

今天我们继续来阅读The Product-Minded Software Engineer这篇文章,我为你精讲文章的第三段和第四段。

3. Curiosity and a keen interest in “why?”

Product-minded engineers like to understand the “why?” behind all things. Why build this feature for the product, why not the other one? Why ship this first milestone, instead of choosing another one, that’s a lot simpler to build? How will things be measured - why don’t we choose a more thorough way to measure things?

They are autonomous in finding answers they can, by themselves. They turn to the product manager and other people in the business for other, product-related questions. Even though they ask many questions, doing this frequently, they manage not to annoy people, as they’ve built up strong relationships with them.


3. 软件工程师的好奇心和对“为什么”的浓厚兴趣?

具有产品意识的工程师喜欢去理解所有事物背后的那个“为什么? ”。为什么产品要开发这个功能、而不开发另一个功能呢?为什么要首先发布这一里程碑,而不是选择另一个更简单的里程碑呢?如何进行测量——为什么我们不选择一种更全面彻底的度量方式来测量呢?



4. Strong communicators and great relationships with non-engineers

Product-minded engineers like talking with people outside engineering, learning about what and why they do. They are smooth communicators, making it clear they’re interested in learning more about how other disciplines work. I frequently see them grabbing coffee, lunch, or doing a hallway chat with non-engineers.

4. 强大的沟通能力,建立与非工程师同事良好的关系






学习外语是如此,创业、做人也都是如此。乔布斯曾经介绍过的一句话,“Stay hungry, stay foolish.”,讲的也是这个道理。这句话现在已经是互联网历史上的一句名言,它最早印在 1974 年 The Whole Earth Catalog 的封底上,意在告诉人们,在自己精进的时候,要如饥似渴,始终保持“入口”的开放,做个吃货;但一旦付诸行动去实现自己认准的人生理想时,要如同赤子一般天真大胆,不怕别人耻笑,敢于在别人误解的目光里孤独前行,做个“傻缺”。



1.curiosity/keen interest

首先,就小标题里面的两个词 curiosity/keen interest,我想和你分享两则很常用的英语成语。

第一则是 curiosity killed the cat,“好奇害死猫”,说的就是好奇心容易惹祸上身,即便猫有九条命都不够死,告诫别人不要多管闲事,不要到处打听和自己无关的事情。Inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations.

得过诺贝尔文学奖的美国剧作家尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill),给这句话接了下半句:Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back。翻译过来就是,“好奇心害死猫,但(找到答案的)满足感却让它死而复生”。可见八卦之心是很难被压抑的啊。

第二则是 Keen interest,意思是“浓厚的兴趣”。有一个常用的英语成语也可以表示同样的意思,但是非常形象生动,(as) keen as mustard,“像芥末一样浓烈”,表示 very excited and interested;very enthusiastic。mustard 是黄芥末,由芥菜种子碾磨而成,在西方国家比较常见,一般和热狗搭配。日本料理使用的是绿芥末,wasabi,其实是山葵酱。

类似 as X as Y 这样的英语成语还有不少,例如 as hard as nail,as hot as hell 等,第一个 as 在口语或非正式表达中可以省略。很多成语是约定俗成的传统表达方式,其中有些比喻涉及特定的文化背景。在课后作业中,我提供了一个介绍 similes(明喻)的链接,便于你深入了解这一独特的英文表达方式。这里我们先通过一个例句简单巩固一下这个用法。

例句:I gave him the job because he was willing to learn and seemed as keen as mustard.


2.why (not) do 结构

Product-minded engineers like to understand the “why?” behind all things. Why build this feature for the product, why not the other one? Why ship this first milestone, instead of choosing another one, that’s a lot simpler to build? How will things be measured - why don’t we choose a more thorough way to measure things?


这里你需要注意 why+do 和 why not+do 的结构和用法。why+do 通常表示“该动作没有必要、无意义”。why not+do 通常表示“建议采取该动作”。具体,你可以看下面这几个句子,仔细体会一下它们的句子含义。

Why build this feature for the product? = Why do we build this feature for the product?

why not the other one? = Why not build the other one? = Why don’t we build the other one?


例句:Why argue with him?He will never change his mind. (注意不能说 why arguing with him?)


例句:Sandy’s in bad mood. Why not give her some flowers?


例句:Why don’t you give her some flowers?


