


I was sitting in a cafe in the heart of San Francisco, eating a strawberry cake with a cup of coffee. It was mid-June, the weather was warm, and I finished a technical interview. As I was drinking my coffee, I looked through the glass window of the cafe, watching cars and people passing by, and thinking about the number I just offered to the company to hire me. I was scared to lose the job but also scared not to negotiate. I gave them a number way more than my current salary; I was reluctant they accept and to get the job. As I drowned in my thoughts, my phone rang, It was the recruiter of the company, I was shocked and thought it is a rejection call, since it is just 30 mins passed from the time I left. I hold the phone: “Hi, this is Nazanin.”

我坐在旧金山市中心的一家咖啡馆,一边吃草莓蛋糕和一杯咖啡。 6月中旬,天气温暖,我结束了技术面试。 当我喝咖啡时,我透过咖啡馆的玻璃窗看了看,看着汽车和路过的人,并思考着我刚提供给公司雇用我的人数。 我害怕失去工作,但也害怕不进行谈判。 我给他们的数字比我目前的工资还多。 我不愿他们接受并找到工作。 当我淹没在思想中时,我的电话响了,那是公司的招聘人员,我感到震惊并认为这是一个拒绝电话,因为距我离开的时间仅30分钟。 我拿着电话:“嗨,我是纳赞宁。”

She said: “Hi Nazanin. I know this is a speedy response, but we didn’t want to lose you so that we will send you an offer letter right now.”

她说:“您好Nazanin。 我知道这是一个快速的回复,但我们不想失去您,因此我们会立即向您发送录取通知书。”

I was shocked, stumbled, how did this happen? The number was so high, but they accepted it. I did it. I was able to negotiate and persuade them that I am worthy of the salary. I worked there for four years, and during that time I contributed to so many critical projects, but I will never forget that moment in the cafe when my phone rang and I got the job. It was even sweeter the strawberry cake.

我感到震惊,迷迷糊糊,这是怎么发生的? 这个数字很高,但是他们接受了。 我做的。 我能够与他们进行谈判并说服他们说我值得薪水。 我在那里工作了四年,在那段时间里我为许多重要项目做出了贡献,但是我永远不会忘记在咖啡馆里那一刻我的手机响起并得到这份工作的那一刻。 草莓蛋糕更甜。

After that day, I learned how negotiating, and soft skills can grow your career and fasten reaching goals. Although I studied academic computer science and got many non-academic computer programming courses, none of those programs taught me how to communicate and collaborate with others. As programmers, I believe we interact with others most of the time during our daily work routine. We work with customers, product managers, challenging colleagues, and every human involved. Even when we code, we communicate with another person who is going to read that piece of code. Our code is not only for machines to understand but also for humans to read and debug.

那天之后,我学习了谈判和软技能如何促进您的职业发展并实现目标。 尽管我学习了计算机科学专业,并获得了许多非学术性计算机编程课程,但是这些程序都没有一个教我如何与他人交流和协作。 作为程序员,我相信我们在日常工作中大部分时间都会与他人互动。 我们与客户,产品经理,富有挑战性的同事以及每个相关人员合作。 即使我们编写代码,我们也会与另一个将要阅读该代码的人进行沟通。 我们的代码不仅供机器理解,还供人类阅读和调试。

When people ask me the most important skill I can learn to become better at my job and get promotions, I always tell them: The art of communication and human interaction.

当人们问我最重要的技能时,我可以学习以提高自己的工作水平并获得晋升,我总是告诉他们: 沟通和人际交往的艺术。

I always try to pick up new knowledge in the field of communication and understanding human nature. There are lots of great books that I have read and many that I still wish to read. Recently I discovered MasterClass, an online learning platform with courses from the best and brightest of each field. As I am a fan of soft skills, I tool the Art of Negotiation course with Chris Voss, and I have learned many tips that can help any engineer who wishes to enhance their communication and human interaction skills.

我总是尝试在交流和理解人性领域中获取新知识。 我读了很多很棒的书,但我仍然希望阅读很多。 最近,我发现了MasterClass ,这是一个在线学习平台,其中包含来自每个领域的最优秀课程。 由于我很喜欢软技能,因此我与Chris Voss一起进行了“谈判艺术”课程的学习,并且学到了许多技巧,可以帮助希望提高沟通和人际交往能力的任何工程师。

镜像词 (Mirror words)

We always think before entering a negotiation room, or a simple meeting in which we want to negotiate. We believe we have to lay down all of our arguments beforehand and come prepared. That is not true.

我们总是在进入谈判室或要进行谈判的简单会议之前进行思考。 我们认为,我们必须事先放下所有论点并做好准备。 那是不对的。

Negotiation is the art of engaging and evolving with the other side; it gathers information as you communicate and analyze your next move as the conversation flies.

谈判是与对方互动并发展的艺术。 它在您交流时收集信息,并在对话进行时分析下一步行动。

Mirroring is a critical technique in information gathering. What does mirroring means?

镜像是信息收集中的一项关键技术。 镜像是什么意思?

Mirroring is simply repeating the last one to three keywords of what the other side just said, followed by an active pause.


Mirroring can look something like this:


The other side:


“My main concern is sorted though — as long as the encryption is happening on the client everywhere we do it, that’s what I wanted to know. Sorry to keep popping up with questions.”

