating assumptions are no longer reliable because conditions have changed

  •  C : 当前的偏离被视为未来偏离的代表的时候 Current variances are viewed as typical of future variances

  •  D :初始的估计假定被认为存在根本性缺陷的时候 Original estimating assumptions are considered to be fundamentally flawed

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P265 章节: 预测:假设以当前 CPI 完成 ETC 工作。这种方法假设项目将按 截至目前的情况继续进行,即 ETC工作将按项目截至目前的累计成本绩效指数(CPI) 实施。公式:EAC = BAC/CPI。 利用业绩表现修正,说明偏差具备代表性, 属于典型偏差。




During the foundation excavation of a construction project, the project manager adopts risk acceptance strategy for the delay risk caused by climate reasons. Due to the extremely heavy rain during the construction period, the project has to be suspended for 3 days.

  •  A : 使用应急储备 To use emergency reserves

  •  B :把项目工期延长3天 To extend the project duration by 3 days

  •  C :要求保险公司赔偿 To make a claim to the insurer

  •  D :与团队成员开会讨论处理方案 To meet and discuss with team members for handling solutions

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P443 章节: 接受风险接受是指承认威胁的存在,但不主动采取措施。 接受策略又分为主动或被动方式。最常见的主动接受策略是建立应急储备。被动接受策略则不会主动采取行动。 最常见的主动接受策略是建立应急储备。



8.一个将组织从职能组织结构转变为项目导向的项目刚刚启动。 如果项目成功地达到了它的目标,那么最有可能的结果是什么?(选择三个)
A project has just been initiated to transform an organization from a functional organizational structure to project- oriented. If the project is successful in meeting its objectives, what will be the most likely outcome? (Choose three)

  •  A : 组织将从当前状态转移到期望的未来状态。 The organization will shift from the current state to the desired future state.

  •  B : 项目经理将控制项目预算。 The project manager(s) will have control over the project budget.

  •  C :员工将按所做的工作(工程、制造等)分组。 Employees will be grouped by the work being done (engineering, manufacturing, etc.)

  •  D : 项目经理将对项目有更大的权力。 The project manager(s) will have significantly more authority over projects.

  •  E :项目经理的角色将被定义为项目协调员。 The role of the project manager(s) will be defined as a project coordinator.

正确答案:A,B,D 你的答案:B,C,D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P47 章节: 职能型:没有权力 ;弱矩阵:中低权力; 平衡矩阵:平等权力 ;强矩阵:中高权力 ;项目型:全部权力 。 企业成功转型,项目经理拥有全部的权力。B孤岛式,E职能型项目经理。




Project team members come from multiple departments and will handle project and operational activities, tasks and resources have been determined. What should the project manager do to ensure resources?

  •  A :要求职能经理为项目提供可用资源 Ask the functional manager to provide available resources for the project

  •  B : 与职能经理协商项目的资源和角色 Negotiate project resources and roles with functional managers

  •  C :联系资源,沟通任务,并与职能经理确认 Contact resources, communicate tasks, and confirm with functional manager

  •  D :将资源需求发送给发起人以与职能经理协商 Send resource requirements to the sponsor to negotiate with the functional manager

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P332 章节: 谈判: 职能经理。 确保项目在要求的时限内获得最佳资源, 直到完成职责。 执行组织中的其他项目管理团队。合理分配稀缺 或特殊资源。 外部组织和供应商。提供合适的、稀缺的、特殊的、合格的、经认证的或其他 特殊的团队或实物资源。 特别需要注意与外部谈判有关的政策、惯例、流程、 指南、法律及其他标准。 获取资源,优先谈判。



An agile project team meets with the product owner, project manager, and other key project stakeholders to discuss the multiple levels of planning that the project will have to go through. The participants acknowledge that planning will be required at the release and iteration level. The project manager indicates that planning will also be required on a day-to-day basis. Which of the following does the project manager refer to?

  •  A :在项目中尽早实施体系结构刺探以降低技术风险 Carrying out an architectural spike to reduce technical risks as early as possible in the project

  •  B : 同步和协调导致完成任务的个别活动 Synchronizing and coordinating the individual activities that lead up to the completion of a task

  •  C :获取项目团队成员,并根据资源管理计划分配任务 Acquiring project team members and assigning the tasks per the resource management plan

  •  D :与组织中从事同一项目的其他团队协调团队活动 Coordinating team activities with other teams working on the same project in the organization

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P53 章节:5.2.4 每日站会:• 上次站会以来我都完成 了什么? • 从现在到下一次站会, 我计划完成什么? • 我的障碍(或风险或 问题)是什么? 每日站会不解决问题。




The project manager is in the process of developing the schedule management plan. Since the customer has expressed the need for early and frequent delivery of business value the project manager elects to incorporate iterative scheduling with a backlog. Which of the following will need to be addressed in the schedule management plan for this project?(Choose three)

