

Pre-training large language models(预训练大语言模型)

In the previous video, you were introduced to the generative AI project life cycle. As you saw, there are a few steps to take before you can get to the fun part, launching your generative AI app. Once you have scoped out your use case, and determined how you'll need the LLM to work within your application, your next step is to select a model to work with. Your first choice will be to either work with an existing model, or train your own from scratch. There are specific circumstances where training your own model from scratch might be advantageous, and you'll learn about those later in this lesson.

In general, however, you'll begin the process of developing your application using an existing foundation model. Many open-source models are available for members of the AI community like you to use in your application. The developers of some of the major frameworks for building generative AI applications like Hugging Face and PyTorch, have curated hubs where you can browse these models. A really useful feature of these hubs is the inclusion of model cards, that describe important details including the best use cases for each model, how it was trained, and known limitations. You'll find some links to these model hubs in the reading at the end of the week.

The exact model that you'd choose will depend on the details of the task you need to carry out. Variance of the transformer model architecture are suited to different language tasks, largely because of differences in how the models are trained. To help you better understand these differences and to develop intuition about which model to use for a particular task, let's take a closer look at how large language models are trained. With this knowledge in hand, you'll find it easier to navigate the model hubs and find the best model for your use case.

To begin, let's take a high-level look at the initial training process for LLMs. This phase is often referred to as pre-training. As you saw in Lesson 1, LLMs encode a deep statistical representation of language. This understanding is developed during the models pre-training phase when the model learns from vast amounts of unstructured textual data. This can be gigabytes, terabytes, and even petabytes of text. This data is pulled from many sources, including scrapes of the Internet and corpora of texts that have been assembled specifically for training language models. In this self-supervised learning step, the model internalizes the patterns and structures present in the language. These patterns then enable the model to complete its training objective, which depends on the architecture of the model, as you'll see shortly.

During pre-training, the model weights get updated to minimize the loss of the training objective. The encoder generates an embedding or vector representation for each token. Pre-training also requires a large amount of compute and the use of GPUs. Note, when you scrape training data from public sites such as the Internet, you often need to process the data to increase quality, address bias, and remove other harmful content. As a result of this data quality curation, often only 1-3% of tokens are used for pre-training. You should consider this when you estimate how much data you need to collect if you decide to pre-train your own model.

Earlier this week, you saw that there were three variances of the transformer model; encoder-only encoder-decoder models, and decoder-only. Each of these is trained on a different objective, and so learns how to carry out different tasks. Encoder-only models are also known as Autoencoding models, and they are pre-trained using masked language modeling. Here, tokens in the input sequence or randomly mask, and the training objective is to predict the mask tokens in order to reconstruct the original sentence. This is also called a denoising objective. Autoencoding models spilled bi-directional representations of the input sequence, meaning that the model has an understanding of the full context of a token and not just of the words that come before. Encoder-only models are ideally suited to task that benefit from this bi-directional contexts. You can use them to carry out sentence classification tasks, for example, sentiment analysis or token-level tasks like named entity recognition or word classification. Some well-known examples of an autoencoder model are BERT and RoBERTa.

Now, let's take a look at decoder-only or autoregressive models, which are pre-trained using causal language modeling. Here, the training objective is to predict the next token based on the previous sequence of tokens. Predicting the next token is sometimes called full language modeling by researchers. Decoder-based autoregressive models, mask the input sequence and can only see the input tokens leading up to the token in question. The model has no knowledge of the end of the sentence. The model then iterates over the input sequence one by one to predict the following token. In contrast to the encoder architecture, this means that the context is unidirectional. By learning to predict the next token from a vast number of examples, the model builds up a statistical representation of language. Models of this type make use of the decoder component off the original architecture without the encoder. Decoder-only models are often used for text generation, although larger decoder-only models show strong zero-shot inference abilities, and can often perform a range of tasks well. Well known examples of decoder-based autoregressive models are GPT and BLOOM.

The final variation of the transformer model is the sequence-to-sequence model that uses both the encoder and decoder parts off the original transformer architecture. The exact details of the pre-training objective vary from model to model. A popular sequence-to-sequence model T5, pre-trains the encoder using span corruption, which masks random sequences of input tokens. Those mask sequences are then replaced with a unique Sentinel token, shown here as x. Sentinel tokens are special tokens added to the vocabulary, but do not correspond to any actual word from the input text. The decoder is then tasked with reconstructing the mask token sequences auto-regressively. The output is the Sentinel token followed by the predicted tokens. You can use sequence-to-sequence models for translation, summarization, and question-answering. They are generally useful in cases where you have a body of texts as both input and output. Besides T5, which you'll use in the labs in this course, another well-known encoder-decoder model is BART, not bird.

To summarize, here's a quick comparison of the different model architectures and the targets off the pre-training objectives. Autoencoding models are pre-trained using masked language modeling. They correspond to the encoder part of the original transformer architecture, and are often used with sentence classification or token classification. Autoregressive models are pre-trained using causal language modeling. Models of this type make use of the decoder component of the original transformer architecture, and often used for text generation. Sequence-to-sequence models use both the encoder and decoder part off the original transformer architecture. The exact details of the pre-training objective vary from model to model. The T5 model is pre-trained using span corruption. Sequence-to-sequence models are often used for translation, summarization, and question-answering. Now that you have seen how this different model architectures are trained and the specific tasks they are well-suited to, you can select the type of model that is best suited to your use case.

One additional thing to keep in mind is that larger models of any architecture are typically more capable of carrying out their tasks well. Researchers have found that the larger a model, the more likely it is to work as you needed to without additional in-context learning or further training. This observed trend of increased model capability with size has driven the development of larger and larger models in recent years. This growth has been fueled by inflection points and research, such as the introduction of the highly scalable transformer architecture, access to massive amounts of data for training, and the development of more powerful compute resources. This steady increase in model size actually led some researchers to hypothesize the existence of a new Moore's law for LLMs. Like them, you may be asking, can we just keep adding parameters to increase performance and make models smarter? Where could this model growth lead? While this may sound great, it turns out that training these enormous models is difficult and very expensive, so much so that it may be infeasible to continuously train larger and larger models. Let's take a closer look at some of the challenges associated with training large models in the next video.

在之前的视频中,你了解了生成式AI项目生命周期。正如你所见,要启动你的生成式AI应用程序,你需要进行一些步骤。一旦你确定了你的使用案例,并决定如何在你的应用中使用LLM(大语言模型),你的下一步就是选择一个模型来工作。你的首个选择将是使用现有的模型,或者从头开始训练你自己的模型。在特定情况下,从头开始训练你自己的模型可能是有利的,你将在本课程后面部分学习到这些情况。然而,通常你会从现有的基础模型开始开发你的应用。许多开源模型可供像你这样的AI社区成员在你的应用中使用。一些主要的生成式AI应用框架的开发者,比如Hugging Face和PyTorch,已经在他们的中心库中整理了这些模型供你浏览。这些中心库的一个非常有用的特性是包含了模型卡片,描述了包括每个模型的最佳使用案例、训练方式以及已知的限制等重要细节。在本周末的阅读材料中,你会找到这些模型中心的链接。









本文标签: 模型语言缩放法则学习笔记