“不过,我主要关心的问题是-只要 客户端 上进行 加密 无论 我们在哪里做,这就是我想知道的。 很抱歉继续出现问题。”



“ I will ensure the encryption happens on the client everywhere.”…..

“我将确保 加密 到处都 发生 在客户 身上 。”

When you mirror, it shows the other side that you are paying attention to their every word. It is a way of saying: I heard your words. When you mirror, you connect to the other person.

当您镜像时,它表明另一侧您正在注意他们的每个单词。 这是一种表达方式:我听了你的话。 镜像时,您会与其他人建立联系。

标签情绪 (Label emotions)

Everyday, we face wide ranges of emotions at work. We get irritated, stressed, pressured, sad or we may feel envy. These negative emotions consumes us, and degrades the quality of our work. Emotions can emerge during our conversations with others; the frustration, the stress, the anxiety. One way to communicate and be aware of their emotions.

每天,我们在工作中都会面对各种各样的情绪。 我们会感到烦躁,紧张,压力,悲伤或感到嫉妒。 这些负面情绪使我们感到厌倦,并降低了我们的工作质量。 在与他人交谈时可能会产生情绪。 挫折,压力,焦虑。 一种沟通和意识到自己情绪的方式。

Labeling is one way to make us realize what emotions are going through someone’s mind. When you realize the negative emotion simply label it, by saying:

标签是使我们意识到某人的思想正在经历的一种方式。 当您意识到负面情绪时,只需说出它:

I realize you are frustrated….

我意识到你很沮丧 ……。

It sounds like you are frustrated….

听起来您很沮丧 ……。

I don’t want you to be frustrated….

我不想让你沮丧 ...。

Research shows when you label emotions, it reduces the negative impulse between two people. It creates trust-based influence.

研究表明,当您标记情绪时,它可以减少两个人之间的负面冲动。 它创造了基于信任的影响力

If you want to create even more impact follow up the labeling with a PAUSE. Pausing will let the label sink in and reside within the audience mind. So try:

如果您想产生更大的影响,请在标签后面加上“ 暂停” 。 暂停会使标签沉入并停留在听众心中。 因此,请尝试:

I realize you are frustrated…. + Pause

我意识到你很沮丧 ……。 +暂停

It sounds like you are frustrated…. + Pause

听起来您很沮丧 ……。 +暂停

I don’t want you to be frustrated…. + Pause

我不想让你沮丧 ...。 +暂停

成为我们 (Be a We’er)

The way people talk and express themselves say lot about their role in the company. When it comes to engineers, there are two groups, the I’ers and the We’ers.

人们谈论和表达自己的方式对他们在公司中的角色表示了很多。 在工程师方面,有两个小组,即I'ersWe'ers

The I’res are the ones that start their sentences with I, I have an idea…, I made this feature…, I think…, My recommendation…. . You can recognize them easily in any meetings. The We’ers on the other hand use we or they communicate: we think…, Our recommendation…, It is better that we… .

I'res是与开始他们的句子的人我有一个想法......,我做了这个功能......,我想......,我的建议......。 。 您可以在任何会议中轻松识别它们。 另一方面, We'ers会利用我们或他们进行交流:我们认为…,我们的建议…,最好是…。

Study shows the more authority and power the person has, the more they use plural pronouns versus the singular pronouns.


When it comes to expression, it is better to use plural pronouns ( We, They ). This shows the maturity and seniority of the engineer.

在表达时,最好使用复数代词(We,他们)。 这表明了工程师的成熟度和资历。

成为海绵 (Be a Sponge)

In the business world, a sponge is someone who is tirelessly driven to seek and absorb new information. In general terms, this means someone who is highly curious, possibly even somewhat obsessive, about gathering data and learning from it.

在商业世界中,海绵是孜孜不倦地寻找和吸收新信息的人。 一般而言,这意味着对收集数据和从中学习非常好奇,甚至可能有些执着的人。

When it comes to communication, being a sponge means to be patient and gather information. When you are in a meeting or talking to a colleague, be a great listener, let the other person express and communicate comfortably.

在交流方面,做一个海绵意味着要有耐心并收集信息。 当您在开会或与同事交谈时,请做一个好听的人,让对方表达和舒适地进行交流。

Your role as a sponge is to absorb information patiently.


Next time you are in the meeting, try to shift your focus to be a listener than an engineer who talks the most. Absorb the information and come up with a statement to present to the team.

下次您参加会议时,请尝试将重点转移为成为倾听者,而不是说话最多的工程师。 吸收信息,并提出一份要提交给团队的声明。

结论 (Conclusion)

When it comes to communication and human interactions, it is tough to find one primary way of success. Humans are complicated, and they prefer a personalized method of interaction.As an engineer, communication is the most important soft skill to acquire. Knowing how to communicate effectively can shape other skills, such as leadership, persuasion, and people management.

在交流和人际交往方面,很难找到一种主要的成功方法。 人是复杂的,他们更喜欢个性化的交互方法。作为工程师,沟通是最重要的获得技能。 知道如何有效沟通可以塑造其他技能,例如领导能力,说服力和人员管理能力。

翻译自: https://medium/@nazanindelam/engineers-learn-to-negotiate-fce50ea40e84


本文标签: 工程师测试