  •  A :在资源可用时使用看板面板来从待办事项列表拉动工作 Using a Kanban board to pull work from the backlog when resources become available

  •  B : 使用基于适应型生命周期的滚动式规划 Accounting for rolling wave planning based on an adaptive life cycle

  •  C : 以用户故事的形式记录需求 Documenting the requirements in the form of user stories

  •  D :在初始项目计划期间将工作包分解为活动清单 Decomposing work packages into an activity list during initial project planning

  •  E : 在项目待办事项中确定并优化用户故事的优先级 Prioritizing and refining the user stories in the project backlog

正确答案:B,C,E 你的答案:A,B,E

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P177 章节:6 项目进度管理的发展趋势和新兴实践:具有未完项的迭代型进度计划。这是一种基于适应型生命周期的滚动式规划(B),例如敏捷的产品开发方法。这种方法将需求记录在用户故事中(C),然后在建造之前按先级排序(E)并优化用户故事,最后在规定的时间盒内开发产品功能。 具有未完成项的迭代型进度计划,而非按需进度计划,因此不选A。



You are assigned to a software development project. The product requirements are not clearly defined upfront. Therefore, it has been decided to develop the product using an agile framework. Other aspects of the project will be managed using the traditional waterfall project management approach. Which of the following might you spend less time developing and/or implementing for this project?

  •  A :项目章程 The project charter

  •  B :问题日志 The issue log

  •  C :变更管理计划 The change management plan

  •  D :确认范围过程 The Validate Scope process

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P88 章节: 变更管理计划:描述在整个项目期间如何正式审批和采纳变更请求。 敏捷中没有变更管理计划。因此敏捷部门无须制定。



The project manager of a large real estate development project unexpectedly leaves the Company and a new project manager has been appointed. The schedule is only affected by one month. What risk response strategy is used here?

  •  A :转移 Transfer

  •  B :减轻 Mitigation

  •  C :回避 Avoidance

  •  D :接受 Acceptance

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P443 章节: 减轻:采用较简单的流程 进行更多次测试 选用更可靠的卖方原型开发在一个系统中加入冗余部件降低了对项目的影响,属于减轻。



A project manager has just taken over an ongoing project from another project manager who resigned from the organization. During a review of the project management plan, the project manager realizes that the cost variance and schedule variance are primarily negative. Several issues reported on the project have not been resolved. Vendors have not been paid for work done, and mitigation of secondary risks is quickly depleting the budget. Which three actions should have been taken to avoid this situation? (Choose three)

  •  A : 在项目章程中实施明确的假设 Implemented explicit assumptions in the project charter

  •  B :在项目章程中增加应急预算 Added a contingency budget to the project charter

  •  C :确定项目交接程序 Identified project handoff procedures

  •  D :确保项目治理控制措施得到批准和实施 Ensured the project governance controls were approved and implemented

  •  E : 在项目规划阶段确定高风险和对策 Identified high-level risks and responses in the project planning phase

正确答案:A,D,E 你的答案:B,D,E

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P395 章节:11 项目风险管理的目标在于提高正面风险的概率和(或)影响,降低负面风险的概率和(或)影响,从而提高项目成功的可能性。 进度和成本同时有问题都是风险没有管理好。B章程里没风险C交接不管用。



As part of the Estimate Activity Durations process, the project manager facilitates a sprint planning meeting with the product owner and Scrum team. The project manager breaks down the user stories into low-level tasks, estimates the time required in hours, and determines the sprint backlog based on the team's capacity. Despite meticulous planning, the sprint fails. What might the project manager have done differently?

  •  A :在确定冲刺待办事项列表之前,要求团队为产品待办事项列表设优先级 Asked the team to prioritize the product backlog before determining the sprint backlog

  •  B :将确定的低级任务分配给项目进度计划中的特定人员 Assigned the identified low-level tasks to specific individuals in the project schedule

  •  C : 授权团队确定他们在冲刺期间可以完成多少用户故事 Empowered the team to determine how many user stories they can complete during the sprint

  •  D :在估算用户故事和任务的大小时,使用故事点而不是小时 Used story points instead of hours while estimating the size of the user stories and tasks

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P153 章节:术语表 自组织团队:它是一种跨职能团队,其中为实现团队目标团队成员根据需要轮换着发挥领导作用。 自组织团队的核心就是做什么事情,团队成员说了算。



A company plans to release a new software product in response to market demand. A project manager organizes a workshop with all internal project stakeholders to discuss and consolidate inputs and ideas. What is the project manager performing?

