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Quiz of Unit1

Part 1 Short Conversations     
(Each item: 2 point(s))

Directions: In this section, you will hear some short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which the best answer is.


A. She sits at her desk in her yoga class.

B. She finds her yoga class relaxing for her.

C. She attends the yoga class every other day.

D. She spends five hours learning yoga every week.


A. By watching a variety of English movies.

B. By taking the best English culture courses.

C. By taking part in an English summer camp.

D. By studying in an English speaking country.


A. How to effectively learn information by heart.

B. How to classify pictures into smaller groups.

C. How to make a simple list of facts.

D. How to find a connection between facts.


A. She wants to live in an English speaking country.

B. She speaks fluent English just like native speakers.

C. She has little chance to interact with her instructors.

D. She shows dissatisfaction with the English program.


A. That learners are more comfortable with group discussions.

B. That learners learn best with their preferred learning style.

C. That learners tend to prefer lectures to group discussions.

D. That learners think discussions are just a waste of time.


A. He was taught how to move the car back and forth.

B. He was too nervous to hold the steering wheel firmly.

C. He was unable to move his hands freely after driving.

D. He was taught how to grip the steering wheel tightly.


A. He is careless.

B. He is friendly.

C. He is helpful.

D. He is rude.


A. It discourages real human interaction.

B. It offers a variety of learning resources.

C. It usually cuts down the cost of learning.

D. It allows students to vary the pace of study.

Part 2 Long Conversations     
(Each item: 2 point(s))

Directions: In this section, you will hear some long conversations. At the end of each conversation, some questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which the best answer is.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Study with a group.

B. Prepare for the exam.

C. Go dancing with a friend.

D. Have drinks in a coffee shop.


A. It makes her feel depressed.

B. It makes her feel exhausted.

C. It makes her stay focused.

D. It makes her feel relaxed.


A. Have more milk at dinner.

B. Study at an enjoyable place.

C. Relax when studying for exams.

D. Study all night before the exam.


A. She prefers joining a study group to studying alone.

B. She enjoys life and hates being interrupted by studies.

C. She knows clearly how to achieve test-taking success.

D. She wants to know how to absorb information properly.

Part 3 Passage     
(Each item: 2 point(s))

Directions: In this section, you'll hear some short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. French.

B. German.

C. English.

D. Swedish.


A. To offer their children the chance to learn French.

B. To encourage their children to communicate in French.

C. To prevent their children from understanding what they said.

D. To remove the negative feelings their children had toward French.


A. He was enthusiastic.

B. He was discouraged.

C. He was confused.

D. He was proud.


A. He was reminded that he had very little knowledge of French.

B. He was reminded that he spoke French in a rather impolite way.

C. He was reminded that he spoke French with an unacceptable accent.

D. He was reminded that he often made embarrassing mistakes in French.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. She was deeply impressed.

B. She was quite interested.

C. She was disappointed.

D. She was frustrated.


A. Examples followed first by explanations and then by rules.

B. Rules followed first by examples and then by explanations.

C. Rules followed first by explanations and then by examples.

D. Examples followed first by rules and then by explanations.


A. She was held back by the challenges posed by the materials.

B. She was excited at her accomplishments in learning Spanish.

C. She was satisfied with the clear explanations offered in the tapes.

D. She was overwhelmed by the large quantities of replacement drills.


A. To test her communicative ability in Spanish.

B. To gain insights into local customs and culture.

C. To travel the country to know its rich history.

D. To read the national press and buy some books.

Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure     
(Each item: 1 point(s))

Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence.


________ me the most is that these butterflies return to the very same tree in Mexico that their great-great-grandparents used for the winter before.

A. That amazed

B. It amazed

C. Which amazed

D. What amazed


________ is announced, the country has launched a large-scale movement to wipe out hunger, poverty, and diseases in the wide rural areas.

A. What

B. That

C. As

D. Which


The students expected there ________ more reviewing classes before the college entrance examination, but, to their disappointment, all the classes were finally canceled.

A. being

B. would be

C. have been

D. to be


The United States is proud of ________ great writers, especially ________ in the 20th century such as Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway.

A. its ... those

B. the ... which

C. her ... what

D. his ... that


The financial deficit for the banks will be going from bad to worse unless their plan for economic reform ________ miracles.

