

I. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices

  1. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices from English to Chinese
    Simile------ Allusion------
    Personification------ Parallelism------
    Synaesthesia------ Oxymoron------
    Synecdoche------ Anticlimax------
    Euphemism------ Alliteration------
    Metaphor------ Antithesis------
    Transferred Epithet------ Paradox------
    Metonymy------ climax------
    Understatement------ Repetition------
    Hyperbole------ Assonance------
  2. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices from Chinese to English
    隐喻------ 对照------
    移就------ 隽语------
    转喻------ 层递------
    低调陈述------ 重复------
    夸张------ 元韵------
    明喻------ 引喻------
    拟人------ 平行------
    通感------ 矛盾修饰----
    提喻------ 突降------
    委婉语------ 头韵------
    II. Identify the rhetorical devices according to the given definitions.
  3. It’s repetition of an initial sound, usually of a consonant or cluster, in two or more words of a phrase, line of poetry, etc.
    A. Parallelism    B. Metonymy   C. Alliteration D. Metaphor
  4. It’s a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification
  5. It’s the humorous use of words, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.
    A. Allusion B. Pun       C. Climax D. Oxymoron
  6. It’s a figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated.
    A. Parallelism B. Metonymy C. Alliteration D. Metaphor
  7. It’s a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force; or It’s a statement that expresses an idea, etc, too weakly.
    A. Parallelism B. Climax      C. Rhetorical Question D. Understatement
  8. It’s a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant, distressing, or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms, as in the expressions “under the weather” for “ill” or “passed away” for died”.
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Euphemism D. Parallelism
  9. It’s usually an implicit reference, perhaps to another work of literature or art, to a person or an event.
    A. Allusion B. Simile       C. Metaphor D. Synecdoche
  10. It’s a figure of speech that consists of phrases or sentences of similar construction and meaning placed side by side, balancing each other.
    A. Parallelism B. Antithesis C. Irony D. Repetition
  11. It’s a figure of speech that combines incongruous and apparently contradictory words and meaning for a special effect.
    A. Allusion B. Pun        C. Climax D. Oxymoron
  12. It is a sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first. In fact, a bathetic declension from a noble tone to one less exalted. The effect can be comic and is often intended to be so.
    A. Repetition B. Anticlimax      C. Paradox D. Climax
  13. It’s a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image. It is an explicit comparison.
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole    C. Simile D. Personification
  14. It’s a figure of speech in which human qualities and abilities are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, abstractions, and events
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification
  15. It’s a figure of speech in which a sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color
    A. Synaesthesia B. Antithesis C. Oxymoron D. Metonymy
  16. It’s a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for thing, or reverse of any of these.
    A. Simile B. Metaphor      C. Allusion   D. Synecdoche
  17. It’s a figure of speech that greatly exaggerates the truth.
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification
  18. The rhetorical opposing or contrasting of ideas by means of grammatically paralleled arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences
    A. Synaesthesia B. Antithesis C. Oxymoron D. Metonymy
  19. It refers to the repeating of any element in an utterance, including sound… a word or phrase, a pattern of accents… or an arrangement of lines…
    A. Repetition B. Antithesis C. Alliteration D. Parallelism
  20. It’s a method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense.
    A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Irony D. Simile
  21. It’s a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.
    A. Metaphor B. Pun   C. Simile D. Parody
  22. A figure of speech in which a single word, usually a verb or adjective, is syntactically related to two or more words, with only one of which it seems logically connected.
    A. Repetition B. Antithesis C. Zeugma D. Parallelism
    III. Identify the rhetorical devices employed by the boldfaced words in the following sentences.
  23. O dear! O dear! What shall I do? I have lost my love and

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