  •  A :思维导图 Mind mapping

  •  B :决策分析 Decision analysis

  •  C :亲和图 Affinity diagramming

  •  D :头脑风暴 Brainstorming

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P80 章节: 头脑风暴: 本技术用于在短时间内获得大量创意,适用于团队环境,需要引导者进行引导。头脑风暴由两个部分构成:创意产生和创意分析。 召集所有相关方讨论想法。 ABC启动过程没有此工具。



The involvement of a previously inactive interested party suddenly increased, and this unexpected participation led to some change requests. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :向相关方解释变更请求过程 Explain the change request process to interested parties

  •  B :审查已批准的有关相关方请求的期望 Review approved expectations regarding stakeholder requests

  •  C : 与该相关方开会,以评估变更请求 Meet with the interested party to evaluate the change request

  •  D :要求相关方与发起人讨论这些请求 Ask interested parties to discuss these requests with the sponsor

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程:变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给 CCB 审批前,三步骤提出变更-分析影响-提交审批。



Gold plating had been a recurring issue on your project as the team has been adding features they think are useful for the customer even though the features were not included in the WBS. Change requests have been submitted after the fact, and some of the features were eventually added to the project scope. You are concerned about deviations from the plan. What might you do to control scope better and prevent further gold plating?

  •  A :采用敏捷方法,这样团队就可以开发任何他们认为有价值的功能 Adopt an agile approach so the team can develop any features they deem valuable

  •  B :提交变更请求,以获取问题日志中的镀金问题 Submit a change request to capture the gold plating problem in the issue log

  •  C :在项目回顾中讨论问题,并更新经验教训登记册 Discuss the issue at the project retrospective and update the lessons learned register

  •  D : 与团队成员进行日常站会的敏捷实践相协调 Incorporate the agile practice of holding daily standup meetings with the team

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:补充知识点 范围蔓延: 在客户的要求下,没有经过正常的范围变更控制批准程序, 而直接扩大了项目定义范围的工作内容。 镀金:范围蔓延的一种,指在定义范围的工作范围以内,项目团队主动增加的额外工作。 镀金是在任何开发方法中都不建议的。因此A不对, 即使到敏捷,也是PO决定范围。 D,每日站会让开发团队集中在现有范围内。



A company has been contracted to develop software for a hydroelectric plant. The project management plan specifies Scrum as the development approach. Few sprints into the project, regulators notify the performing organization that due to new environmental laws, safety features originally not included in the scope baseline will need to be built into the software. What is the project manager's best course of action?

  •  A : 发出变更请求以更新项目管理计划,一旦获得批准,确保范围基准得到更新 Issue a change request to update the project management plan and, once approved, ensure that the scope baseline is updated

  •  B :与产品负责人进行根本原因分析,以确定为安全功能最初未包含在范围中的原因 Conduct a root cause analysts with the product owner to determine why the safety features were not included in the scope in the first place

  •  C :使用MoSCoW优先级模型来梳理范围基准,并将新的安全功能分类为"应具有" Use the MoSCoW model of prioritization to groom the scope baseline and categorize the new safety features as "should have"

  •  D :在冲刺计划期间与团队讨论新功能,如果团队同意,请他们在下次冲刺中实现功能 Discuss the new features with the team during sprint planning and if the team agrees, ask them to implement the features in the next sprint

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程:变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给 CCB 存在范围基准,说明使用了混合方法 改变了范围基准, 需要提交变更请求。



20.在桥梁建设项目中,项目经理正在监督和控制项目构件的各种变化。 下列哪一项最可能需要经过批准的变更请求才能进行变更?(选择四个)
A project manager is in the process of monitoring and controlling various changes to project artifacts for a bridge construction project. Which of the following will most likely require an approved change request before the change can be accommodated? (Choose four)

  •  A : 有人建议将预测式开发方法改为混合开发方法 A suggestion has been made to change from predictive to a hybrid development approach.

  •  B : 项目的运行超出了预算,需要修改成本基线以反映实际情况。 The project is running well over budget, and the cost baseline needs to be revised to reflect reality.

  •  C : 项目发起人想要向配置管理计划添加一个文档。 The project sponsor wants to add a document to the configuration management plan.

  •  D :几项任务的修订状态需要反映在项目进度表中。 The revised status of several tasks needs to be reflected in the project schedule.

  •  E : 一名高级主管建议更新项目生命周期描述,以增加一个阶段。 A senior executive has recommended updating the project life cycle description to include an additional phase.

  •  F :刚刚确定了一个新的利益相关者,需要将其添加到利益相关者登记册中 A new stakeholder has just been identified and needs to be added to the stakeholder register

正确答案:A,B,C,E 你的答案:A,B,E,F

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 在基准确定之前, 变更无需正式受控于实施整体变更控制过程。 不涉及基准一般不用审批。 D任务状态不需要审批E相关方登记册一般不给相关方审批。



21.项目经理加入一个项目,但项目经理在该项目所涉及的行业经验有限,在该项目的整个生命周期中,项目经理精心记录每个差距、问题和不一致性。但是,无论项目经理如何记录和跟踪生产问题,但问题都没有得到解决,这使项目交付面临风险。 若要解决这些问题,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager joins a project in an industry with which they have limited experience.Throughout the project's life cycle,the project manager meticulously documents each gap, problem,and inconsistency.However,production issues remain ,unresolved;regardless of the project manager's efforts to record and track them,which puts project delivery at risk. What should the project manager have done to resolve these issues?