A. works

B. are working

C. worked

D. will be working


With all the exercises unfinished, he ________ to watch the football match yesterday evening even though he was so anxious and excited about it.

A. mustn't go

B. wouldn't go

C. oughtn't

D. shouldn't have gone


– "Do you regret paying so much for the dog?"
– "No. I would be happy to pay ________ for him."


A. as much as twice

B. twice as much

C. twice as many

D. much twice


My friend and adviser ________ to engage in a comprehensive dialog with me to resolve the problems in my essay writing.

A. have agreed

B. had agreed

C. has agreed

D. are agreed


________, he has earned himself a lot of respect, yet he is always modest and accessible.

A. With all his profound knowledge

B. Through all his profound knowledge

C. With his all profound knowledge

D. By all his profound knowledge


– "You won't follow his instructions, will you?"
– "________. I don't think he is right."

A. Yes, I will

B. No, I won't

C. No, I will

D. Yes, I won't


Since he drives so carelessly, there is very ________ hope that he will survive the car accident on freeway.

A. few

B. a few

C. much

D. little


He is now working in a foreign firm, but not until three years ago ________ to work outside the country.

A. has he started

B. will he start

C. did he start

D. he started


Having gone through all the hardships, she has changed a lot, and she is no longer the cheerful girl ________ she was five years ago.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. whom


________ for a long time, the fields are all dried up and the farmers are worried about this year's crops.

A. There having been no rain

B. There been no rain

C. There having no rain

D. There being no rain


That intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals ________ questioned by some famous psychologists.

A. were

B. have been

C. are

D. is


If the emergency rescue supplies are ________, the earthquake survivors will be in great trouble and they may be on the edge of death.

A. incapable

B. inadequate

C. invalid

D. invisible


A suspected man may deny a charge, but his fingerprints can ________ him even when there is nothing else to even say who he is.

A. justify

B. simplify

C. identify

D. notify


There are many well-known professors in our university, of which he is the most ________ one in his specialized field.

A. distrustful

B. distinguished

C. disgraceful

D. different


Sometimes the real antique and the imitated one are nearly the same and even the experts would find it hard to ________ them.

A. disapprove

B. diagnose

C. disregard

D. distinguish


The combination of virtual and traditional learning will ________ the scope of every lesson and increase the students' interest.

A. exceed

B. expand

C. explore

D. exhaust

Part 5 Reading comprehension     
(Each item: 2 point(s))

Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.

When I was a kid, I read every comic book ever published. I quickly went through all of them in a couple of days, and then reread the good ones until the next issues arrived.

But as I got older, my eyeballs must have slowed down! I mean comic books started to pile up faster than my brother Russell. It wasn't until much later did I realize it wasn't my eye balls that were to blame. They're still moving as well as ever. The problem is there's too much to read these days and too little time to read every word of it.

Now, besides novels and newspapers, I read different kinds of books and magazines. There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you read faster. But I know of three that are especially good.

Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading, like long and hard magazine or newspaper articles. Read the entire first two paragraphs of whatever you've chosen. Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. Then read the entire last paragraph. It can give you as much as half the comprehension in as little as one-tenth the time.

Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading, like short and simple popular magazines or the sports and entertainment sections of the newspaper. Think of your eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast. Sweep each line and pick up only a few key words in each line.

Clustering trains you to look at groups of words instead of one at a time to increase your speed and comprehension enormously. It is a totally different way of seeing what we read. Here's how to cluster: Train your eyes to see all the words in clusters of up to three or four words at a glance.

With enough practice, you'll be able to handle more reading at school or work – and at home – in less time. You should even have enough time to read your favorite comic books.


What did the writer realize later regarding his slowed-down eyeballs?

A. His brother had more comic books than him.

B. He couldn't read as fast as his brother.

C. He couldn't finish reading all the comic books.

D. He had too much to read but too little time to do it.


Why is previewing especially useful for a heavy reading?

A. You can read various kinds of books such as magazines.

B. You can see the whole picture of a long reading in less time.

C. You can understand the content completely within a short time.

D. You can comprehend at least 50% of what you're reading.


What is the use of the technique of skimming when you are doing light reading?

A. It enables you to read some entertaining books.

B. It enables you to think like magnets.

C. It helps you pick up key words.

D. It helps you get the information you want.


What's the most important advantage when you do clustering?

