



Section 1: Vocabularyand Grammar (60 points)

This section consists of 3 parts. Readthe directions for each part beforeanswering the questions.

Part 1  Vocabulary Selection

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are4 choices marked by letters A, B, Cand D respectively. Choose the word orphrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter asrequired on your Machine-scoringANSWER SHEET.

1.All the students of this universityhave free ________ to the Internet via abroadband connection.

A. access     B. entrance

C. permission     D. passageway

2.It is rumored that Mr. Smith, the grandson of the founder of the university anda professor of philosophy, will be________ as president in March.

A. indulged     B. inaugurated

C. induced     D. integrated

3.When I visited the area after the hurricane, I became ________ by what I sawand heard there.

A. stressed     B. compressed

C. impressed     D. distressed

4.When the actor appeared on the stage again, shouts and cheers broke________ from the crowd and continued for about five minutes.

A. in         B. off

C. forth      D. up

5.The ________ value of a coin, i.e. the valueof the metal in it, is usually lessthan the value of what it will buy.

A. external      B. interior

C. intrinsic     D. extrinsic

6.Hotels and restaurants are an ________ part of the city, without which the

tourist industry could not exist.

A. additional     B. inseparable

C. accommodated     D. integral

7.We can find a full ________ of his political belief in his newly-publishedbooks.

A. composition     B. exposition

C. deposition     D. disposition

8.I don’t think you can persuade him;he always ________ to his ownprinciples.

A. adapts     B. devotes

C. adheres     D. dedicates

9.In the advanced course ofour training, students musttake objective tests atmonthly ________.

A. distance     B. length

C. gaps     D. intervals

10.Going around at the top of the mountain, we watched the fog ________ fromthe valley below; it seemed that we had entered a fairyland.

A. descend     B. decrease

C. arise     D. ascend

11.Richard has an ________ manner, althoughhe comes from a middle-classfamily background and has receivedhis education at Cambridge.

A. abrupt     B. absurd

C. active     D. agreeable

12.The history teacher told us the ringwas a piece of ________ treasure becauseit had been handed down from an ancient king.

A. invaluable     B. valued

C. previous     D. precise

13.In the last few years, the ________ of regular folks going under the cosmeticknife skyrocketed.

A. amount     B. figures

C. group     D. number

14.He was too busy to do any exercise at all until he turned 58. And heis in muchbetter ________ now than ever before.

A. form     B. condition

C. look     D. shape

15.All of us in research have focusedon a drug that is so ________ that it canchange brain chemistry.

A. monstrous     B. powerful

C. vigorous     D. heavy

16.He was only a ________ ruler of the country; the real one was his mother,who actually handled state affairsand possessed the power of makingdecisions.

A. oblivious     B. notable

C. obscure     D. nominal

17.________ that she is interested in children,I am sure that teaching is the rightprofession for her.

A. However     B. Provided

C. Given     D. Unless

18.She had ________ opportunity to exerciseleadership, which she has dreamedof since she was young.

A. utter     B. utmost

C. ambitious     D. ample

19.They intend to remove the ________ rules and regulations that arediscouraging foreign investment in their country.

A. henpecked     B. garnished

C. unmitigated     D. onerous

20.The Central Bank is interested in how much money is in ________ in theeconomy.

A. circulation     B. circle

C. reserve     D. rotation

Part 2  Vocabulary Replacement

This part consists of 20 sentences. Ineach of them one word or phrase isunderlined, and below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, Cand D respectively. Choose the word or phrase that can replace theunderlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basicmeaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken thecorresponding letter as required onyour Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

21.Tom felt sure he would get the post, buthe was never even considered for it.That wasa smack in the eyefor him.

A. nothing serious     B. nothing important

C. a humiliating rebuff     D. an expected disappointment

22.Our neighbors are soreservedand unfriendly that they never speak to us.

A. aloof     B. relieved

C. airy     D. resistant

23.Security men believe thetit-for-tatmurders were the result of the bombingwhich had occurred in the city center.

A. furious     B. retaliatory

C. malevolent     D. chain

24.The conclusion reached at the workshop was that the manufacturing processwasobsolete.

A. dilapidated     B. extan

C. archaic     D. outdated

25.Some people wish toamendthe law so that childrenmust stay at school untilthey are 16.

A. gratify     B. pacify

C. rectify     D. verify

26.Prof. Clarkdisregardedthe warning from his colleagues and continued hisresearch work.

A. ignored     B. deplored

C. explored     D. implored

27.Some observers say the recent coup ofa military government in that countrywill lead toanarchy.

A. monarch     B. maniac

C. disorder     D. discipline

28.As a conductor, Leonard Bernstein was famous for his intensely vigorous andexuberantstyle.

A. enticing     B. enthusiastic

C. extravert     D. exultant

29.His peersadmonishedhim that he had to increasehis study time as the finalexamination was around the corner.

A. astonished     B. warned

C. threatened     D. alarmed

30.Isolated cases of disaffection—or harbingers of a mass cross-bordermovement that threatens Europe’seconomic stability? The question ispressing.

A. sing     B. forerunner

C. messenger     D. vanguard

31.Justices of the Peace havejurisdictionover the trials of some civil suits and ofcriminal cases involving minor offenses.

A. supremacy     B. authority

C. guidance     D. administration

本文标签: 综合能力英语真题试卷catti