  •  A :调整范围基准和项目进度计划与客户需求保持一致 Aligned the scope baseline and project schedule to the customer's needs

  •  B : 使用主题专家(SMEs)提供适合的应对行动 Used subject matter experts(SMEs) to provide suitable response actions

  •  C :审查相关方的需求与验收标准相匹配 Reviewed stakeholder requirements to match the acceptance criteria

  •  D :检查需求跟踪矩阵,以确保它与可交付成果相联系 Examined the requirements tractability matrix to insure that it linked to the deliverables.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P94 章节: • 关于项目所在的行业以及项目关注的领域的技术知识; • 成本和预算管理; • 法规与采购; • 法律法规; • 组织治理。 看到行业领域的事情,一般都找专家判断。



The project manager is leading a highly sensitive government project, and delivering the project on time is critical. A third-party vendor delivered a critical project component on time, but did not meet the specification requirements. It is unclear whether the delivered components will follow the approved project design.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :接受该组件并按时交付该项目 Accept the component and deliver the project on time

  •  B :要求退还该项目的款项,并告知相关方该延迟情况 Request a refund of the project and inform the parties of the delay

  •  C :与客户协商接受不合格的组件 Negotiate with customers to accept substandard components

  •  D : 拒绝该组件并重新订购,并且重新制定项目的进度计划 Reject the component and reorder, and re-schedule the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P498 章节: 绩效审查 :对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析, 以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在 资源或质量问题。 质量不合格,退了重新定。



Project manager B temporarily replaced project manager A who was on vacation. During a weekly progress meeting, project manager B found that two team members had conflicts with the quality of deliverable. Project manager B reviewed the quality management plan and found that it was not clearly defined quality standards make it difficult to measure quality easily. What should Project Manager B do?

  •  A :与两位团队成员交谈以尝试解决争议 Talk to two team members to try to resolve the dispute

  •  B :等待项目经理A回来,然后再指出问题 Wait for project manager a to come back before pointing out the problem

  •  C :保持质量标准,因为这将使可交付成果获得更多的批准 Maintain quality standards, as this will lead to more approval of deliverable

  •  D : 签发变更请求,以更新质量管理计划 Issue a change request to update the quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P306 章节: 变更请求: 如果控制质量过程期间出现了可能影响项目管理计划任何组成部分或项目文件的变更,项目经理应提交变更请求,且应该通过实施整体变更控制过程对变更请求进行审查和处理。 质量不能没标准,发现漏了,要通过变更流程补进去。



A project manager works for an organization with a history of completing projects on time.However,these projects have all experienced issues due to alack of stakeholder's support and their failure to provide information.What should the project manager do at the beginning of a new project to avoid these issues?

  •  A :管理所有相关方的期望,并为每个人提供解决方案 Manage all stakeholder's expectation,and provide a solution for each one

  •  B :准备一份包含所有相关方的沟通管理计划 Prepare a communications management plan that includes all stakeholders

  •  C : 在启动阶段识别关键相关方并进行优先级排序 Identify and prioritize the key stakeholders during the initiating stage

  •  D :复制之前项目的工作,因为这些项目结束时都很好 Duplicate efforts from previous projects since they ended well

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P504 章节:13 相关方的观点:项目经理和团队正确识别并合理引导所有相关方参与的能力,能决定着项目的成败要尽早地识别关键的相关方,因此识别相关方在启动阶段开始。




You are in charge of a large project to install 5G internet hubs across your city. Although most of the project variables are clear and can be managed using the waterfall approach, technical aspects are not fully defined and will be elaborated as the project progresses. The sponsor requests that project information will be communicated more frequently and quickly. To address the sponsor's request, you will use all of the following, except:

  •  A :保持频繁的团队检查点 Holding frequent team checkpoints

  •  B :进行有规律的相关方审查 Conducting regular stakeholder reviews

  •  C :实现信息发射源 Implementing information radiators

  •  D :每周传达项目状态 Communicating project status weekly

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P152 章节:术语表 信息发射源: 它是一种可见的实物展示其向组织内其他成员提供信息在不干扰团队的情况下即时实现知识共享。 信息发射源一般包括看板、燃尽图、燃起图、障碍日志等 四个选项中,只有D不够敏捷。