3.ship the milestone

ship the milestone 这个搭配也很常用。这里不是“把这块里程碑运过来”(依据某翻译软件)的意思,而是“发布某一阶段的成果”或者“上市某一版产品”的意思。

ship 做动词的时候,基本含义是“船运” “运输”,在此基础上引申出“发货” “上市” “发布”等含义。milestone 由“里程碑”(a stone pillar that shows the distance in miles to or from a place)引申出了“重大事件”“阶段性成果”“重要时间节点”等含义。因此,除非你讲的是物流(例如航运行业)的事情,其他大部分语境下 ship 都是指“产品上市、发布或者发货”的意思。

例句:Apple will unveil a 10-inch touchscreen tablet device in January, and ship the product in March.

翻译:苹果将于一月份推出 10 英寸触屏平板电脑,并于三月份发货。

例句:We define an iteration as a phase or a milestone.


4. 不规范的定语从句

Why ship this first milestone, instead of choosing another one, that’s a lot simpler to build?

此句标黑处为限定性定语从句,修饰先行词 another one,所以这里应该去掉逗号。如果是非限定性定语从句,要保留逗号,但 that 必须改为 which。至于为什么,这个说来话长。后面有一段,我们会专门详细介绍限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的差别,今天我们只是路过这句话发现了一个小错误,顺手把它指出来,并不影响我们理解意思。毕竟语法永远是为意思服务的,而不是相反,不会产生歧义的情况下,我们暂时不去深究。


They are autonomous in finding answers they can, by themselves. They turn to the product manager and other people in the business for other product-related questions.

autonomous 一般指“地区或组织享有自治权”,英文意思是 governs or controls itself rather than being controlled by anyone else,或者指“个人独立自主、自发做一些事情(例如本句)”,英文意思是 able to do things and make decisions without help from anyone else。

随着信息科技的发展,云计算、物联网、人工智能、5G 通信等新技术使得“物”也可以“自治”,请看下面的例句。

A self-driving car, also known as an autonomous vehicle (AV), driverless car or robotic car, is a vehicle that can sense its environment and moving safely with little or no human input.


需要指出的是,互联网公司研发自动驾驶汽车比较喜欢用 driverless 这个词,突出无人驾驶,表示未来要取消驾驶员。而传统的汽车行业更坚持使用 autonomous 这个词,淡化“无人”的概念,并强调非由机器还是人类来驾驶汽车,这个决定最终要由人类做出,不能剥夺人类的驾驶乐趣。所以,一个简单的单词背后,代表的可能是不同行业对同一件事的不同态度。

Oracle Autonomous Database is a cloud-based technology designed to automate many of the routine tasks required to manage Oracle databases, which Oracle says can free up DBAs to do higher-level and more strategic work.


6. 定语从句

They are autonomous in finding answers they can, by themselves.

此句标黑处为定语从句,修饰 answers,完整形式为 that they can find,也可省略that(that 或 which 做从句谓语动词的宾语时,可省略)和 find (和前文主句中的动词 find 重合)。

此句中的定语从句和 by themselves 插入语均为冗余信息,autonomous 的含义已经非常清楚,作者一而再、再而三重复相同的意思,这就属于不规范写作。

7.turn to (somebody)

turn to 本身就含有“寻求帮助”的意思,我们在使用的时候可以不用再说 turn to someone for help/advise。

例句:Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.


例句:Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to.


8. 分词短语做插入语(语法关系不规范)

Even though they ask many questions, doing this frequently, they manage not to annoy people, as they’ve built up strong relationships with them.

如果是口语表达,此句没有任何问题,意思也是明确的。但严格来讲,比较规范、符合语法的说法是 Even though they ask many questions frequently.

9.manage (not) to

If you manage to do something, especially something difficult, you succeed in doing it.

需要提醒特别注意的是,manage to 并不是指“试图去做”一件事情,而是强调“成功做到一件比较困难的事情”。

例句:Somehow, he’d managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.


例句:How do you manage not to tell your boss to f*** off to his face?



Strong communicators and great relationships with non-engineers

这个词的英文解释是:( rather formal ) a person who is able to describe their ideas and feelings clearly to others。在本文中指“(善于)交际者、交流者”,也可以泛指“通信器材”。

例句:Steve Jobs was a gifted communicator, and he used this skill to capture the attention of millions.


11. 分词短语做状语(不规范用法)

Product-minded engineers like talking with people outside engineering, learning about what and why they do. They are smooth communicators, making it clear they’re interested in learning more about how other disciplines work. I frequently see them grabbing coffee, lunch, or doing a hallway chat with nonengineers.

此句的加黑部分是上一讲我们讲过的分词短语做状语,但它的主句 They are smooth communicators 是描写状态的系表结构,只有系动词 are,没有具体的动作,因此这种情况下用分词短语做状语在此处是不恰当的。

我们可以把这句话改写成:They communicate smoothly and show their interest in learning more about how other disciplines work。这样的话,这句话就符合语法规范了。





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