A. It helps you read faster and understand better.

B. It lets you read in a totally different way.

C. It allows your eyes to pick up three to four words at a time.

D. It trains your eyes to see all the words in the reading.


Which statement best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A. Moving your eyes fast gives you a general idea.

B. It is necessary to choose different methods for different readings.

C. Different reading skills should be used at the same time.

D. You may read faster by using reading techniques.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Before computers were invented, the words byte and modem did not exist, and a mouse was something that made some people scream and run away. Words are added to language every day. Changes in society also cause changes in language.

Changes in attitude also affect language. As people become more sensitive to the rights and needs of individual, it becomes necessary to change the words we use to describe them. The elderly are now called senior citizens. The handicapped are described as physically challenged. Many of the words we once used had negative feelings attached to them. New words show an awareness in today's society that differences are good and that everyone deserves respect. Even the names of certain jobs have changed so that workers can be proud of what they do. The trash man is now called a sanitation worker and a doorman is an attendant. One important influence on our language in the past decade has been the changing role of women in modern society. As women entered more and more areas that were once thought of as men's job, it became necessary to change the job titles. For example, a mailman is now a mail carrier, a watchman is a guard.

Sometimes new words may seem awkward and silly, such as chair for chairman, fisher for fisherman, and drafter for draftsman. But change is never easy. People often fight change until it becomes a familiar part of everyday life.

Women have fought long and hard to be treated equally in language as well as in society, because they know that changes in language can cause changes in attitudes. If every person isn't referred to as he, people will begin to realize that men aren't the only ones who are important or who have made great achievements. Most words that indicate only one gender have been replaced with words that refer to both males and females. Thus, a poetess is called a poet, a waitress is a server, and mankind has become humankind.


Words are added to language ________.

A. when new things are invented

B. when society changes

C. when old words disappear

D. all the time


Words are changed because ________.

A. it is part of everyday life.

B. the handicapped should be proud of themselves.

C. many old words cause negative feelings.

D. some words look silly and awkward.


A doorman is now called ________.

A. attendant

B. watchman

C. trash man

D. server


Which of the following is one important influence on our language in the past decade according to the passage?

A. The changing attitude toward the elderly.

B. The changing job market.

C. The changing role of women.

D. The changing social opinions.


Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

A. Language is always added with new vocabulary.

B. Language changes with the changing of society.

C. Changing language reflects the achievements of people.

D. Changing language gives people more individual rights.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.

People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some researchers claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone of voice and body language.

Body language includes such things as the expression on the speaker's face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings in different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!" However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.

Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost universally interpreted in the same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.

There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turning one's body to fully face the other person.

Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's culture is only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do with a person's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses may be very different from under other circumstances.


According to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's real meaning comes from ________.

A. words used in the message

B. things used in the message

C. the speaker's tone of voice

D. the speaker's tone and body language


The second paragraph describes ________.

A. an example of a gesture not used in India

B. different meanings of gestures in different cultures

C. how gestures can change the meaning of words

D. useful gestures in Arab cultures


If a person starts copying your body language, what does this suggest?

A. He/She is interested in you.

B. He/She isn't interested in you.

C. He/She doesn't agree with you.

D. He/She agrees with you.


People may use different body languages ________.

A. only in different places

B. only at different time

C. under different circumstances

D. under few circumstances


What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Body language is an important part of communication.

B. Body language is affected by culture.

C. Body language can be extremely offensive.

D. Body language can tell you whether people like you.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people.

So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn grammar? You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake.

Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.


How is grammar defined in the passage?

A. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.

B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.

C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.

D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.


According to the passage, why is learning grammar important?

A. It helps you make no mistakes.

B. It makes communication possible.

C. It helps you not to get hurt.

D. It makes playing games possible.


In the writer's opinion, what is the best way to learn grammar?

A. Playing games with a set of rules.

B. Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.

C. Recalling how you learned your mother tongue.

D. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.


What's the difference between teachers' opinions in the way of learning grammar?

A. More exercises vs. more activities.

B. More activities vs. less exercises.

C. Less exercises vs. more grammar rules.

D. More exercises vs. less activities.


What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Memorizing rules is required for learning grammar.

B. Doing a lot of exercises helps learn grammar.

C. Playing games helps learn grammar better.

D. There are different ways to learn grammar.


本文标签: 新世纪大学英语试卷