26.你正在为一个将使用敏捷方法进行产品开发的项目制定项目管理计划。你希望确保关键的相关方在项目的整个过程中都能了解交付的业务价值。 你的最佳行动方案是什么?(选择三个)
You are in the process of developing the project management plan for a project which will use agile methods for product development. You want to ensure that the key stakeholders will be kept apprised of the business value delivered throughout the course of the project. What is your best course of action? (Choose three)

  •  A :等到项目结束时,向相关方展示项目可交付成果 Wait until the end of the project to demonstrate the project deliverables to the stakeholders

  •  B : 邀请相关方参加定期的迭代评审会议 Invite the stakeholders to attend the regular iteration review meetings

  •  C :根据项目待办事项列表中每个项的业务值分配故事点 Assign story points based on the business value for each item in the project backlog

  •  D : 利用信息发射器,如看板和燃烧图表。 Utilize information radiators such as a Kanban board and burn charts.

  •  E : 确保沟通管理计划指定定期向相关方报告项目状态。 Ensure the communications management plan specifies periodic project status reporting to the stakeholders

正确答案:B,D,E 你的答案:B,C,D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审: 当团队以用户故事的形式完成特定功能时,团队会定期展示工作产品。 看过展示后,产品负责人接受或拒绝故事。 A是传统项目 C是PO做的。



A new project manager recently ended a project in their current organization. The new project manager used the format of the final project report of their previous company, and a related party commented that although a few key pieces of information were missing, But they prefer this format.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :向其他项目经理提供报告的副本,并鼓励他们使用该报告 Provide copies of the report to other project managers and encourage them to use the report

  •  B : 使用批准的格式重新编写报告,然后与他们的经理讨论如何改进报告 Rewrite the report using an approved format and then discuss with their manager how to improve the report

  •  C :考虑项目收尾完成的报告,并将该报告的副本存档 Consider a report on the completion of the project and archive a copy of the report

  •  D :与项目团队开会,以审查项目报告格式并获得反馈意见 Meeting with the project team to review the project report format and get feedback

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P124 章节: 项目管理计划的所有组成部分均为本过程的输入报告格式需要与计划保持一致。若有变更,需要走变更流程。



After meeting with the project sponsor outside the workplace,a project team member update the project manager on the sponsor's new expectations.How should the project manager address this?

  •  A :与团队和发起人一起审查沟通管理计划 Review the communications management plan with the team and the sponsor

  •  B : 与发起人开会,以确认期望 Meet with the sponsor to confirm expectations

  •  C :将发起人的期望纳入项目中 Incorporate the sponsor's expectations into the project

  •  D :指示团队成员不要与发起人讨论该项目 Instruct the team member not to discuss the project with the sponsor

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P524 章节:13.2 在管理相关方参与过程中,需要开展多项活动,例如: • 在适当的项目阶段引导相关方参与,以便获取、确认或维持他们对项目成功的持续承诺; • 通过谈判沟通管理相关方期望; • 处理与相关方管理有关的任何风险或潜在关注点,预测相关方可能在未来引发的问题; • 澄清和解决已识别的问题 通过谈判与沟通了解相关方的期望。



You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the best way to define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle. With the project life cycle selected, how often will the key stakeholders be involved?

  •  A :持续参与 Continuously

  •  B :在特定里程碑参与 At specific milestones

  •  C : 定期参与 Regularly

  •  D :完全不参与 Not involved at all

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P26 章 节:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征: 对于整个项目,没有必要使用单一的方法。为达到特定的目标,项目经常要结合不同的生命周期要素。预测、 迭代、增量和/或敏捷方法的组合就是一种混合方法。 A是敏捷, B是预测。 而混合型建议定期参与。



30.你正在领导并执行项目管理计划中所概述的工作。作为这个过程的一部分,你已经通过服务型领导成功地鼓舞和激励了scrum团队,以快速的速度生成项目可交付成果。因此,项目趋向于满足并超过绩效测量基准。 作为这个过程的一部分,你可能需要执行哪些活动?(选择两个)
You are in the process of leading and performing the work as outlined in the project management plan. As part of this process, you have successfully inspired and motivated your scrum team through servant leadership to produce project deliverables at a rapid pace. As a result, the project is trending to meet and exceed the performance measurement baseline. What activities might you need to perform as part of this process? (Choose two)

  •  A :为项目章程寻求批准 Seek approval for the project charter

  •  B :实施已批准的变更请求 Implement approved change requests

  •  C :确定项目相关方的全面列表 Identify a comprehensive list of project stakeholders

  •  D :协助日常的站立会议 Facilitate the daily standup meetings

  •  E :制定风险应对策略以应对已识别的风险 Develop risk response strategies to address identified risks

正确答案:B,D 你的答案:D,E

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th   页码:P90 章节:4.3 指导与管理项目工作是为实现项目目标而领导和执行项目管理计划中所确定的工作,并实施已批准变更的过程 从题干描述来看,属于执行过程组,因此选B和D。



During the project execution phase, it is discovered that a sub-team is not working toward agreed-upon project goals. What document should the project manager consult?

  •  A :项目管理计划 Project management plan

  •  B :资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure (RBS)

  •  C :项目章程 Project charter

  •  D :资源管理计划 Resource management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P318 章节: 资源管理计划——角色与职责: • 角色 • 职权 • 职责 • 能力 子团队的工作职责不清,需要看资源管理计划。



The project office just issued you a project health check report. Your heart races with anticipation as you scan the euphemistically entitled “recommendations” in the executive summary. Once again, you have been criticized for failing to provide sufficient supporting detail about the project. Although the report does not provide examples, you remember reading about supporting detail in the PMBOK It includes all the following except.

  •  A :命令和交付进度 Order and delivery schedules

  •  B :现金流推算 Cash-flow projections

  •  C :最好和最坏情况下的备用进度表 Best-and worst-case alternative schedules

  •  D : 相关方职位报告 Stakeholder position papers

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P112 章节: 工作绩效报告: 工作绩效报告的示例包括状态报告和进展报告。工作绩效报告可以包含挣值图表和信息、趋势线和预测、储备燃尽图、缺陷直方图、合同绩效信息和风险情况概述。可以表现为有助于引起关注、制定决策和采 取行动的仪表指示图、热点报告、信号灯图或其他形式。 工作绩效报告中不包含相关方的职位信息。



As the project progresses and deliverables are being produced, the project manager revisits the stakeholder engagement plan to determine what refinements can be made to the plan to improve stakeholder engagement.Among the project documents, which will be the most influential to the project management process being performed? (Choose three)

  •  A : 相关方登记册 Stakeholder register

  •  B : 风险登记册 Risk register

  •  C :资源管理计划 Resource management plan

  •  D :相关方参与评估矩阵 Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

  •  E : 问题日志 Issue log

正确答案:A,B,E 你的答案:A,C,D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P519 章节: 项目文件 :问题日志(E) 风险登记册(B) 相关方登记册(A) ITTO题。



A project manager has limited resources and is unable to obtain more. What technique should the project manager use to fully exploit the existing resources without delaying project completion?

  •  A :快速跟进 Fast tracking

  •  B :赶工 Crashing

  •  C :资源平滑 Resource smoothing

  •  D :资源平衡 Resource leveling

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P211 章节: 资源优化: 资源平衡,改变关键路径。 资源平滑,不改变关键路径。 题干提到不能让项目延期, 因此只能选择资源优化。




An agile coach has been requested to put together a team for the upcoming agile project. The management wants to use the talent available in the company without the need to go outside. The agile coach approaches the human resource department to advertise the position for the prospective team members on the company internal website. Which of the following job requirements is best for the agile coach to indicate in the ad?

  •  A :熟悉动态系统软件开发方法(DSDM) Experienced with the dynamic systems software development methods (DSDM)

  •  B :熟练掌握自动化测试过程和程序 Self-starter and proficient in the automated testing processes and procedures

  •  C : 对不同技能是否有专注的专长和丰富的经验 Has a focused specialty as well as a breadth of experience across multiple skills

  •  D :具有团队合作精神,熟悉所有敏捷软件开发工具 Team player and briefly familiar with all agile software development tools

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P42 章节:4.3.3 通才型专家: 敏捷团队是跨职能的。不过,许多成功的敏捷团队都由通才型专家组成,他们也称为 T 型人才。 这意味着这些团队成员在具备一项擅长的专业化技能的同时,还拥有多种技能的工作经验,而不是单一的专业化 T型、通才型、跨职能型人才是敏捷团队成员的重要特点。



A product development project is underway. The project uses an agile life cycle in software development and runs in an all-encompassing project management plan. Despite careful planning, after the release of two software versions, the user guide was not updated to reflect the latest version, which caused a lot of confusion to end users. What should the project manager do to ensure that this problem does not occur again?

  •  A :提交变更请求以修改用户指南,使指南与当前软件版本保持一致 Submit a change request to modify the user's guide in a way that the guide will be consistent with the current software release

  •  B :还原到软件的用户指南与发布给用户的软件一致的最后一个版本 Revert back to the last version of the software where the user's guide was consistent with the software released to the users

  •  C : 要求CCB执行配置审查,以确保项目配置项的组成正确 Ask the CCB to perform a configuration audit to ensure that the composition of the project's configuration items is correct

  •  D :提交变更请求以修订变更管理计划,以确保将用户指南标识为配置要素 Submit a change request to revise the change management plan to ensure that the user's guide is identified as a configuration element

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P118 章节: 变更控制工具:为了便于开展配置和变更管理,可以使用一些手动或自动化的工具。配置控制重点关注可交付成果及各个过程的技术规范,而变更控制则着眼于识别、记录、批准或否决对项目文件、可交付成果或基准的变更。 配置管理的一个重要功能就是管理产品版本。



The project manager of a large and complex project learned that a key party was opposed to changes approved later in the project, and the project manager was unwilling to offend the party, but did not mean to delay the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :与该相关方一起审查沟通管理计划 Review the communication management plan with the interested party

  •  B :取消已批准的变更,以满足相关方的要求 Cancel approved changes to meet the requirements of interested parties

  •  C : 让相关方参考变更日志,以显示变更批准 Have interested parties refer to the change log to show change approval

  •  D :与相关方一起讨论相关方参与计划 Discuss the stakeholder participation plan with the stakeholder

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P120 章节: 变更日志: 变更日志用于记录项目期间发生的变更。 变更已审批,并记录在变更日志中。因此要看变更日志。 D,应该项目经理审查,而不是和相关方审查。



A project manager is leading a six-member agile team. The team's current velocity and the number of story points remaining in the backlog indicate that the project is trending to meet the schedule baseline. Midway into project execution, the project sponsor informs that three team members are being reassigned to a new higher priority project and will not be replaced. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :向发起人提供一份正式的信函,说明项目已经终止,因为用剩余的资源实现项目目标并不现实 Provide the sponsor with a formal letter that the project is terminated since achieving the project objectives is unrealistic with the remaining resources

  •  B :请求剩余的团队成员再跑三次冲刺,以确定新的速度,这样就可以估算新的项目完成日期 Request the remaining team members to run three more sprints to determine a new velocity so that a new project completion date can be estimated

  •  C :要求加班并为剩余的团队成员分配奖金,以弥补差距并确保项目目标的实现 Mandate the use of overtime and allocate bonuses for the remaining team members to bridge the gap and ensure that the project objectives are met

  •  D : 根据剩余的资源提交变更请求来修改进度和/或范围基准,并评估如何继续进行的选项 Submit a change request to revise the schedule and/or scope baseline based on the remaining resources and evaluate the options on how to proceed

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P229 章节: 变更请求:通过分析进度偏差,审查进展报告、绩效测量 结果和项目范围或进度调整情况,可能会对进度基准、范围基准和/或项目管理计划的其他组成部分提出变更请求 。 确定不给资源,进度一定会受影响,因此要重新评估后提出变更。若是纯敏捷,可以考虑B选项。



A project has been approved and a resource management plan is in place. The project manager contacts the functional managers and asks the subject matter experts (SME) in their area to be assigned to the project team. However, due to year-end closing activities, the CFO refused to assign subject matter experts from other departments.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 请求发起人使用他们的影响力来释放该资源 Ask the initiator to use their influence to release the resource

  •  B :为该项目雇用一个新的永久性资源 Hire a new permanent resource for the project

  •  C :推迟该项目直到该资源可用为止 Postpone the project until the resource is available

  •  D :获得一个临时、技能熟练的外部资源 Obtain a temporary, skilled external resource

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P330 章节:9.3 获取资源的重要性:不能获得项目所需的资源时,可能会影响项目进度、预算、客户满意度、质量和风险;资源 或人员能力不足会降低 项目成功的概率,最坏的情况可能导致项目取消。 不能获取资源,项目可能失败。职能经理不给人,可以 考虑找领导。



The project manager wants to arrange the task order in a logical way and use at least a noble contractor while developing the project schedule. Which document should the project manager check?

  •  A :里程碑清单 List of milestones

  •  B :项目范围说明书 Project scope statement

  •  C :活动清单 Activity list

  •  D : 活动属性 Activity attributes

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P186 章节: 活动属性:活动属性可能包括活动描述、紧前活动、紧后活动、逻辑关系、提前量和滞后量(见 节)、 资源需求、 强制日期、制约因素和假设条件 活动属性的概念。



A sponsor is worried that the agile project does not progress fast enough since no project status reports are being sent. The sponsor approaches the scrum master with their concerns. The scrum master reassures the sponsor that the project is moving ahead as planned and invites the sponsor to attend a meeting and see the progress with their own eyes. Which of the following meetings did the scrum master most likely invite the sponsor?

  •  A :冲刺计划会议 Sprint planning meeting

  •  B :每日站会 Daily standup meeting

  •  C :冲刺审查会议 Sprint review meeting

  •  D :冲刺回顾会议 Sprint retrospective meeting

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审: 在基于迭代的敏捷中,团队在迭代结束时展示所有已完成的工作项。在基于流程的敏捷中, 团队在需要时展示完成的工作,通常是当完成的功能累积到足以构成一个连贯组合时。团队,包括产品负责人在内,都需要反馈来决定何时需要产品反馈。 审查会议会展示已经完成的产品。然后让相关方评估否接受。





A project manager is developing the project schedule and wants to empower the team with more decision making authority than past projects. He creates a Gantt chart that displays activities down to the work package level of the WBS, which are assigned to the team rather than individuals. He then records the work packages in the backlog of a Kanban board. How might the project manager use inspirational motivation to empower the team through idealized attributes and behaviors?

  •  A :采取自由放任的领导风格 Adopt a Laissez-faire leadership style

  •  B :融入仆人型领导者的要素 Incorporate the elements of a servant leader

  •  C :利用例外管理 Utilize management by exception

  •  D : 使用变革型领导风格 Use a transformational leadership style

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P73 章节:6.1.2 变革就绪情况: • 积极明确的管理层支持; • 变革管理实践,包括沟通和引导; • 逐个项目应用敏捷实践 • 向团队增量地引入敏捷实践;以及 • 通过采取适用的敏捷技术和实践示范引导。 从题干看出,这明显是从瀑布型向敏捷型的变革,需要变革型领导风格。



What method should the project manager use to accurately collect project requirement and feedback from stakeholder located in several countries?

  •  A : 问卷调查 Questionnaires and surveys

  •  B :焦点小组 Focus groups

  •  C :引导式研讨会 Facilitate workshops

  •  D :访谈 Interview

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P143 章节: 问卷调查: 指设计一系列书面问题,向众多受访者快速收集信息。 问卷调查方法非常适用于以下情况:受众多样化,需要快速完成调查,受访者地理位置分散,并且适合开展统计分析。 位于不同国家,最好使用问卷调查。



In a road construction project, the rework that happened lately makes the project manager very concerned about the inconsistency cost of no-conformance. The project manager turns to you for help. What is the best advice you can offer?

  •  A :重新进行规划质量管理过程 To re-plan the quality management process

  •  B :加强质量控制 To strengthen the quality control

  •  C :开展质量审计 To perform quality audit

  •  D :开展标杆对照 To carry out benchmarking control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P295 章节: 审计:采取后续措施纠正问题,可以降低质量成本,并提高发起人或客户对项目产品的接受度。 审计可以降低质量成本。



A project manager finds several inconsistencies between project deliverables and sponsor expectations.To ensure alignment,what should the project manager develop?

  •  A :风险登记册 Risk register

  •  B : 相关方参与计划 Stakeholder management plan

  •  C :沟通管理计划 Communications management plan

  •  D :工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划:相关方参与计划是项目 管理计划的组成部分。 它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的 策略和行动。 期望不一致,就要持续管理好相关方的期望。



When writing the third progress report, the project manager noticed that team members failed to record their task performance, what should the project manager do to evaluate the progress of these tasks and finally complete the report?

  •  A :使用趋势分析来预测进度 Use trend analysis to predict progress

  •  B : 让团队成员提交他们的进度 Have team members submit their progress

  •  C :更新问题日志以报告未提交的进度情况 Update the issue log to report uncommitted progress

  •  D :使用剩余活动计算平均进度 Calculate average progress using remaining activity

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P225 章节: 工作绩效数据 :工作绩效数据包含关于项目状态的数据,例如哪些活动已经开始,它们的进展如何(如实际 持续时间、剩余持续时 间和实际完成百分比), 哪些活动已经完成。 工作绩效数据需要团队成员提交。



The project manager wants to use a specific vendor in the new project. The vendor is currently working on another project managed by the project manager. The project manager wants to complete the current project before starting work on the new project. What should the project manager do before the vendor starts working on the new project?

  •  A :与供应商一起评审合同协议。 Review contract agreements with suppliers

  •  B :更新采购文档。 Update purchase document

  •  C : 执行采购审计。 Perform procurement audits

  •  D :要求供应商完成所有现有工作。 Require suppliers to complete all existing work

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P498 章节: 采购审计: 审计是对采购过程的结构化审查。应该在采购合同中明确规定与审计有关的权利和义务。 买方的项目经理和卖方的项目经理都应该关注审计结果, 以便对项目进行必要调整。 注意题干中提到的问题的逻辑关系。




A company has always utilized a predictive approach to project management, but now the project management office wants to incorporate some agile best practices to generate earlier revenue realization. The project manager is about to begin planning for the new project and is concerned that the project team is not equipped to work in a hybrid environment. What is the project manager's best course of action?

  •  A :授权团队自我组织和学习敏捷最佳实践 Empower the team to self-organize and study agile best practices

  •  B : 向项目管理办公室(PMO)申请培训 Request the training from the project management office (PMO

  •  C :将团队敏捷技能不足的风险添加到风险登记册 Add the risk of the team's inadequate agile skills to the risk register

  •  D :审查敏捷最佳实践的经验教训知识库 Check the lessons learned repository for agile best practices

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P82 章节:6.6.3 敏捷PMO的服务:通过培训和指导发展人才 过渡期间应该安排专业的敏捷培训。



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